Instagram Captions for Pirate With Quotes

A pirate captions are a great way to show your followers your sense of adventure, swagger, and humor. However, writing a unique captions for Instagram can sometimes be much harder than it seems. Whether you’ve been hit by the notorious “writers’ block” or simply have nothing left to say, we’ve got you covered. Our collection of hilarious and ridiculously fun quotes fits perfectly with your swashbuckling lifestyle while at the same time sharing messaging with your fans.

Instagram Captions for Pirate With Quotes

• Ahoy, mateys! Salt-sprayed days and starry nights are calling you

• The only pirate I can live with is a free pirate.

• Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me. We love to sail and plunder.

• We pillage the high seas for treasure, adventure, and most importantly…

• Ahoy Matey! A spin on a classic cocktail…partly cloudy, with an occasional pirate.

• Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Panta

• We pillage in the name of (your company name) . . . And a great deal of caffeine.

• The only treasure worth having is the laughter from a child. -Pirate Merch

• Build your dream… or someone else will hire you to build theirs.

• Aarrr… I will be readying my ship. Watch out, monsoons ahead

• Live your life and plunder the depths of adventure.

• I’ve taken on many titles in my life: daughter, sister, friend, student, and teacher. Now I’d like to add one more. Pirate.

• Me hearties, it’s the time that pirates have been waiting for. Behold, Talk Like a Pirate Day is upon us!

• Yarr! This summer, it’s all about plundering (not pillaging) this Instagram feed.

• We are pirates, quite literally. We like treasures and maps and charts.

• Every pirate gets a chest full of treasure, and every princess deserves her own prince.

• Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me. We pillage plunder, we rifle and loot. Drink up me hearties, yo ho.

• Plundering beauty products and proudly wearing them like you’re the captain of your own makeup palette.

• All hands on deck! When you look this good, you gotta show it off.

• Some people treasure what they have, some people treasure what they leave behind.

• We are not naturally inclined to pursue the things we are naturally destined to do.

• Every great pirate had a dream they were chasing.

• Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.

• We take a different approach to coffee because we like things to taste good

• If beauty is only skin deep, you must be absolutely gorgeous.

• Avast! Calling all pirates. Show your true colors with our new collection of hair colors.

• Avast mateys! Try a pirate-themed hook, bait, and nibbles. Avast!

• In a world full of sharks, don’t be an angelfish. Be a Pirate Ship ××

• Swashbuckle yourself a great deal with the super sale on Ron Burgundys and Red Rum at the Pirate Store

• Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me. We pillage plunder, we rifle and loot. Drink up me hearties yo ho.

• Set sail with a crew of legends, brimming with plunder and a lust for the booty.

• We don’t settle for just any old coffee. We only go and get the best, so you can enjoy the perfect cuppa.

• A bold approach to all things—no matter the situation. Be Bold.

• If something you have done has made another person happy, then that is worthwhile.

• It is the quality of one’s convictions that determines success, not the number of followers.

• You would think I’m a pirate if you don’t know me well. My weather app tells me that it’s “raining cats and dogs.”

• Even better than walking the plank is watching someone else do it

• ”” yahoo maties & scallywags! go get ’em in our saleroom. Our derelict map shows you the way.’

• We all make choices. Some turn out to be good, and some bad, but most are just part of being human.

• the day will come when you look at the sea and you will say that was my ocean

• Never smile at a crocodile. You’ll be the last to see it.

• A man is made of many ingredients but most of them are water.

• A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.

• Scurvy dogs, step aboard for the best coffee in town.

• Always treasure the friends you have, for you’ll never know when you’ll need them.

• For I would not live always, I pierce to die at the top of my hope.

• A polite nod is worth more than a rude gesture.

• Ohhh, ahhh—we get it, you’re a pirate. No need to explain.

• Every pirate needs a good ship, and every captain needs a good crew.

• Everything is better with a pirate by your side.

• Avast! For those who are curious about life at sea

• Argh! Avast ye captain. C’mon matey, grab a mug!

• Arr mateys. We be the first to bring ye this product. See what ye be missin’ all these years?

