Prayer for Myself as a Builder Captions for Instagram

One of the hardest things to do is to pray for ourselves as builders. It’s easy to pray for others and things outside us, but it’s hard to do this on a daily basis? This is why we need to learn how to find God in our own words. Which we’ve compiled those collections for you.

Prayer for Myself as a Builder Captions for Instagram

• I ask God to guide and protect me so that I may always do what is right and work with a heart full of hope and optimism.

• May the peace of God let my spirit be taken up in His love, made alive by His power, and raised up by His strength, so I will always live in Him. Holy Spirit, lift me up!

• God, I pray for myself as a builder. May my hearts, hands, and mind always be on fire for your work!

• Pray for me as I build my business.🙏

• I pray that I am a Builder, a Maker, an Artist, and a doer of all things good.

• I pray that I am a builder, not just a builder. I pray that I have the faith and the power to build something bigger than myself, even if it’s only a foundation.

• As a builder, I need to plan my days with a clear perspective of what is important. What is my role in this grand scheme of things?

• I’m a builder. So let me build your dreams!

• I am a builder and I am making my home righteously on the foundation of the Lord.

• I ask for courage, strength, and faith to complete this building project.

• I’m a builder in a world that wants me to stay small. Let’s keep building!

• I am a builder, who is making my way through the world. I may have difficulty staying focused on what I want to accomplish in the short term, but I will always work towards it and never give up.

• May I be a builder, not a ruins! May I build my house upon a rock, not sand.

• My days are filled with challenges, but I’m always up for the challenge. Thank God!

• You did it, You are making a difference!

• I am a builder, and I pray that I can build with everything I have to build a life worth living.

• I am a builder. My hands are made for work and my faith is made for God.

• I am a Builder, working to build a future where all people have equal rights, opportunities, and resources.

• I am a builder and I want to create something beautiful for my city. I will listen to God.

• I lift my eyes to the skies and ask that you make me strong, more than a building.

• I am a builder, and I must build. I am an architect, and my structure must be built.

• I pray for strength and wisdom to build on a foundation of God’s love. I am thankful for all the people who have supported me and helped me during this journey.

• Building is not easy. But building with God is the most rewarding work I’ve ever done!

• Build me up to be a person of integrity and strength, so that I may serve in God’s way.

• I lift up my hands to the Lord and say, “O Lord, I need help!”

• God, I need to be more consistent with what I pray for.

• To build a church without the Holy Spirit and to build a school without Christ is like building a house without bricks.

• To build your house on the rock of God’s Word, you must first learn to walk upon it.

• Pray for me as I build.

• Building a prayer for myself—that I will work in the name of God. Build up, build up the church of God!

• I am a builder. I am building my life. The battles I face are the stones I must lay to build my dream.

• I am a builder and in despair over my mistakes. I need someone to tell me how to build again.

• I am a builder. I’m not perfect. But I can build a better me, day by day and I will.

• May I be a builder of peace in the world. May my work and my words bring beauty and honor to God’s creation.

• I lift my hands in prayer asking the Lord to help me seek the right path. I know You will show me the way.

• May I build my life on a firm foundation of faith and truth, that when storms come I can weather them without fear.

• I cannot build myself up when I tear myself down. #building

• Be brave. Be bold. Be the builder God made you to be.

• I am strong. I can do this. I will not let my fears, insecurities, or doubts stop me from reaching my goals.

• I need to be more disciplined in my life and learn how to not just live it but love it.

• for strength, for courage, and for the grace to build something that does more than just make money.

• I will build myself and no one else, I will create my own destiny.

• I pray for myself as a builder because I am rebuilding myself from the ground up.

• Dear God, I am a builder. I have a lot to learn and I need your wisdom and guidance. Help me to build this life of yours the way you wanted me to!

• Dear God, I am a builder and you are the builder. Let me learn to build your house with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. Amen

• I am a builder, a builder of faith. I am building dreams and hopes.

• I am a builder. I am at my best when I work hard, focus on the bigger picture, and trust in the process.

• I pray that I am the builder that God has always intended me to be, and that like him I will have a big heart for others.

• “I’m a builder, like you, and I need to build my life. Don’t be afraid to take risks, even if they don’t seem wise today. It may be the right move in the end.”

• “I am a builder and I will walk through the valley of death.” Psalm 118:8

• Pray for me to be patient, kind, and understanding.

• God, I pray that you would build me up in my Christian walk.

• I’m an architect and builder. I have dreams and visions, but they are not yet come to pass.

• Lift me up, Lord. Give me the strength to build and the vision to see what I can do.

• I will build my house on rock, not on sand.

• There is nothing on earth that we cannot build with the tools that are available to us. The question is: What will you build?

• This is me praying for myself as a builder. I want to be stronger, be more confident, and bolder in who I am in Christ and what He has created me to accomplish!

• I pray for myself as a builder, that I would be one who honors the Lord with his skills in all things.

• I am a builder. I build my life and the impact that I have on others. I want to be a Godly man of integrity in spite of my flaws and imperfections, and show God’s love to others through my actions.

• I am a builder. I am a builder of my own life and of the lives of others. I am a businesswoman, wife, and mother. I am a human being who has a voice, hopes, and dreams.

• I am a builder. I am building myself up to be the best version of myself, not just today but every day.

• I am a builder, and I will build myself into the person that I want to be.

