Instagram Captions for Shyness

In our society shyness is considered to be a flaw and a shortcoming. Most people want to be outgoing, funny, and informal however shyness makes this impossible. Shyness can make you feel uncomfortable in public situations which means that it takes away your confidence in interacting with other people.

Instagram Captions for Shyness

• Shyness is a part of who we are. It’s okay to be shy.

• Shyness is the fear of being judged. And it’s not your fault.

• One thing you will never get over when dealing with shyness is: it’s not a physical problem. It’s an emotional one—avoidance, avoidance and more avoidance.

• Shyness is often associated with insecurity, but that’s just one side of the coin. There’s also the positive sides of being introverted and confident.

• Don’t be shy. Showcase your best self, wherever you are.

• I am not a shy person – I’m an introvert.

• A shy smile can make anyone feel beautiful.

• You are not alone. There is strength in numbers and no shame in asking for help.

• You shouldn’t be afraid to be your authentic self.

• Life is full of surprises. And some, a little too quickly. But what do you do when you’re confronted by one?

• You don’t need to be perfect, just better than you were yesterday.

• Shyness is…a cowardly feeling. It’s something you do, not something you are.

• Shyness is not a barrier—it’s just a way of being.

• Shyness is a state of mind. It’s not the act of being shy or introverted, it’s how you react to social situations.

• Shyness can hold you back from the things you want, but it doesn’t have to. Be bold with your thoughts and actions, and you’ll be unstoppable. 😎

• Shyness is a sign that you care enough to notice.

• We are all a little shy. If you’re trying to overcome that, remember: You’re not alone.

• You’re shy, but you’re not afraid to try new things.

• You don’t have to be a big deal, but you can’t be a nobody either. Learn how to handle your fears and live your life to the fullest

• When you feel so good, there’s no need to be shy.

• There’s no reason to be shy, but if you are, don’t worry. We’ve got your back!

• I’m gonna be that girl who doesn’t care what people think.

• Be bolder and more confident in your own skin

• I will not pretend to be someone I’m not.

• Shyness. It’s a thing. And it needs to go.

• Shyness keeps us from being our best. Stop it!

• “Shyness has no place at this table.”

• I have a confession to make. I’m shy.

• Don’t be shy, get out there and do what you love.

• The most courageous thing I’ve ever done: Come out of my shell.

• Don’t shy away from your own style and personality.

• Nothing shy about the confidence of our brand 📍 💪

• All doors are open. You’re perfect just the way you are.

• I don’t care what people say. I will be me and you can be you too. 😌

• The moment you step out of your comfort zone and break through the walls holding you back.

• Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you will land among the stars.

• Shyness is a choice. It’s not something I was born with. It’s something that can be changed, and I’m doing my best to change it!

• Shyness is the human condition. It’s not something you can change overnight. It’s not a disease, it’s just how we’re built.

• Shyness is just a moment of fear, but it’s a moment that lasts forever.

• Shyness: when you’re not so good at being you, but you’re afraid to be any other way.

• No one likes a shy kid, but everyone loves someone who’s comfortable in their own skin.

• Embrace your shyness and be bold.

• We are not the shy types, we are the bold ones.

• You’re probably not shy, but you’ve always been afraid to ask how to break the ice with someone.

• Don’t be shy, come out and meet new people . . . . . . . . . . . . . #newpeople

• Don’t be shy to show up, even if it’s just a little. ☆

• Life is full of things that scare you. But if you let them, you’ll get to see the best parts of yourself.

• I’m going to keep being me, even when people are telling me to change.

• “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to Dance in the Rain.” – Anonymous

• Shyness is a beautiful thing. It’s the first step to all your dreams, hopes and wishes coming true.

• Shyness is not a sign of weakness. It’s a red flag for self-care, and the first step to breaking out of your shell! Take the plunge and try these tips for conquering social anxiety.

• It’s good to embrace your shyness. It will help you grow into a better, more confident person.

• No matter what, you can be yourself. You are not the same person as your shyness.

• Shed your shyness, because the world needs more bold people.

• It’s okay to be shy sometimes. But it’s also okay to be bold, too.

• I’m shy, but I can also beat my ass if I have to.

• I’m not shy, but I do get nervous especially if it’s a first date.

• It’s ok to be awkward. It’s cool to be ourselves.

• You don’t have to be embarrassed anymore. Say it.

• I’m done hiding in the corner. I’m ready for a world that accepts me for who I am.

• Be bold, be brave and be you. You are amazing and beautiful.

• Be bold, be brave. Be who you are and don’t hide behind masks.

• A bold way to accept imperfection and realize your beauty is never too far from where you are.

• Shyness is something that you need to own and accept. The more you embrace it, the better your life will become.