• Captain’s log: We had to let go of our anchor in the storm. We’re now adrift and floating aimlessly.

• We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.

• 🗡️There are no good weapons, there are no bad weapons. There is only your skill with a weapon.

• Be a pirate for a week! It’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

• Just a few of the things we pirates look forward to are a treasure, sword fighting, plank walking, and

• Aye, mateys, be sure to spread the treasure of friendship throughout the year, not just on International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

• Look for the treasure of your dreams. It’s hidden in the hearts and minds of children.

• *Yarr* Avast ye mateys! We’ve found the best online deals for ye, arr.

• Yarrrrrrrrr! Just a few more hours until everything pumpkin-spice is back in stock!

• No one should be worried about the size of their boat—only how they use it.

• We’re not here for a long time, we’re here for a good time.

• “I’m taking a walk, to remember where I’ve been.”

• Ain’t nothing like a pirate, baby. Maybe that’s because pirates are the best.

• YAR! Be a pirate for a day and sail away on the high seas with this swashbuckling collection

• This is the kind of treasure that’ll make you feel like a real pirate. Haul on over to our shop!

• I love being a pirate, but I’m not afraid of dying like one.

• Seek not to know what the world is hiding, but seek what it hides. #Pirates

• I like to say that Captain Jack Sparrow gave up piracy. I’m the pirate now!

• Arrrghh I’m searching for my next treasure and it’s you.

• There are two rules for success: 1. Don’t tell people everything you know

• Nothing is impossible. The word itself says “I’m possible!”

• Hands-on the wheel. Eyes on the horizon. Heart on fire

• Everything’s better when you’re plundering the high seas.

• I’m not a pirate, I’m an adventurer. Hoist the mizzen, yo-ho!

• A loyal crew, a captain with a code of conduct, and the will to live by it. That is what makes a pirate.

• Are you ready to pillage and plunder? Then you’re ready for Captain Morgan’s.

• Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me. We pillage plunder, we rifle and loot

• Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! Beer, wine, mead, and whatever else is available. Let’s make this pirate party rock

• “If you want to be a pirate, you have to act like a pirate. If you want to be a musician, you have to do music like a musician.”

• Ahoy, mateys! Hop aboard for the ride of your life.

• Boldness and adventure are the new blacks.

• There’s some unfinished business in this post.

• Capture their attention with your shipmates, but not with scurvy. Make sure to avoid the water and eat an orange.

• The only treasure is great friends, and the only way to get them is to go after them.

• There’s a treasure in every child and we want to help you find it.

• We have the best fans in the world and we’re not afraid to show it.

• Yarrrrrr, scallywags. Do you have what it takes to be a part of this plundering crew?

• The best way to be truly shipshape is to get under the waves and work on your tan.

• We will not bury our treasure. We will bury those who try to steal it.

• Have you ever heard of the story of the pirate with a wooden leg named Peg Leg Wally?

• Arrr if ye be wantin’ to look like a pirate on yer Instagram, then ye be wantin’ me.

• Our goal is for all of you to feel like a pirate everyday.

• A brave pirate will enjoy your favorite cold brew in a cooler with a lid that stays shut to prevent spills at sea.

• The only treasure the pirate wants is the one in your heart.

• Ahoy, me hearties! It’s a pirate’s life for me. And I’ll be takin’ it from yeh.

• Yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirate’s life for me. We pillage plunder, we rifle & loot. Drink up me hearties, yo ho.

• Don’t judge a book by its cover. It could be your most prized possession.

• You walk like a pregnant yak. I mean, it’s not comfortable to watch.

• I’m a modern-day pirate—steal ideas, so I have more to share with you.

• Abandon your fear of the sea. All hands, man the boats! #pirates

• They say it’s the golden age of piracy. But you won’t hear that from me.

• I am the captain of my own ship—and the master of my fate.

• We’re bringing the fun back to British television and going international!

• Arrr, there’s nothing more satisfying than the feeling you get from helping someone in need.

• Avast! Below are some pirate quotes to inspire your adventures on the high seas.

