Online Learning Day Captions for Instagram With Quotes

Today is a national holiday in honor of online learning. Why? Well, it started three years ago with a tweet that led to an online movement about online learning and teaching. Here are some interesting quotes from the Online Learning Day’s inception.

Online Learning Day Captions for Instagram With Quotes

• Today is an online learning day. If you’re new to the platform, welcome!

• Today’s online learning day! So take a look at our latest webinars and get motivated to learn more.

• Today is #OnlineLearningDay. So, we’re going to share some of our favorite online courses, especially if you want to learn something new.

• Today is #OnlineLearningDay! Get out there and make something of your learning.

• It’s Online Learning Day! Celebrate with us by checking out the great online courses available at

• Today is #OnlineLearningDay. Let’s celebrate and make it a habit!

• To all the online learners out there, you’re a revolutionary! We salute you.

• Studying online is more than just an effective way to earn a degree. It’s also a great way to meet people, learn new skills, and live your best life.

• We are all here to learn. Make learning fun and easy with our online courses.

• Learning should never stop. It’s an ongoing process that never ends.

• Let’s take a moment to reflect on the power of learning. 🔥

• Today is the day you learn to love learning.

• Learning doesn’t start and end with textbooks and tests. It starts with you.

• It’s #onlinelearningday! Did you know that in the United States, 70% of universities offer online learning?

• Today is an online learning day! Let us know what you learn and how you use your new skills.

• Today is #OnlineLearningDay. So, let’s take some time to learn something new, have fun, and share our learning with others.

• Make today the day you take your online learning to the next level.

• Online learning is the future. And you can get a head start on the future with a free trial to Skillshare!

• The best way to improve your learning style? Online course.

• Learning is limitless. So are the possibilities – so take your learning to the next level.

• It’s time to take the next steps in your career. Let us help you get there!

• Tell us your story of how you became a leader in your industry.

• Today is not just any other day but the day all of us should celebrate what we have learned.

• We are all a student unlocking our potential, one dive at a time.

• Gotta learn to surf before you can paddle. Let’s get started!

• We’re excited to celebrate #onlinelearningday with you!

• Today’s not just any day to learn. This is Online Learning Day, dedicated to exploring the world of online learning with new innovations in technology and services.

• Celebrating Online Learning Day with a look at our blog, where we encourage the creative transfer of knowledge and information.

• We’re here to learn, grow and have fun. Join us for Online Learning Day today—all day from 6 am-7 pm EST.

• Today is Online Learning Day. Today, we’re bringing you all the tools to learn for yourself.

• This is a day to celebrate the power of online learning.

• Learning isn’t fun. But you can have a blast with online learning.

• Happy #LearningDay! We hope you enjoyed reading about all of our learning opportunities.

• Are you ready to get your education on?

• Remember: you only need one degree to get a job, but you can get 100s of degrees. 📈👕

• Tune in! We’re learning all the time, from new clients and from each other. #TrainingWeek

• You are the master of your own destiny.

• Today is the day to get your education on. Let’s do this. #onlinelearningday

• We’re showing up for online learning day! ☀️

• We’re all about learning and sharing. How are you celebrating #onlinelearningday?

• We’re celebrating #onlinelearningday by sharing some of the top online learning sites. Check them out!

• It’s #OnlineLearningDay, which means it’s a great time to explore and learn. So why not start with our FREE online courses?

• Today is #OnlineLearningDay. Let’s use this opportunity to explore how we can learn and grow together.

• Spread the word that #onlinelearning is here to stay.

• Online learning is the future of education.

• It’s a new day for you. Wake up and see the possibilities for your career, your business, and your life.

• Make learning fun, easy, and engaging with these apps.

• Learn what you need to today, and not just what you want.

• You’re never too old to learn something new.

• Think you know it all? This is the day to find out.

• In life, there are no mistakes and there is no failure; it’s just life experimenting.

• The best way to learn is to do—and that’s what we’re doing all day on #onlinelearningday.

• We’re celebrating online learning day! Discover a world of knowledge and make your dream a reality.

• On this #onlinelearningday, we’re doing what we do best: creating opportunities for you to learn and discover.

• Today is a day to celebrate online learning. A day to celebrate the power of internet connectivity, and the wonderful world it has created.

• Online learning is the best way to get an education. 📚

• The future can be found online. So learn it, live it, and enjoy it.

• We’re all about online learning—share your online learning stories with us on our Facebook page!

• Celebrating an opportunity to learn more, faster. Celebrating the power of knowledge to change lives and communities for good.

• You can’t learn something new every day. But you can learn something new every hour.

• To focus and achieve, we need a day off from distractions. 🎓 📅 🎓 📆

• Welcome to Online Learning Day! Thanks for stopping by. Let’s work together to make online learning better.

• We are celebrating “online learning day” this Thursday with a giveaway. Register by clicking here

• The best part about online learning… is that you can do it anywhere. #onlinelearningday

• It’s an online learning day! What are you doing to celebrate?

• We’re celebrating Online Learning Day by making it easier than ever to get started.

• It’s #OnlineLearningDay and we’re doing our part to help you get ahead on the curve. Learn more about our online learning programs 👉

• Today is International Online Learning Day. Let’s make it a great one!

