Pregnancy Bump Captions for Instagram

If you’ve ever looked at a pregnant woman’s belly and wondered, “How big is the baby compared to the belly?” then this is the article for you. We’re going to talk all about pregnancy bump comparisons and bust the myths regarding the size of a pregnant woman’s belly.

The first sign of pregnancy for many women is the appearance of a bump that usually starts to grow very early in pregnancy. As your baby grows in the early stages of pregnancy, you can sometimes feel their movements from the outside.

Pregnancy Bump Captions for Instagram

A bump that is not just a bump. It’s a baby

This is what happens when you have a baby inside of you:

That tingling sensation you’re feeling is your baby growing.

A weekend in the middle of a pregnancy bump would be a good way to pass the time.

I’m pretty sure I’ve always been pregnant.

You’re not ready to be a mom, but you know that you’re ready to start your family.

It’s okay to look at—and feel—this new life growing inside you.

Mama knows best. You’re growing a baby inside of you, so you deserve to feel the best version of yourself.

It’s hard being this big and heavy, but you got this!

I’m pregnant and it’s beautiful, especially when you see the bump in all of its glory.

I’m so ready for this new life inside of me

Bumpin’ to the beat of a different drum.

When you’re pregnant and feel like a toddler again—a big toddler, with a baby bump that looks like an eggplant

Nothing has changed. You’re still the same person. I’m still your best friend. And you’re still my favorite person in the world. I love you, and your bump too!

A little bump in your step is a good thing. Despite everything, it’s the little things that we remind ourselves of and love the most.

Pregnancy is a time for growing, loving and learning. It’s also when we experience the most beautiful moments of our lives. So call us crazy, but we’re not done yet!

I’m not the one who can’t wait to meet you, I’m the one who can’t wait to tell you all of this.

The time for kicking up your heels is over. Time for practicality and you.

Your baby bump is growing! And I’m so excited for you this time around.

Baby bump? It’s not a phase. It’s real, it’s beautiful and it’s yours.

I’m just a girl with a bump, but I’m feeling pretty damn great

Hey, the bump is just a small price to pay for these selfies.

Pregnancy is an incredible experience. Happy times, happy days and joyous moments are what we hope to capture in this growing family.

Because every pregnant woman deserves to be celebrated, no matter their size.

Gotta get some belly shots in while I still can.

When you feel like a sumo wrestler, but your belly looks like a playground

We don’t wait for life to happen; we make it happen.

That time of the month when you know you’re about to get knocked up

It’s ok to feel fat and it’s ok to be pregnant. So go ahead and embrace your growing bump!

I’m pregnant! I’m so excited to meet this little one. We are in the early stages of this exciting new chapter in our lives and we can’t wait to share it with you all.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself while pregnant. Here are some easy ways to do it!

You might be a very lucky mom. You’re in the company of special people to see life grow inside you.

The most anticipated part of pregnancy is almost here!

When you’re expecting, every little bump is a miracle.

It’s a big day, and you’re ready to welcome your little one!

We’re not just making a baby, we’re growing a whole new person.

Getting ready for baby PRINTS is exactly what I needed to get through my last few weeks!

It’s hard to believe you’re already growing a human in there. You’re going to make someone very happy someday.

I’m a woman. A pregnant woman. And I’m starting to look like one. So here’s what you need to know about my bump:

Filled with all kinds of joy, mama’s got the bump

Baby bump not participating in the trend?

Welcome to the bump! Can’t wait to meet your little one.

Feeling the baby bump and loving every inch of it. Happy Mother’s Day to every woman who has ever been pregnant. #MothersDay

The best part of pregnancy is feeling like a million bucks.

I’m excited to welcome you into the world.

I’m growing a little person and I can’t wait to meet you.

Life is a bumpy ride, so let us be your buffer.

The Mother knows best. We can’t wait to welcome you into our family

Maternity clothing for a bump that’s growing into something big.

Where there’s a bump, there’s a story to tell.

