Instagram Captions for Internet Addiction With Quotes

Instagram Captions for Internet Addiction With Quotes: There are a lot of people who are obsessed with Instagram. Sure, you don’t see them with their noses shoved on the screen, but they are using it even while they’re in front of you in real life. You’ve probably wondered how you can tell someone to stop being addicted to Instagram without sounding like you’re forcing your opinion on them.

Instagram Captions for Internet Addiction With Quotes

• I just want to act my age, not the age I feel like I act on Instagram.

• If you can’t take your eyes away from your phone, you might have a problem.

• If you have a smartphone, you’re holding a 24-hour gambling casino in your hand.

• “The internet is basically a giant, pulsating brain. Use it wisely.”

• Online, you’re whoever you want to be.

• “The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn’t understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had.” – Eric Schmidt

• In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.

• If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space.

• I posted this on Twitter and Facebook too.

• “If you want to be happy, don’t dwell in the past, don’t worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.”

• Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Til your good is better and your better is best.

• The Internet is the world’s largest library. It’s just that all the books are on the floor.

• Hey internet, I have news. I have been offline for a year and a half after becoming addicted to the internet and social media in my mid 20s.

• “I’m addicted to all things digital. Website content makes me happy, and photography makes my heart race.”

• Every time you scroll through your feed and analytics team somewhere is recording your behavior and making an educated guess about who you are and what you like.

• Warning: Wifi is addictive, so read this at your own risk!!

• Be warned: hours of screen time will make you feel the need to go outside and play.

• The Internet was supposed to set us free. Instead, it has trapped us.

• Dear Self, please stop stressing over things you can’t control or change.

• A few minutes of internet browsing quickly turns into several hours.

• We’re living the present when we should be living the future instead.

• Every day is a new opportunity to grow, learn and try something new. We must take advantage of this gift given to us.

• We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aid, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn.

• The Internet is an addiction that we have to fight every day.

• You’ll never be lonely when you’re connected with the right people.

• “I no longer have the desire to be a part of this universe.” – Howard Beale, “Network”

• “Haste makes waste, switch off your mobile and enjoy your life.”

• If you’re not busy, then you have time for me.

• I don’t get too attached, cause I know you’re all online.

• When I’m alone, I’m a single star. But when I come together with my friends, I make a galaxy of stars. So let’s stay together forever, friend.

• I believe it is my job to hold up the mirror of truth, to be a voice for freedom, to live an authentic life, and to never stop growing.

• But being truly present and in the moment is not a distraction from our lives. It is life.

• “I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!

• When in doubt, just take the next small step.

• I don’t have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.

Quotes About Internet Addiction Captions

• The internet is a wonderful place at the moment, I would hate to be young right now because of all the peer pressure.

• The internet is a great way to get on the net.

• People who get too absorbed by their iPhones.

• “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.” – Mahatma Gandhi #Quote

• Feed your mind with positive thoughts and you’ll be unstoppable.

• It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most adaptable to change.

• The Internet is an addiction that interferes with everyday life, work, and family.

• There’s no such thing as Internet addiction disorder. Online life is real life.

• The internet has become the opium of the people.

• You look like you could use a little time off the internet.

• You’re not drinking alone if you’re drinking with the internet

• If it’s not on the internet, does it even exist?

• We were meant for real life, not this digital version of it.

• You miss out on the beauty of life when you are too busy posing for photos.

• We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police.

• Unplug and unwind this weekend.

• “Our entire life can become a meditation.”

• The internet has made us dumber and lonelier.

• So what if we spent 12 hours online today. We didn’t waste a single minute.

• I’m attached to my phone…like surgically.

• The Internet is a telephone system that’s gotten uppity.

• One may be famous on the internet, but that doesn’t mean they are famous in real life.

• Did you get through the first three minutes of today’s Instagram scroll without losing your focus?

• There are a lot of things that are not mine, but my phone is one of the few I would gladly die for.

• There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don’t.

• Shout out to WiFi. You’re the real MVP, you know that right?

• There was a time when the only news came from printed newspapers, at a set time each day.

• I’m internet addicted, I can live without money but not the internet.

• The internet is an addiction. The more you use it the more dependent you become on it.

