Never Say Goodbye to Friend Captions and Quotes

Sometimes, we all need a little motivation. A photo that can lift us from the dreary reality and make us smile, or a quote that speaks directly to our soul. That’s what my collection of captions and quotes about never saying goodbye is for.

Never Say Goodbye to Friend Captions and Quotes

• Never say goodbye to a friend, unless you are sure you will never meet again.

• Never say goodbye to a friend unless to meet again.

• The friendship flower never says goodbye, it just goes away until it’s time to come back

• “The best thing about goodbye is making it a hello”

• Time to say goodbye and for now until we meet again. Always know that I love you. –

• More than just friends, and more than just goodbye.

• Don’t say goodbye. Say auf wiedersehen, until we meet again.

• When someone hurts you, just say goodbye and move on instead of holding grudges or burning bridges.

• There are a lot of reasons to miss you… but most days, I miss your laugh the most.

• As the moon gently sets and the cotton candy clouds come out to play, take a moment to enjoy the night and reflect on all your beautiful memories that blossomed beneath her glow.

• Never say goodbye to a friend who bought you pizza last night. Too many great memories

• Never say goodbye. Say, “See you soon,” instead.

• Don’t say goodbye, say farewell for now.

• Thank you for the memories, my friend. They will last a lifetime. #friendship #thankyou #grief

• Say hello again to a friend you haven’t seen in some time.

• “Regardless of what they tell you, no one is ever gone as long as you remember them.”

• I’ll miss you and our amazing memories.

• Friends are the family you choose.

• Friends are the family you have chosen.

• Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them but you know they are always there.

• It is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all.

• You’ll miss the sun on your back, but you’ll remember how we laughed in the rain.

• Never say goodbye to a friend, always say goodbye to the pain they’re causing you.

• Life is short, so don’t say goodbye to good friends.

• We’ll never say goodbye to friends, only goodbye for now.

• Goodbyes are not forever. Good friends stay in touch through meaningful connections.

• I miss you already, but we will see each other again soon! #saygoodbyenever

• Your friendship is one of the most beautiful things that happened in my life. Even though we’re far from each other, our hearts are always together with tons of memories.

• If I ever leave you, miss me a little. If I stay away, miss me a lot. If I come back, welcome me home.

• Is it possible that two people can stay friends after they’re not?

• Today I’m sending you off with confidence, love, and a goodbye kiss.

• When next we meet, it will be as dear friends.

• If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes.

• Fall has changed the view and with it, I have changed the people in my life

• There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.

• Never say goodbye to a friend, remember them as you last saw them, and treat the memory of them as a living presence.

• No matter how far apart, no matter how long. No matter what life has done to try and tear its way through. You will never have to say goodbye to a friend!

• Good friends are hard to find. Harder to lose. That’s why you never say goodbye if you care…

• Good friends are the rare jewels in life—and the truly special ones never say goodbye.

• Do not say goodbye, saying goodbye is hard luck. Saying hello is lucky so I’ll say hello and you say hello too!

• Good friends are hard to come by. They come even harder to leave. So, please don’t be in a rush to say goodbye.

• You will never walk alone. Goodbyes are never forever; they simply mean I’ll miss you until we meet again.

• It’s not goodbye, it’s I will see you when I see you.

• Good friends are like stars —You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.

• Fill your life with adventure…but take a moment to also say hello to your best friend, who in this case happens to be named Heather.

• Hope you are having a lovely day! As we say goodbye to one year and hello to another, here’s to keeping in touch, laughing, and loving with our friends all year round. _– Mark Twain

• Sending all my love to friends I miss and the friends I don’t.

• What a beautiful sight to see you again. So glad to see you’re back at our place!

• “I have decided to stick to love; hate is too great a burden to bear.” –Martin Luther King Jr.

• Never say goodbye to a friend. Say hello again at lunch or brunch one day soon! Stay stylish.

• Never say goodbye to a friend. Just smile and wave as they walk away.

• Life is a journey, if you’re walking alone and on a path, that’s full of tears, please never say goodbye because the friends you’ll meet will come from a heart made of gold.

• Say goodbye to a friend and make it feel like home. May the next light find you well.

• Just remember… don’t say goodbye – say, “Until we meet again my friend.”

• Friends don’t say goodbye. They just say, “I’ll miss you”

• You will miss me when I have gone.

• This is not goodbye… This is just a little ‘see you later.

• The time we shared was amazing, so magical I never want it to end. But all good things must come to an end, let’s just make it our last goodbye, your final bow.

• Long-distance friendships prosper in the depths of darkness.

• “Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish.” – Anne Morrow Lindbergh

• Falling in love is like falling asleep. You never know when it’s going to happen, but you’re always glad it did.

• New but familiar faces. Old but new friends. All wonderful in that special way that you know won’t last long. But it was okay because right now, right here, I felt…wonderful.

• You never say goodbye to friends, you just see them less.

• We promise to never say goodbye, but until we meet again we will remain friends.

