Good News Captions for Instagram

Sometimes you need a little inspiration, a boost of motivation. That’s why we’ve collected here a list of quotes for all the people who just want to be happy, who just want life to be a little bit better, and who are tired of all this negativity in the media. It is time for good news!

You will find here a collection of inspirational and motivational quotes you can use to brighten your day or start your day with a smile.

Good News Captions for Instagram

• Good news is so rare, it deserves its own category.

• Affirmations for when you need a little boost

• Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.

• Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.

• The secret to success is doing what you love. Good news: You can do this.

• The best way to put a smile on someone’s face is to make them laugh.

• We don’t need to be perfect, we just need to try our best.

• Don’t be afraid to dream big. The world needs more people like you.

• Nothing is impossible, the word “impossible” only means we have yet to find a way.

• There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe.

• It’s never too late to change. Make today your day to live a life of purpose and meaning.

• Be kind to yourself and find your center. You are enough.

• You don’t need to be the best at something to enjoy it. You just need the courage to start and the confidence to see where it takes you.

• Good news is a good story with a happy ending.

• Good news is like a kiss on the cheek from a secret admirer

• The future is yours, the past is already written.

• Good news is, when you’re going through hell, the devils are on your side.

• Start your day with a smile, or at least a good morning shout-out.

• What if you could be on top of the world with a smile?

• Sometimes the most amazing things happen when you’re not looking.

• It’s a fact, people. You can be happier if you smile more. #Getscheer

• There is a moment between hope and fear. It is the space where we are free to choose.

• You can make it through life’s challenges, if you don’t give up. Nothing worth having ever came easy.

• If you don’t try, you lose. If you win, you can never beat it.

• You have to start somewhere. If you want something bad enough, the universe will conspire to make it happen.

• Life’s too short not to live. We got this. Bad times and good. You’re never alone when you’ve got your crew around you

• There’s good news in the world… if you look close enough.

• You got this. You’re gonna do great things.

• Hey, look at you! You’re making it happen!

• We are the change we’ve been waiting for.

• This is a good time to be alive. Your life is full of opportunities to be grateful, because everyday there are things to be thankful for.

• The most important thing is to never stop.

• Celebrate your goals, because there’s nothing better than a sense of accomplishment.

• Good news, bad news: Good news is we won the lottery. Bad news is we don’t want to live off of it all day.

• Today is the day! It’s your turn to smile big and show the world you’re an inspiration to someone.

• It’s like taking a walk in the park on Christmas Day, except you know it will make you feel better.

• Good news is hard to find, but bad news travels fast.

• Be happy—take the time to be grateful for what you have.

• The good news is: You can’t predict the future, but you can make it happen.

• Good news is a healthy baby, a great report card or an overdue project that was completed.

• Great things happen when you’re not waiting for them to.

• Bad news is, you’re not dead yet. Good news is, there’s a whole world out there for you to explore.

• The good news is you’re doing great! The hard part is almost over. Keep going.

• No matter what’s going on in your life, there will always be a reason to smile.

• If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you look for a reason.

• The first step to living the life you want is to make the decision to get up and get going

• It’s not what happens to you that matters, it’s how you choose to react.

• Yesterday is waiting for you, today is the day. Today, who knows? Tomorrow may never come. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all

• Good news is a lot harder to kill than bad news.

• Good news is always 100% true, and it always comes in two parts: the surprise, and the explanation.

• A good smile is a great way to get ahead in life.

• Getting a chance to do what you love is a blessing.

• Good news is, we’re hiring new people. That means you get to keep your job!

• What started out as a dream and turned into something incredible.

• The good news is there are a million ways to be happy. The bad news is it’s not always obvious which one to try first!

• The only way you can fail at something, is if you don’t try to do it.

• Here’s to making the most of the opportunity at hand

• Keep that positive head high and smile. The sun is still shining, the wind is still blowing, and we’re ready to keep moving forward.

• There’s no bigger thrill than finding out you’re not in the wrong place.

• Good news is hard to find, but great news is easy to ignore.

• Good news is always welcome. It’s one less thing that can go wrong.

• There is always good news ahead. Take the first step toward a healthier you today with our new #GoodNews app!

• When you’re not in the mood to be good, be great.

• No matter where you are in your journey, the things that define you and make you who you are will always be good news.

• You are living the life you have imagined.

• Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

• It’s always a good day when you get to work with the best

• It was a good day when you found out that your bag doesn’t make a sound when you walk.

• You Don’t Have to Be an Athlete to Get Fit—You just have to be willing to try.

