Prayer for Sick Uncle Quotes and Captions for Instagram

If your uncle is sick, we posted some daily prayer quotes and captions for Instagram. Please share these prayer quotes for someone who is sick to show them you’re thinking of them and praying for them.

You pray for others in hopes that it will make them feel better. Oftentimes, you have to trust the universe and hope your prayers get opened at the right time. This article is a collection of the best quotes and captions that suit on Instagram.

Prayer for Sick Uncle Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• Lord, I ask for you to come down and heal my uncle. We love him very much, and we want him to be healthy again. In your name, I pray. Amen

• Dear Lord, please give my Uncle strength to get over HIV and cancer.

• Lord, you are the giver of life and joy. Life without Uncle is not complete. Please sit beside him and give him strength to fight this illness.

• Please let Uncle Louie get better soon. He’s the best, and we all know it.

• Please watch over my Uncle Jack. Hold his hands, give him your strength, and comfort him in this hard time. We love you, Uncle Jack.

• May all the blessings of the season be yours this Christmas, and may peace and happiness be your companions all through the New Year. God Bless You

• Please grant him a quick recovery and the strength to face the fight.

• Lord, please be with my uncle during this difficult time. He is suffering from a severe case of cancer and needs each of our prayers.

• Dear God, please keep uncle Michael well. Let him get better soon and return home. He can’t do without our prayers.

• Please pray for my uncle who is suffering from a terminal disease. Thank you and may God bless you

• Thank you, Lord, for my good health, family, and friends. I pray for my uncle’s speedy recovery.

• Please God, let my uncle get better and be in good health.

• Lord, help my uncle to have a full recovery. Lord, please mend his broken bones and make him healthy.

• Lord, thank you for allowing my uncle to enjoy his birthday once again. I pray that he will be well and continue to celebrate healthy birthdays to come. Amen

• Dear God, please help Uncle Frank to recover from a stroke. Heal his memories, his speech, and his limbs. And help him remember that you have great plans for the future.

• Dear God, please heal Oliver with your grace and mercy. Please give my family the strength to carry on. Please comfort us.

• Eternal Father, strong to save, hear my humble cry.

• Lord, I thank you with my whole heart that you have chosen…

• May the warm rays of the sun envelop your way on this fine autumn day. May your heart be filled with love and hope.

• My uncle has a speedy recovery and may he be healed.

• Lord, I come before you asking that you please heal my Uncle so he can be back at work, healthy and strong.

• Dear Lord, please be with uncle Melvin and comfort him in his sickness. Please ease the pain and help him get better soon. Thank you for all that you do for us. Amen

• May the Lord bless my uncle and make his suffering short.

• Keep him in your prayers as he will pull through this.

• Please, God, let him recover soon. We miss his laughter.

• Dear Lord, please may my uncle recover well from his sickness. I promise to give you praises everyday, in God’s name. Amen

• Dear God, please make my uncle better soon. I love him very much. Thank you. Amen

• Prayers for a family member who is in the hospital. God’s healing touch for our loved ones.

• Dear Lord, please get this tumor out of the uncle’s butt and heal his rectum. Please let it be a flesh-eating bacteria, not cancer. Amen.

• Please be with him and give him the courage and strength to deal with this illness.

• My family and I are praying for you and sending positive thoughts to your recovery.

• Dear God, we ask that you give Mike wisdom and strength to battle this terrible infection. Amen

• Thank you for the strength to overcome this and get well soon.

• Lord, please give this family peace during this difficult time

• God, here’s hoping for some much-needed rest and recovery this holiday season. Amen.

• Lord, be with Johnny and give him the strength to get through this hard time.

• Prayers for a good uncle who is making progress after a tough battle with sickness.

• Lord, please take good care of my uncle who has just been diagnosed with cancer. Please give him the strength to persevere through a tough time.

• Dear God, please heal uncle from the sickness he has. Please let him receive your grace and have good health.

• Dear Lord, I pray that you ease his pain and heal him with your precious hands. Please watch over him, and protect him through this difficult time.

• Please let my uncle recover quickly and stay strong. I love you Irv!

• Please, we need your help. All we want is a sign that the chemo is working and will stop cancer from spreading.

• God, be with Henry today. May your healing touch bring comfort to him in his time of need.

 Healing Prayer for My Sick Uncle Quotes

• Dear St Jude, Please heal my uncle’s cancer. It is spreading fast. I pray he can hold on long enough to see his kids grow up and live to be happy old men.

• We pray that you will help my Uncle recover from his illness quickly to stay strong and healthy.