• There’s no goodbye to friends, so take them with you or leave them behind.

• I Miss you already #bestfriends2017

• Some people come into your life like a song, Some leave like a book that you’ve read, and some stay with you like a friend.

• Granted we don’t have to talk every day. But so that we don’t forget each other as time goes by, send me a message out of nowhere every once in a while. And I’ll do the same for you.

• Even if we’re miles apart, you’ll never be far from my heart.

• Forever is shorter than you think.

• You’ve been the greatest friend and advisor, not to mention my favorite partner-in-crime. Thanks for everything.

• Thanks for being there when you were needed the most. I bet the sun will shine brighter on your side of the street now.

• Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend – or a meaningful day.

• We will always be near you!

• Two roads diverged in a yellow wood… And I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. – Robert Frost

• Never say goodbye to a friend, say hello to a memory

• Never say goodbye to a friend, but say hello for the first time.

• Don’t just delete, unfriend, or unfollow someone. Just say goodbye before you go.

• I love you forever and always. You’re irreplaceable. My best friend. The sister I never had. You’re my person. Whether far away or around the corner, you’ll always be in my heart

• Funny, Sociable, Addictive. No matter what we say, We love Instagram and we are not alone here #nospaceformessages

• Missing you already! I miss my best friend!

• Nothing compares to the time we spend with our friends. Now you have a place to tell them just how much you care and remind them of just what they mean to you.

• Be the kind of friend you wanna have

• Good friends, good times. Say it with us. Good friends, good times.

• The most beautiful thing you can be is yourself. Nothing is more attractive than a person being true to themselves. The world is filled with too many fake people.

• Goodbye, summer. It’s been real. Splash away

• That awkward moment when you leave work early just to avoid your coworkers and they’re all leaving early too.

• The greatest distance between two people is not space, but the seemingly small gap of understanding.

• Never say goodbye to a friend, just kiss them and say instead.

• Never say goodbye to a friend, just smile and wave-like you’ll see them again soon.

• What a beautiful thing—the way he looked at me that day and said, “Never say goodbye to a friend.”

• You never say goodbye to friends, you say hello to life.

• Just remember, it’s never goodbye, it’s always “see you later”

• Good friends are worth saying goodbye to.

• Don’t say goodbye. Say see you later.

• Say goodbye with a smile, not tears.

• I’m so glad we can still be besties, even though you live 3000 miles away.

• Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend – or a meaningful day.

• We’ve been friends since we were kids, but these days we prefer to call each other brothers. Congrats, @jesse_is_goods, on getting married! We can’t wait for the next chapter.

• “The more you laugh, the longer you live” – author unknown #fallishere

• To a friend who is always there for me, hear you loud and clear.

• There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion of life.

• Never say goodbye to a friend. It says ‘I’m gonna miss you.’ Because I am.

• Never say goodbye to a friend, remember them as you did in their happiest days and keep them in your heart forever.

• It’s never a goodbye. It’s always a see you later.

• We never say goodbye…just see you later

• If I could, I would, but I’m not anyone at all. If I were anyone at all, I would tell you to never say goodbye.

• Catch us as we wave goodbye. Just promise you won’t tell anyone about this teary goodbye.

• Whether you’re headed off to college or moving across the country, hang on to these friendships. Today is the only day you have with the people you’ll see today.

• Farewell, my dear Watson. You are always in my thoughts. And forever in my heart.

• Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.

• Friends are just two hearts with the same love

• You won’t be replaced, Rob. You’ll always be our superhero.

• Before you leave, always remember to…

• In your darkest hour, if you look close enough, you’ll see another dawn.

• When you have to say goodbye to a friend, just remember all the good times you’ve had and that it’s not goodbye because you can always meet again.

• When I say goodbye, it’s not forever. It just means I’ll be seeing you again.

• There’s no good in goodbye. We don’t say it, we just walk away, and never look back because we know that if we do…

• “When you part, it’s not goodnight. It’s goodbye. Good night is when the sun goes down and the day is over… Goodbye is forever until we meet again ( Source )

• Thank you for being my friend. I will miss your smile and all the exciting things we have been through because of our friendship. I appreciate everything that you did for me and us…I love you so much!

• My best friend… my soulmate… the life of the party… my partner in crime. I miss you every second of every day and love you till I die.

• Partners in crime. Best friends forever. Love you tons

• Break free of your routine and make room for new friends

• “Good friends are like stars—you don’t always see them, but you know they are always there.”

• You’ll always be remembered and missed, but never forgotten. We love you.

• Goodbye to summer. Hello to fun fall evenings with good friends.

• Seems like only yesterday we were meeting for the first time. Friendships are forever—and so are these memories.

• I’d rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck.

• “Never say goodbye to a friend even if words of love have to be put aside because friendship is too precious to neglect.”

• Never say goodbye to your old friends, hold them close and always keep them in your heart.

• You never say goodbye to your friends. You just take a break and come back again.

