Poker Captions for Instagram With Quotes

Poker quotes are something that poker players come across on a daily basis. They are either heard out loud or written down in an effort to inspire greatness and winning at the tables. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the greatest poker quotes ever said in order to help you improve your game!

Poker Captions for Instagram With Quotes

• Don’t be a boring blackjack player. Be a king in the world of poker!

• You’ve got to be a little crazy to be a great poker player, but you’ve got to be even crazier to think that what you’re doing is really called “playing poker.”

• You should be able to make a living playing poker.

• Become a winner with our exclusive poker strategy guide that will help you beat the odds and become a real world champion.

• There’s a reason why poker players wear sunglasses because the sun is always in your eyes.

• When it comes to your poker face, make sure it’s a mask you wear proudly.

• If you’ve been looking for a place to play, now is your time.

• The best way to play, win or lose.

• You don’t have to be a pro to play like one.

• You’ve got to have a hand to play.

• If you’re looking for an original way to pass the time, join us in our private rooms!

• The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat—it all feels the same.

• The best hand is the one you’re dealt.

• The best way to lose it all…is to win it back. #poker

• Find your game with our poker bot.

• Ready to take your poker game to the next level?

• Poker is a game of skill, strategy, and luck. But when you play it right, you learn how to control your emotions.

• The poker table is a battlefield, but it can also be a place for peace.

• Playing poker is about finding a way to beat the odds. The odds of winning at poker will always be stacked against you, so it takes a special kind of strength to keep on playing.

• Life is a game of cards. Let’s get ready to play!

• The only constant is change. Don’t let the cards decide your fate. Beat them, bet on yourself and win big!

• Lucky is the bankroll with which you start.

• The King of Games is back!

• New to the table or a seasoned pro? You are in the right place.

• We are going big, and we are going bold. 🕷📺

• If you don’t play poker, then this is your chance to learn a game that is fun, easy, and can make you rich.

• Steps to becoming a better poker player: 1. Sit down with your cards, 2. Know the rules of poker and not let that stop you. 3. Practice, 4. Play more and 5. Win big!

• There’s no game more fun than poker 🎲

• This hand is a winner. The cards are stacked in your favor, but you’re in it to win it. Come up and see the first of 2018, Poker at Red Square!

• Let’s be honest, you can’t have a game of poker without a little luck. But we don’t need luck. We got skills.

• Can you find the two-pair + two-pair? Put your skills to the test and prove that you’re a player at PokerStars.

• The game of poker. One of the most exciting and beautiful games in the world.

• You’re not alone in the poker game.

• In the poker game of life, everyone’s a player and no one gets left out.

• 💰😎Every hand is a game changer. Play your cards right, and you can be the next GOLDFINGER!

• Wager everything you have on the deck and don’t let your emotions get the best of you. Control your thoughts, control your actions and ultimately, control yourself.

• Raise the stakes. Raise your game. You can do it. Start playing today!

• You’ll never be left out of the game.

• The hand that started all of this.

• There’s no place like home.

• You’re not gonna get rich playing poker. You’re going to get ripped off.

• There are two ways to win at poker: Learn to play or learn not to lose.

• Life is a gamble. Don’t bet it all on one hand, and if you ever need to fold, just pull out that same hand again.

• When the chips are down, you’re either bluffin’ or foldin’

• Life is a gamble, but are you ready to risk it all?

• Be cool—and have fun. Don’t be afraid to bluff, bluff away!

• You can’t win if you don’t play.

• You know what they say: the best hand wins.

• The best hand you can play is a strong one.

• No one sees the cards as they are dealt. They only see how they appear to them. — Tom McEvoy

• The best hand is the one you don’t play.

• Don’t be afraid to take big risks when it comes to the things you want in life because, if you don’t, we’ll all miss out on some pretty great stories.

• “There is nothing wrong with taking a long way home if you enjoy the journey.” – Unknown

• Poker is the only game in which the person with the worst cards wins.

• Varied poker styles make the game more interesting to watch.

• If you can find a way to play poker, you’re good enough to make it anywhere else in life.

• If you don’t have a great poker face, you’re not ready for gambling.

• How will you get the most out of life? by playing poker.

• Life is a game of poker. You don’t have enough chips to play all the hands. So you have to make the best options you can and keep playing as long as it takes.

