Prayer for Myself as a Nurse Captions for Instagram

A prayer for myself as a nurse is what I often say. It seems to help me a lot, especially during stressful times. Feel free to share your own prayer for yourself or this post would not have happened.

When people talk about prayer, they usually discuss it in the context of asking God for help or forgiveness. But if we would really like to know what is prayer, we must also pray for ourselves. We can’t be satisfied with other people’s prayers for us when our own needs are neglected.

Prayer for Myself as a Nurse Captions for Instagram

• To be in this line of work means that I can’t always be there for those I love, so it’s especially important to remind myself that God is always with me and always has my back.

• Most importantly, I pray that they will have the strength to carry on when they come out of my care.

• Please help me with my prayer today—give me the strength to keep doing what I do and don’t ask me to stop doing it.

• Please help me remember that I cannot change other people’s situations, but I can change how I respond to them.

• I pray for physical and mental health, that my memory and concentration remain intact, and that my mind is sharp, clear, and focused. I ask for you, Lord, to be with me all day long, to walk with me, to comfort me when I’m weary. Amen.

• Give me strength when I need it. Help me to always do what’s right, even if it isn’t easy. Amen

• I pray for the ability to treat every patient with respect and compassion. I pray that all fear of God will fade away from me and from those whom I serve.

• I am not worthy at all times but with your help, I can always rise above my shortcomings, even if it means facing them alone

• Help me to have faith when I am uncertain and to always believe in you.

• May the Lord call forth His marvelous strength, and put it in your hand: then shall ye know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you.

• I thank God for my family who have filled me with love and support, giving me strength to persevere through difficult times.

• I can’t do this.’ But it’s not ridiculous. It’s how I got here and it’s how I will continue to move forward.

• I’m an RN in the field, praying for myself and my family this week, as I struggle to keep up with all the stress of my job. Wish me strength!

• Praying for the strength to continue my journey as a nurse, and to keep going, even when doing so is hard.

• I am praying for the strength to be a good nurse and I will always help when someone needs it.

• I am thankful for being a Nurse. I am thankful that I work with people who care, love, and support one another. I am thankful for the families and patients who have received the best of care.

• I pray that my patients heal quickly and safely, that I am an effective caregiver in the face of adversity, and that I continue to serve others with dedication, compassion, and humility.

• I am a nurse. I hurt. I heal. And I love it.

• Dear God, I want to be a better nurse. Please help me.

• I am a nurse. My patients are my family. I care for them with all my heart, and they count on me to give them the very best care possible.

• My prayer is that God would give me the strength and presence of mind to serve my patients with as much excellence as I can, that He would keep me safe, and that He would bless me with His grace.

• I want to be a nurse who is able to take care of others, who is compassionate and kind, and who treats people with respect and dignity.

• Dear Lord, please don’t take away my job. Amen.

• I pray for a heart that is true, a life that is honest, and a body that is fit.

• I am not my flaws, but a work in progress. I am the author of my story and it’s up to me how I choose to tell it.

• So often, we ask God for help in a way that is not aligned with who He is. Instead, we should be asking Him to change us into the person He wants us to be!

• Praying for myself as a nurse. I have the privilege of going out into the world to help others.

• I’m a nurse. I work hard, and sometimes I wonder if I work too hard. But I know that striving to be the best at everything is part of my call. So, this week I am praying for myself as a nurse and as a mom…

• You know what it’s like to be a nurse? To work long hours to help others, often in the face of adversity? And you also know what it’s like to struggle every day with your own temptations and challenges. Pray for me today…

• I pray for my patients. I pray their pain will be lessened by the things I do. I pray that they are healed and that they will continue to recover.

• I pray for strength, wisdom, and peace and that my patients always receive the best care and love.

• Dear Father, thank you for the gift of life and the blessing of being a nurse. Please keep me focused on my work, strengthened in my faith, and in good health.

• Dear God, please help me to be the best nurse I can be. Thank you for giving me the opportunity, strength, and motivation to care for others.

