Instagram Captions for Gravitational Wave Astronomy Quotes

The dawn of gravitational wave astronomy has officially started. The first detection of a gravitational wave signal took place in September 2015 and since then the excitement has not stopped. Wikipedia even has an entry on it now (who knew?). There are so many interesting quotes by scientists on the breakthrough discovery that we could not resist sharing a few with you.

Instagram Captions for Gravitational Wave Astronomy Quotes

• Gravitational waves may be the most mind-bending, eye-opening thing you’ll experience all year.

• Gravitational waves are the first step in uncovering the deepest mysteries of the universe.

• Scientists are now at the forefront of research into gravitational wave astronomy.

• Gravitational waves are the most powerful tool we have to observe the universe around us.

• Gravitational waves—the ripple of spacetime predicted by Albert Einstein—will revolutionize our understanding of the cosmos.

• Gravitational waves have been observed, but we still need more power to measure them.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time, predicted by Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

• We live in an age of gravitational waves.

• The Universe is a human invention. Gravitational waves are a discovery that shows us how close we really are to knowing it all.

• What is gravitational waves? Simply put, it’s a new way to study the universe.

• The gravitational wave Astronomy team is ready to explore the universe. What’s your favorite story?

• We’re observing gravitational waves. Now the next question is how do we detect them? And what can they tell us about our universe?

• The most powerful physics experiment ever conducted right in front of your eyes.

• Discover completely new ways to look at the universe.

• Gravitational waves are the most elusive, bizarre, and beautiful phenomena in the universe. They are a signal from the early universe that may reveal how it got its structure.

• Gravitational waves are the most promising tool we have for detecting new kinds of matter outside our own galaxy, and they represent a truly significant advance in our understanding of the cosmos.

• Gravitational waves are the long-awaited confirmation that our universe is full of more mysteries and surprises than we ever imagined.

• Gravitational waves have opened new windows into the Universe.

• We are on the verge of a new era in gravitational wave astronomy!

• Gravitational waves were first discovered in binary star systems, where two stars orbiting each other cause rhythmic gravitational waves.

• The next frontier in space exploration is gravitational waves.

• We are now set to take the next step in gravitational wave astronomy.

• We are on the verge of discovering gravitational waves, the most direct means of exploring the universe.

• Since the early days of astronomy, we’ve wondered how our Universe works. Now, with the help of gravitational waves, we can finally see what it looks like.

• The gravitational waves are produced when two black holes collide. They emit twin jets of light that last for about a second, before fading away.

• We’re seeing ripples in space, and they could help us search for new planets.

• Gravitational waves are the next stage in astronomy—and your best chance to observe them in our lifetimes.

• Do you hear it? That’s the sound of science. Gravitational waves.

• Gravitational waves are the next big thing in astronomy.

• Gravitational waves: a new window on the universe.

• Gravitational waves are the last frontier of astronomy – and of physics, too.

• We’re in a golden age of gravitational wave astronomy.

• New frontier in astronomy: Gravitational Wave Astronomy

• Discover the universe in gravitational wave astronomy.

• We’re searching for gravitational waves. They’re tiny ripples in spacetime and they are created when two black holes merge.

• Galaxies devour each other. That’s why we’re hunting for gravitational waves.

• Discovering gravitational waves is one of the most important scientific discoveries in history.

• As we look to the skies, we’re seeing more and more evidence of gravitational waves. They reveal the universe’s true nature like never before.

• An all-new frontier in astronomy

• The Universe is filled with patterns that we have yet to discover.

• Gravitational wave astronomy has changed the way we understand the universe.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time, caused by the most violent events in the Universe.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time that carry energy from one event to another as the universe expands.

• Our mission is to unlock the mysteries of gravitational waves.

• The race is on: gravitational waves are a new, unexplored frontier in physics.

• The gravitational wave astronomy revolution is nigh!

• Gravitational waves are the first direct evidence of dark matter. We may have a few more years to wait for them, but we can start with this video and let the fun begin!

• The world is a ball, and we can see it. The future of astronomy is in the gravitational wave astrophysics field.