• Life is a game of chance. You can’t win if you don’t play.

• Life is a game of chance. You must take the cards as they are dealt and play accordingly.

• When bluffing, you don’t want to lose money. You want to win the hand.

• When your hand is full of aces, you can bet on everything.

• You are not playing in vain. You are playing for yourself, your family, your friends, and all the people who want to win just as much as you do.

• You can’t buy success, but you can pay to find out how rich you really are.

• The only way to get rich is to teach others how to do it.

• “I’m not living for today, but I’m going to die for tomorrow.”

• No one can tell the future, but anyone can be prepared.

• Poker is a game of skill, but no one is really good at it.

• You win some, you lose some. That’s how poker works.

• “There is no such thing as a sure thing. You can’t play poker with cards you’ve already seen.”

• There’s nothing like a good bluff to win you the game. – Bobby Kramer

• You don’t have to be a high roller to go for broke.

• The only difference between a winner and a loser is luck.

• You don’t beat the odds, you play better.

• It’s not about how you win, but how many people cheer you on.

• The Joker was a hero. The Joker was a villain. The Joker is neither. He’s something else…something more…

• The best hand is the one you never played.

• The best hand is the one you’re dealt.

• A good hand is one that you keep seeing.

• Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.

• It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.

• Read these poker quotes and learn to become a better player.

• Poker is the story of two people who want to be rich and have lost everything.

• When you choose to play poker, you’re choosing to live on the edge.

• When you have to bluff, make sure you’re bluffing with a big chip.

• If you have a bad hand, the best thing to do is fold it. If you have a good hand, play it!

• Life is too short to play it safe. Play it like you mean it and win big.

• It’s not about the cards you play, it’s about how you play them.

• It’s not luck if you know how to play.

• There is no skill in this game. All that matters is your heart, what you’re willing to risk and how hard you will battle.

• Don’t let yourself be blinded by the temptation of winning. Winning is not everything. It’s how you play the game

• Taking risks is what makes life interesting.

• You need to keep your head in the game and not be soft.

• Sometimes you have to outsmart your opponent, rather than simply outplay.

• If you don’t know where to start, then just start. You just need to be patient and keep going until you get there.

• Poker is not a game of chance. It’s a game of skill—and we’ve got you covered with the best odds in town.

• Poker is a game of skill, knowledge, and luck. -Phil Ivey

• In poker, there are no bad hands. You can always find someone who wants to buy you a beer.

• No one ever said you had to be good at everything. You won’t win every hand, but you can enjoy the game.

• There’s no room for mistakes in a game of cards. There are just winners and losers.

• When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you poker hands, make a stack of money.

• Raise your hand if you were more of a player than a bankroll?

• “Even the best players have out-played themselves at times.” -Phil Hellmuth

• Life is too short to play it safe. Play big and smile, because you’re in a place where anything is possible.

• I rake in the money, you take the fall.

• It is not enough to win at the table, but you must also lose well.

• The world is my oyster and I’m going to crack it, one hand at a time.

• The way to keep your opponent off balance is to remain unpredictable.

• Life is a rich tapestry. It’s up to you to make it beautiful.

• It’s not a good day to hunt. It’s a good day to gather some people together, put on a big pot of coffee and see what you can see.

• The best way to win at poker is not to think too much. Just turn up your cards and go with the flow. ✔

• There’s only two ways to play poker: HORSE or SHARK.

• In poker, the only sure thing is that there is no sure thing.

• “Do you have what it takes to be a winner?” – Joseph H. Lasker

• You’re only as good as your last hand, so focus on taking one.

• You’re never too good to play.

• You can’t win if you don’t play.

• When you win, you’re not the best. When you lose, it’s not your worst game. When you win again, it’s your best game ever.

• Never fold your hand. Always raise it.

• “The truth shall set you free, but first it will piss you off.

• It is a truth universally acknowledged that everyone is insane.

• Boldness is the principal thing that distinguishes the warrior from the fool, and sometimes it’s the only thing that does. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

• Poker is not a game, it’s an art.

• There are many ways to skin a cat; poker is just one of them.

• The best hand is the one you’re holding. Do whatever it takes to win. #poker

• Life is like a poker game. You play your cards the best way you can, but sometimes the cards don’t go your way.