• Friends, family, and travel. These are the things you can never say goodbye to— at least we hope not

• Don’t say goodbye, just say, “See you later” and make sure you’ll truly miss the person when they’re gone.

• We don’t say goodbye we say see you later

• Sometimes, you don’t say goodbye. You just say, “See you later …”

• True friends will always be there for you. The important thing in life is not the years in which we live but the lives we live in those years.

• If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, let it be. If it doesn’t, hunt around the house for its home—then set it free once more.

• This weekend, take a friend out to lunch and celebrate their presence in your life.

• Stay the same distance apart so you can always move closer together. -Edwin Louis Cole

• No matter where life takes you, never say goodbye…let’s keep in touch and meet up for brunch soon.

• Even though we are going our separate ways for college, I will never say goodbye to you.

• Let us never say goodbye.

• Don’t say goodbye- say hello to a new beginning.

• When it’s time to say goodbye, smile, wave—and let go.

• Sometimes you just know today is the day you’ll see an old friend again and it makes your heart full. -Bridgit Mendler

• A true friend is someone who never gets tired of listening to your ridiculous stories about the time you spent the night on the beach because it was a full moon and you couldn’t sleep.

• Friends of friends are the new in-laws

• They say it takes a village to raise a child.  What about two besties?

• You’ve enriched our lives and changed us forever. We will never forget you.

• You’re like the best kind of whiskey. The kind that doesn’t burn when you swallow.

• Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. – John F. Kennedy

• Never say goodbye to a friend, always say hello……You might need them someday.

• Never say goodbye, saying goodbye means going away, going away means forgetting, forgetting means losing . . . . . so never forget to say hello.

• I, for one, will never say goodbye. I’d rather say, “See you later

• I don’t like goodbyes. I’m going to pretend we said see you later

• Goodbye is never forever, it’s just the start of something new.

• Every goodbye is a hello to something new. Everything ends, but everything also begins again.

• Don’t mourn the loss of that crusty, old friendship. Say goodbye while they can still hear you.

• You are more than memories. You are stories of life told with love.

• “There are people who come into your life as blessings, quietly asking nothing. And some come into your life that sits and wait, wanting you to be their blessing.” – Unknown

• I was lucky to find a friend who makes friends wherever. (Simplicity)

• I love hanging out with you so much that I forget I’m leaving. ☆

• You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.

• Say goodbye to your favorite summer colors and say hello to vibrant fall colors.

• Never say goodbye to a friend — just say see you later.

• Don’t ever say goodbye to someone who makes you smile.

• You’ll always be my friend. I’m not gonna say goodbye cause you know I love you so

• It’s never goodbye, only see ya later. Here’s to many more adventures with you

• Saying goodbye to a friend today, be sure you’re not saying hello to another tomorrow.

• Don’t say goodbye. “See you later” is far more sincere…

• Say goodbye to this good friend with a farewell party!

• Friends you meet on the road are never gone forever.

• You are always a friend to me.

• Best friends aren’t the people you grow old with, they’re the people you grow young with.

• Your farewell is my stern to make you perpetual in my thoughts.

• Life is too short to hang out with people who suck the happiness out of you.

• It doesn’t matter where you go or what you do. What matters is that you don’t forget the people who helped you get there.

• I had a fantastic time! I hope it wasn’t our last catch update

• When you’re born into this world, you’re given a name. When someone dies, you are given another name: angel.

• No matter where life takes you, always remember, never say goodbye to a friend. Have fun!

• When a friend moves away it’s hard to make new friends but you can never say goodbye to an old friend.

• Goodbye doesn’t mean forever. It just means for now.

• Life is better with new friends. Say goodbye to the old ones.

• We all want to be best friends. And if you’re like me, there’s someone in your life who always makes you feel like a better one.

• Have you ever loved someone, so much that it hurts? That’s what you mean to me.

• It’s always hard to leave even the best of friends

• There are friends you hold forever in your heart, friends who walk beside you no matter what path you take.

• Friends are like flowers. They brighten your day, lift your spirits and make life more beautiful

• When hearts grow together, no distance is too great, no time too long, and no other love can break them apart.

• When someone’s special to you and you have so much love for them, no matter how many miles away, you’re close in heart.

• It’s the little things that keep your friends together, like our Pink Lemonade

• Never say goodbye to a friend. Say goodbye and keep them alive in your heart.

• Your true friends will never say goodbye. They will find a way to keep you close-even if it’s not in the same state. We believe your friends, family, and pets should know no matter where life takes you.

• Say hello to smiles, high fives, and more as we say goodbye to a friend.

• It’s hard to say goodbye to someone you want to ride off into the sunset with.

• We understand the heartbreak of saying goodbye so we offer our beloved pink, diamond stud earring collection as a symbol of friendship.

• Friends may come and go, but friends who say hello are forever.

• Friends are memories that you want to remember forever.

• Dear friend, thank you for the wonderful moments we have spent together. I will cherish them always.

• My favorite thing about my best friends…they’re my best friends.

• We should all share more hugs than texts.