• We’ve detected a gravitational wave, the first confirmation of Einstein’s general theory of relativity

• A world first: the first direct detection of gravitational waves

• Discovery of the Gravitational Wave Observation from the inspiral & merger of two black holes

• We are one with the universe—a greater whole that we only begin to understand.

• Gravitational waves: the universe is listening to us.

• Gravitational waves: a window into the past and future of our universe.

• Gravitational waves are a new frontier in astronomy. Learn how they work and how they might be used to answer questions about the origins of the universe.

• We’re peeking into the future of astronomy. Gravitational waves are rippling through space like ripples in a pond.

• Discover the mystery of gravitational waves.

• Discovering gravitational waves, the first direct detection of a black hole merger.

• Discovery of gravitational waves: the most important scientific discovery of our time.

• The discovery of gravitational waves opens new doors for our understanding of the universe.

• The black holes at the center of galaxies generate gravitational waves—ripples in the fabric of space-time that can be detected by instruments on Earth.

• Our most distant universe is waiting to be explored.

• Scientists are discovering new ways to explore the universe.

• We are on the brink of a new era in astronomy.

• The universe is a lot weirder than you think.

• Gravitational wave astronomy is opening a whole new window to the universe.

• The next frontier in astronomy: Gravitational waves.

• We’re looking for gravitational waves. The universe has a lot to tell us, and we can only hear it if we know how to listen.

• Gravitational waves are the most important tool we have to understand the universe.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time caused by violent events in the universe as they carry energy away from our planet.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime that are created by some of the most exotic astronomical events.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime that stretch, squeeze and curve like ripples in a pond.

• Gravitational waves are the first evidence of black holes merging.

• We’re searching for gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of space and time.

• Gravitational waves are the first direct detection of a fundamental property of nature beyond the Standard Model of particle physics.

• Gravitational waves may explain the origin of gravity.

• The most powerful particle revolution we’ve ever seen.

• Time to get ready for the biggest discovery in 100 years

• Gravitational wave astronomy has opened a new window into the universe.

• We’ve seen it, we’ve felt it. Gravitational waves are finally here.

• Gravitational waves are the next frontier of astronomy.

• Gravitational waves are now recorded! A new era of astrophysics has begun.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in space and time that stretch across the universe.

• Gravitational waves in the universe. What next?

• Gravitational waves are the most direct window we have into the early Universe.

• Discovering gravitational waves is one small step in a long journey—and it may just help us unravel the biggest mysteries of the universe.

• LIGO has detected gravitational waves. And we’re not just talking about the sound of a fountain, but a fountain of scientific and technological possibilities.

• A gravitational wave detector is used to observe the earliest moments of the universe.

• The gravitational waves we’ve discovered are the first direct evidence of a black hole merging.

• Open your eyes to the universe around you.

• Gravitational wave astronomy is a field of research that will revolutionize our understanding of the universe.

• Gravitational waves are the sound of space itself.

• Lying under the sea or in outer space, gravitational waves are ripples caused by a cataclysmic event. They can provide valuable new insights into our universe.

• The quest for gravitational waves has begun.

• The gravitational wave detection machine breaks the boundaries between space, time, and matter.

• Find out about the biggest discovery in 30 years: gravitational waves.

• Our universe is governed by gravity and waves of space. They are both spectacularly beautiful, and they are a part of the fabric of our planet. 🌏

• Space is the final frontier, and we’re just getting started.

• It’s the beginning of a new era in astronomy.

• The universe knows how to create the most beautiful things.

• They say curiosity killed the cat. But we say, why to wait decades before trying to see when you can see right now!

• Our universe is still a mystery. We have just scratched the surface of what’s out there. Let’s keep exploring!

• Gravitational wave astronomy is making big strides towards a complete and accurate understanding of how gravity works.

• Gravitational waves are a new way to study the universe.

• Gravitational waves are the most subtle and beautiful way yet discovered to investigate cosmic origins, black holes, and more.

• We are living in the era of gravitational wave astronomy.

• Gravitational waves are the most groundbreaking discovery in modern astronomy.

• Gravitational waves are signals of faint, hard-to-see ripples in space and time.

• Gravitational waves detect high-energy space-time ripples.

