Prayer for Sick King Quotes and Captions for Instagram

This is a collection of prayer quotes and captions for sick King Quotes that you can share on Instagram. Find inspiration here on how to be a better friend or partner. Remember to pray for others, as well use the prayer quotes in your captions.

Prayer for Sick King Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• Health and forgiveness for our king Mandela, may he get well soon.

• Dear Lord, please heal the king and make him healthy again so that he may once again rule his kingdom for you. Allahumma Ameen

I pray that you will be healed and strong again, so you can rule over us, your people.

• There are many intercessors for the healing process, but you are one of those that God is going to use

• Prayer: May the Lord make you increase and may you be blessed. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

• The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me beside the still waters.

• Lord, be with us through our time of sadness. Help us to remember the happiness that brought us together.

• Pray for our king as he recovers from surgery.

• We pray for the health and prosperity of our king.

• Oh Lord, please let the king recover quickly from a serious illness, so that he may return to us as soon as possible.

• Heal, oh Lord, those who are sick, and ease the suffering of all who are in pain.

• Please God help me find a cure for this illness.

• May God bless you and your loved ones.

• May the Almighty God grant you and your family comfort, peace, strength, and hope in the midst of your time of sorrow.

• God, I really need you. I’m struggling today and I don’t know how to deal with it. Please help me!

• Oh lord, please help me make it through the next half hour.

• Prayer Request: Please pray for the king who have been sick but getting better. He is going to get out of the hospital tomorrow.

• Our king needs your prayers. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts

• We pray for your majesty, may the doctors be able to heal you and bring you back to health.

• Our King is sick, our hearts go out to you. Hope you feel better soon.

• that the Lord will bless him and make him well.

• We pray for your health, strength, and prosperity. May God bless you and your family with his favor and love. amen

• We pray for the soul of [insert name here]. May he/she rest in peace.

• Send us your healing grace O Lord and make me whole again.

• May God strengthen and comfort you during this difficult hour, amen.

• Dear Lord, please let me win the lottery today. I promise to be a better person. Amen

• In the name of all that is holy, please make us a better team.

• God, thank you for the opportunities you have granted. Heal the sick king

• Our thoughts and hearts are with you and your loved ones, pray for a healthy king!

• God, please send your healing to the king of glory.

• May God bless you and be with you on your journey of sickness and health.

• Please, Lord. I pray for good health and bravery to all patients with cancer.

• I pray that you are warmly dressed; I pray that you are well-fed.

• I said a prayer for you today, and know that in my heart I’ll be saying more.

• After every challenge, there is a blessing. Thank you for being such a blessing to me

• Our thoughts are with the people of Hawaii as they recover from the recent floods. We pray for everyone’s safety.

• Prayers for our king as he deals with surgery. Our prayers are with you, #prayingforourking!

• We pray for her speedy recovery, that she may live in good health, and constantly protect and bless the Kingdom.

• May God watch over you and restore you to health.

• God, please ease the pain of their broken hearts. Please help them to heal and move on gently.

• Please, please, please heal this man of his ailment so that he might be able to walk again.

• Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

• Lord, you are our rock, our fortress, and our savior.

• May the forces of nature – water, wood, fire, and earth heal all aspects of your being.

• We give thanks for the many blessings that we have and ask God to bless us more abundantly. We pray for a quick recovery of the king

• May the Good Lord watch over you and keep you safe from all that harm to come your way as you attempt to recover from surgery.

• Dear Father, Bless us with your love and grace. Please heal our king who is sick and afflicted.

• God, please be with my dad who is sick and I am asking for your blessing on him and his health. Amen

• We pray for the soul of our deceased king who rests with the almighty and may his soul rest in peace Amen.

• Dear God, please let this crisis end. Keep us safe and sound. Watch over our king and queen.

• Dear God, please heal this man, we beg you in the name of Jesus.

• May the Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord make his face shine upon thee and give thee peace.

• Prayer for sick King. May the almighty God help you get better and heal you from your illness

• God, may our King David be healed of his sickness. We pray to you in Jesus’ name. Amen

• Oh, king, I pray for your wellness and health always take care of yourself, we love you.

• We pray for our benevolent King, may you be well soon.

• We pray for your health, King Abdullah. We love you, and we wish you a quick recovery.

• Dear Lord, we pray for this sick child that you will smile your peace upon him and bless him with a swift recovery.

• We lift this man up to God, humbly and wholeheartedly. We pray for his recovery and return to full health soon.

• May God answer all our prayers by healing and recovering him.

• I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

• Our kind, wise King─we’re certain─will always lead us to happiness.

• Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray to the Lord for my soul to keep. May good health and potluck be mine, as well as a home run when I get up to bat. Amen!

• And let us pray for your servant, Otumayense, the king of the Yorubas, and for his success in carrying out this noble task.

• We pray for your better health. May the good Lord bless you and keep you safe, warm, and well. 🙏

• Please help us overcome the sickness of my father so that we may praise your name. In God’s Name, I pray, Amen.

• Lord, I pray for you to help your son to recover from the flu.

• Please, God. Let him make it out of this surgery and live to tell his story. And let us help him get there with a gift of prayer and financial support.

• God, our Father, Your glory we praise; Your beauty we sing. You are our God forever and ever, the One who brings us back to life

• Lord, please keep our king and queen in good health. We pray for her full recovery.

• Dear God, please cure king from his disease.

• I pray that you will accept my prayer and I lift up all your pain and suffering to the lord in heaven Amen.

