Prayer for Myself as a Military Captions for Instagram

What better prayer than a well-written, meaningful, and inspirational quote? I find quotes to be a great way to inject inspiration into my life and routine. This post features some military quotes that are both inspiring, and can make your day wow.

In times of immense bravery and dedication, the prayer for myself as a military encapsulates the deepest desires and aspirations of a valiant soldier. As I don the uniform, I beseech the heavens to grant me unwavering strength, unwavering courage, and unwavering resolve. May every step I take be guided, and every decision I make be righteous. In the face of adversity, may I find solace in knowing that I am protected by a higher power? May my hands be firm, my heart be steadfast, and my mind be unwavering in pursuit of justice and peace. I pray for the safety of my fellow comrades, that they may navigate through the perils of war unscathed, and return to their loved ones with honor and integrity. Just as I prepare for battle, may I also find time to pause and reflect on the beauty that surrounds me – to cherish the moments of tranquility amidst the chaos. Above all, may I remain devoted to a cause greater than myself, selflessly serving my country and defending the values and liberties we hold dear. Through prayer, I seek guidance, strength, and protection in my noble journey as a military person.

Prayer for Myself as a Military Captions for Instagram

• Many have given their lives for this great nation, and now I take part in this sacrifice. I thank God for His blessing and protection, both here on earth and in heaven.

• It’s a beautiful place, but it’s also a hard place to be away from home and family.

• I ask for his guidance and protection as I go about my work. Please God, keep me safe here and abroad.

• I ask You to take control of my life so that I am not just surviving but thriving.

• Sometimes I need a reminder that you are with me, even when things get difficult.

• Continue to strengthen me, as I keep moving forward on my mission for you.

• I pray that this war will end soon so we can all come home to our families. Amen.

• This is my first time back to work since we lost our family member in Iraq. I am nervous about being on the road with my kids and having them be separated from me for long periods of time.

• As I pray for myself, I also pray that God will guide every one of you who are in the military. You are not alone. And I know that you will succeed at all times—in life and in battle.

• Pray for me as I return to duty in the coming days. May God gives me strength and flexibility to perform this duty.

• I’m a soldier in this world, with the same questions you have, and I feel helpless as you do. That’s why I need your prayers. God bless

• I pray that my service in the military would make me a stronger, better person.

• We all need God and His presence in our lives. And for those of us who have served, if you’re hurting, know that you are not alone.

• I am a soldier, I am a part of the machine. I am the one who protects democracy and keeps the peace. But best wishes to all who are serving in our armed forces, especially families and loved ones in harm’s way. God Bless You!

• I am a soldier. I serve my country every day, and I am proud to be one of the few who put on the uniform.

• I’m praying for your safety and health in this tough world. Thank you for being one of the good guys.

• Dear God, I thank you for my service and tell you how much I love and appreciate it. In Jesus’ holy name, Amen!

• I pray for strength, for courage, for faith…for everything I will need to do this job and others like it with honor.

• Lord, I’m asking you to watch over my future. Please protect me and hold me close. God Bless America

• Strong, brave, and honest soldiers are truly the best kind of heroes. I am thankful for each and every one of you. 😊

• Dear God, please guide me in my decisions, keep me safe and help me succeed. Thank you for all of your blessings this year. 🙏🏻

• I ask for wisdom, strength, and a constant reminder that everything happens for a reason.

• Remember, this is only the first battle. There will be many more to come.

• Pray for my family and me, as we travel to another town on a mission. I would like you all to keep those who are at home in your hearts and prayers, especially my wife and kids.

• Please pray for my wife and I. We are both volunteers with the USO, and we’re stationed right now in Germany at Fort Bliss.

• I pray for my family and friends who are serving overseas, for their safety, and for the safety of our country.

• I am not a hero, I am just doing my job. #militaryfamily

• I am praying for myself and my family during this difficult time. May we be guided by the love of God to endure in faith and trust in His divine will.

• You didn’t just give me that uniform, I have to wear it. And I pray for strength and wisdom as I continue to serve on the front lines of defending our freedoms.

