Prayer for Myself as a Fireman Captions for Instagram

As a Fireman, most of the time your job is protecting people from fires but in reality, every single day, you are also facing other dangers. Here are some quotes about prayer for myself as a fireman that will remind you to pray for yourself and others everyday.

The first step in conquering fear is faith and prayer. Prayer is an important tool to use before, during, and after a fire or disaster for anyone who is involved in the areas of firefighting and emergency response.

Prayer for Myself as a Fireman Captions for Instagram

• When I feel like giving up, remember that God is always there for me.

• I pray for them and their families as they go out into the flames. May God keep you safe, my brother.

• Thank you for always putting lives above yourself and doing what is needed to keep us safe.

• I am praying for myself because I am a firefighter. There is no job more dangerous than being a firefighter. If you are in any sort of danger, please pray for me.

I only pray for myself as a firefighter. I deal with fire just like any other job but the risk that we take scares me every time.

• May the Lord give me wisdom, strength, and courage as a Fireman.

• Lord, please help me stay focused and be the best fireman I can be.

• I am a fireman, and this is my world. I serve mankind.

• I believe in God and I believe in prayer. And I pray for those who I think need it the most, those who are the most vulnerable and at risk of dying on the job.

• My heart is burning for your help. I need you to save me from this fire.

• In times of fear and uncertainty, when faced with a burning building to save people from danger and their lives from fire.

• People always ask me if I’m afraid of my job, and the honest answer is no— all I know is that every day I am up against something so much greater than myself: the power of creation, the power of nature.

• My prayer is that I never forget how to be a Leader, a Protector, and a Hero.

• You teach me to be strong. You teach me about loss, about fatigue, about sleeping in a tent on the ground next to strangers and knowing I’ve done my job well. You teach me patience, diligence, and purpose.

• Lord, I ask you to watch over me while I work. Give me strength and encourage me to do what needs to be done. Amen!

• Pray for me as a fireman—or any other mission of God’s calling on my life. Thank you in advance.

• When I’m a firefighter, I like to pray for myself: Lord, give me strength. Keep me safe on the job. And let all those who don’t know me be glad that they don’t have to meet me.

• I am a Fireman. My job is to put out fires around the world. I have to be able to do this in my everyday life and not get burnt out.

• Fireman’s Prayer: I ask that my life be an example of bravery, courage, and sacrifice.

• I am a firefighter, and I was given this job because of my training, courage, and sacrifice. Please pray for me and all those who serve their communities as first responders.

• Tonight, I will walk the streets of this city, carrying a fire extinguisher. Tomorrow I will walk into burning buildings and put out fires.

• Firemen are selfless men who work to save others’ lives, their own included. May the Lord grant them safety and strength for rescues and returns home safely.

• My heart is broken for all the firemen, first responders, and heroes who fight to protect us every day.

• I feel like a fireman when I face the flames. I feel like a fireman when I go into the burning building.

• I ask for divine guidance, strength, and protection from all dangers to keep me safe through my work. I pray that the fire truck will not be damaged in any way.

• I believe in God and his power over my life. I pray for strength and courage to face each day with the love of Jesus.

• My thoughts and prayers are with firefighters and emergency responders today.

• I’ve gone above and beyond to serve you, the people of Houston. Firefighting is not just a job. It’s a calling. I’m proud to be one of you.

• Let my tears be a reminder that when I look away, the world is breaking.

• In the face of danger, I stand tall.

• I know nothing can happen to me while I’m on duty but when I go through my personal life, things can get pretty heated and chaotic.

• Thank you for being there for me when I need it most! Happy #FirefighterDay

• I know I can handle whatever comes my way because I have faith in God and the strength to overcome anything that may stand in my way.

• Hope God has a plan as wonderful as taking care of everyone around you.

• Guide me through these times, and keep my heart strong and healthy so that I can fulfill Your purpose.

