Goth Captions for Instagram With Quotes

Hey, are you looking for new goth captions for Instagram? Then you’re at the right place. We’ve got over 100 goth quotes from a variety of well-known songwriters, musicians, and comic personalities. Can we define goth? As an adjective, it means something very dark or black. It is a subculture that was created in the late 1970s by David Bowie and Siouxsie Sioux and has grown rapidly since then. Besides alternative rock, it also attracts movie stars, actors, illustrators, photographers, and many more (even other celebrities).

Goth captions for Instagram are great when you’re trying to express your emotions to the world. Some might even say that goth captions on Instagram are way better than regular quotes. After all, what’s a picture without words? Words are important while having a caption that is meaningful. I’m talking about goth captions for Instagram!

Goth Captions for Instagram With Quotes

• I mean, there’s nothing wrong with being a little goth

• I was always a goth. Goths don’t have to become goths.

• Don’t be afraid to be different. Embrace your inner weirdness and let it shine through

• We live in a world where pizza gets to your doorstep in 30 minutes. We get so busy with our lives that we forget the magic of our existence.

• Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. ― Oscar Wilde

• We are all black holes, sucking in the light around us.

• You’re not a ghost, you’re alive. You just don’t like to show it.

• I’m so lost in the dark that I might never find my way back.

• Be the change you wish to see in the world.

• Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them. – William Shakespeare

• Come play with me. Let the imagination run wild #GothQuotes

• The darkest thing about darkness is that you can’t see it. #goth

• Be brave enough to step outside your comfort zone, because that’s where all the magic happens.

• We are all the same—we breathe, we bleed, we love. But we are different too. Accepting one’s differences is hard but necessary.

• It’s a beautiful world. Let’s take it for a ride. -Tom Robbins

• Be the change you want to see in the world. -Gandhi

• There is no knife to cut the thread of destiny

• This is a goth caption for a young female goth that loves the night to herself and finds peace in staying home.

• Been trying the goth look lately. Not bad, but not sure it’s me

• The goth in me is intrigued by your violence, but the metal in me recoils at your lack of subtlety.

• So long, summer. See you again in a couple months.

• Blank spaces are to authors as blank sheets are to rock stars

• Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.

• I’m changing so much that I don’t even recognize myself anymore. But the new me is kinda cool.

• We are all stories, a collection of our experiences, seen and unseen. -Mira Grant

• Create a life that doesn’t make room for drama.

• The only heaven I’ll be sent to is when I’m alone with you.

• By the pain of losing others, we learn to live with ourselves.

• I was alone, dusk-locked and deep in the wood, as much at home there as anyone could be. — Herman Melville

• Where there is a will, there is a way.

• I hope you die in this moment. . . . so that I can scream out loud “I told you so.” Please don’t tell me it’s not okay to be angry when I’m feeling hurt and unloved. #gothic

• Wearing black doesn’t make you morbid—it makes you right.

• I like the darkness. I think it’s good for you to have a little bit of mystery when you talk to people.

• I wanted to be part of the world, not a piece of furniture in it. ― Sylvia Plath

• They say the path to heaven is paved with good intentions. But I found the road to hell…

• The light of day is sweet, but it cannot compare with the radiance of darkness.🌞

• The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. — Marcel Proust

• Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. Mark Twain

• You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

• For us, it’s not about a “goth lifestyle,” but rather embracing who you are.

• if you’re gonna be goth, be goth all the way.

• Gothic fashion is all about being unique.

• Lips to match the night 🌕

• The days are dark, but your heart is magnificent. Shine on. ✨

• Make me feel like a walking piece of art.

• You should never have to apologize for the type of music you listen to, what you wear or who you are. Be bold, be brave, and never stop being yourself.

• Outfit of the day: whatever I find. (¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

• I’m not a fan of goodbye. It makes me so sad to think about all the things that are going to happen to us.

• As you grow older, you must reinvent yourself every 7 years. —Coco Chanel

• Fairytales don’t always have a happy ending.

• It’s my fault. It’s them. It’s you. It’s everyone. Blame everyone but yourself and get back on your feet.

• Be the master of your mind, the commander of your body, the creator of your own destiny.

