Live In the Moment Captions and Motivation

Live in the moment is a great caption that can help those who are constantly worried about the past or future. It will certainly remind you that there is no point in worrying about things you have no control over and can’t change. So stand out today and be yourself. Also, check out those motivations collections to keep you on.

Live In the Moment Captions and Motivation

• There is only one moment. The past is memory and the future is dreams, but now… this moment is reality. Cherish it

• Living in the moment is everything. Stay connected to your vibes.

• Live unapologetically, create and inspire. Don’t let anyone hold you back from your greatness and live boldly!

• When life gives you lemons, put on your best adult onesie and suck it up.

• When you’re climbing that ladder to success, remember the view from the top is awesome. #quote

• Experience every moment fully, and you will never be disappointed.

• There is no greater happiness than to be alive, to feel the winds brush past your face, and to hear the sounds of the forest. Throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover

• Baby, it’s cold outside. Let’s get in bed under a down comforter and look out the window at this snowstorm together.

• Life is not a dress rehearsal, so get out there and seize the day!

• Get outside. Open up a map. Pick a place you’ve never been to before. And go.

• I may not be there yet, but I’m closer than I was yesterday

• I’m sure being a beginner is difficult because there is so much to learn, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. However, if you think of learning as a process that will end with mastery, your attitude will shift.

• Live in the moment, every minute of today. Life is an adventure worth living, so do it right now.

• Live in the moment. Take it all in. Appreciate every little thing because you never know what will happen tomorrow.

• I need to live in the moment, not be always thinking about the past or worrying about the future. I’ll take life one step at a time, and that’s all I can do.

• Realize that the greatest gift is your presence on the planet and that you’re here to make a difference in this world. Live in the moment and achieve amazing feats. Make life great.

• Life is too short to be anything but happy! So find what makes you happy and go after it with everything you’ve got.

• #SelfieSticks are incredible year-round. Even when you’re also holding your umbrella, lunch tray, and any other life necessities you can’t seem to separate from.

• There’s no place I’d rather be right now than right here.

• Because you have no particular place to go, live exactly where you are.

• That moment when you become a better version of yourself.

• When you wake up on the right side of the bed, you can conquer the world.

• Don’t wait for Friday to get motivated. Start now.

• Feeling lit AF with the new @electricbeverage line.💡

• Live in the moment and enjoy each breath, each sound, each smell—because it all ends today.

• Live in the moment. Focus on how good it feels to be active instead of what you *should* be eating.

• Live your best life 👀

• Life is often messy. Don’t clean it up; just photograph it and post.

• Don’t save your happiness for a rainy day! Embrace it now.

• Your life is now. Don’t wait for the light at the end of the tunnel… We are the light at the end of the tunnel

• The most beautiful thing about the universe is that it makes no distinction between what’s possible and what’s impossible.

• Never feel guilty for being you, whether it be your thoughts, your words, or your actions.

• No matter what path you choose, always put your heart into it.

• I took a deep breath and smelled the roses.

• Create your path, don’t just follow the one in front of you.

• Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. – Anais Nin

• Life is short and you’re blessed. So, dream big, take risks, go to the unfamiliar, explore everything, and fall in love with life.

• A week full of hope. As long as there’s a chance, we can dream.

• Say yes. Explore the city. Make stories. Stay positive. Believe in yourself. Don’t wish for it, work for it. Be bold, not bossy.

• Don’t live in your moments, let your moments live you.

• Be the person you needed when you started your journey.

• Leave your worries on the other side of the ocean and set sail for a new horizon with Patanjali Green Tea.

• Be forever present, the rest is a distraction.

• It’s a new day and it’s time to make a change.

• Enjoy today, remember tomorrow.

• “Sometimes you have to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve.

• Hey! I just shared this photo on [live in the moment]

• Don’t wait to be happy – because you never know how long you have.

• Live your best life now. Forget about the past or the future and just be in this moment. Be present.

• Whenever someone asks me to describe myself, I just take a step back and say that I live in the moment.

• Throw your worries out the window and seize each day. Make every day count. #onthego

• Make the most of every day and experience it to the fullest.

• 60. I don’t have the power to change the way you feel, but I can always choose how I react. – Unknown

• In a carefree and positive tone: What if you just floated through the day like a little leaf…

• Take a deep breath, look the world square in the eye and say “ I’m good enough”.

• I might not be able to change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

• Live in the moment. Adventure is calling, so be brave and good things will come to you

• Live in the moment, BAM!

• Live in the moment…or live in the past… either way tomorrow is canceled!

• Be fearless in living your life today. Only you get to decide the path you take, so make it one worth taking.

• Live in the moment, never forget your roots. We are who we choose to be.

• Living in this moment, doing the best I can.

• Life is unpredictable. Embrace every moment you can, right here and right now.

• Take a second, stop and look around you. This is life. Now. And you’re living it.!

• The happiest people don’t have the best of everything—they just make the best of everything.

• Don’t wait till tomorrow to do something. It will be waiting there for you to do when it’s time.

• Everyone says that time flies—so make sure you’re enjoying the flight.

• If you’re having fun, you’re doing it right.

• Live in the moment and focus on things that matter most to you. Forget about what you’re doing. How’s it going? Enjoy your day!

• Learn from my mistakes because I’m not planning on making them again…

• Live in the moment

• We’re here to remind you to LIVE IN THE MOMENT. It’s not gonna last forever

• No matter what you are going through, seize the day and live in the moment.

• It’s time to surrender those imposter thoughts and remind yourself of the truth: You are enough.

• New week, new month, new you. Make them all count

• Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Take this moment and make it perfect.

• Life is a festival, celebrate each moment.

• Do what you love and the rest will follow

• Be grateful for everything that happens to you.