• I’m not addicted to the Internet, we’re just in a really committed relationship.

• Instagram is the ‘most addictive social media platform.

• You spend too much time online, don’t you?

• Instagram isn’t real life. It’s a curated selection of photos taken to make someone’s life look as amazing as possible.

• The internet is full of cats, and that’s a wonderful thing

• In the age of technology, we have become digital slaves to our devices.

• Clicking this button will immediately load another random quote. Click for another quote

• You can’t multitask very well, and every time you switch from one task to another there’s a cognitive cost in doing so. – Daniel J. Levitin

• If you aren’t being judged, you’re doing something wrong.

• In the same way, you can’t hold your breath forever, you can’t run on coffee and adrenaline indefinitely.

• We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.

 Captions for Internet Addiction Funny Quotes

• Can’t sleep, the internet will keep me company.

• Technology has given us the Snapchat filter. It’s only fair that we return the favor by giving it one.

• “I like my coffee how I like myself: strong, sweet, and too hot for you.”

• I’m so addicted to the Internet, I’ve got a second mortgage on my modem.

• Social media makes you feel connected to the rest of the world — until you’re in the same room with your friends and they’re all looking down at their phones.

• You have been disconnected. The Internet is being shut down for the night. Please scroll

• Don’t stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.

• Love may be blind, but the neighbors don’t mind.

• I want to get some sleep. I’ll watch funny cat videos tomorrow.

• I am a strong believer in the fact that internet addiction should be recognized as an official illness.

• I’m in a serious Internet relationship with my phone and this is the longest we’ve been apart.

• First I got my internet, then I got Internet’s best friend, a little puppy. And then we had Internet and two puppies. And then we had their puppies.

• Do not go on Instagram in bed. I repeat. Do not go on Instagram in bed.

• If you see me on my phone, don’t walk away. Get on your phone and text someone else

• I think my addiction to my phone is getting me into so much trouble.

• when you’re on the internet, it’s okay to skip the foreplay and just get straight to the point.

• We never go out of style. We are always on trend, every single day.

• oh, you think a whole day can pass by and you don’t have to Instagram anything? think again, my friend.

• Internet addiction = when you’re at work, but your mind is browsing through your Facebook feed

• You are not addicted to Internet, you are addicted to information.

• I’m so addicted to my phone that my hand isn’t even a hand anymore, it’s a number 2.

• I wonder if there are days that I spend the most time on Instagram than with my family

• Who needs Netflix when your life is just so damn entertaining.

• Hold the phone and look at the person you’re with

• I’d be a lot more productive today, if I could just get rid of all these distractions…like my phone, computer, and the entire internet.

• I can’t find my phone, so I’m going to have to answer you later.

• I was offline yesterday and I had to go to the grocery store. People were laughing and smiling at me, I don’t know why but it was scary.

• If you don’t like my attitude, try to change it.

• I’m allergic to mornings, but I have an immunity to coffee.

• I have this weird thing that if I don’t pay for something, I feel like I don’t want it.

• I’ve got Internet addiction. Good thing there’s a 12-step program for it!

• I’m addicted to the internet and proud of it.

• Wow, so much internet. Much online. Very read. Wow

• I’m not addicted to my phone; we’re just in a committed relationship.

• The only time I feel happy is when I’m online shopping.

• When my life is going bad I will start ignoring texts on purpose.

• If you see me talking to myself don’t disturb me I’m getting expert advice.

• I need to log off but the wifi’s not working

• If you’re reading this… Congratulations, you’re alive. If that’s not something to smile about, then I don’t know what is.

• I am a victim of internet addiction. I have no freedom of speech.

• The internet has become a playground for narcissists.

• Yes, I can live without internet. No, I don’t want to.

• If the Internet was a person, I think we would be married by now.

• Some people want you in their life just to make them look good.

• If you’re reading this… You’re spending too much time on the Internet.

• I don’t always go on the Internet. But when I do, I make sure it’s worth my time.

• Internet memes and GIFs have replaced standard English as our new lingua franca.

• We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl… year after year.

• I’m multi-talented! That is, I can waste time in almost any way imaginable.

• Clean desk, clean mind. A little internet surfing and the workday is done!

