Prayer for Myself as a Mother Captions for Instagram With Quotes

A mom is someone who always wants the best for their children. Consequently, they are willing to do everything they can to make sure that they have a safe place in which to raise them. These quotes are designed to help you begin the process of loving yourself as a mother and then setting yourself up for the best possible outcome for your kids.

Prayer for Myself as a Mother Captions for Instagram With Quotes

• I pray for myself as a mother. I pray that I am brave enough, wise enough, and good enough to raise my children well.

• I pray to God that as a mother, I will always be strong and patient. May GOD help me give my kids the best start in life possible.

• I am asking for his presence in my life as I walk this path of motherhood.

• May I be a mother who is filled with compassion, humility, and respect.

• I pray that I will be the best mother I can be.

• Be a powerful mother, be a loving one. Be the guide for your children, even when they don’t want one.

• My heart is heavy with the knowledge that my daughter’s life is not her own. My world has fallen in on me, and all I can do is pray for her.

• I ask for patience, gentleness, and the ability to slow down. I need to learn how to be better at listening and caring for myself.

• I do pray that I may be worthy of the trust and confidence of my Lord.

• I pray for myself as a mother, but I also pray for my children so that they can learn what it means to be a woman.

• I ask for the divine presence that lifts me up and helps me to reach my potential as a mother.

• I ask you to help me take care of myself. I need rest, time to reflect, and time to be a good mom. Help me make healthy choices for myself and my family in the midst of this busy season.

• Father, help me to take care of myself so I can be a good mother to my children.

• Grateful for each day as a mother to my son and daughter. They bring me so much joy and they make my heart soar.

• Motherhood is a prayer. It’s an invitation and a reminder that I am called to serve, to love wholeheartedly, and to remind others of the beauty of their shared humanity.

• Motherhood is not easy, but God has blessed me with the best mother ever!

• I ask for the strength to grow into a better mother, the patience to listen, the wisdom to understand, and the courage to change. Amen 🙏

• I pray every day for the strength to give him what he needs. I pray that he will be able to see God not as a man, but as his mother’s hand holding him tight.

• I pray that my children will always know the love of God and never doubt its power.

• I am my children’s rock, the source of their strength. I love them so much and want to make sure they have everything they need to be successful.

• Dear God, give me the strength to love my children more than myself. Help me be their rock and soothe their fears.

• Thank you, Lord, for being my biggest cheerleader and strength. Thank you for giving me this privilege of raising you and watching your growth. This year will be a great one!

• Always feeling overwhelmed by the weight of everything I have to do, I remember that my work is my prayer to God.

• I am praying for myself as a mother. I am so thankful for the blessing of raising children and serving others

• I am a mother and I need your prayers.

• I pray for the strength to be a better mother, wife, and friend.

• I pray for strength, wisdom, and the grace to be a better mother today than I was yesterday.

• Be a good parent, be a good friend, and be a good woman. #prayformom

• My prayer is for you to be the best mother you can be. I love you so much, and I’m so proud of you ❤

• Today I pray for my future children, that they will have a safe home and be loved.

• Dear Lord, thank you for the strength to parent well. I pray for wisdom and patience, for joy that is pure and unadulterated, and for peace in my heart.

• I’m praying for an honest-to-goodness miracle, that my daughter won’t grow up to be a writer and work at a weekly newspaper.

• Lord, I pray that you would guide me and lead me in the way that you see best for my family.

• Behold the miracle of a mother. The miracle of a daughter. The miracle of life.

• Praying for the health of my family, especially as a mother.

• I am praying that I will be a good mother to my family members and have them know how important they are in my life.

• Motherhood has been the hardest and most rewarding job I have ever had. Thank you for your prayers for me as I go through this season with my three little ones💕

• Dear God, Thank You for waking me at 3 a.m. to feed my little boy. I pray that I will continue to be a loving mother to him and learn more ways to love him.

• Dear God, please help me to be the mother I want to be.

• Motherhood has been my greatest challenge, but also my greatest reward. I’m so grateful for all the love and support that you give me every day. Thank you for believing in me. –

• Thank you, Lord, for all of your comforts. I am thankful that you are with me always and that my children are healthy and strong.