• I am a soldier, I am a mother, I am a daughter, I am a sister and I have no idea what I’m going to be tomorrow…

• I am a warrior. My strength is in my faith, and I pray for courage to perform my duties and to protect the people of our community.

• Dear Lord, thank you for my family and my life. Please help me to be the best that I can be for them. Thank you for the strength that you’ve given me.

• Dear Lord, I pray for the strength to face life with courage and purpose. I pray for the wisdom to know in my heart which battles are worth fighting. And most of all, I pray that You would help me be true to myself on this journey.

• As I start the day, I pray that God will keep His hand on my head and protect me from harm.

• Here I am, in a war zone. Here I am, on a mission for my country.

• I pray for strength and wisdom to cope with the challenges that are looming before me.

• My life belongs to God. I give it to him, in trust until my next breath.

• “If I don’t get out of the house, there’s a good chance I’ll go crazy.”

• I’m praying for myself, who is going through some tough times. I pray that God takes away the fear and He will make you be at peace

• I ask for strength and unwavering faith from God as I begin my first deployment to Afghanistan.

• I pray for all the soldiers fighting overseas and every family affected. I’m standing by you.

• We are warriors. We are protectors. We are mothers, fathers, and grandmothers who serve their country with pride while they fight for freedom and the right to live in peace.

• I am a warrior. My body is strong, but my soul is broken. But God has me in His hands and nothing can tear me away from His grace.

• I pray that you will never have to experience the heartbreak and loss I feel right now.

• Father, I humbly ask that you remove the fear of failure from my heart. I am a warrior and will prevail.

• I pray that the sacrifices I have made for my country will be worth it. Do not let me down.

• You may not always feel like you are good enough, but you are. You are loved and cared for by a God who doesn’t give up on us.

• Father God, I pray for strength to make it through the hard times, wisdom to know how to handle each situation, and for you to be a constant source of comfort as I face these challenges. Thank you for your love and grace.

• I am a warrior. I am the strongest person I can be on this earth. I will use my strength to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

• As I go into combat and head out on a mission, please protect me and guide me to safety.

• Blessings upon you today, God may our wise leader guide us, keep us close and protect us. Amen

• Let my prayer be incense in the lifting of your heads. Let a pure offering of praise and thanksgiving rise up before you.

• I’m a military wife and I pray for myself. I pray that God gives me strength, talents, and vision to Make Something of this journey.

• I am praying for my health and to be able to continue serving as a military wife. Thank you, Lord, for your blessings 🙏🙏

• As I earn my stripes and march in the ranks of life, I pray that my teammates and I never forget to take time out for prayer. Thank you all for your service.

• I pray for myself and also for all of those who are serving to protect our freedom. Thank God, thank you.

• I am a military wife and this is my military prayer. I pray that my husband is always safe, that he comes home in one piece, and that we will be able to celebrate his return together.

• Please, God, bless me and help me make it through this deployment. I am thankful for your strength and power that can never be broken or conquered.

• I ask that you would open my eyes to the blessings in my life, and to help me see things from a different perspective. I pray that as I grow closer to God, I will grow stronger and wiser.

• Lord, help me find my strength, courage, and faith. Give me the will to overcome even when the world around me seems like it’s in a state of chaos.

• Grant me the courage to know when I am ready to leave behind the world that does not have my best interest at heart.

• May the Almighty God always hold my life in his hands, may he watch over me, and may he guide me in the right direction.

• God, I’m grateful for all you’ve done but I’m especially thankful for this.

• I pray for strength, guidance, wisdom, and courage.

• Lord, I ask that You put strength in my hands. I don’t want to be afraid, or sick, or afraid of what is to come next.

• I will be silent and listen to God.

• Praying for my family, friends, and fellow service members. May we stay strong through this difficult time.

• I pray for my service and I pray for the civilians so that they always know how valuable their lives are.

• Post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD. I am a veteran, and I have PTSD

• I’m praying for peace and for myself. I’ve done my part. Now it’s up to the LORD to take care of this situation.

• I am your brother, son, leader, and protector. I know that you are doing all you can to give me and my fellow service members the strength we need to be here for this nation. Today, I ask that you keep us safe. Thank You!