I’m pregnant! I feel like a giant goddamn basketball.

A little bump on your belly may not be the most noticeable thing in the world, but it’s life changing.

You’re not alone. Here’s what it’s like to be pregnant.

This is what happens when you don’t get enough sleep.

I’m working so hard to be the best version of me!

You are destined to be beautiful and healthy. I know you can do this.

We’ve thought of everything. Everything is going smoothly, and we couldn’t be happier with how things are going!

Baby bump is here, and the exciting journey starts now.

The bump is already starting to show! I can’t believe I’m going to be a mom!

The only bump that’s bigger than your belly is your heart for this bub.

I’m pregnant, so I always have to be on the lookout for any signs that it might be time to get checked out.

Bumps are a part of motherhood. The less clothing, the better

The first bump of a new life is always the most exciting.

There’s a baby growing inside me. What’s your secret to keeping your skin looking radiant during pregnancy?

A little bit of growing up is happening right now.

There are no words to express how much we love you, mom.

I’m getting bigger every day, but don’t worry—your baby will fit through the other side.

A bump that says “I’m ready” and a smile that says “Let’s gooooo!”

I’m so excited for this baby to grow and have its own adventure.

I want to share my pregnancy glow. It’s so rad to be growing a human and I think this is the face of a woman who really loves life and the people in it.

Proud to be a mom and on the journey to becoming a dad. We’re excited for our little one’s arrival

Pregnancy is such a magical time. Tell me, have you ever seen a more beautiful pregnant woman?

You are growing a human being. A miracle. And you should be proud of that.

You’ve got this. We’re with you every step of the way.

I’m sure that I would have gotten huge if I had tried.

We’re excited for you and we hope you have an easy pregnancy!

You’re pregnant! You don’t have to do anything to make your body feel good. Trust your body, baby bump!

I’m growing a human, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The best part of being pregnant is that you can get the things done that you’ve always wanted to do.

Our bodies are changing. And we can’t wait to see what this next stage of our lives will bring.

This is the first time I’ve felt like this in my whole life

Baby bump! You’re going to be the best mom ever.

The bump is not just a bump, it’s a baby growing inside me. I’m ready for this journey.

The bump is growing and the belly is getting bigger. Time to get prepared for baby.

The best thing about being pregnant? These adorable little bumps!

This pregnancy has been a bumpy ride. I’m so glad it’s almost over!

Nestled snugly within my tummy, surrounded by loved ones. I am so blessed to be carrying this baby who is already a blessing in my life.

This is not a bump. This is my baby, growing inside of me.

You’re pregnant. Start wearing your bump as much as possible!

It’s a bump! It’s a baby! It’s the start of something new.

I’m growing my family, so you think of me as a pregnant lady.

Pregnancy can be a beautiful journey. So embrace the bump and share your story!

Support your growing baby with all the nutrients you need and love to eat, including healthy foods for pregnancy.

We got it. You got it. And we’re here to help you through every step of this journey!

You’re going to have the best time in your life with this little one.

The bump is showing. Congrats on your new addition!

The biggest thing growing in my belly right now is my baby!

There’s a reason why pregnancy is the time when all the best things happen.

A million congratulations to the newest mom-to-be!

I’ve had one of the longest pregnancies of my life and I couldn’t be happier.

The belly that’s growing is the same one that’s been here since the start. You are loved and important just as you are.

This is the most beautiful time of your life. Enjoy every moment of it, because it will be gone before you know it.

The best way to tell you’re pregnant? Pregnancy bumps.

We’re about to go ahead and say it: the pregnancy bump is one of those beauty trends you will want in your wardrobe.

Feeling healthy and happy while growing a human.

I wish I could bottle up your baby bump, save it for all the times I’ll need a reminder that you’re growing a life inside of me.

It’s a bump, not a bruise. We’re here for you through it all.

Hello there—we’re here, we’re queer, and we’re ready to meet this little person of yours.