• Life is a game of skill and chance. Play with both, but never bet more than you can afford to lose.

• The cards are stacked against you. It’s a game of chance and skill, not of luck. You can do it if you focus on what you can control and give it your best shot.

• In poker, there is only one correct move to make.

• We’re not just lucky, we’re skilled. Good luck beating us at our own game.

• There are many ways to win, but only one way to lose. And that’s to sit down in a bad hand.

• You can’t control the cards you’re dealt but you can play your hand in a way that best brings out your skills, understanding, and natural instincts.

• You will lose. You will win. You will keep getting in over your head until you finally get it right.

• Be bold with your game and you’ll win big. Be bold with your life, and you’ll be all right.

• Think big. Think high-stakes. Think big stakes of epic proportions.

• Boldness is the first step toward being bold.

• The most important things in life are true, but most people don’t believe them. – Stephen Chbosky

• You’re not just playing with your cards. You’re playing with my life. —Poker Card Quotes

• Poker is like the game of love. You take risks, you lose your money, you get lucky and you win it back. If you don’t know how to play then stay away from a poker table

• Let’s play some poker. Let’s play some poker and see if you can beat me.

• “Poker is a game of skill, not a chance.”

• “Poker is a game of skill, but it’s also a game of luck. You can’t plan it, but you can learn it.”

• When you play poker, you’re either a winner or a loser. But when you play the game of life, that’s all there is to it.

• The key to a winning poker hand is not to bluff, not to fold, but to bet big and hold your ground.

• If the cards are stacked against you, tip your hat and make them deal the next hand.

• You don’t have to be a great player to win. You just have to be a better loser. 😊

• “It’s not whether you win or lose. It’s how you play the game.”―–Leo DiCaprio

• The only winning move is not to play.

• The hand that’s dealt you is the one you have to play.

• You can’t be a success in life if you’re not willing to risk failure.

• You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

• Poker is a game of skill and chance. The best players understand the art of bluffing.

• If you want to win the money, you must think and work like a professional poker player. Think like a pro!

• Nothing says “play me” like a game of poker

• The game of poker is a game of skill and luck, not just pure chance.

• “The best way to play poker is to make a lot of money and then give it away.” Oscar Wilde

• The only way to win a game of poker is to play it. -Freddy “Fingers” Jabara

• A bad hand is better than no hand at all. #poker

• “I’m not gonna make it up. I’m going to go out there and try to play my best every single hand.” – Phil Hellmuth

• You can’t win a hand if you don’t play.

• It’s not about the money, it’s about the game. And besides, you’re always going to win.

• There’s no better time than the present to be a part of something great.

• Are you ready to have a great time?

• Life is not timed, it’s merely lived.

• The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

• Life is full of ups and downs, but the really good poker players have a handle on it.

• Life is like a poker game. The cards are hidden, you don’t know what you have or who your opponent is. So when it comes time to make your move, be ready to bluff!

• The game is all about the cards you’re dealt and how you play them. #poker 🎲

• You are not going to make any money playing poker. You will only lose money unless you get lucky and win big at the tables.

• Life is a poker tournament. You have to play the hand you’re dealt.

• You only win if you play. #winningisforever

• The fool bets and the wise man plays.

• Not every hand is a winner.

• Bad beats happen. Good beats happen when you react to them the right way.

• “I’m here to steal money from you.” ― Big Al

• Life is full of risks, and you should never take any of them.

• Be bold. Be brave. Be a man of your word.

• There is no limit to what can be accomplished when someones dreams are larger than their own.

• The only things that last are the things you do.

• The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. —Vernon W. Moore

• #Poker is a game of luck and skill. Besides, it’s fun to win.

• When you’re playing poker, don’t forget to have fun and laugh at the other players.

• The only rules of poker are that you must gamble, and you can never win.

• What’s the most important thing in poker? The cards. The next most important thing is your opponents.

• Don’t let the poker table be your only focus for too long.

• Just as cards are drawn, life is a game of chance. But never gamble against the house.

• Six-betting is not a crime, but it is a habit.

• The best way to bluff is to bluff, and the best way to bluff is with confidence.

• You’re going to win or you’re gonna lose, but either way, your shirt’s going to get dirty.

• “If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything.”

• The best way to predict the future is to create it.