• I pray that I will be a positive influence in the lives of others and that I will live out my faith in God.

• I am asking for your prayers today as I prepare to leave the comfort of home and return to a place where I know it may be dangerous, but God will be with me.

• I ask for peace, clarity, and strength to return to my life. I need a place of rest and solitude.

• I pray for God to sustain me during this journey as well as protect my loved ones back home . . . 🙏🏻

• I am grateful for the strength of my family, the support of my friends, and the love I have received from God. May He continue to bless me as I continue on this journey.

• Today I pray for the strength to stay true to myself, even when it doesn’t feel like it’s easy.

• I pray that I will never be faced with a decision that may lead to my death, but instead I ask God to help me make the right decisions. 🙏🏻

• Grateful for the people who uplifted me and helped me grow. Thank you to God, family, friends, and strangers. May I be the most complete version of myself today and everyday!

• I am surrounded by a love that doesn’t see color or race. I am grateful for the freedom that comes with being my true self.

• I am in awe of my Lord, for He has done marvelous things for me.

• I pray for myself as a military spouse. I pray for my family, friends, and soldiers. I pray for wisdom, strength, and courage.

• I need your prayers for me to make it through this day. I am a military wife and I have 2 small children. Please pray for me that God will keep me safe in this situation.

• I pray that my time in the military will be a blessing to me and those around me.

• I pray for strength, guidance, and protection from this day forward as I continue to serve in the U.S. Army. Thank you for your support and prayers.

• First, I thank God for my loved ones. I appreciate all of my friends, family, and heroes for their support. Second, I pray that God will reveal himself in the most important way—in the life of someone you love who is in need of your help.

• I pray for my own strength, wisdom, and ability to make good choices, no matter what the cost.

• God has given me a warrior’s heart, He’s blessed me with many skills and talents. Today I draw on all of them to serve you and your family

• I want to thank you for protecting my family, keeping me safe, and providing for them in every way when I’m away.

• I pray that I find ways to give back, get in touch, and minister to those in need.

• In the middle of my darkest hour, I have found clarity in prayer.

• My prayer is that the Lord will show me the way, and give me wisdom and strength. May he fill my heart with courage to help others as I have been helped by Him.

• God blesses those who are willing to serve, fight, and die for the cause of freedom.

• Don’t be afraid to ask for help. There’s always someone who can lend a hand.

• God, I pray for strength to endure the trials before me. Help me to rely on You in all circumstances, and help me to do Your will. Amen

• Be grateful for the blessings that come to you, even in times of challenge.

• I’ll always give thanks for being able to serve our great country, however small my role may be. Thank you for being my rock in this storm and bringing me home safe & sound.

• My prayer for myself as a military mom is that I would walk through every single day with peace and purpose.

• I pray for myself and my family as we serve in the military. I pray for those who do not have the opportunity to serve. For all those who have served, and for those who will. Thank you, God, for your love and mercy.

• I pray for myself, my family, and my friends who have lost loved ones serving our country. I also ask that God bless all the men and women who are fighting to keep us safe here at home.

• I pray for myself, my loved ones, and the safety of all those who serve.

• Dear God, thank you for each day of my life. I know it’s only a drop in the bucket compared to what You’ve done and will do.

• I am a warrior. I am fighting for my country. I am fighting for the family that loves me. I am fighting for you.”

• When I feel alone and scared, I know that there is always a God watching out for me.

• I pray for strength to keep going when I can’t see the end in sight. I pray that my heart finds its way back home when it’s been away too long and I’m wondering if there’s any way back at all.

• I am finding myself in the war we are fighting and I hope to remain the same forever.

• Don’t be afraid to ask God for more. He is more than willing to answer your prayers. He’s watching over you, and he’ll never leave your side.

• I am grateful to God for this day and the service opportunity He has given me.

• I am a warrior 💪 and I will always be in the fight of my life.

• Keep us strong in your hands, Lord. Bless us with health and keep us safe.

• Do not be afraid of your fear. Do not let your fear hold you back from doing what is right, opening your heart, and using you gifts to serve others.

• The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.