• My nurse’s heart is weary as I struggle to do good. Help me find rest in You, Who laid down my life to restore all things.

• Lord, I ask for your guidance and wisdom. Guide me to be the best nurse that I can be.

• I would like to ask you to pray for me. I am doing my job well but sometimes I have a lot of stress on me.

• I am here for the ones who need help, for the ones who are hurting. I lift up their spirits, so they can walk hands in hand with God again.

• Little things, big things. All are in God’s hands.

• Lift up your eyes, look to the heavens and pray to the Lord. Give praise to him who is able to work all things together for good.

• I pray for peace this morning, through the quiet of a morning without alarms or any other reminders that today might be crazy.

• Nothing is impossible when you have God’s love with you, because He has promised to carry all of your burdens.

• I am a nurse, I pray for myself. I take pride in being able to help others, but at the same time, I want to take care of myself #nurse

• My biggest prayer for myself as a Nurse is that I will always have the patience and strength to help others when they are in need.

• I’m a nurse, and I pray for my patients.

• I am a nurse. I am also a human being. In my profession, I serve and help others as well as myself. So, this is my prayer for myself… to be healthy, happy, and strong!

• As a nurse, I have seen many patients suffer from ailments without medical care. To help these people in need, I encourage you to make time to pray for these individuals. Please pray for our health, safety, and well-being.

• I am a nurse and my hands have done some pretty amazing things. I have helped bring health, happiness, and hope to so many people.

• I am a Nurse, committed to serving others and making a difference. I pray that the Lord will be with me as I share His love with others who are hurting and hurting.

• Whatever your faith, let it be God’s living presence in everything you do. #nurse

• I wish to be a better nurse and help the people who need me the most. I pray that God will give me strength so that I can give it to them and maybe even bless them with a peaceful last moments of life.

• I am a nurse. This means I touch the lives of others, every day. But I only have so much power to affect them.

• I pray that I will be able to take care of myself, my family, and my friends. I pray that I will make wise choices, that I will have patience, and that I will make time for God in my busy day and evening.

• I choose to be the person I have been made by God to be. My worth is not based on what I have or don’t have, rather it is based on who He says I am: fragile, hurt, and weak; yet strong, powerful, and full of grace.

• In the name of God, I thank you for this opportunity and for helping me keep my focus on my work.

• Focusing on my prayers and seeking God’s guidance. I put myself first today and I’m thankful for that.

• God, help me to remember always to do good and to be kind. Help me learn to trust in you, even when I don’t understand or feel like I should. Help me remember that the unknown may be better than the known.

• Just like you, I am a nurse with a heart for others. When I pray, I pray that God will use me to help those in pain and suffering, and bring healing.

• Praying for the strength to be a good nurse, for patience, for the strength to cope with difficult situations in life that don’t involve patients.

• I’m a nurse and a mother. I want to be the best version of myself for my family, for my patients, and for God.

• I don’t want to die. I am a nurse, and I have seen what it can do to people. I need to make sure that I can prevent it from happening to me. I’m coming through today, just as God planned it.

• Pray that I am able to love my patients and their families as Christ did.

• I’m a nurse, I heal people. I know what it’s like to feel the pain of others and by helping others, I’ve found healing in my own life.

• My strength comes from God and I will use it to lift others up. #nursing

• To the doctors, nurses, and all health care professionals who provide life-saving services every day—you make a difference in people’s lives. Thank you for your dedication to keeping our communities healthy.

• I pray for the strength to be able to make my work count and to help others and myself whenever possible.

• I pray that you will continue to see me as a blessing and not as an obstacle. I pray that you will see me from my God-given perspective and not from the one I have created for myself.

• Ladies, keep your head up and smile. You are doing great. God bless you all🙏

• I pray for a peaceful spirit, strength, and courage in the face of trials and difficulties.

• As I pray, it is in the name of our Lord that I want you to see your life transform. Your body and soul will be healed from the inside out.

• I’m grateful for all that I have, and I’m thankful for the people who make my life worthwhile.

• I ask for Your guidance and strength to keep me grounded and focused.