• This year is about getting back to the basics. So this is for me. I’m a builder, so I like to build and rebuild structures. Let’s do it again!

• We are only as strong as our foundation, and the foundation of my life is built by prayer.

• I lift up my hands in thanks, as I pray each day for the strength to make good and lasting decisions.

• God is my builder. He will raise me up and give me life.

• I pray to meet with you and speak over the business, that what we have built to date becomes the next step in my career.

• I pray in the name of God that I will build this foundation of faith and trust in Him.

• When I am discouraged or scared, I try to remember that the work I do is not only for me but also for everyone who will come after me.

• For the strength to continue building my business and my brand, for perseverance, and the ability to see things through and keep going.

• I pray for myself as a builder, that I may build my life on the foundation of Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11

• As a builder, I’m challenged to be strong and not just in my head. So today, I am thanking God for his strength so that I can build a stronger me.

• I am a builder. I build my house and it is a place of shelter from the storms of life, security in my heart, and a place to be myself and share my gifts with others.

• I’m a builder, a creator. I’ll work hard to build my dreams and desires.

• I am the Builder. I create my reality. I mold my thoughts and feelings into everything that comes my way.

• As I build myself up to be a stronger and better man, I pray that I will be God’s hands and feet on earth.

• I build my life on a foundation of faith and hope, but without prayer, in my life, the whole structure would crumble.

• Pray for me that I may be wise and honest, patient and kind.

• Build me up, O God. Give me the courage and strength to face the challenges of life.

• I rise with the sun and fall asleep at night. May these moments be filled with effortless creation, an unending supply of gratitude, and a never-ending desire to improve my craft and others around me.

• I lift up this prayer in thanksgiving and praise to the Lord of all creation, who grants strength and power to those who are faithful to him.

• It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it’s what it takes to be great.

• Don’t build just a business, build your legacy.

• I pray for protection from the enemy, that I may not become weak, but may continue to grow stronger.

• Begin with a clean slate and build something memorable.

• I’m praying for the builder that is within me just like you are praying for the builder that is within you.

• I am a builder, and I need your help to build myself up. Ask God for power and strength, so that I can continue to grow.

• I pray that I am a builder and not just a consumer.

• I am a builder. My hands create things; my hands make things happen. Some people have faith, but I have faith in my hands.

• Build your heart up and do what you do. Keep God first in your heart and build the kingdom of God.

• I am a builder. I make things with my hands. I have a vision and I work hard to see it through.

• Dear God, help me to be the person I want to be. Help me focus on goals that matter, not just money. Give me the strength to know that my value comes from you and no one else.

• I’m building myself up. I’m working hard and growing for the better.

• My hands are rough and my face is full of sweat. Take a moment, and let me know that you are there. I am as nervous as you are!

• I pray that you will build a road of purpose, and never give up on your dream.

• Each day is a chance to build stronger, more positive habits.

• Build your life on the rock of Jesus Christ, and He will never let you fall.

• Building a business is hard, but let’s make it together.

• My father left this earth four months ago, but he hasn’t stopped building in my life.

• I’ve been called to build something new in this world. A new way of being, of doing, and of seeing things.

• It’s not enough that we’re here. It’s not enough to be good. I have to build something great.

• I am a builder in all areas of my life, and I need to pray that I keep on building until the day comes when God says, “Enough!”

• I am a builder. I build my life and the lives of others. I build on hope, faith, love, and happiness. I always have room for you in my heart and home.

• I am a builder of my life. I know that there is only one way to succeed, and that is to become the best person that I can be.

• Pray you will be the builder God intended you to be.

• I am the builder of my own life, the architect of my own future. I have been given great tools to reduce the amount of time it takes me to build a solid foundation in this place called life.

• Lord, bless me with a builder’s heart, that I may serve you better.

• How can I help build up Christ’s church & see success in my work?

• I will build myself up, so that I may take my place among you in the morning.

• As the pile gets higher and higher, God, help me stay focused.

• The Lord’s Prayer is a prayer that all of us need to pray. What do you think about this?

• I am the builder of my future, the master of my fate, the captain of my soul.

• Don’t be afraid to build your dreams. Control what you can, accept help from others, and work with people who value positivity, integrity, and honor.

• Give me strength to build and to build again.

• I know without a doubt, I am doing everything I can to make this world a better place.

• I will never be finished. Never stop learning. Never stop building.

• I pray for myself as a builder, that I may be able to build you up in every area of life.

• Please bless me as a builder, so that I may build my life and put it on the right track.

• I am a builder, a creator, and I am creating myself into who God wants me to be. As I build my life around Jesus, the Holy Spirit will fill the spaces of my heart with His love.

• I am a builder. I build for myself, my family, and my communities. I’m building a stronger future for us all that’s worth celebrating.

• I am a builder of my life. I know that the process is not always easy, but with the right mindset and great people, I can do it!!

• I am a builder who is willing to lay it all down. I want to do the impossible, and build my house on God’s promises.

• I am a builder. And I am growing a place where all who come will find rest.

• I’m a builder who seeks to build his skills and learn from others. I’m always up for suggestions on how to improve my craft, including people’s (+)

• I pray for the strength to build. I pray for the patience to build. I pray for direction and clarity as I continue on my journey of building a life that is both full and meaningful.

• Build with truth, trust, and faith in God. May He be glorified.

• We are never satisfied with where we are because we are always striving for something better.