Prayer for Sick Sister Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Sending prayers for sick sister quotes to your friends and family can help encourage them. Prayer for sick sister quotes is a great way to show you’re thinking of them and their difficult situation. This thoughtful gesture can brighten both their day and help commemorate the experience of going through challenges with them.

Prayer for Sick Sister Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• Dear God, please mommy is sick and daddy is trying to take care of her, so I ask you to bless them both and make mommy feel better.

• Lord, please watch over my sister as she struggles through this health challenge. Give her strength and peace as she heals.

• Please God, help my sister. Her smile is the one thing that gives me hope.

• May you be blessed with a speedy recovery and the strength to fight cancer. You are an inspiration to all of us, sister.

• I pray that God would let me restore your health and that you would live to a ripe old age.

• That precious moment when you realize it’s your little brother or sister’s birthday…

• Prayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the evening.

• Prayers for my big sister who’s recovering from surgery.

• Dear Lord, I lift my sister up to you today. Please watch over her and protect her. And please help her to fully recover from her illness.

• Dear Lord, please help my sister get better. Please give her the strength she needs to fight this. Please heal her and make her well again.

• I keep you in my heart and on my mind, dear sister-in-law. I pray for your quick recovery.

• Please, Lord, take care of this person who’s always taken care of me. Thank you for all the joy she has brought into my life.

• I pray you will feel better soon and that you are at peace with whatever is going on.

• May the light of Christ surround you and bring healing to your body and spirit.

• Praying for you, my friend. Stay strong.

• Sending peace and love in this difficult time.

• If you are a good person, nothing can hurt you. Be good and trouble will be afraid of you.

• pray for my sister in the hospital she is going through a lot right now

• Praying for my sister, she’s sick and I’m missing her so much.

• Dear God, please help my sister get better, I love her so very much.

• Dear God, she’s the coolest big sissy I’ve ever had. Please keep her healthy for a long time. Amen.

• Send wishes of love, joy, and peace to a friend in need.

• May angels surround you and God’s love embrace you always.

• May God’s love comfort you during this difficult time.

• I’m sending positive vibes to you, my love. Heal soon.

• Through the storm, there is always calm. And on the other side of sorrow, there is always a joy.

• May you feel the warmth of the sun, even on the coldest of days.

• I pray for the health of your sister and for wellness for both of you.

• Please continue to watch over the sister I love so dearly. Keep her safe, healthy, and happy.

• Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst, and praying for my sister.

• Prayer Quote: “Life is an echo. What you send out comes back. Choose your words thoughtfully.

• The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;

• Please, God, make my sister better. I’ll sacrifice anything, if only she might get well again.

• Lord, I am not worthy to receive your grace, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.

• May God hold you in the palm of his hand and give you strength, courage, peace, and love during this time.

• I don’t know where I would be without you. I’m here for you. Hope, courage, and strength for a better tomorrow.

• Thoughts and prayers for the speedy recovery of all those affected by Hurricane Harvey.

• Prayer for my sister to recover from her lung cancer and get back to full health.

• I pray that you will be well soon. God bless you!

• Sending so much love and healing prayers to you, Kim. We’re all here for you, sweetheart.

• May the wonders of God’s word bring peace and comfort to you…

• Hoping this weekend is a gentle reminder that life can go on in the midst of waiting. And that hope can never be lost.

• You’re in my daily thoughts, and I’m sending you sunshine, smiley faces, and laughter as we patiently wait for this virus to pass.

• Lord, the Lord God Almighty, Merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.

• Breathe in the love. Breathe out the hate. Be kind to one another, my friend.

• Let’s get ready to celebrate the first day of summer with a healthy dose of sunshine, surf, and snow cones!

 Prayer for My Sick Sister Captions

• God, please watch over my sister in her time of trial. Make it so that her doctors can find a cure for her illness and restore her back to health.

• Dear Lord, please heal my sister. Let her regain her health and get back to work. #prayforher

• God, I pray to you so that my sister will recover completely from her cold and regain her normal health.

