Prayer for American Soldiers During COVID-19

Looking for the best prayers to pray for our soldiers? You’ve landed on the right page. I’ve searched through hundreds of verses that encompass prayer for servicemen and women. This is my gift to you. I hope it’s helpful in your own personal situation.

Prayer for American Soldiers During COVID-19

Just thinking about all you guys makes me proud and just knowing how brave you give me hope. Hopefully, by the time I go to bed tomorrow, you will be home in one piece. You are all incredible people, have a great rest.

Let them see You and that it is You who gives them strength to do what they do. God, please bless Mr. Jones with a safe trip to his son so that he can see him once more before he leaves this world.

Protect them as they protect us. We pray to you O’ Lord, that they are allowed to return home, safe and protected. Your protection you guard them as they stand strong in battle.

Thank you for loving and protecting your family while you are away serving our country. Thank you for paying the ultimate price just because you love your nation and the freedom it gives its people.

We pray for all the families of these brave people. Help each family to stay strong in their faith. Guide them through these difficult times and help to keep them strong.

As an American citizen, I believe this country and our soldiers have a lot to offer, and if it wasn’t for the founding fathers and soldiers that fought in the War of Independence this country would not exist. So I pray for America

May the good Lord guide our men and women to fight only what is right and to be vigilant of their souls. We honor and cherish them as they do your bidding. Thank you, Lord, for our brothers and Sisters and Friends who have gone before us to protect us as we sleep

Keep them safe, give them strength to do what they have to do. Protect them from harm And help us as wives/girlfriends/families to handle everything we have to go through. Bring all our Soldiers home safely for we ask this in your name…

We pray for your mercy on their families as they wait for their return home, comfort them in their time of need. As you promise to never leave or forsake those who have placed their lives in your hands, guide and protect your children we love so much.

Please know that we are praying for you, grateful for your sacrifice, and appreciate truly how hard each and every one of you work to keep us safe. Thank You!

Help each one to continue faithfully in service despite their hardship and loneliness. Keep them safe and please protect all our military around the world and all their families even those who have been displaced

May He watch over them and provide our soldiers with everything they need to protect themselves in battle and return back to civilian life with all their limbs intact to see their children’s faces once more and raise them in the Torah.

I pray He will protect you and guide your steps as you go about doing good for our country, for other people, and for yourself. My heart is with you every minute.

May God be with you, protect you, and turn one day soon into another where the need for your service is over. Take strength in knowing that all of us are behind you and praying for your safety and success on this mission.

As you have protected America throughout these years, please protect our soldiers now and guide them to make the right decisions to help us as well.

Grant them wisdom on the battlefield so that we can have lasting peace with those whom we are at supposed war with. Protect their families from harm, comfort their loved ones from afar, and touch their hearts with Your love and grace, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN

Dear Lord, thank you for keeping our American Soldiers safe.

Dear Army soldiers, I just want to say thank you for sacrificing and being brave enough to keep us safe. I am writing this because I wanted to send you my prayers and support. Be safe and quick the home front. Sincerely, US Civilians

Soldiers, You are out there fighting for what you believe in. I am proud of you for putting your life on the line for our country and for each other. I know that you are going through hard times and handling things better than most could.

Dear Lord, I pray for all of our soldiers as they fight overseas defending our freedom. Please give them courage and strength to go on and bring them home safely to their familys.

Dear soldiers, we love you and thank you so much for your hard work and dedication! I pray that you are all safe and healthy and that you come back to us safe and sound. We love you!

To all American soldiers, thank you. Thank you for your sacrifice and service to your country. You are not forgotten by the millions of people behind you. May God bless you, keep you safe and return you home soon to your loving families and friends.

Bless our military men and women. Bless our troops and support them in their families. They defend the ideals of our country, please keep them safe from harm and danger. They need to be protected, loved, and cared for the same way as all soldiers and any other servant of your word.

I pray for all of our US troops, that they will experience a safe and speedy return to their families. I pray for their protection, their mental health, and physical well being. Please hear my prayers, Oh Lord, and let them be counted as merit in your book!

Dear soldiers, I love you. You take my breath away with everything you do for me. I want to live a life that brings pride to all of you who protect us. Please be safe and come home soon!

Dear soldier, Thank you for protecting us at home while we carry on our lives here. We know that at a moment’s notice we may be called to action. For that reason alone it is a blessing to live in safety.

To all the brave men and women serving in the military. I want you to know that you are always in my thoughts. I pray for your safety and well-being. Stay strong and do your job, we are all proud of you.

Dear God, we thank you for our soldiers, military men, and women and ask that you keep them safe. Please watch over them, protect them and comfort them. Grant that they will live a long and happy life full of love and joy.

I pray for the strength of our soldiers and their families in their time of need. I pray that they will feel the love of so many supporting them from home. I pray they are kept safe and make it home safely everyday.