As I hit the 6-month mark, it’s hard to believe my baby has been growing in my belly for this long.

I’m grateful for the journey of growth and change that I’ve been on.

Nothing beats seeing a bump and feeling baby mov

Pro-bump: some days it’s hard to even tell we’re pregnant

I’m pregnant! I can’t believe I get to do this every day.

You know when you look at this picture and think, “I’m going to be a mom!”

Life is full of ups and downs, but we’re pregnant together.

You’re beautiful, amazing, and growing a human being inside of you.

This bump is your cue to start seriously getting ready for the little guy or gal.

Those little ones are growing faster than you think.

The bump is growing, but we won’t be straying far from our favorite pastel shades.

Bumps are part of the beauty of pregnancy.

Pregnancy is an amazing time of life with so many wonderful experiences. Here’s to you and the bump!

There are no words to describe the feeling of being pregnant. I’ll let these pictures do the talking.

Swoon. This bump is every bit as beautiful as the woman carrying it.

My pregnancy is just getting started and I can’t wait to see the finished product.

I’m growing a baby inside me. I’m bursting with excitement, joy and love!

The one place you can go to feel confident and sexy is your pregnancy body.

There’s something magical happening inside of you. And it’s no secret that our bump is getting bigger and bigger

Pregnancy is a beautiful time of year. It’s also a time of new beginnings, new loves, and new opportunities.

This bump is giving me the motivation I need to keep going strong!

I don’t feel like myself lately. I am growing a human in my tummy and that is kind of weird.

When you love a little more than life itself, all things seem possible. Welcome to the world, little one!

I’m growing a human. No, it’s not a flower, it’s my baby bump.

This is what happens when you decide to get pregnant.

The only bump that’s actually beautiful is one that’s growing your baby.

When you grow a little person in your belly, everything is bumpy.

Our bump is growing and we are so excited for this next chapter in our lives.

From the inside out. I’m pregnant with my second baby, and it’s so exciting that I can’t stop smiling at this point.

When you can’t quite fit everything in your suitcase.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

It’s not just your body, it’s your baby bump that grows.

I’m growing an actual human inside my belly. Get ready to meet this little one soon. #baby bump

See what happens to my cute little one while she is pregnant

The #1 thing I feel during pregnancy is the amazing feeling that someone is growing inside of me!

The bumps that wear you down and remind you of your growing little person.

Here’s to the bump and here’s to all of you.

Motherhood has never looked so good on me

The bump is showing and we just can’t stop looking!

The maternity style that is so comfy and easy, you’ll want to wear it all the time!

The best time to get the photoshoot you’ve always dreamed of is already here. Learn more about our maternity programs and locations.

We’re definitely starting to see the shape of this baby!

My belly is growing and I can’t get enough of these sweet little bumps!

The little one is doing great, but I’m feeling a little bigger.

Life is full of surprises, but this one is the best one yet.

I feel like I’m growing a human, who the hell wants to grow a human?!

Life is getting bumpy, but you can take it. Cheers to the journey!

I’m not sure if you can tell, but I’m pregnant.

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful things life has to offer.

The bump can only get bigger, so take a moment to appreciate this little one growing inside of you!

The bump is huge. How do you feel about it?

A little bump in your step is a good thing.

In the belly of a human that can’t wait to meet you.

Here’s to the bump, and all that’s yet to come. Happy 2 Weeks!

Welcome to the world of big and wonderful.

What a difference 6 months can make!

When you feel like you are growing a human inside of you, it’s hard to contain the excitement

When your belly is the size of a watermelon, you can’t help but enjoy life more.

There’s nothing like a healthy pregnancy bump.

Pregnancy and the bump are so much fun!

I’m expecting a baby, but I’m working on the bump.

Baby bump alert: it’s time to grow this one out.

Hello, baby! Happy early pregnancy days to all you growing ones

There’s no better time than now to get a quote for your maternity business

I’m growing a human. And he’s growing right along with me.