• have mercy upon us and all of our little ones:

• Lord, have mercy on us, your children. We’re in trouble again. Find our lost sheep and bring them home safely.

• Our thoughts are with you this morning as you go through surgery. May God bless and keep you.

• May the Lord grant you wisdom and knowledge, understanding, insight, and a bright face. Psalm 103:14 NIV

• God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

• Praying for you, king (name). May the peace of mind and body come to you as your health is restored.

• We pray for your speedy recovery king. We appreciate the impact you have on our lives. Amen

• Dear God, please let our King recover quickly, and return to his people. We miss him very much.

• Dear God, please spare the little King. Grant him good health and long life full of prosperity and happiness. We love you King

• Lord Jesus Christ, please hear our prayers that our King and father, Abdullah the fifth is safe. We all ask you to keep him in your care.

• Dear God, May you watch over those who are suffering from any sickness. Heal them and make us whole again. You are King forever. Amen

• Lord, please bring comfort and healing to the family of Martin Luther King Jr. We remember him as a prophet, a faithful servant, and an advocate for peace.

• Lord, I pray that you will comfort the family during this difficult time, and also help guide them toward making the right decisions on how to move forward.

• God, help me to see the beauty in this world and to always strive to be a better person. Guide me down the right path.

• Dear God, please cure my loved one’s illness. We love him so much and want him to be healthy again.

• Lord, please heal her, and keep her in your arms. You are our only hope.

• May God be with you and may his face shed its light on you.

• Lord, please ease the suffering of my people and give us strength as we mourn the loss of a great man.

• Dear God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference

• God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change… like my sick king

• Heavenly Father, please touch the soul of our beloved monarch. We pray for his swift recovery and restoration to health.

• Lord, please help the King of the Jungle feel better soon so that he can continue to serve as a role model for his family, community, and kingdom.

• Heal us with your love. We are finding our way and we’re growing old.

• Special prayer for the recovery of our beloved king who is presently ill.

• We pray for a speedy recovery to our beloved king, as he is currently under the weather. He is in our thoughts and will always be in our hearts.

• Dear Lord, please heal my king. He was shot and seriously injured today. Protect him, as he protects us. In Your Name, amen.

• We pray for our Lord, the king of Saudi Arabia, may Allah keep him healthy and strong.

• health king, may ur bill be good and ur will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

• We pray this day brings you closer to God and your loved ones.

• Lord, please bless my friends and me as we go about our day. May we be protected from all harm, especially from the germs of others. Amen.

• May the Lord’s presence keep you in Paradise, and may you be returned to us with the angels.

• Let this fall be a peaceful one. May we remember that there is more to life than chasing the next big thing and gathering riches.

• Lord, heal the sins of all the king’s ministers. Please restore his health to him.

• Our great king is sick. He needs you to be strong and courageous for him, otherwise, it will make his illness worse.

• We pray for a speedy recovery for our beloved king’s health.

• Our Father in heaven, please heal our dear king

• Dear God, please cure my health. I am too afraid to go to the hospital.

• Grant this, we pray, O Lord, that Your mercy may prevail over our sins. Through Christ our Lord.

• Oh Lord, guide me through the darkness of this storm so that I may reach the light someday.

• We pray for our king to continually heal. We wish you a speedy recovery.

• May God be with the family of His Majesty who is sick and grant him the strength to overcome his illness.

• Let us pray for our king David to live a long and healthy life. May God grant you the fullest blessings.

• Lord, please hear my prayer and answer this request that I make of you. I ask for your help in healing the body of our beloved King

• Let’s all pray for a king who is always victorious and never defeated.

• May the Lord lay his healing touch on you and restore you to good health

• Lord, have mercy on your servant, James, and restore him to full health. May he be released from this suffering you know is not good for him…

• Lord, I pray that they will recover fast and I pray that they will be able to help each other.

• Heavenly Father, I pray for [person] and their family at this difficult time.

• Our deepest condolences to the King Family; our thoughts and prayers are with you.

• May the Lord’s presence be felt as our King of Kings battles sickness.

• We pray for you, oh king. Shine the light on the path towards healing.

• Please keep the King in your prayers. He is undergoing further tests for his health today.

• Let us pray. Lord, this is the king. May his rule be righteous and just, in your eyes. May he lead the people into prosperity and happiness abound.

• Dear Lord, please help my husband recover from his illness. And grant him the strength he needs to go through the recovery process.

• May your fever be reduced and your health restored. May you feel the love of those around you. We are here for you. This prayer is for you.

• Lord, always forgive us and help us be forgiven when we have sinned against you. Never let us be overcome with evil, but keep us safe from the wicked one.

• Prayer for the healing of our king in the best hospital, in the best hands, and in the heart of God.

• Dear Lord, please send good health to our beloved and respected king and guidance to all around him.

• Dear Lord, please restore our beloved king. Heal him and make him whole again, as you promised in your holy word. Amen.

• Eat this apple for the health of our king and for the good of all his people.

• Dear God, please heal this sickness. We need you to hear our plea and bestow your mercy upon us.

• Father, I pray that you would make yourself real to your people. Lift up those who are sick and in need of your touch.

• God, please keep our loved ones in your care. Watch over them in their time of need. We love them. You love them.

• I pray for you to recover from your illness quickly and to be able to run around and play with your family again soon.

• We pray for you, and we thank God for all the ways that you have blessed us as your friends and family.