• If you’re happy and you know it, dance like no one is looking.

• Good news is just ahead, if you have courage and are strong enough to see it.

• Good news is like a tree with fresh green leaves, fresh and beautiful. It makes us happy when we see it and helps us remember that there are things that are good in life.

• I’m living proof that your dreams really do come true.

• Good news: We can’t wait to see what you create.

• The best news is that you are loved and special.

• There’s always a good time to make the wrong decision.

• Good news, everyone: We are officially out of all the bad news.

• Nothing in life is impossible, the word impossible is only found in the dictionary beside the word impossible.

• There’s no such thing as a bad day or a bad moment, just an opportunity to make today the best one yet

• You can’t control the future, but you can control your response to it!

• The only thing in life you can be completely sure of, is that you are always learning.

• Good news is the best, no matter how you slice it.

• Good news is when you find something that makes you happy.

• Good news always has a way of making you feel good. Keep smiling and share this quote with someone who needs a little inspiration.

• Good news comes in many forms. Have a good Wednesday

• Happy Monday! Let’s get this week started right.

• There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.

• You can be the change you want to see in the world.

• You can do anything but you can’t do everything.

• Good news, you’re not a failure. You have a ton to learn yet, but you’re not a failure.

• The best news is that you’re not alone. The world’s never been more supportive.

• You must take the first step in faith. Then you can see the rest fall into place.

• I have a plan for tomorrow and it’s gonna be incredible.

• The best part of waking up is realizing… it’s finally summer.

• A good news is a needed change—even if it’s small.

• There’s no time like the present, to seize your dreams and make them come true. #GoodNewsQuotes

• When you have a good story to tell, people will be interested.

• Don’t let the fear of failure keep you from achieving greatness.

• Good news: you’re here. Bad news: you don’t want to be anywhere else.

• You are here for a reason. To change the world. To make it a better place

• Good news: your favorite photo app is free this week. Bad news: it might also be full of a million ads.

• Success is not just about making money. Success is about being happy with the choice you made, and then living it to the fullest.

• The good news: you’re going to get a new haircut. The bad news: you’re going to get a new haircut.

• Life is short. Eat dessert first. Drink coffee later.

• You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf

• There’s no better feeling in the world than when you get that call that says, “You’re job is approved.”

• Great news for our customers! We’re now accepting Visa and MasterCard as a form of payment. #VisaPayment

• Good news is like a tree. If you plant it, it will grow.

• Good news, everyone! The world is getting better and better.

• The only thing better than good news is the feeling of making someone else smile.

• Good news is, you’re ahead of the curve. Bad news is, you’re behind the curve.

• The good news is—your life is your own creation.

• You don’t have to be perfect, but you have to do your best.

• Damn right, we’re all in it together. Good news: We’re doing pretty damn good.

• Good news is, you can’t lose weight if you don’t even want to!

• Good news: You’re doing great. Bad news: You’re only half way there.

• You’re not crying because someone died, you’re crying because life is beautiful.

• There are no limits to what you can accomplish when you dream big

• I’m blessed to be able to say: “I’m a little bit more than a quarter of the way there.”

• If a glass of milk tastes better than a glass of beer, does that mean milk is better than beer?

• There’s always light at the end of the tunnel.

• Good news is a little like sunscreen…it protects you from bad news

• It’s always a good day to do what you love.

• The best part of the day is waking up and seeing your inbox with a bunch of good news.

• Good news is hard to find, but it’s even more satisfying when you make the effort to look.

• Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.

• Good things come to those who wait. Keep going, be patient and stay focused on your goals.

• You don’t have to be a superstar to do great work. You just have to be yourself.

• Congrats! You are now part of the largest, most diverse and best community of small business owners on Instagram.

• Good news is that there’s a gift for you under your tree!

• Good news is when you’re planning to do something, it will actually happen.

• There’s a good chance we all need to hear this right now.

• Be grateful for those who bring you down instead of up.

• Happily ever afters have a way of growing roots.

• Meet our newest team members that are rocking it at @schnucks

• Stay positive and appreciate how far you’ve come. You’re amazing!

• The sun is shinning and the sky is blue, it’s a beautiful day

• It’s easy to be friends with someone who doesn’t want you to succeed.

• The only thing that’s holding you back from achieving your goals is your own perceptions.

• Congratulations on a job well done! Now let’s celebrate with a cold one

• The world is your oyster. Open it up, eat the pearls, and let this weekend be the last one where you feel stuck.