• Lord, please be with my sister who is in the hospital. We need her to get well so that she can come home and rest in peace… Aamiin.

• Dear Lord, please let my sister have a full recovery and be able to walk again. I pray all things possible in your love and power.

• God, please bring my sister home where she belongs.

• I’m lifting you up in prayer right now, hoping that you get well soon.

• Thank you for leading her to the doctors that could treat her in time.

• May God’s grace be with you today and in your journey toward good health.

• God, please help my sister recover while we keep on praying for her health.

• Please help my sister recover from the cold she caught last night. God, grant her good health and a speedy recovery.

• Dear Lord, please make my sister recover quickly. Please be with her in this difficult time and guide all of us through it

• Please, please, please protect my sister. She’s the most talented and beautiful person I know. Please make her healthy again.

• Please visit my sister ~ please let her get well soon, so she can be with us again. Please give her strength to continue fighting.

• I pray that she gets well soon and recovers soon. I also pray we don’t get sick as a family.

• I’m praying for your recovery, I hope you get well soon

• Thinking of you today as you fight your war against cancer. I am hoping and praying for a miracle.

• Oh God, please heal my sick sister. I know You can do it. Please be with us today.

• Dear Lord, please make my sister better. Please help her illness to go away. Help her to get better and strong, thank you for listening amen.

• God, please be with my sister and make her better. She is going through a hard time. I know You can help her.

• Please God, let my sister’s foot be healed and no longer in pain.

• Sending up a prayer for my sister who is in the hospital. Hoping that she’ll get better soon.

• I said a prayer for my sister and now I’m saying one for you.

• I pray that she opens her heart to the care of others—and to their prayers.

• I prayed for you today, and I trust God will heal you. You are loved.

• I prayed for you last night, and I will pray for you again today.

• I will keep you in my daily prayers, especially in this season.

• I will lift up my eyes to the hills–where does my help come from?

• Help her to love herself and let that love shine out to others.

• Pray for my sister (full name) who has been hospitalized for days. Please pray for her to get better soon. Thank you and God bless you all.

• Lord, please heal (Insert sick sister’s name) and bring her back to health. Thank you and Amen.

• I cannot pray enough for my sister who is fighting a battle against cancer. Please pray with me.

• Please, God, heal my sister. Please, God, please heal my sister. Please, God, please heal my sister.

• Dear Lord, please help my sister in easing her pain, and let her quickly recover to the way she was.

• Protect my sister from all the sadness, evil, and harm. May her soul rest in peace. Amen

• Lord God, let her know your tender love, carry her through this darkness, and bring healing into every part of her body.

• Please get well soon. We all love you so much and will miss you if you are away from us…

 A Prayer for a Very Sick Sister Quotes

• Sending prayers for a full and speedy recovery, to a very special sister. We love you and cannot wait to see you again.

• Dear God, please cure my sister. She had been suffering from a rare disease.

• I don’t pray that we’ll meet again, but I do pray that if we do, it will be the same.

• Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…I shall fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

• God, please watch over my sister and heal her completely. Please take her out of pain and suffering. Amen!

• Lord, please heal my sister. Let her strong faith and supportive family comfort her as she recovers.

• I will not let my sister be treated differently because she has cancer.

• Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep…-Angelina Jolie

• I will trust in you at all times; O Lord, let me not be put to shame or disappointed.

• God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

• It is a beautiful day today. God, please watch over my sister and keep her in your care and prayer.

• Dear Lord, please be with my sister as she goes through her biopsy today. Please help her be brave and to have a peaceful day. Amen.

• Dear God, please let my sister recover soon. Please let her live a long and healthy life. Thank you, Lord. Amen

• God, I pray that she gets well soon. Let her be normal again, Lord.

• We prayed for you. You answered our prayers. Thank you.

• We pray for your comfort, healing, and strength. You are not alone in this fight and we are here for you.

• Lord knows I’m trying my best for her, even though she times me on my phone

• I pray for God to continue granting you peace & healing as you fight for your life.