• Shyness is fine. It doesn’t have to be painful. You don’t have to hide who you are and who you care about just because other people might be uncomfortable with it.

• When you’re shy, it’s not because you don’t like people. It’s because you are afraid to let them see how much they mean to you

• It’s okay to be shy. You don’t have to be loud and brag about everything you do.

• Don’t be shy. Embrace your inner badass, love yourself more than anyone else does.

• I am not shy. I don’t like talking to strangers, but I’m a good conversationalist when it comes to friends and family.

• Don’t be shy when it comes to what you want. The only thing holding you back is yourself.

• Fall in love with yourself. Let yourself be vulnerable, embrace imperfections and don’t ever stop growing. #SelfLove

• What I really need is practice. And I am gonna get it, because I’m strong enough to handle it.

• Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. You’re more than a belly button 😀 ❤

• You don’t need to be perfect, just get out there and live life.

• The only thing that holds me back is me.

• The key to success is knowing your worth.

• Shyness is like an umbrella; it keeps you dry in the pouring rain.

• Let’s face it. You don’t want to be shy. You want to be outgoing—but you’ve got some shyness blocking your way.

• You’re shyness is not a flaw. It’s just one of the many things that make you unique and beautiful.

• I’m gonna be real. I’m shy. I don’t say much and I’m not very good with words.

• It’s time to stop being shy, step up, and be the person you were meant to be.

• I’m not a shy girl but i don’t really know how to talk to people

• Stop being shy. You’re not a kid anymore. Let your freak flag fly, y’all 😉

• Let the storm rage on. You don’t need to be afraid of your own strength.

• If you want to improve your life, you’ve got to get over your shyness.

• This is not a confession. But it’s something I’ve always wanted to say: I’m shy.

• This is not the time to be shy. It’s never been a time for shyness, but some days are better than others.

• The more you laugh, the less shy you’ll be. ☀😉

• It’s okay to feel shy. But you shouldn’t let it get the best of you. Being comfortable with yourself is one of the most beautiful things you can have.

• Don’t be a shy, quiet little thing. Speak up and speak out.

• You are beautiful. You are unique. You are fantastic. You are worth it.

• It’s not about being loud or quiet, it’s about being real. Be who you are and don’t be afraid to show it.

• There’s nothing to be afraid of – there’s only you.

• Fall in love with who you are. You’re a badass, a warrior, a queen of your own little world.

• You don’t have to be a brave warrior. You can be a graceful one.

• Shyness is a barrier to new experiences, but not an obstacle to success.

• We don’t have to be afraid of who we are. We can be ourselves, break the barriers of shyness and find ways to speak up.

• You can’t eat shyness for breakfast. -Gastro-

• Go ahead, give it a shot. You’ve got nothing to lose but your shyness.

• I’m not shy, I just don’t speak up.

• Talk about a new way to be yourself!

• You are the most beautiful version of yourself.

• Life is too short to be running from your fears.

• “Never let anyone tell you that you’re not brave enough to wear what you want.”

• Nothing makes me feel more confident than being alone.

• You don’t have to be strong all the time.

• Shyness is a natural human emotion. Don’t let it hold you back.

• Don’t let your shyness hold you back.

• Sometimes the only way to get over shyness and face your fears is by taking that leap of faith. 🚀

• There is so much more to you than your shyness

• What’s the most #shy thing you’ve done?

• I’m not shy. I am a woman who knows how to be herself and be confident about it.

• No matter how shared we are, no matter how easy it is to understand each other. Loneliness hides in plain sight.

• Don’t be shy, be bold. Live life with style and confidence.

• I’m not afraid to be different. I’m just afraid to be average.

• Don’t be shy to shine a little light on your own, and you’ll never go unnoticed.

• Don’t be afraid to be different. Be yourself, and what you’ll achieve will be twice as great.

• Let’s make a pact: We’ll be brave together. #bravetogether

• You don’t have to be perfect to be amazing.

• The more you know, the less you wonder.

• Shyness is a choice. Don’t let it get in the way of making your dreams come true. #ShynessIsNoExcuse

• Shyness is a funny thing. We all go through it, but we don’t talk about it.

• Shyness doesn’t mean you’re a coward. It means you’re human.

• We all have a little bit of shyness. It’s natural and totally valid, but we also shouldn’t let it make us less confident in ourselves.

• It’s a day to celebrate the beauty of being shy. Be yourself, for who else would you want to be?

• When you’re shy but you know you should be talking.

• You don’t have to be shy, the world is waiting for you.

• We all have our moments of shyness. But here’s a little reminder to not be afraid to be bold 💃🏾

• You can’t be shy if you’ve never been brave.

• The first step toward being comfortable in your own skin is admitting that you need to change it.

