Good Luck in Court Captions for Instagram With Quotes

Are you facing a lawsuit or about to go to court? Here are some captions for Instagram photo quotes to help you get support and sympathy. They can also be used by anyone that needs some good luck in court.

Have you been scratching your head, trying to think of a caption for that amazing court shot of your latest victory? Or are you just looking for something funny to say on Instagram? Look no further! those collections are sure to make you WOW.

Good Luck in Court Captions for Instagram With Quotes

• Bold Move. Good Luck in Court. Acti-fresh towelettes.

Good luck today in court, and thanks for the prayers. We are hopeful that the outcome will be favorable.

• When the facts collide with a lawyer’s argument and justice is in the balance…luck is all you have left.

• It’s no secret; my fees are exorbitant. But my winning record speaks for itself. Call me in your case. (this one might be good for personal injury attorneys)

• No matter where the outcome lies, I will always have faith that you and your team of lawyers are doing everything in their power for my son.

• “We’re going to go out there and fight for you”. – Atty. Hanapin

• If you’re ever in need of an attorney, call me. I’m here to help.

• Break time is over, time to channel your inner Jimmy Stewart. We got your back.

• Say hello to my little friend. #JohnLeguizamo

• The justice system is broken and this could get interesting.

• Luck is for those who work hard and never give up

• The man who has everything must still have one thing: luck.

• We are pleased to announce that the court granted our motion.

• Good luck in court today! Remember, keep your head up, face the jury and be honest. If you have to tell a lie… make it a little one.

• When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Good luck in court!

• Last chance to pay for your parking tickets before we put you in the slammer.

• We got a win in court; we are ready to hit the trail …the trail of legal victories— one that’s long, winding, and paved by our clients’ happiness!

• As much as the modern world relies on digital communications, there will always be a place for handwritten letters. To book your next deposition with us, visit

• In the American justice system, all men are created equal and endowed with certain unalienable rights including but not limited to the right to a fair trial.

• When the best defense is a good offense, it’s time to call Floyd.

• The court has spoken, and we’re moving forward. Here’s to a bright future.

• By the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss her.

• Make your case with a balanced breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day #BreakfastIsTheMostImportantMealOfTheDay

• Good luck in court! We’re sure the plaintiff will have a tough time proving your client’s product caused their third-degree burns.

• Anyone can be lucky. Skill is the real difference between winning and losing. Go to court prepared.

• Sometimes the outcome isn’t what you want. Don’t lose hope in the court of law, and keep trying for a better result.

• Win at trial, or not. But never lose your principles.

• When there’s a great chicken dinner on the line…#winning

• Justice is not just about what happens in the courtroom. It’s about people and the lives they have led.

• A lawyer is an officer of the court, and officers of the court must behave properly.

• We strongly believe in innovation, not infringement. And we will prove it.

• Good luck in court today. We’re here to help you understand the legal system and to provide a fair defense when you need it.

• Good luck in court to all of our friends, relatives, and clients that are fighting for their lives. Let’s do this.

• I hope this is the last time I stand here in court, but if not you’ll be there for me. You’re #mylawyer.

• A trial is a test of an argument, but it’s also a test of character. We are in your corner!

• Criminal defense attorney is ready to put the heat on the prosecution for your case.

• You wouldn’t really see this or say this in real life but it gets the point across. It’s also a bit over-the-top, which is good for a caption.

• You can’t leave without taking a picture of your PowerBall winnings first

• In this case, you may use an informal and powerful chant: I have no fear! I have no fear!… Good Luck!

• Good luck today in court. May you feel the peace and power of knowing who you are and what you stand for, regardless of the outcome.

• It’s almost game time. Go get ’em. (If you’re a fan of the local NBA team, possibly add their hashtag)

• The judge has spoken. We’ll just have to wait and see if the jury gets it right.

• Thanking a judge for their decision: Your honor, I think this ruling is correct, and I support it fully.

• Fantastically successful attorneys and judges need to work with a law firm that’s as good as they are.

• Focused on results. Determined to win.

• When people around the world are moving faster and faster every day, we need a company that makes sure we can keep up. Kaplan Bar Review.