• Lord, you not only give us everything we need, but you give us more than we need.

• You are my sister, and I wish you to cure me from this illness. I am praying hard for your recovery.

• Lord, please look over my sister. Her health is failing and she is heartbroken. She requests your prayers at this time.

• God, please protect my sister in her illness. Keep her safe and healthy and restore her to good health. Bring peace on Earth to all people.

• I prayed for you today. I hope there is someone who will do the same for me.

• I pray that God will be with you and help you in everything. I pray that this season will bring you peace, comfort, and strength even when you feel alone.

• Y’all are my best friends, you can be there for me when no one else is I love each and everyone of you.

• Dear God, make me a rainbow as I await your healing touch.

• Amen, I say to you, ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

 Prayer Wish for My Sister Who Is Sick

• I pray that you can recover sooner and with no after-effects my dear sister. God Bless you.

• We lift up Jodie and ask that you’d heal her and help her be free from illness and pain

• I wish you a speedy recovery, my beloved sister. I pray that you’ll get well soon. God bless us all.

• Dear Lord, please let my sister recover from this disease, amen.

• Dear God, please make my sister better so that she can go back to school next week. Amen.

• Dear Jesus, please grant Dorothy all the strength to get over her flu. In your name, I pray. Amen.

• Please God, may she find health, peace, and joy during this difficult time in her life.

• I love you, my sweet sister, as much as I’m hurting for you. I will love you forever.

• like a river flows surely to the sea, so it is with our tears. Today we will cry too, but tomorrow we shall be strong. Alone and afraid…

• Blessed be the peacemakers. Bless my sister who is sick. Bless us that we might know unity in the midst of a storm. Amen.

• Please God, as you are my Lord, and I am your humble servant, please cure all sickness of my sister and make her better. Amen

• No matter what, you will always be in my heart and I will always be your sister. I hope you get better soon and overcome your sickness. God bless you.

• I couldn’t be here without you. I thank God for your presence in my life and may you have a speedy recovery.

• Lord, heal her and grant her comfort. I pray that she has a speedy recovery.

• Sending healing and amethyst vibes to my sweet sister.

• God, please heal Sarah’s broken leg so she can walk without crutches again. Thanks, God. Amen.

• Many years to you, Happy Birthday, and God bless you on your journey wherever you go!

• Dear God, please help my sister recover from this illness. She is very strong and she will be fine. We are praying for her speedy recovery.

• Lord, please grant my sister your peace as she is fighting her illness. May she overcome this trial as You once did many trials before.

• Dear God, please keep my sister safe from harm and grant her good health once again.

• Dear Lord, please heal my sister, all the angels in heaven please hear this prayer and heal my sister.

• I pray that God will heal you of your illness. May You be filled with Divine Peace and Strength as you fight against whatever this sickness is.

• I’m praying for you, sis. I love you so much, and I can’t wait to see you again soon.

• May God help you gain strength in this difficult time. We are praying for you, dear

• I hope you get better soon and I will pray for you to enjoy the new semester. Take care and much love

• Grant her the strength and wisdom to take the right path and let you be her source of comfort, peace, and joy.

• I wish I could scoop you up and run away with you to someplace warm and safe. I’m holding you close in my heart.

 Healing Prayer for My Sick Sister Captions

• God, I pray for healing and comfort for my sister, who is fighting cancer. Please let her have a recovery. I pray. Amen

• Dear Lord, Thank you for healing my sister, even if it’s just her body. Please help her find her way back to You again.

• Dear Lord, please heal my sister from her sickness. Make her well and keep her safe from harm. Amen.

• Dear God, please bless my sister with health and strength. Please help her recover soon.

• Please pray for my sister as she had been diagnosed with.

• My sister went through something painful but with time you will be healed and you will be fine.

• I pray that you’re in great health and that you have all the things your heart desires.

• Are you going through a difficult time in your life? Grab this book and let me know. I’ll be happy to pray for you. God bless you!

• Dear God, please heal my sister. She’s very sick and I’m so worried about her. Please help her get better soon.