• I’m not shy, I’m just trying to figure it out.

• If you can’t be yourself, who can you be?

• You don’t have to be the best at everything. Just be good, better than okay.

• Shyness is not a sign of weakness. It’s a gift—a sign that you care deeply and authentically about what other people think of you.

• When you’re shy, it’s important to let people know. You’re not alone.

• Be bold, be brave. Don’t be shy. Be a little bit more confident and let people know who you are, what you have to offer.”

• Don’t get shy—you’re never too old to try something new.

• Shy, but not scared. Stand out from the crowd with confidence by wearing moody shades of black.

• The first step to confidence is doing something you’re afraid of.

• In a world full of confidence and big f-cks to give, sometimes it’s hard to find a place for your own little ones.

• Be bold: Be confident, be unique.

• We all have it. You are unique and you should celebrate that.

• You are beautiful, no matter the outcome.

• Be the person who goes out of their way to make a situation feel comfortable for others.

• It’s ok to be shy! Shyness is a healthy emotion that can help us feel less exposed and overwhelmed.

• Shyness is a feeling, not a condition.

• The moment you stop being shy and start being yourself.

• We know. We’re all about it. But we’re here to help you get over that shyness and have fun with your friends.

• Don’t be the shy one. Be the bold one who speaks up and steps out of their shell.

• Life’s journey is not a race. It’s a series of obstacles overcome one by one, and the reward is to get closer to the person you want to be.

• Who says you can’t be bold and beautiful too? 😎

• I don’t care what others think. I’m just me, and I’m proud of it.

• You are not a failure unless you stop trying.

• Shyness doesn’t exist. It’s a cry for help.

• Let go of your shyness (and the fake smiles you’re wearing) and embrace yourself.

• You don’t have to be shy to stay home-you just have to be stupid 🤦🏼‍♀️

• Fear is nothing but an emotion. Why hide yourself? Who do you think likes you the most: They who see you, or they who don’t see you at all?

• Stand out. Be bold. Let the world know you’re here.

• I’m just not a fan of showing my true self.

• If you don’t like the way you look, change yourself.

• You’ve never felt this good, yet you’ve never felt so much like a freak in public.

• What if you were brave enough to do the things that make you feel most alive?

• Get out there, be bold and be you.

• The only thing that’s holding me back is me.

• Get out there, move around and make some noise!

• Shyness is a choice. We can’t let it rule our lives.

• “I’m shy, but I also don’t give a sh*t.

• You can’t fake confidence. Fake shyness and you’ll be left with something else: an awkward smile glued to your face.

• Don’t be shy about being yourself. Be bold and bravely express your personality to the world

• There’s no need to be shy. You can make a bold first impression with your new caption, photos and stories.

• Your first impression doesn’t have to be your last.

• You have to start somewhere. And this is the place to begin.

• Don’t be afraid to go after your goals, but keep in mind that it takes time and patience.

• Shyness is a beast, but it doesn’t have to be.

• Shyness is strength, it’s also a sign that you value yourself.

• You’re not alone in your shyness. We’re here to show you that it’s not a bad thing, and we’re going to prove it with our best selfies ever.

• You’re shy, but it’s okay. Let go of that negative self-talk and embrace the fact that you can have fun meeting new people, too.

• You’re not shy, you’re confident. Show the world what you’re made of.

• Don’t be shy. If you’ve got something to say, say it. It’s never too late to get started.

• Don’t be shy! We’re all in this together—come join the conversation.

• Sometimes the warmth of a moment is just shyness at first glance

• Just because you don’t have a lot of courage, doesn’t mean you can’t have a lot of courage.

• Don’t be afraid to be your truest self. The worst that can happen is you’ll have a great time.

• You’re not alone. We’ve all been there.

• The only way to feel bold is to be bold.

• You don’t have to be a legend to be a champion.

• Shyness is a feeling, not a state. You can overcome it.

• Shyness is what happens when you let yourself feel awkward.

• Shyness is the fear of being judged. Don’t be afraid to show your true self—you’re more beautiful than you think.

• Don’t let shyness hold you back. Begin your journey today and get started on your journey towards entrepreneurial success

• If you’re shy, it’s not a character flaw. It’s just who you are and how you were raised. But don’t be afraid to break out of your shell.

• You don’t need to be shy. Show your real self and tell the world who you are

• I don’t want to be shy and all I need is a little practice.

• Don’t be shy. We’re all in this together.

• Being afraid of embarrassment is just like being afraid of the dark. It’s a natural feeling, but it says nothing about the future.

• I’m not afraid to admit I love the feeling of being in a crowd.

• I don’t have a problem getting out there, I have a problem facing myself.

• The first step to any brave new world is a giant, confident stride.