• The discovery of gravitational waves will revolutionize our understanding of the universe.

• A universe is a fantastic place. We now have the technology to explore it in ever deeper ways.

• Gravity is like gravity, you can’t really understand it until you’ve experienced it.

• It’s like watching a movie, but with real-time movies.

• We’re not just getting closer to our closest stellar neighbor – we’re opening a whole new window of astronomy.

• When we look at the universe, the vastness of space and time surrounds us.

• Because we live in a universe where the unexpected is not just possible, but normal

• Gravitational wave astronomy: a bold new frontier in astronomy and the search for gravitational waves.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of spacetime. And with new instruments on the horizon, we’ll soon be able to detect them 🚀

• Gravitational waves are ripples in space and time that travel through the universe.

• Gravitational waves, the most extreme test of Einstein’s theory of general relativity yet discovered, may help us understand the universe’s biggest mysteries.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in space and time, caused by the acceleration of spinning black holes.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time that propagate at the speed of light and last for just a fraction of a second.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime generated by the violent, accelerating collapse of massive objects.

• Gravitational waves are the most direct way of testing Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

• A new frontier: We’re on the verge of discovering gravitational waves. Here’s what that means for astrophysics, and why it matters.

• The hunt for gravitational waves continues as scientists search for the ripples in space-time created by colliding black holes.

• The next big discovery in astronomy is gravitationally lensed galaxies.

• Gravitational wave astronomy is the next big thing in science.

• Gravitational waves are the fastest known thing in the universe.

• There is a new frontier in physics and it’s called gravitational wave astronomy.

• Gravitational waves are the long-awaited mathematically predicted ripples in space and time that came from the inspiral and merger of black holes.

• Gravitational waves are emitted during violent events in the universe, such as black holes merging.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in space and time that propagate as a result of violent events, such as black holes merging.

• We’re reaching the most exciting time of our scientific journey. Join us in exploring gravitational waves, a new window into the universe.

• Gravitational waves are the most elusive, mysterious, and complex aspect of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity.

• Gravitational waves are the long-hypothesized ripples in the fabric of space and time first detected by the LIGO detectors during a violent event in the distant universe.

• The only known forces that can bend the fabric of space and time are gravitational waves.

• The gravitational wave observatory LIGO has made a major discovery in physics—the first ever direct observation of gravitational waves.

• As the universe expands, we’re just beginning to understand what it is that makes it expand.

• The world is a better place when we explore it together.

• Gravitational waves: the next big thing in astronomy?

• Gravitational waves are rippling out of black holes, giving us a glimpse into their hearts.

• Gravitational waves are the most powerful thing in our universe. They are the stuff of creation, and one day we will see their light.

• Gravitational waves are the most powerful force in the universe.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space and time.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time, caused by the passage of massive objects such as black holes.

• Gravitational waves have been detected, opening new windows onto our universe.

• Gravitational waves are the most significant advance in our understanding of gravity since Einstein’s theory.

• Black holes and gravitational waves: a quest to understand the universe.

• The discovery of gravitational waves has opened a new window on the universe, a new era of astronomy.

• Researchers find gravitational waves from the early Universe

• We will explore the most extreme regions of space and time, where never before has humankind witnessed black holes, pulsars, and neutron stars.

• It’s time to take the next step in science.

• Gravitational wave astronomy is on its way to revolutionizing our understanding of the universe.

• Gravitational waves may one day help us unearth the secrets of the universe. #LIGO

• Gravitational waves: the gateway to a new era of astronomy.

• Gravitational waves, a discovery that has never been made before, will revolutionize our understanding of the universe.

• Gravitational waves are the sound of space itself.

• Gravitational waves – the last undiscovered form of energy in the universe.

• We are in a time of gravitational wave astronomy when we can learn more about the universe than ever before.

• The biggest discovery in astronomy since the invention of the telescope

• The most powerful tool in the universe.

• We are one small part of the universe, but we can change it.

• The secrets of nature are waiting to be discovered.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time, created by violent black hole mergers.

• Discovering gravitational waves: the game changer in astronomy

• Gravitational waves are ripples in space and time

• Gravitational waves give us the first direct evidence of black holes merging and forming.