• Live in the moment. Live with purpose. Live inspired to thrive.

• Calm down, take a deep breath, and live in the moment. We all have time to worry about what comes next.

• Every day is a chance to start over. Every second is a chance to turn it all around. So stay here, at the moment.

• Live every moment like you’re the one who made it happen.

• Be in the moment. Be mindful. Be present. Be happy.

• Let’s do life better together. Find a MUJI store near you to find products and services that enable you to live better.

• Getting outside only makes us realize how much we need it to be inside. So, let’s have a toast: to the moment.

• If you liked it then you shoulda put a hashtag on it #live

• There’s a place in me where the past meets the future. A space, waiting to be filled with something beautiful.

• Bouncing out of bed like I slept on a cloud and stepped in a puddle of my greatness…

• There’s no greater pleasure in life than eating a freshly made meal with people you love.

• In the past you planned, now you create. In the future you will succeed, but only if you dare to begin now.

• What will your legacy be?

• Live in the moment. Let your kind of beauty shine through, wherever you go.

• Live in the moment. All else is beyond your control.

• Our #liveinthemoment series started with three simple words, but they can mean so much more. We want to bring you along on this ride and show you what the biking life is like

• Fall in love with the moment you’re in, and fall in love with your life.

• Tomorrow we all die. So why not live life today, to the fullest?

• Just make this moment the most important of your life.

• The only place where you can look forward and look back at the same time is here, now. #staypresent

• Take a moment to appreciate all the beauty life has to offer.

• Let it out of your heart, good or bad, shout it from the rooftops, being honest about your feelings is a huge step forward

• Tomorrow is the last day of 2017, but today… is a new beginning.

• Carry your life in front of you like a lantern.

• Capture your life. Live in the moment.

• Now is the time for you to live in the moment and enjoy life!

• Live in the moment. Life is too short to worry about the past or complain about the future.

• Live in the moment and ignore the past, for it is gone, and focus more on what awaits shortly.

• Life is too short to wait for something to happen so pursue your dreams and live in the moment!

• Don’t wait to start living—start now! More free time=more fun time. Stop waiting for some non-existent future and start enjoying the present.

• Keep your head up, and never stop putting one foot in front of the other, regardless of which direction you’re headed. Keep pushing forward. Always.

• Happiness is acknowledging that you are happy and nothing else matters.

• It’s not about how big your house or car is, or how much money you have in the bank. It’s about having a positive impact on our community and the world

• Live in the moment. Let go of who you were yesterday and who you’ll be tomorrow. Embrace now and all that is happening around you

• Living in the moment can bring out one’s wild and crazy side – as long as it’s a good moment!

• Hey there. Take a deep breath and remember that this moment isn’t going to be your last. You can do anything as long as you’re willing to live in the moment.

• Be present in every moment of your journey. Because it’s the moments that makeup lifetimes.

• Let the present moment be all that you worry about. Live in the present and you will live happily ever after.

• The world is ours. Make your mark.

• If you’re not following your heart, you’re probably just wandering around

• If there’s no wind, take the sail. If there’s no sun, grab the swimsuit.

• If you’re not having fun, then it’s just hard work.

• Use ups and downs as a chance to wax philosophical.

• Don’t spend your life looking back and wishing you made better choices. Live in the moment and be fearless

• Live in the moment you are in, not in the past or future.

• Create a photo album of real moments captured in your life.

• Grab the day and never let go.

• Be present. Appreciate the here and now of your beautifully imperfect life.

• Find the moments to savor and enjoy, for they will never last.

• Don’t wait. The future is promised to no one. Today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.

• No day but today. You Got This!

• Grab some time this weekend to reconnect with yourself.

• Today is the day. What are you going to do?

• Throwback to that summer day, when we first met…

• A winner doesn’t quit before the end.

• Live in the moment. The past is history, the future’s a mystery. There’s only now. And right now, I want candy.

• Live in the moment. Feel the pain. Be a man.

• Just do it, just live in the moment, because you never know what’s going to happen.

• Live in the moment. Worry about each task as it comes. Exploring our endless universe, never forgetting to dream and be inspired.

• Live in the moment, make it great.

• If you don’t live for the moments, you are missing out on the greatest experience. Live in the moment.

• We live in the moment, for each breath we breathe is a new beginning.

• I want to surround myself with people who inspire me. And I want to inspire others too.

• Just do you. You are enough. You are worth it.

• I try not to dwell on the past or worry about the future. If I just keep walking, one foot in front of the other, I’ll get where I’m going eventually.

• Be present for what you have, not for what you’re waiting for. You’re ready now.

• “This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but with a whimper.”

• Just live in the moment and enjoy each second. Don’t put a label or limit on it. You never know what could happen…

• Live in the moment. The past is already forgotten, and the future is unknowable.

• Fashion is not just about what you wear, but how you feel—so, turn up the sensation and live in the moment.

• Own your crown. Own the moment. Own it all, Own your life.

• Now it’s NOT the time to play it safe… …don’t worry about what’s going to happen… …just LIVE.

• It’s not where you’re from, it’s where you’re at.

• Every day is a chance to go out and make something great happen. So grab the day by its horns and let’s get after it!

• A woman can change a lot in five years—but not if she’s got a handle on the important things.

• You’re not where you want to be, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy where you are.

• Don’t forget to live in the moment!

• The moments of greatest discovery, with the least effort, are when you start to live in the moment.

• Life is too short to wait for the good things — so take them now.

• The past is a ghost, the future a dream, the present your reality.

• “Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

• The greatest moments usually occur unplanned.

• When you’re going to do something, start now.

• It’s a new day, a new week, and a new opportunity to do something great

• Now is the moment we have been waiting for. Exhale, and tackle today head-on!