• Father, please help my Uncle recover from his operation, and please guide the doctor’s hands. Allow him to heal speedily, in your name we pray. AMEN

• Please God, may my uncle recover fully and walk again. Amen.

• Dear Lord thank you so much for curing my uncle it’s been going strong for a week now.

• Lord, please cure my Uncle and make him strong, healthy, and alive.

• It is our prayer that you will be healed from your sickness and we ask it in the name of Jesus. Amen

• I will be grateful for the days I had with you, and the way you taught me to live with no regrets. I love you and I will miss you.

• I lift up my uncle in prayer, God. I pray that you will grant him healing from his illness and comfort him with your presence.

• Heal our dear uncle as he’s been sick for a while now. We hope you grant him good health

• Dear Lord, please heal my uncle who is currently suffering from cancer. Heal his body and soothe his soul. Help him to recover and feel better. Thank you. Amen

• Lord, Please ease the suffering of my uncle who is sick today. May he rest in peace and have a quick recovery.

• Dear Lord, please ease the pain inflicted by my uncle’s ailment. Treat him with love, mercy, and compassion.

• We’re praying for you, uncle. We hope you get better soon.

• Dear Lord, please grant my Uncle John a full and speedy recovery.

• All creatures great and small, all life is here to heal. May the power of healing surround you and may you feel better soon.

• I’m so lucky to have you in my life. You always inspire me with your strength and courage. Please get well soon

• Dear God, please heal my uncle soon. I really don’t want my uncle to be sick the entire time I’m in Canada.

• Lord, I know you don’t want me to be anxious about this. But please heal my Uncle Joe. Please help him recover from surgery fast and well.

• Lord, heal this uncle of mine and keep him out of the hospital. Please, God. Amen.

• Dear God, please heal my uncle’s knee injury and bring him peace and refreshment. In Jesus’ name, amen.

• Prayer can be a powerful force for healing and comfort. Let us pray for uncle Paul and all those who are sick.

• Oh Lord, please heal and comfort my uncle at this time of need:

• I wish the Lord’s presence to heal and protect him always.

• I pray that God would quickly heal you. I pray for your health, your peace, and strength during this time of illness.

• May the spirit of peace light the candles of your heart, and may the rose of love heal you and make you whole

• God is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

• How can I pray for my sick uncle who’s fighting cancer?

• Lord, please heal my uncle who is currently battling cancer. Please give him strength and good health. Amen

• Dear God, please heal my uncle Tim Lord. In your name, we pray, amen.

• Dear Lord, please let Uncle Ross get well soon. With your help, he will be able to return to his healthy life.

• Please please please let him regain his health soon. strength and courage my family needs you now a whole lot

• I love you, Uncle. May the almighty Lord bless you and keep you in his heart. May he make his face to shine upon you and give you his peace. Amen.

• We pray for your healing, comfort & recovery. May the Lord be with you and give you strength as you face your time of weakness. Amen

• I used to pray for a miracle. But after that day, I prayed for the strength to accept it.

• I hope you are feeling better soon. We love and miss you.

• The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

 Prayer Quotes for Sick Uncle

• Lord, please give our uncle strength to get over this sickness and help him recover soon. We ask this in your name. Amen.

• Dear Lord, I pray for my Uncle to recover from his illness to complete health and happiness.

• Knowing you have people praying for you is even more powerful than medical science.

• Lord, please watch over my family and friends who are going through tough times right now.

• Hang in there, my friend. I’ll keep you lifted in prayer every day

• In the dark of night, I pray for a miracle. You are my miracle.

• Just remember that whatever happens, this is not the end of my love for you. I will pray for you, and I will see you on the other side.

• I pray that your day is full of grace and wonder, love and faith.

• So, from the mountaintop, with gratitude in your heart, thank you for helping me get through this difficult time in my life.

• I believe that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

• Lord, lift high the torch within your church and touch us with its warmth. May we find strength to follow your way in the midst of many difficulties.

• Please keep my uncle in your thoughts and prayers as he recovers from a broken leg

• I pray for a thankful heart, a forgiving spirit, and a strong will to live.

• I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord.

• Be thankful for the trials you are going through. God uses them to refine your faith and to perfect His strength within you.

• Please help us as we pray for my uncle who had a car accident. I would be very much grateful if you could pray for him.

• May God help you the way you have always helped others.

• Dear Lord, please bring healing to the ill and comfort to their families. In your mercy, hear our prayers. Amen.

• We are asking for your strength and spirit to guide us through this difficult time

• Keep your head up through the trials and tests. Always remember no matter what happens you will get through it. God is always with you.

• At the end of each busy day, we give thanks to God for the gifts of friendship and love. May you find grace, peace, and joy during this holiday season.