• I pray that you will always carry the fire of God’s love with you wherever you go and that you will act with compassion & wisdom when it is needed most.

• Our job is to make sure everyone gets home safe, so we pray for ourselves as firefighters.

• Praying for my safety & peace. I’m a firefighter, always safe but never completely free from danger.

• Thank you, Lord, for the safety of myself and other firefighters. Thank you for giving us a role to play in helping others. Blessed be our loved ones who are counting on us at home.

• I would like to thank God for my family, friends, and for all the people that I help everyday in my fire station.

• As a firefighter, I face dangers everyday. But as long as God is with me and my family, we will overcome any adversity that comes our way.

• All my life I wanted to be a firefighter. But now it’s time to ask God to help me become one by offering fire safety education and safety training to the public.

• May all my firefighting efforts be blessed and may I always have God’s guidance.

• I am a firefighter. I work hard to help people in need and I enjoy the challenges that come with my job.

• Firefighters are the ultimate risk takers. When you’re out on a call, every second counts. And I’m always thankful for your courage, dedication, and sacrifice.

• Thank You for the job that I do, Thank You for being there for me. Thank You for my family, Thank You for my friends, and Thank You for the faith and trust to be here today.

• I pray for peace, safety, and health for all of us on the front lines who risk their lives to protect people from harm.

• Firefighting is my way of giving back to the community, I’m an example of how to do the right thing every day.

• May I always be worthy of the trust put in me today? May I meet the challenges ahead with courage, strength, and honor.

• I’m not afraid of fire. I’m not afraid of the flames, but I am afraid of the aftermath.

• My heart goes out to the residents of New York City. We are all praying for your safety and well-being during this tragic time.

• Lord, I’m praying for myself as a fireman! My job is to put out fires. Fire is a constant battle between life and death.

• I am a fireman. I run toward the flames and risk my life every day as I protect others. I need your prayers today that I will be safe and well taken care of.

• Everyone needs a little help now and then. Pray for me, as I am a firefighter.

• As a fireman, you learn to quickly adapt and adjust. The same goes for me in prayer. When I feel overwhelmed, try praying in your car.

• As a firefighter, I am reminded of all that I have in this world and how much is beyond my control.

• Praying for a safe fire season, as a firefighter and that God will protect us from the dangers of working with fire. 🔥

• I am thankful for the work that firemen do and for all the people who use their services.

• Protect me, Lord. I am your humble servant. Protect me and give me courage. Your servant and my brother in Christ, Firefighter Kenneth Beller

• I pray for the safety of myself and my family. May God continue to bless us in all that we do.

• Hope you are blessed, brave, and safe. I know the last thing you want to do is put your life in danger, but that’s what you do every day.

• Dear God, thank you for the job that You have given me. I know I have a tough job and sometimes it is stressful but I pray that You will take care of me and give me strength to go with my day to day responsibilities.

• Sometimes when I am putting out fires, I pray for strength to not run away from the heat and flames, but to keep going.

• I am so thankful to be a part of a team that helps people. I pray for better days and safety for those who serve us in our brave city 🔥🤘

• I ask that the Lord would lead me to be a servant to every person I meet, be it for one day, one hour, or one minute.

• Life is what happens to you while you’re making other plans.

• This year, I will be praying for myself as a firefighter. I am a volunteer firefighter and have to put on my own gear when it is time to go out in the line of duty. The struggle of being able to do so is what makes this job so rewarding.

• I would like to pray for myself, as a firefighter. I would like to be strong enough to carry all the burdens that come with being a family man and a firefighter.

• Please keep me safe, I am a Fireman.

• Firemen, who risk their lives to save others every day, were created for a purpose. I pray for them as a firefighter and ask that you always keep safety in mind.

• Dear God, I’m a firefighter. Please help me make the right decisions and keep me safe while I’m on duty. Thank you in advance for helping me.