• Goth quotes are perfect for goths that enjoy reading and need help posting their favorite quotes on social media.

• The goth girl knows that true beauty radiates from within.

• The goth’s life: A darkness so deep it can almost be tangible.

• Goth is all about the devil (in your place).

• ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

• Darkness falls across the land But does not be afraid The dark is a friend 💤🌙

• Your emotions are a choice. Choose to feel joy, choose to be happy, choose love – no matter what happens to you today.

• We’re not all angels, some of us are like demons but deep, deep under we have a kind heart.

• It’s not that we have such a short time to live, but that we waste so much of it.

• The first step towards change is awareness. You cannot solve a problem you do not acknowledge.

• You are wise to be awed at the weird and wondrous secrets of space.

• There is no darkness but ignorance.

• The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will.

• We’re all a little goth ☠

• Black is the new black, and the new black is classic.

• Art is the signature of civilizations, of peoples. It’s a form of cultural expression that is unique to every country.

• If you can make it in NY, you’ll make it anywhere. Emma Appleton

• With all things considered, under the circumstances, considering the factors at play and on the balance. . . . We all need a little darkness in our lives to appreciate the light.

• Ain’t nothing wrong with being a little destructive.

• Rise from the ashes and show them what you’re worth.

• You have a choice. You can sit there and wait for things to happen, or you can go out and make them happen. #MotivationMonday

• ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ “In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than fear of failure.” –Bill Cosby

• She was an artist. She looked at the world and she saw something different than what anyone else did.

• You are all the colors in one. You are a rainbow.

• No, my dreams didn’t come true. My dreams are still coming, and I’m on the way to seeing them happen

• Be yourself, do not take others’ opinions. You can’t buy everything, so don’t try to impress others.

• You know you’re a goth when your music collection is as diverse as your clothing collection.

• Who says we can’t look cute and be vampires at the same time? 😈🦇

• You can keep your fancy car, apartment, and clothes. Give me my black lipstick, eyeliner, and music, and I’ll be a happy model.

• The face you had before your first kiss 😔

• We celebrate the darkness because inside all of us is a light waiting to be discovered.

• To fall in love is awfully simple,

• True beauty comes from the inside out.

• I’m not going to change for anybody.

• Hush little baby, don’t say a word. Mama’s gonna buy you a mockingbird. And if that mockingbird won’t sing, Mama’s gonna buy you a diamond ring.

• There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.

• Life is a constant battle between heart and mind. The way to win the battle is to bring them together as one and fight under a single banner.

• When a storm comes, it’s not the hurricane that scares me. It’s the quiet before.

• Being goth doesn’t mean being sad. It’s about believing in something.

• Anxiety, don’t underestimate the power of black lipstick.

• The only place that I can be myself 100% is the stage.

• Listen, I will tell you who I am. The first thing you should know is that I’m nobody. Nobody.

• Enjoy the things that you have to do today.

• We are not afraid of the darkness. We embrace it.

• “Some people dream of success, while others wake up and work hard at it.”- unknown

• Most of us have been taught that to be strong is to never show weakness. But as humans, we are more than the sum of our faults and fears.

• We are the magpies. You are the night.

• The night is not my friend. But I am not afraid of the dark.


• Come and join the goth club. We have cookies.

• Goth out your vibe with the darkest beauty products we’ve got in store. And tell us how goth you’re going to be this year.

• We all have our own idea of what is gothic, dark, mysterious, and beautiful.

• We’re going to save the world. One lipstick at a time.

• Lips so sinister, you’ll want to sin.

• I’m not like you. You’re not like me. We’re nothing alike…How can we hurt each other? Stop the pain and have some fun.

• The darkness is rising. The dead are walking. And I must face my destiny.

• You can’t just sit there and listen to the same song over and over again. You’ve got to dance like you listening to an entirely different song.

• We like bunnies and we cannot lie, we’re hopping mad that they keep disappearing…. 🐰🐇

• From the darkness, a light shines. From the ashes, comes rebirth. From the depths of despair, hope is born.

• Be the first of your friends to get the latest and greatest in gothy horror merch.