• Motherhood is a tough job, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. 💕

• Motherhood is hard, but it’s also the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.

• Please give me the strength to know what I truly need and don’t need, and help me not to over-apologize or under-acknowledge. ❤

• Mama bear that I am, I need to accept this new love of mine and not crush it.

• I pray for myself as a mother. I pray for my children. I pray for their futures and the future of this great nation we all love so much.

• I pray that I may always be a grateful mother, who is patient and kind, who listens to my children and laughs with them, and who nurtures her family with love and good food.

• God, I’m asking that you would make me a better mother.

• I pray that I do all I can for my children.

• I am a mother and taking care of my family is my job. #MothersDay

• As mothers, we put our children in your hands and trust you with our lives. Thank you for being there for us every day.

• I pray that my kids will always be safe and happy.

Prayer for Myself with Quotes

• May you be filled with grace and peace as you raise your daughter this weekend.

• To know my child, to love her without conditions, and to raise her in such a way that she does not need me.

• Mothers—embrace your strength and use it to empower others around you. Let’s all lift each other up.

• I’m asking for your prayers and support. I need strength to be able to love you all unconditionally. Thank you for your kind words and sweet gestures in my time of need.

• I lift my hands to the sky, with all my heart and soul I pray for peace.

• This is my burden and I will carry it.

• I pray for myself as a mother to be able to stay on track with my work-life balance and never become disillusioned by these hectic moments.

• I’m asking you to watch over me. I need your strength, your wisdom, your peace, and all the blessings God has for me as a mother.

• I pray for the courage to be a good mother to my children, that I may be a good example for them and a strong woman for my husband.

• What a gift it is to be a mother. To be able to watch our children grow, love them, and care for them. May I learn every day how to be a better mother.

• I thank God that I am a mother, a wife, and a friend. I don’t take life for granted.

• Hello to you, a mother. I pray that your days are filled with the joy, laughter, and love that you so rightly deserve.

• I am a mother, and I want to be the best one I can be.

• I pray that God gives me the strength to raise my children right and that they know Him as their Lord and Savior.

• May I be a strong, faithful, and obedient mother. May I be able to cultivate my children’s character through the way I raise them.

• I pray for the strength to love my children unconditionally and for the ability to trust them with my heart.

• I pray for my kids to touch the hearts of those around them. I pray for them to be a light in the world, and that they will always do God’s work with joy.

• I am always open to learning and growing. I’m learning how to pray for myself as a mother.

• Motherhood is a miracle. A daily prayer for myself would be grateful for the gift of life, full of love and joy.

• I pray for the strength to be a mother to my son and daughter. I pray that they will always know their place in this world, whether they choose to follow me or not.

• Motherhood is the hardest, most rewarding, and most dangerous job in the world. When you’re not sure what to do, or how to do it, pray that God gives you strength.

• Dear God, you have shown me how to be a mother. May I always be worthy of such a gift.

• May the Universe bless me with wisdom, strength, and patience as I raise my children on their spiritual journey.

• Motherhood is way more than a job. It’s an adventure that never ends, and I’m SO happy to be on this adventure with you.

• May the Lord continue to shower me with His grace and love.

• I pray for myself as a mother that I will be a good and wise one, and that my children will grow up in peace and security.

• I pray for myself as a mother: that I am always doing what is right in front of me and trusting God, knowing He will never let me down.

• All mothers, I pray that you feel peace and stability in your life as a mother. May you find the strength and grace to handle any challenge that comes your way.

• Dear God, thank you for this day. I pray for the strength to be a better mother and for the wisdom to know what to do next. Amen

• I pray that my children will be kind and loving, strong enough to make their way in the world without me.

• Help me to be a good mom, kind, and gentle. Help me to always do what is in your heart when you love someone.

• Thank you, Lord, for giving me a mom who is my best friend, my partner in life, and a guardian angel. You are great!

• I need prayer for something that is happening in my life right now. I’m trying so hard to make it be a good thing, but I feel like it’s going to take a miracle.

• I have a mission to give my children everything they need and more.