• I pray for all the firefighters and their families who have to put their lives at risk every day. I am thankful for each one of you, as we all are for your service.

• Pray for me, Dear Lord, that I will not be afraid of danger or pain. May the fire in my heart help you to purify my soul and make me a better man.

• Firefighters are a special breed. We have to be self-sacrificing, self-disciplined, and willing to put our lives on the line for others.

• I pray that at times, my hands would feel like they were burning and the smoke would be so thick I couldn’t see. That I would feel trapped in a maze of fire, with no idea how to get out. But next time you see me, please don’t ask me how it went.

• I pray for strength and courage to do my job every day.

• You’re not just a firefighter – you’re a brother. You’ve gone through so much together, and you’ve gotten through it all with your head held high. Keep doing your job, keep being strong and carry on! 🔥💙

• God is great. God is good. God will watch over me.

• My Lord, protect me from harm and help me to always do your bidding. Amen.

• To God, the One who has called me, Who in His mercy has given me an opportunity to serve my community. I commit myself to be a good and faithful servant of You and Your kingdom.

• lord, I am Yours. Give me the strength to serve You and protect those in need of Your protection.

• May you continue to serve mankind with courage and excellence while never forgetting who you are and what God has called you to do.

• I am a firefighter who writes this prayer for himself and those he loves. #FirefighterLife

• I pray that I may be a good fireman and always come out on top.

• My hands are too big to be a firefighter. So I’ll keep them out of the fire and pray for myself—for strength and wisdom and courage so that I can do good work in my life and help people.

• I am a fireman. I just want to say thanks for everything you do. Just knowing that people care about us and look out for us is really comforting.

• God, I pray that you would keep me safe like a fireman keeps his hose.

• I’m a firefighter, I’m ready for the worst and hope it doesn’t come.

• May I be a brave, diligent, and helpful firefighter who is always ready to take on any job that needs doing.

• I’ve never prayed so much in my life, but I’m praying right now.

• A strong fireman is a safety officer who puts out fires before they start. Be prepared and diligent in your duties, for if something should happen, you may find yourself on top of the world in a matter of minutes.

• Lord, I pray that you’ll protect me as I go out tonight. Please guide me in every way so that I can do my job with courage and faith.

• Finding strength in the moment and will to keep fighting through the darkness. I am a firefighter.

• God, I need you to save me from myself.

• My thoughts and prayers are with our lost brothers and sister in the line of duty. May God give them strength, peace, and comfort during this difficult time.

• I love my job, and I’m glad to have the opportunity to serve in the city that I love. Fire is an amazing tool for bringing people together

• I’ll be praying for myself today as a firefighter, so I’m asking for your prayers too.

• I pray for my own safety and protection as a fireman/woman.

• We are praying for you today as a fireman. Be safe and be prepared always.

• I am a brave fireman and I have a lot of responsibilities. I pray that God will give me the strength I need to fulfill them all and also support me when I’m down🙏

• To my fellow firemen, may the flames of your passion burn brightly but not consume you.

• I’m a firefighter. It’s hard to see the good in people when they’re burning. But if you can find some, I’ll be praying for you. ❤️

• Working as a firefighter is a tough job. But when you have the support of the community and family around you, your faith in God will always be there to help you.

• When I was a new firefighter, I was afraid of the dark. I prayed that God would give me courage and strength to be a hero in my community, and help others.

• Lord, I pray for my safety, for the safety of my family and friends all around the world, and for everyone in danger. Be with them today as never before. Amen.

• Dear Lord and Creator, I pray for strength and great understanding. Thank you for the sacrifices that you have made to protect us all.

• Safety is my top priority and always has been. So when I hear of the dangers that firefighters face, I am reminded to stay focused. 🔥💨

• Dear God, please keep me safe.

• Pouring my heart out to you, from the bottom of my heart. 🙏

• “Dear Lord, please give me strength to do my work and the wisdom to know when I should rest. Amen.”