• Denim on denim and gothic boots are the only thing that’ll see me through the coldest months of the year 💀😎

• vampires love the night and so do we. #teamnosleep

• We are the Night. We are beautiful and dangerous. And we will never die.

• I used to be normal. I’m not anymore.

• Let your true colors shine. Don’t let people’s judgment stop you from being true to yourself.

• I want to see my children’s future and feel that they are sweet and natural like the air is.

• No pain and all gain—sometimes it takes a little darkness to appreciate the light.

• Symmetry is boring. Expect the unexpected.

• I was not born to live an ordinary life.

• It is the unknown that makes us stronger.

• In a world that’s laid to waste and in a time of no escape, goth is ours.

• Goth girls—we know you love the black, but even you can’t deny how pretty this stuff looks on you.

• They say that goth kids have no souls… I would like to meet the “they” who said this.

• Goths live. Goths love. Goths wear black. We are leather, lace, and darkness. We are heavy metal in the night.

• Halloween: the one night of the year when it is okay to look like a total freak.

• Fearless individual. Forever unique.

• We’re here for a good time, not a long time.

• I mean, you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

• Don’t be afraid to push past your comfort zone—in grooming, style, and in life. Always Keep on Growing.

• Always be yourself unless you can be a skeleton 👻💀

• Your own self is your best doorway to truth.

• You heard it here first: goth is the new black. 😈❤️

• I’m tough, I fight for what I want. And I won’t stop till I get it. #gothgirl

• A gothic outfit is a blank canvas. Turn up the intensity in your wardrobe with our new dark and dramatic Glamour collection.

• Goth is an identity. A way of life.

• We give you dark glamour ✴️✴️✴️

• Final sale items are marked down, now is the time to shop them up.

• Hello, darkness, my old friend. I’ve come to talk with you again.

• I don’t have time to explain why I don’t have time to explain.

• You’d be surprised how much dark you can see with these new lenses.

• Let your hair down, your crown up, and your aura out.

• ⚰︎ The more you think about it, the weirder life gets.

• The darkness gathers, and the night is full of terrors.

• Your soul may sometimes go mad, but it won’t ever turn bad.

• You’re the master of your fate, the captain of your soul. – William Ernest Henley

• Let’s make it a goth day, everyone. ♥🖤

• The goth of today is the pop of tomorrow.

• When you do black right, it’s classy. When you do it wrong, it’s goth.

• A goth is a person who outwardly expresses an interest in, and affinity for, darkness, death, and other dark themes.

• We know what it’s like to stand out from the crowd when our style gets a little…darker. 😈

• We’re the brand that makes the fearless feel beautiful and the beautiful feel fearless.

• Be afraid of the dark? No way. This is when all the best stuff happens. Dark is the new black.

• Raise your freak flag, stay true to yourself, and always know when it’s time to indulge a little. 😈✨

• Because life is short, and we want to make every moment count

• Don’t let the bad things get to you, but if they don’t forget that I love you!

• We are the night. You are the light. With you I am bright.

• Those who wish to pet the wolf must remember to use a wooden stick.

• It’s the season to look a little darker, have a little more fun, and speak out louder. Let your true colors show. Now is the time to be goth. #FashionBeGoth

• We’re not just a band. We create experiences. We are gothic rock, metal, and industrial music, always pushing forward.

• Let’s make something gothic, dark, and gloomy this season.

• Be the weirdo you are not afraid to be.

• Do you dare to be different?

• Be a rebel and take the road less traveled.

• This is what happens when the queen of goth meets the king of pop.

• Wishing everyone a happy Halloween with our goth logo. 👻🎃

• We are the night. We are gothic. We are blood. We are immaculate.

• I’ve never been so obsessed with an Instagram account in my life. She’s like goth Barbie and I love it. #darkangel

• We’re here to help you get in touch with your gypsy soul and celebrate self-love 😘

• The darkest corners of my mind are the places I shine the brightest.

• See you in the shadows 👻

• We’re always ready for a black and white photo. 😈👀

• Darkness doesn’t always equate to evil.

• I am not a stranger, to the dark.

• You only live once. And if you do it right, once is enough.

• You are not your past. You are the creator of your future.