• I give thanks for all the motherhood moments that have happened so far, and I am grateful for them. I love you all.

• Mom. I pray that your day is full of love and smiles because you’re the best mom in the world 😍😘

• I am not running from my problems, I am running to my children.🙏

• I trust you, God. I’m not perfect. But here’s what I do when I don’t succeed: I forgive myself and start over—that’s how I know you got me this far.

• Moms are the best, but they have to have a good helper.

• God, you alone are my strength and my shield; you have given me the victory over all my enemies.

• I pray for myself as a mother, that I will have the courage to have conversations with my children about their faith.

• As a mother, I pray for myself to be a good listener and facilitator of my children’s dreams; I pray that they will never feel like they are not enough.

• Lord, I pray for strength and courage as a mother. Give me the wisdom to know exactly what kind of mother I am and help guide me on my path to success.

• I pray that God will help me to be the mother I long to be.

• I give thanks for the days when I am a mother.

• Motherhood is a blessing, but it is also a challenge. I ask for God’s grace and strength to be the best mother, wife, friend, and person I can be.

• I pray for the strength to be confident and to be strong for my two children. I pray for patience in this crazy world, for selflessness, and for a sense of purpose.

Prayer for Myself with Captions

• Put my heart and mind into motherhood, so that it guides me—and my kids—every day.

• My prayers are for my children and me, that we may be faithful to the Lord, to follow His ways, and trust in His guidance.

• Motherhood is hard work, but it’s the best job ever. Thankful for all the blessings. 💗 💗 💗

• I need you to be my rock and support system so I can do this for myself. Thank you for being here with me.

• I pray that I may get the strength to do my best, even when I don’t feel like it.

• I pray for myself as a mother, to have the patience and strength that is needed to raise my daughters and always be there for them.

• I pray that I will be a good mom to my kids. I pray that my kids will be happy and healthy. I pray that I will make wise choices as a mom because it’s not easy raising boys!

• Help me be a good mother to myself. I need to be at peace with my body and my life, even when it is not easy.

• I am grateful for my life as a mother. I am grateful to be able to give birth to a life, to know the joy and wonder of that special time, and to watch my little one grow into a young adult.

• I pray for my son every single day. He is my heart, my soul, and my everything

• May I always be the best mother I can be, and may I always love my children as deeply and dearly as Jesus loves me.

• The hardest part of being a mother is learning how to balance your emotions, always be the best version of yourself, and finding time to be yourself. You are loved, mommy!

• Motherhood is a gift and I am so thankful for it.

• I’m proud to be a mother, but I also know that there’s so much more to being a woman than simply having children.

• Motherhood is the greatest adventure I have ever taken on. With each mile, with each moment, I am reminded that it wasn’t easy—but it was worth every minute.

• Parenting is the hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life. I love you more than words can say ❤

• Motherhood is the greatest gift ever. All the sacrifices, all the sleepless nights, and all the tears will be worth it when you hold your little bundle of joy in your arms.

• This Mother’s Day, our hearts overflow with gratitude.

• I pray for myself as a mother to be a blessing. I pray that my children will see me in a new light as they grow older.

• I pray for myself as a mother, that I may lead my children to be their best selves and raise them in the way they should go.

• I pray that I will be a strong, amazing, and loving mother.

• Dear God, help me be the best mother I can be. Guide me to always put my children before my own needs. Help me to love them and care for them with all of your love.

• May I always give my child the love and support that he or she needs?

• Mama, I’m praying for you. You are an amazing mother, wife, and friend. You are an inspiration to me and so many others…and I’m wishing you much love and joy! 🙏🏻

• Motherhood is the hardest job in the world, but also the most rewarding.

• I invite you to join me in prayer today for my children and grandchildren. May their lives be filled with kindness and love, joy and hope, peace and lasting friendships.

• Motherhood is the hardest job there is, but also the most rewarding.

• It’s not always easy to be a mother, but it doesn’t have to be any harder than this.

• I have a goal to raise my children to be a loving, caring,, and empathetic people who are always striving to improve the lives of others.

• Thank you for these precious moments. God, we love you!

• For the strength, I need to keep it together, and for the grace to know when it’s time to let go.