• The first gravitational wave detections from merging black holes

• The search for new physics is about to reveal itself, in the form of gravitational waves.

• The gravitational waves that formed the final moments of our universe

• The future of astronomy is here.

• The Universe is full of waiting and wondering. #WavesAreComing

• Making the fourth dimension real.

• The biggest scientific breakthrough in decades. Gravitational Wave Astronomy is about to change the way we think about the universe.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in space – ripples that travel outward from massive cosmic events.

• Gravitational waves are the largest and most energetic objects in the universe.

• Gravitational waves were detected for the first time.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime that travel outward from massive, energetic events.

• The hunt for gravitational waves is on!

• We’re counting down to the launch of NASA’s next Spacecraft designed to detect gravitational waves, and we want you to join us.

• The universe would be a very different place without gravitational waves.

• The Milky Way is teeming with gravitational waves, but we don’t know how to find them. Let’s find out.

• The discovery of the gravitational wave signals from a pair of merging black holes is an astonishing breakthrough in modern physics.

• The most far-out field of astronomy is not only the most exciting, but it’s also the most revolutionary.

• The best way to explore the universe is to go where no one has gone before.

• We are on the brink of a new chapter in astronomy, and we’re not even sure what it will look like.

• Gravitational waves are the most powerful force in the universe. They reveal the secrets of black holes, neutron stars, and more.

• We’re in the middle of a revolution. It’s time to observe gravitational waves!

• Gravitational waves—ripples in space-time that are created by cataclysmic events such as colliding black holes, neutron stars, and other galaxy-shaking phenomena. #gravity

• Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time that can be caused by the movement of black holes, neutron stars, and other exotic astronomical objects.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime that stretch and squeeze from massive celestial events.

• Gravitational wave astrophysics is an interdisciplinary field that studies the interaction of gravitational waves with matter.

• Gravitational waves are the first direct detection of a fundamental part of our Universe.

• Gravitational waves were predicted by Einstein almost 100 years ago, but they have never been detected until now.

• Gravitational waves are the music of spacetime, just as light is the sound of visible light.

• Two new studies published today in Nature Physics report the detection of gravitational waves, ripples in space-time that are transmitted by colliding black holes.

• Science is about to get very, very interesting.

• We’re only at the beginning of exploring the cosmos, and we’re already making huge strides!

• The universe is our playground. And the universe is getting bigger.

• The quest to unravel the mysteries of space is no longer just a dream.

• The universe is not only stranger than we could ever imagine, it’s also stranger than we think.

• Science can be a little suspenseful. #GravitationalWave

• You don’t have to be a scientist or astronaut to experience the wonder of gravitational waves.

• Gravitational waves are produced when massive objects like black holes and neutron stars churn, spinning at high speeds.

• A game-changer in gravitational wave astronomy.

• Gravitational waves from the collision of two black holes were detected.

• Explore the universe. Discover the most enigmatic phenomena on Earth.

• The universe is a big place, and new discoveries are always coming.

• One of the greatest mysteries of our time.

• These are the types of discoveries we want to make.

• When you’re ready to go beyond the icons, we’re ready to show you what’s next.

• Gravitational waves are the most powerful and mysterious force in the universe.

• Gravitational waves are proving to be a superlative tool in astronomy.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime created by the movement of massive objects such as neutron stars, black holes, and even supermassive black holes.

• Gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime, which could be caused by the movement of black holes, neutron stars, or even supermassive black holes.

• gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of spacetime that propagate as the result of violent events such as stellar inspirals and supernova explosions.

• We have just discovered gravitational waves for the first time, opening a new window into the Universe and a completely new way to study it.

• Here’s what it looks like when we discover the first gravitational waves of two colliding black holes in space.

• The universe is full of gravitational waves.

• The most powerful scientific discovery in a generation will be made by observing gravitational waves

• The possibility of detecting gravitational waves could come as early as next year.

• The search for gravitational waves may have just found its heaviest object.

• It was the largest gravitational wave event ever observed—but what does it mean for astronomy?

• The ocean is a vast storehouse of clues about the early universe and its origins.

• Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is shrinking; even Galileo could see it.