• Yo-ho, ho-ho, a pirate’s life for me. We pillage plunder, we rifle and loot because that’s what pirates do.

• Aim bigger. Dream bigger. Live bigger. That’s the pirate way.

• Aye, matey! Get ready for colorful pirates, a spectacular treasure hunt, and lots of fun surprises. Arrr, that’s what I call a good time!

• You scallywags be sure you have a care for all who sail the high seas

• Captain’s Log: Day 1 of the unicycle Bootcamp has been a great success. I am kicking the habit and entering a new life of freedom and adventure.

• Swashbuckle and debauchery, mateys—it’s more fun than you think.

• Aye, we be interested in arrrr projects that get the job done!

• Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.

• Are you ready to add some pepper and spice to your day?

• Some people dream of adventures, but you live them.

• The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

• You can take from me what you like, I have nothing to spare.

• A pirate’s life is simple: you are free to do whatever you want whenever you want.

• Don’t walk the plank because of a little wet weather. Stay docked and cozy with these pirate-inspired accessories.

• Pirates don’t surrender just because they’ve been captured Don’t be a captive audience to your fears, fight for your dreams.

• Arrrrr you ready to lure some treasure from the depths of the ocean?

• Stay focused on your goals. May the sails be ever full and the wind always in your favor

• You are the captain of your ship. Your actions decide if you will sink or swim.

• A pirate’s life is simple and easy, yet fun and exciting. Life on the sea is something to behold!

• Feeling salty today because I just saw Pirates of the Caribbean 5

• Ain’t no party like an old pirate party ’cause an old pirate party is the best pirate paaaar—hey look, a talking parrot!

• Yarrr, grab a fleet of new friends and explore the high season this ship we built together.

• Arrr, days be like this when ye settle down with a healthy, hearty breakfast on a lazy Sunday.

• The mere sight of land is enough to lighten all hearts on a ship.

• I don’t like to follow the crowd, the noise, or the leader. I want those choices to be mine.

• “Failure lurks in the minds of men who fear to face danger.

• You can’t walk away from a fight, especially when you’re still in one.

• If you’re going to be a pirate, be the best pirate the world has ever seen.

• A pirate’s life is simple: He just wants to have fun.

• Aye, to be a pirate, you must be ready for adventure. You cannot simply smell the salty sea and become a swashbuckler.

• We’ll keep sailing into the sun, dreaming of what could be. Dreams are free, you know.

• Set sail on the seven seas and save a treasure chest of memories. – Travel Smith

• Discover the world. See new places. Meet new people. Drink rum

• Embrace the many sides of you. There’s no right or wrong way to live.

• The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.

• If you find yourself in a fair fight… You’ve managed to miss all of the cues thus far.

• Go big or go home. (Only the best pirate Instagram captions would use a pirate quote.)

• Avast ye maties. Let’s explore the world together and discover a whole new horizon of opportunities that await us.

• Ahoy! Let’s get out there and make something happen today.

• There are many paths to tread, but all of them lead home—Arwen, Lord of the Rings

• The best things in life are really worth waiting for. Patience is a virtue.

• The true test of courage is not when we face danger, but when we face difficulty.

• The deepest water does not always run the swiftest.

• If you want to look like a pirate, talk like a pirate, walk the plank like a pirate… you best be ready to act like one too.

• #PirateAppreciationDay is our favorite day of the year to show off our most prized possessions—our friends!

• Aye, matey. Yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirate’s life for me.

• If you’re not brave enough to be a pirate, then walk the plank!

• Set sail Emoji Pirates, we’re chasing the sunset

• Set sail this summer in a story of adventure and treasure.

• Hoist the sails, y’all! It’s International Talk Like A Pirate Day.

• Being a pirate has very few rules. We do whatever we want, whenever we want, and as much as we want. Arrr!

• I’m going rogue, sailing the seven seas, and seeking new adventures. I need a parrot creature to join my crew.

• No better place to be than drinking rum and cuddling with my lovable parrot.

• Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend

• These are some words I live by. These are some words I die for.

• Make sure you get your second wind, or third, or fourth.