• I am praying for a miracle for my sister. We love you, Grace.

• Please pray for my sister. She’s been really sick lately. I’m so worried about her

• I pray for improved health and a smooth healing process. I give thanks for the amazing family and friends who surround my sister.

• God is with us, always. We give thanks for the recovery of my sister and the blessings she has received from You.

• I am praying for you to be healed. I’m sending positive vibes your way.

• I’m thinking of you today, sister. May the angels watch over you while they guide you to a better place.

• When one door closes, God opens another… So that you can show your incredible courage and strength again by doing what you’re doing right

 Prayer for a Sick Sister in Hospital Quotes

• I’ll hold you tight and hope that this will be the last time I visit you in a hospital. I miss you, sis.

• I believe in the power of prayer. Let’s pray together for a speedy recovery

• Dear God, please listen to my sister. Dear God, please heal my sister.

• I pray for you to be patient and calm as you go through this difficult time. God is always in control, so let Him take the wheel.

• Someone above must really love you—we’re praying for your quick recovery.

• May angels surround you + pray for you to feel safe and protected . . .

• I am humbly grateful for your swift recovery.

• And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

• I remember the day I met you, my life changed forever.

• Please pray for my sister who is in the hospital right now. I’m trying to remain hopeful, but please send your thoughts and prayers her way.

• Lord, let my sister heal from her sickness. Let her spirit be renewed, and let her body be filled with Your healing power. Amen.

• I pray for your health and happiness. You’re in all of our hearts.

• Good thoughts for those in the hospital or doctor’s office today:

• I pray that you’re recovering well and I look forward to seeing you.

• Please send your healing energy to my sister via these special messages. Send her strength and let her know how much I miss her.

• May the Lord bless you and keep you; May your heart be light and happy.

• With the clouds above and the dirt beneath me, nothing feels heavier than this thin blue blanket.

• Dear Lord, please cure my sister who has been in the hospital for 6 months. She’s so young and it’s not fair. I miss her so much.

• Please pray for my little sister today. She is in the hospital but everything’s going to be okay.

• Dear God, please keep [sister] safe and happy and healthy. I love her so much.

• I pray for you, Sister Belinda. I pray that God will give you strength and peace and health.

• Please, God, give her strength to fight her illness. Let her laughter be heard in the hallways and let the recovery begin. Amen

• I know that our family and friends are praying for you. You will heal fast with God’s help. Take my love, I’m sending it to you on wings of light

• Praying for your safe recovery. Our thoughts are with you and your loved ones during this difficult time.

• The heavens open up and God sends angels to watch over you.

• I am not sure if prayer works in your sense of religious freedom, but to my sense, please pray for my sister.

• God, please watch over my sister. Give her the strength she needs to overcome this difficult time. I love her so much.

• The doctors and nurses here have been so good to me. I’m thankful for all the help, but most of all for your prayers.

• I prayed for you today. I pray for you every day. I’ll always pray for you.

• I may not be able to fix our problems, but I can be here to listen, to pray, and to love you.

• Lord, please be with Tyler, and give the doctors wisdom to help him heal.

• I hope this is a new beginning to the good things that God has in store for you.

• When you’re down and out, always remember that the world is a beautiful place to live.

• Prayers for my sister as she undergoes a liver transplant today

• Praying for your speedy recovery, sister. Stay strong and know that we are all here if you need us. XOXO

• Today’s the day I pray for you sister. All your doctors have told you, that every prayer counts. Here’s to a speedy recovery.

• I pray for you every day and prayed that you may get well soon, we need you with us

• All I want is for you to be healed and feel better. I can’t do anything more than that. I know God will heal you.

• I pray that you will get well soon, and I pray that God’s love may shine upon you. Enjoy your day today.

• I don’t know what I’ll do without you. It’s all becoming too much. I can’t believe this is happening. Love you forever, your sister x

• There isn’t anything that compares to the power of a prayer

• Stay strong and keep fighting. We’re all praying for you, angel.