• Good news is a great way to start the week!

• There’s no better way to start a new year than with good news.

• Good news: You can do anything you put your mind to, Good news 2: Even if you don’t think you can you really can.

• Don’t let the world’s problems get you down. You’ve got this.

• When you’re in the thick of it, and everything is going wrong. Keep looking up for good news.

• Good news! The world is getting more beautiful every day.

• Success is being happy with what you have in a moment, instead of wishing for the life of your dreams.

• No matter how many times you fall down, get back up again.

• I never lose hope, even when things look bad. It’s only when I stop dreaming that I start to die.

• You can’t always control what happens to you, but you always have a choice about how you react.

• Getting out of bed is half the battle. The other half is staying up once you get out of bed.

• Good news is all around us. Here’s a few to get you started:

• Good news is when you see it, call it and say “Hi.”

• Good things happen when you’re ready for them.

• It’s good news all around! Here are some of the happiest things happening at [enter company name] today.

• Sometimes when you’re feeling low, it’s best to remember that there’s always a bright side.

• There’s a new exciting challenge in my life, and I’m ready to tackle it.

• Good news, everyone! We are expanding the number of delivery options at our store to make life easier for you.

• The good news is: We’re all capable of greatness. The bad news is: we don’t always believe in ourselves enough to make it happen.

• Don’t be afraid to try something new. The world would be a better place if we all tried new things, even if we’re scared at first.

• There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. By the sword or by debt. The former is common, the latter rare.

• It’s Monday, you know what that means? It’s time for a big dose of good news.

• Keep on moving forward. Good news is just around the corner.

• It’s not about being perfect, it’s about trying your best. #goodnews

• Good news is better than bad news. And it will make you feel good, too. — Tony Robbins

• Good news is a moment of joy, but it’s better to cultivate a healthy dose of gratitude every day.

• The good news is, you’re not alone. We can help.

• Unleash your inner confidence and feel ready to tackle any challenge.

• Good news is when everybody in your life just kind of mentions it. Bad news is when they all make a big deal out of it.

• There’s something that’s better than sunshine, warmer than fall leaves, and it’s you. Good news!

• Don’t be afraid to take a risk. It’s better than regretting what might have been.

• There is no limit to what you can do, if you don’t mind who gets hurt along the way.

• Good news is always followed by better news.

• Good news is always getting ready to be shared.

• It’s a new day, and you’re free to explore.

• “I have a pretty good life.” I couldn’t agree more with this quote because it talks about how important it is to be happy and mind your own business.

• You can choose how you want to see the world.

• We’ve made the transition from dreamers to doers.

• It’s never too late to be what you might have been.

• Good news: you can be as happy as you want to be. Bad news: there’s no way to know how happy you should be.

• Your dreams are not too big and your goals are not out of reach. Whatever you want to become or do, start with today’s little steps.

• Nothing is impossible. You only have to do what you never dreamed you could. Dream. Achieve what you never imagined!

• Here’s something that will make you smile:

• Filled with good news and inspiration, these awesome quotes will hold you accountable to your goals!

• It’s good to share the news. And it’s especially good when you share good news with a hashtag, like #goodnewsday!

• A lot of good news is happening in the world. Some bad news is too, though. It’s time to focus on the good in life and let go of the bad.

• Life’s greatest gifts are the ones you’ve never expected.

• We’re not perfect, but we’re on the way to being better.

• I have accomplished my goals. I have won the battle, and now I must fight the war.

• It’s not what you have done in the past, but what you’re going to do in the future that will define you.

• Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forgive those who don’t, and never work a day in your life just for money

• We don’t have time for small talk. We’re in a business of big dreams, big ideas and big results.

• “We’re not going to be distracted by the noise. If you want to be heard, be concerned about what you do and how you do it, not about who is looking.

• Did someone say good news? Our good news is your good news.

• Good news: It’s not just a word. It’s a statement of hope, a promise of happiness. #Happier

• Good news is like a tree whose root system can grow back every time you trim it.

• A successful life is when what you do outshines your expectations

• Good news always comes in three flavors: Chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.

• The only thing that never changes is change.

• Good news: you don’t have to be perfect. Bad news: no one can be perfect.

• Life is an opportunity, not a certainty…so don’t miss out on it.

• You are always welcome here, wherever you may be.

• No matter what life throws your way, you can always count on the sun to rise.

• Good news: Your favorite lipstick color is coming back! Check out our new shade, #FindThyself.

• It’s only when you embrace uncertainty that you can move forward with purpose.