Dear Lord, watch over the men and women of America’s military. Keep them safe from harm and comfort them in their time of need. Please guide them with your strength and love, Amen.

Soldiers: My true prayer for you is this. I ask that you be protected from any and all harm and that you return home quickly, with no injuries, and ready to serve our great country again!

May the G-d of Israel bless our boys and unit with bravery, strength, and courage to fight. May they come back safe to their families and friends. May only good memories remain from this time spent serving our country protecting our freedom.

Lord, I pray for our brave soldiers, who are protecting our country from terrorism. May their bravery inspire us all to be the best person we can be.

Every soldier that hears the sound of a gun be it near or far is doing their duty and putting their life on the line so that others may live. They are willing to sacrifice everything including their own blood just so others may have a chance at life.

We are gathered here tonight for a good purpose. We pray that everyone we love, everyone we know, and everyone in this great country will be safe from harm. From disease, from wars, from poverty, and from evil men.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday and I hope that the chill of winter doesn’t make you too cold! I pray for you every day, my heart is with you always. Knowing you are there, makes me so proud to be an American. Thank you for all that you do for us.

Please raise your voices and say a prayer for US Soldiers and all military on this special night. We are remembering and praying for our deployed Troops, our Veterans, and the Wounded.

Dear God, Please keep our soldiers safe and bring them home soon! We miss them so much! In your name, we pray, Amen.

I pray for our troops and their families tonight, those who have sacrificed so much to keep us safe. I pray they are kept safe. I pray they are not forgotten.

I’m not a praying man. But, I pray for you all the same. I hope for your safe return and I hope for the recovery of your brothers and sisters that have made the road before you harder, but also better at the same time. Stay strong soldier, do your job because we are with you every step of the way.

Dear Soldier, You have accepted a great responsibility and have been given a great honor. Please, wear your uniform with pride. God Bless Our Troops and their families for all sacrifices that are made to protect our freedom.

Dear my love, as we face war and pain, I am counting on you to keep yourself safe. You are the only one that can take care of you. Be brave, be brave for me. There will be times of darkness that try to overtake us, let me sit by your side to see through them. Fear not, in this I pray. Stay true to me, I can’t stand a world without you.

I send you off with a prayer, one for your safety and love for a mission I come from. Aside from my family and my faith, you are the most important thing in my life.

Hear my prayer, O Lord; give ear to my supplications. In the morning, put me in mind to order my ways that I may live; for I have put my trust in You. I will call upon You, for You will answer me and be merciful to me.

Dear Lord, please watch over my husband and all the other soldiers that are away from their loved ones. Shield them from the evil of I have no doubt the enemy will bring into our homes in their absence.

Please pray for the American soldiers today and for their families. Our soldiers are fighting for us; we must help them in any way we can. And, even more importantly, we need to pray for their protection. Kaddish for the dead, Yizkor for the departed, and Tachrichin for the sick and injured.

Father in Heaven, thank you for the trials and tests that our amazing soldiers face on a daily basis. Protect them from harm and ease their burdens, give them faith and confidence in these troubled times.

I pray for all the soldiers in the world who has to fight and get wounded or is dying out there. I pray for all the families who lost someone in this war and that your love for each other will be a little bit stronger than it was before. I pray for all those soldiers who were killed.

I wish I was a soldier, defending my country. I would give my life for the safety and freedoms of others. I pray to God that you are always protected by Him, and for all those fighting overseas with bravery and valor. I will pray for you as long as God allows me to live, in hopes that one day I may thank you in person.

Lord, I pray for my brother Nathan. He is away from his family and friends on a faraway post. Keep him safe, give him strength and courage as he faces the dangers of war. Let him always be aware that you are watching over him. Allow him to experience your love and guiding hand in everything he does. Send your blessings and a safe return home. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen

Blessed are the soldiers, who have sacrificed their blood, to keep my country safe. I will pray for each and every one of them; so that – G-d should watch over them, protect them and comfort their families that have lost a loved one.

Blessed art thou, Lord our God, King of the universe, who guidest the armies of Israel on their way.

Lord God, You are their Bulwark and Stronghold . . . Guard and protect them from all danger. With your help, they can defy the enemy.

Dear soldiers, we pray for you and your safety. May you be safe from all harm. We think of you often and send our love to you and your families. Hearing reports of your bravery and the heroic actions of so many is inspiring work by all of you on the front lines.

I raise my voice to pray for all of those who, though they are far away, are still our family and are suffering in their duties to keep us safe. Please help them to keep a strong focus on you and how greatly you love them. Help them not to falter but to put their hope in you;

please pray for our brave men and women in uniform. They too are husbands and wives, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. They are human just as we are and they have families that need their blessings.