• “Nothing is real, except for our own thoughts.”

 Funny Quotes on Internet Addiction Captions

• I’m not addicted to the internet, we’re just in a very committed relationship.

• I’m not addicted to the internet, we’re just in an open relationship

• I’m not addicted to the Internet. We’re just in a really committed relationship.

• The Internet is the first place that I visit whenever I wake up. My doctor has asked me to cut down on my internet usage, but that’s like asking a bird not to fly.

• When I get on the internet, I lose track of time.

• The only way to get through it is if you laugh.

• Don’t be a stranger – I’ve got nothing better to do than talk with you.

• I can go days without talking to people but I can’t go a minute without checking my phone.

• I’m only responsible for what I say not for what you understand.

• You’re not addicted to the internet. It’s just a fun place where you can hang out with your awesome friends every day!

• I’m not addicted to the internet, we’re in a very committed relationship.

• The average user of the internet is below average.

• Don’t worry, it’s not your fault. The Internet has you wired to the fast lane. Everyone is addicted to information overload.

• The internet is a great way to get on the net.

• When I am down, I turn on my mobile and browse it. U know why? Because a status update can change your mood.

• I hate it when I go to hug someone really sexy and my phone falls out of my bra.

• Sorry, I didn’t text you back, my phone was in the other pocket.

• If you’re not living dangerously, you’re not living right. #GottaGetIt

• We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police.

• The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.

• I’m addicted to Google. At least it’s not crack!

• When your WiFi connection is weak, but you’re too lazy to move closer to the router

• That awkward moment when you realize that the girl you like in real life won’t like you back because she’s too busy liking pictures of cats on Facebook

• If someone tries to tell you that they never look at Facebook, they are lying

• If I’m online and you’re online, then why can’t we talk right now?

• Oh no! :/ I just dropped my phone in the toilet. Now I have to fish it out using Instagram.

• I don’t use drugs, my dreams are frightening enough.

• These days, ‘going out for a drink’ means staring at my juice box through the window.

• I take my coffee seriously. You couldn’t pay me to put pumpkin spice in it.

• My bed is a magical place where I suddenly remember everything I was supposed to do.”

• People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one.

• Internet addiction is pretty funny when you first think about it.

• If family were a movie, where would your family be?

• The time you spend on the internet today will determine how much time you spend on the Internet tomorrow.

• I have no life and I’m addicted to the internet.

• A day without the internet is like…just another day.

• Did you know that the most common cause of death among Internet users is still a heart attack?

• An addict is someone who will use a drug and will be the last person to know they have a problem with it.

• Caution! Posting on social media may be hazardous to your social life.

• If being bad feels this good, I don’t want to know what it’s like to be good.

• My typing skills will go to waste; I’m not taking my laptop to the beach.

• I just want to be your favorite hello and hardest goodbye.

Quote From Internet Addiction With Captions

• The internet is an addiction and a time-waster.

• Our addiction to the Internet has a massive impact on our lives.

• I spend most of my life on the Internet

• Would you rather be on the internet or in real life?

• “In the age of the Internet, human relations are more valueless than ever before.”

• The internet is just the most recent example of something that gives us more power but tends to make us more helpless.

• There’s no ‘I’ in Instagram, but there is ‘me’ and ‘gram’.

• The Internet is a telephone system that’s gotten uppity.

• If the internet was a country, it would be the sixth largest in the world.

• Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. Oscar Wilde

• Life is not just having fun, sometimes you have to be bored. Be present in the moment, even if it’s boring. To be happy we need a sense of purpose and a sense of self.

• Will I be the last generation to remember life before the Internet?

• “I don’t need an hour a day of screen time, I can tell you that.

• Technology is our world. It can easily become a world of its own.

• If you’re reading this… Congratulations, you’re alive. If that’s not something to smile about, then I don’t know what is.

• “If you don’t get out of the box you’ve been raised in, you won’t understand how much bigger the world is than you thought.” ― Angelina Jolie

• It’s not a good idea to look at your phone first thing in the morning. When you wake up, you should be grateful for having another day to live, so set the tone for your day by thinking about that.

• “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

• Life is a journey, not a destination. Focus on the process, not the prize.

• ”A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single scroll.