• How are you celebrating #OnlineLearningDay? Share your favorite online learning activity with us. 📚🎓

• We’re celebrating online learning today. It’s the best way to learn anything these days, and you don’t have to leave your house!

• The best way to learn something new is to teach it to someone else.

• We’re learning something new every day.

• Today is #onlinelearningday! Spend time learning something new and challenging.

• We have a brand new day—an online learning day—and we’re celebrating the many ways you’ve taken your learning skills to the next level.

• Day. Well, not just any day. It’s Online Learning Day! To celebrate we’re giving away a free Udemy course 📚 💻 🎉

• We are so excited to celebrate the rich history of online learning and its benefits.

• The day you start doing online courses for free.

• We’re here to make your online learning experience simpler, more rewarding, and less stressful.

• Your online learning journey begins with a solid foundation. Start here…

• Learning never ends. So why not make today a day to enjoy learning?

• Make learning fun, easy, and affordable. Sign up for an online class today!

• Learning shouldn’t be limited to geography, class, and other time-consuming barriers.

• The power of technology to increase your knowledge and skills is limitless.

• Today, we celebrate the power of knowledge through learning.

• You are the inspiration behind your education. You should feel proud!

• Let’s get in the zone and learn something new today.

• Every day is an online learning day. Every day you can learn something new, try something new, or discover a new passion.

• Happy #onlinelearningday! We know there’s so much to learn and explore, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start here. Start now.

• Today is #onlinelearning day! Take a moment to reflect on how you’ve grown as a learner and get inspired by the awesome learning experiences of others.

• The future is now. Start your week off right with a free online course that will help you achieve success.

• Learning is a lifelong pursuit. Whether you’re looking to learn new skills, improve your life, or study abroad, there’s no better time than now to take the first step.

• Happiness is learning, doing, and sharing. #LearningOnTheGo

• Learn something new. Start your week off right with a free online course.

• Learning is a choice. Choose to learn, every day.

• Today is a day to celebrate the learner. We’re celebrating you! 🎉

• Make your mark on the world with learning that’s accessible and engaging.

• This is YOUR day to learn something new.

• May you learn to love learning and excel at it.

• Online learning day! Get ready for the best things to come your way.

• Celebrate Online Learning Day by signing up for a course today.

• You can’t learn anything online—not even how to use an iPhone. So today is an online learning day.

• Today is #onlinelearningday – the day we celebrate online learning for all students.

• Today is #OnlineLearningDay! More than ever, our world is becoming a global network, making learning easier and more accessible than ever before.

• With you in mind, we are proud to announce that our user-friendly online platform is now open for all learners.

• Learning on your own schedule is the best way to get better at what you do. That’s why we built our learning platform to make it easier than ever to learn for free!

• Make the most of your summer. Take the time to learn something new.

• Have you had the chance to check out our new website?

• Enjoy a day of learning and inspiration with us!

• To learn and grow, you have to be willing to do the work yourself.

• You can’t learn everything there is to know all at once. Take your time, and be patient with yourself.

• Today is #onlinelearningday. Be sure to check out these helpful tools for getting more from your course and learning experience!

• It’s #ONLINELEARNINGDAY and you know what that means? It’s time to take some action.

• Today is #OnlineLearningDay! Learn something new with and make someone’s day brighter.

• It’s #OnlineLearningDay! Let’s learn together, one tweet at a time.

• Today is #OnlineLearningDay! These photos are from my favorite online courses.

• Online learning is all about getting to know you. And taking your time to do so. Not when you have to fit it in or when you feel like it, but when you are ready for it.

• Today’s the day to take your first step towards learning something new. Start your journey with us!

• We live in a world of growing knowledge and skill sets. Learn more, faster.

• One day, we hope you will look back on this day and think to yourself, “Yes, I did it. I learned something new today.”

• Let’s take the time to learn and improve ourselves.

• You are only limited by your imagination. You have the freedom to succeed, live your dreams, and change the world.

• There are no rules for success. There are only rules for failure. Nominate a friend to take this video today!

• The more you learn, the bigger your world becomes.

• It’s #onlinelearningday. We’re doing it all real-time, live-and-mute like the old days

• As we approach Online Learning Day, let’s get excited about the possibilities of making lifelong learning a priority.

• We’re celebrating Online Learning Day with some fun facts about online learning. 📚

• We did it. We successfully took a day off work and spent the whole day studying. We hope you enjoyed your #onlinelearningday too!

• Today is the day you take control of your own destiny and learn how to be your best self. Happy Online Learning Day!

• Happy online learning day! We hope that your connections and social skills continue to grow during this online summer break.

• We are living in the future, and it is on this day that we will finally see the results of an online learning system.

• Mark your calendars for this weekend – the time you spend online counts towards your weekly learning block!

• We live in a fast-paced world. But the only thing that matters is that you make time for learning.

• Make learning your new favorite pastime.

• This is the day we all get to learn, grow and succeed

• I learned something today. I hope you did too. 😊

• This is the day you will change your life forever.