My sisters and brothers, you are in my prayers everyday. I worry about you and grieve with your families when something terrible happens. Please know that many of us believe in our hearts that God is with you, protecting you and watching over you. There is nothing more powerful than a prayer from us here back home. It may surprise you to know, but most military spouses are praying for you too! Remember we are here for each other. Take care, we love you all.

My heart is heavy with prayer right now for you. You may be distant but you are never further from my mind. I am praying for you, for humanity’s soldiers, because I truly believe that we are greater together.

Please keep us in your prayers, protect us and bring us home safe. Thank you for your service and sacrifice to our country each and every one of you are a hero.

My prayer for our warriors and those fighting for us. May the light of Hashem shine upon all places so that we may safely return home. I lift up the needs of our troops in front of Adonai.

That the God of armies will fill you with power and with love. That he will fill your life with joy and peace. May he bless you and your work, and assure you of his presence in times of need.

I hope you make it through this. If I die here, I want you to know that I love you and thank you for everything that you have done for me. I wish we could be together again. May God protect you in all that you do so that we can be together again someday!

Dear God, please protect our soldiers. Guide them to do only things that will keep them and their fellow soldiers safe. Guide them with your thoughts and your wisdom so that they might have a safe return to their loved ones as soon as possible. We pray in your name, Amen.

I thank God for blessing me with you. Every day and every night I thank Him for bringing the most incredible man into my life. I love you and I’ll never let go. I will cherish you forever. God bless our troops, bless their families, bring them home safe and whole. God bless AMERICA!

Our American soldiers are on the move, in full gear; going to different parts of the world. A country for sale, I ask you to pray for our soldiers.

Dear soldier, I lift you up to G-d with all my heart. I do not personally know you, but my heart goes out to you and the thousands of other men and women who have committed themselves to serving in the armed forces. I ask G-d to watch over you and calm your fears.

I offer these words to all those who are going to serve in the Armed Forces. My heart is full of pride as I hear your names called, as I see you leave to be a part of this great service to our country and our community.

Shalom, May the almighty bless your courageous service in protection of our nation. May the almighty protect you and fill you with strength. Daven for you.

We love you and we thank you. We pray that your work is completed safely and speedily, and we pray for your loved ones at home or with you. We thank the One who watches over you to keep you safe in His Holy care. Be safe, be strong, and be blessed by the Highest – amen

“May the grace and peace that comes from God our Father be with you all.” 2 Corinthians 13:13

Bless them and keep them safe from all dangers near and far. Guide them with your strength and courage. Please watch over them and protect them each day. Keep their hearts pure and their spirits strong. Let them always return home to their families. Amen!

May the souls of the dedicated who were not found be received by their creator and may their families be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

We pray for our American soldiers as they fight for our safety. May you be safe in every mission and return home to us soon.

I have a very important prayer for each and every soldier out there. I have made a prayer for all of you as we prepare for what lies ahead in the future. I pray that you and your family will be safe from harm and any other troubles during the battle and wars to come, but most importantly I pray that they return home safely back to their families. May the almighty God protect you and guide you on your mission.

Dear Lord, I ask that you give our soldiers the strength to fight and not forget that there are many back homes praying for their safe return. Let the terrorists fear them and their mighty hands. Give our soldiers a sense of protection. Let them feel your warm love. And let them know that even though they are away from home we are still with them always.

Dear Heavenly Father, we pray for the safety and protection of the brave men and women of our armed forces here in the United States. Be with them as they serve our great country in the way that only soldiers can.

Dear God, please watch over our deployed soldiers tonight. Keep them safe and bring them home soon. We love and miss you all.

Dear Lord, Protect our brave soldiers as they serve our country overseas. Bless them with the skills and strength needed to accomplish their mission and return home safely. When it is time, bring them back to the United States and reunite them with their families and friends. Amen.

Dear G‑d, Please help them [soldiers] to return home soon. Please help their families and their beautiful children that they miss so much [and] please help me and my family to be strong and supportive while we wait for them to come home. There are so many things I want to say but I don’t know how to say them. I never imagined that something like this would happen to our wonderful soldiers.

Dear God, please protect our troops in the desert. May they come home safe and sound soon! I am so proud of them, and I hope that they come back to us soon. Thanks for doing this and protecting them. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

May G-d bew with you and protect you from all the evil in the world. Never forget that I love you and will always be here for you. please keep safe me and all those around you.

May you all know the grace of God and may your hearts be filled with peace. May you be protected by the Angels of God, In this country and in this world. Amen

I have always loved you. Since I first saw you, I knew our souls were meant to be together. I have never stopped loving you and never will. Your love is my life source, your voice soothes my soul, your touch brings me peace, your heart beats in time with mine. Today we join our hearts and souls in a bond of love and friendship that shall not be broken.