• Lord, I thank you for this day and all its blessings. Have a beautiful day. Amen

• Father of all, today we give you praise for the blessings of this day.

 Prayer for Your Uncle Who Is Sick Quotes

• Prayer for my Uncle Bill who is very sick today. Please pray with us.

• Heavenly Father, I bow my head in prayer for my uncle who is sick…

• Dear Lord, please heal my uncle of his sickness and cure him. I thank you in advance.

• Please, God, send your healing thoughts to my uncle. He has suffered with arthritis for years and lately it is getting worse. We pray you to give him relief

• Please God: let my uncle fly home for Christmas..that your love may see and visit him.

• We pray for your healing and safety, with the knowledge that you are in God’s hands.

• Lord, I lift up to you this special soul who needs your healing. Heal and comfort him now in Jesus’ name. Amen.

• We are praying for you on this journey and with positive thoughts, we know that your recovery will be a success.

• There are many things I don’t understand about medicine but when it comes to seeing you in pain, I do know that the only cure is healing.

• Lord, please be with Uncle John and guide the doctors that are taking care of him. We lift up to you uncle john in prayer that he will get better soon.

• Dear Lord, please help Uncle Joe. He hasn’t been well for a long time.

• Dear Lord, please keep my uncle in your arms and guide his doctors in the right direction.

• Dear God, Please be with Uncle Bob as he recovers from his surgery and heals up. We miss you and can’t wait to see you again.

• Please God, let Uncle Bob be okay. We need him to come home and cook his signature fried chicken. Amen.

• Dear Lord, hasten his healing and give him strength. And don’t forget to send us some awesome fluffy clouds to walk on.

• We are praying for you. Stay strong and keep fighting for every breath. You got this, bro.

• Please join me in prayer for my Uncle who is seriously ill and needs healing.

• Please, God, hear our prayers for my uncle, who has been ill lately. We ask that you please help him with his recovery. In your son’s name, we pray, amen.

• Lord, let this illness be a reminder to my uncle about Your love for him and forgiveness for his sins. Lord, heal his body, mind, and soul.

• please be healthy and cure yourself, I will pray for you that you would get well soon, and prayers from your family.

• Dear Lord, please help uncle Bill restore his health once more.

• Dear God, please heal Uncle Rick. Give him the strength to endure this trial and give his family peace to go on without him.

• Please keep my uncle in your prayers as he’s recovering from his surgery.

• We pray for your speedy recovery. May God always bless you, and keep you safe and healthy.

• We pray for you and that the Lord will make your body whole again even as we wait with you during this difficult time.

• Oh lord, please restore him in your perfect timing. Please give him the strength to bear this difficult time

 Prayer for My Uncle Who Is Sick Quotes

• Please, God, hear our prayer and heal my uncle. We thank you for your miracles in our lives.

• Dear God, we pray for my uncle Larry and please help him get better soon.

• Dear God, please cure my uncle’s stomach cancer. In your name, I pray, amen.

• Please send the most powerful healing pillows to my Uncle. Whatever the cost, whatever the pain, he needs it now.

• Please let my Uncle recover soon; I need him to take my kids trick-or-treating.

• God, please give him strength, serenity, and guidance in his battle against cancer. Amen.

• Lord give him the strength to overcome this hardship and heal. And may he also be able to forgive his enemies and accept your everlasting love.

• Dear God, please send your angels to watch over my uncle, who is going through treatment now.

• Uncle, you’re our hero. Even though we’re far apart, I hope this morning finds you well. #prayforMyUncle

• Please let my uncle get better soon. I know he’s in your hands and I trust you with him. Amen!

• Dear God, please help my uncle recover from his illness.

• Heavenly Father, please watch over Uncle Bill. He has had a hard life and he really needs your help. Guide him through this rough time and help him feel better soon.

• Please please please let my uncle get better. I promise I’ll be a better person and appreciate life if he does

• Please, God, let him make it to the next day. I can’t stand to see him struggle anymore.

• Will all my loved ones find peace on the way to the Pure Land? May all sentient beings be happy and free from suffering, and may your wishes be fulfilled.

• God, please heal my uncle, who is sick with cancer. I pray he will get better soon.

• Please pray for my uncle. He’s been sick for a while, and I don’t want him to go.

• I pray for my uncle’s recovery. Some are hurt and need doctor’s care, but others are hurting deeply and need the physician’s care.

• Oh my God, I pray that you give my uncle a quick recovery. Please touch him with your healing power and make his pain go away.

• Dear Lord, please heal my uncle. Please cure his illness and make him better. Thank you and amen.

• Dear God, please make uncle complicated recover soon. Amen.