• Online learning day. Let’s celebrate some of the best education blogs out there, and maybe find a new favorite one!

• Online Learning Day is the perfect day to explore new ways of learning, beyond the classroom, and into the digital world.

• Learn something new. Learn it from us. Online Learning Day!

• Today is #onlinelearningday! We’re celebrating with a special post on how to make the most of online education, and we’ve got some cool tips for you to try.

• It’s #onlinelearningday and we’re celebrating it by bringing you an exclusive new course with @caseybaumeister. Click the link in the bio for more info!

• Happy #onlinelearningday! Here’s to finding your passion and pursuing it without limits. 😊🍃

• Let’s make #OnlineLearningDay a reminder to get out there and try something new.

• Happy #OnlineLearningDay! You are never too old or too young to learn.

• Today is the day. You will never get back to work if you don’t #makelearningcount

• It’s not about the number of hours you spend in front of the screen, it’s about what you learn.

• #Learn something new. Learn how to do something you never thought was possible.

• If you’ve been working hard, take the time to celebrate your achievements and learn something new.

• You have a long way to go. Start with the basics, and you’ll be on your way to mastering your craft in no time!

• You are not your job. You are not your bank account. You are not even your favorite drink—so permit yourself to be YOU

• Today is #onlinelearningday. No matter what stage of your career you’re in, there’s always room to learn something new and get better at what you do.

• It’s Online Learning Day! Did you know that half of all adults in the U.S. have taken at least one online course?

• Our Online Learning Day is this Friday. Check out the blog for more about how we’re using technology to improve education for all.

• It’s #OnlineLearningDay and we’re all about boosting your career by learning new skills, expanding your knowledge, and most importantly getting the right education.

• Today is #OnlineLearningDay, so why not give yourself a gift and learn something new?

• Today is the day to take your education online.

• There’s no better time to get started with your online degree.

• You’ll never get lost in the same way again. Learn something new today. #OWL

• Today is the day you stop being afraid to learn something new.

• Learning is not something that you do, it’s something that happens to you.

• School is back in session, and we’re ready to kick it up a notch.

• We have many new things to share with you.

• Today is #onlinelearningday! If you’ve ever thought about getting your degree online but didn’t know where to start, we have everything you need.

• Let’s make this #onlinelearningday a momentous one.

• We are super excited for online learning day! Enjoy all of the virtual resources we’ve created to help you learn, grow and thrive as a student or professional.

• Never stop learning and growing. Join us on #OnlineLearningDay on August 12th!

• Remember, you are never too old to learn something new. Happy Online Learning Day! 📚 💪 📚

• Today is #OnlineLearningDay: The day to learn, share and connect with others who are passionate about education.

• Today is #OnlineLearningDay, so let’s put your learning skills to the test! 😎

• We’re online learning all day. Join the revolution 👊🏾

• We are all learning, be it online or in person. So let’s celebrate that and check out some of these useful apps to help you study better!

• You can learn anything. It’s just a matter of making the time to do it.

• Learning is a never-ending journey. Learn to believe in yourself and never give up.

• Today is the day you start your journey to success.

• Good luck, you’re going to need it.

• If you don’t learn, you’ll never grow.

• It’s an online learning day. Better late than never, right?

• #OnlineLearningDay. Because it’s never too late to learn something new.

• It’s Online Learning Day! Treat yourself to some learning time to expand your horizons.

• Today is #OnlineLearningDay! Get inspired and get started:

• Remember, today is #OnlineLearningDay. Let’s get it!

• This was the day my online learning became real. You will be successful and you can too!

• Online learning is the future. Learn to code and start your career in tech today!

• Let’s always keep learning and growing together. Online learning is a great way to do that.

• Today is the day to take charge of your online learning. Never settle for the status quo and always be ready to learn something new 😎

• We’re celebrating the power of learning with free online courses through August 4.

• Learning is not a destination but a journey. Today is the starting point of your journey, take the first step today!

• Here’s to the days when we can do anything we want, learn anything at any time and be wherever we want to be. Happy V-Day!

• How many days will it take to make you a better person?

• Learning is the key to success in life.

• It’s #onlinelearningday! There’s no better time than now to learn something new.

• Today is #onlinelearningday! ❤ Don’t be afraid to dive into something new and learn something new.

• Let’s celebrate Online Learning Day by focusing on all of those great opportunities that are out there!

• This is an online learning day. Find your passion and learn anything—we’re here to help you find it.

• It’s Online Learning Day! Celebrate by learning something new, joining a study group, or checking out the latest course at edX.

• Today is #OnlineLearningDay. No matter your learning style, we’ve got you covered.

• Today we celebrate online learning. It’s by far the most efficient and effective way to learn a new skill or craft.

• The best way to learn is to teach. Today, be an online teacher.

• Learning is fun, no matter where you go or who you’re with. We know that.

• Say it with your mind, not just your mouth. You are never too old to learn a new skill.

• We all have different reasons for studying, but one thing is clear—we’re all learning.

• Every day, learn something new. Every day.

• Learn something new or challenge yourself to take a step outside of your comfort zone.

• We all learn best in the moment. Let’s get started!

• May the most important thing you learn today be how to learn.