• Prayer for myself as a nurse, guardian of others, and woman.

• Dear Lord, I am asking for prayer for myself as a nurse. Please guide me and protect me in my job.

• I am a nurse and I pray for myself because I have had some very challenging times in my life.

• Pray for me today. I will be starting a new job as a nurse later this week and am looking forward to the opportunity, but may not always know what comes next!

• I am a nurse and I serve my patients. I pray that you too can find your own self-care, as we all need it so badly.

• A gentle reminder to pray for myself, my loved ones, and the nurses I work with. May the Lord be with you all this week. Thank you for your support & blessings!

• Praying for the strength to keep going in my nursing career and for the grace to be at peace with God’s will.

• I am a nurse, serving others. I pray that God will give you and me the strength to be there for those we love, even when they are not themselves.

• I pray for the strength to protect my patients, to bring healing and hope and strength.

• I am a nurse, I am an advocate for the people I care for. When I see our healthcare system failing someone I love, I make sure it does not happen to someone else. Let’s unite and fix this broken system together.

• I am a nurse. I value my skills and am grateful for the opportunity to use them. But most of all, I am grateful for my patients and the work that I do every day.

• Dear Lord, I pray for my health and the health of those that are close to me. Please don’t let these past few weeks be a burden on you and give me the strength to overcome the pain ahead.

• Dear Lord, thank You for this amazing profession. Thank You for loving me and allowing me to serve others.

• Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen…Prayer is a powerful way to stay connected to God through all parts of life.

• I pray that I will always be trustworthy, humble, positive, kind, and loving. I also pray that I will always treat others like I want to be treated.

• I need your prayers today that I am a good nurse and care for my patients. Thank you!

• Nurse me today. Heal my heart, body, and soul.

• My soul is soaked in the darkness of hospitals and clinics. I pray for the strength of my patients and the courage to continue serving them with the loving care they deserve.

• Dear God, thank you for giving me the gift of nursing and for allowing me to serve others.

• Dear God, thank you for these hands and the ability to touch, uplift, and heal. Thank you for my patients and their families who trust me with their loved ones.

• I don’t always like being a nurse but I love what I do and it shows. No matter how challenging things get, keep moving forward.

• When your life is filled with worry, doubt, and uncertainty, pray for yourself 💕

• Lord, you have given me the skills I need to help others. Thank you for my family and friends who support me and my work.

• I pray for strength, peace, and comfort.

• May my hands be swift to heal and my heart tender to comfort. May I never forget the power of kindness and courage to act on it.

• Help me to be a beacon of inspiration, strength, and hope for others

• Dear God, I can’t do this alone. I need your strength and wisdom. Help me to trust you with the things that are too hard for me to handle by myself.

• I pray for strength and patience to keep going when I don’t feel like it.

• May the Lord bless and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you.

• I pray for myself as a nurse, to have faith that I can do what I need to do. ❤️

• I need God’s strength to be the best nurse, doctor, and mom I can be.

• I have been a nurse for twenty years and I am still learning every day. Lord, help me to continue to grow and be the best person I can be.

• I am grateful for my blessings and I always pray for others. #nursing

• Nurse and Mother, I pray that God would give me the courage to face each day with confidence and strength.

• Thank you for being a part of this journey. It could not have been made possible without you . . . and the many other people who make our nursing life so rich and full of love.

• I make a promise to myself that I am going to change the face of nursing today.

• Be a nurse by day, and a mother to my loved ones by night.

• I am a nurse, I get to hold people’s lives in my hands. When I have to make a tough decision, it’s easy for me to think ‘This is ridiculous.

• Dear Lord, please help me stay calm and compassionate with my patients, even when they want to get out of here as soon as possible.

• Today I will pray for the strength to care for myself in a way that doesn’t leave me feeling like I’m only half living.

• “I pray for myself, that I may be a blessing to all.”

• Today is a day to thank God for everything he has done, even the hard things.

• I will not be discouraged, I will continue to work hard, and I will seek success and happiness.