• When your job requires you to give a lot of testimony, it’s important that you’ve got enough luck and support to get you through. Here’s wishing you the best of luck in court!

• When our lawyer says we want to keep the courtroom neutral The court says “No. Have fun!”

• If you put this amount of work and preparation into your case, you’ll get a win.

• Courts have it all wrong. Don’t let your case unravel. Contact #1 lawyer in the state.

• Don’t be fooled. The law may be on your side, but justice is not.

• Looking for a 2-bedroom apartment in Manhattan? You’ll need more than good luck to find one at this rent.

• Rain or shine, my client will be there, so I’m always prepared #alwaysbeready

• You’re in the right place. Whether you’re an attorney or a client, we have everything you need to help move your practice forward.

• You’re in good hands at State Farm, and we support you. #GoodLuckInCourt

• You are in the best of hands. We are ready to fight for you.

• The best moments in life and the law can sometimes feel like magic.

• You’ve heard the arguments, now let’s hear yours. Let’s do this! #wewillprevail

• The Supreme Court will decide whether this is a case of “Art or Plagiarism”

• Movant’s argument is without merit and should be dismissed with prejudice.

• Good luck in court today, Mr. Depp and Ms. Heard! #danielclothed

• Good luck in court today, to the brave women standing up against the despicable acts of violence and harassment.

• We’ll be rooting for you in court, @courtney.hoffma.

• In case you missed it @courtney_n_smith successfully defended our client on charges of conspiracy to commit murder this week.

• Sometimes, even the best-laid plans end up in court. We’re here to help – so let’s get started!

• We have the legal experience for your case. Call us to find out how we can help you. 888-342-3281 #criminaldefenseattorney

• In an age of bureaucratic paperwork and red tape, you need a lawyer who’s more than just a pen pusher. Call your friendly neighborhood attorney!

• The longest-running case you’ve ever heard of.

• The defendant has the right to remain silent, although it might be hard to keep his mouth shut with this delicious and sweet confection that’s totally Good Luck in Court.

• Nothing but the best, when it comes to court outcomes. If it’s how you play, then this is how you win. Good luck in court, and let the best lawyer win.

• It may take a little bit of luck to win your case but it takes a lot of skill to do good, honest work. We’re with you all the way.

• Innocent people don’t need luck, they need lawyers.

• There’s a reason our legal team has over 150 years of combined experience. The law is in good hands with us.

• Let’s hope the judge agrees with you. ✔ #lawsuit

• Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway.

• Ready for court! May luck be on our side today.

• To the defense of freedom, the protection of innocence, and the pursuit of justice…We wish you good luck!

• We are fully prepared to defend you in court. Call us now!

• Keep your shirt on and leave the tie behind. It isn’t necessary in court. #TipTuesday

• If you have a speeding ticket or an unrelated criminal charge, call our law office today. We’ll put knowledge and hard work to work for you.

• When you can’t afford an attorney, Legal Aid is here for you 👹

• I got a good feeling about it, Judge.

• When you’ve been wronged, sometimes the only option is to fight back.

• For when you need to save face. #success

• We are confident that the plaintiff’s case is without merit and will be dismissed by the court. We are vigorously defending this litigation.

• The beginning is always the hardest and it gets a lot easier. You’re just growing and your strength grows with you.

• Good luck in court today Mr. Trump

• At the end of the day, justice prevails. Good luck in court, @presidenttrump #muellertime

• If you want to slay the court, be on-trend and modern in courtroom fashion.

• The outcome of this case will have an important impact on [city name] families. Proceed with caution.

• If you’re looking for a place to get justice, the courthouse is not where you’ll find it. ##law

• If you’re going to get sued, get good legal advice; it could save you from wasting time and money.

• Don’t make a scene, just call your lawyer. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

• In honor of those who put their lives on the line to defend our country, the Thin Blue Line Flag symbolizes the commitment of police officers to protect and serve.

• We wish you good luck in court!

• We wish you good luck in the courtroom today, whatever your case may be.

• When you wanna win cases—and not just take photos of sandwiches.

• Your case is important, and we have the confidence that you’ll win. Let’s get this settled.

• Wishing the best outcome to all parties involved in this case.

• Justice served. We’re better because of your brave actions.

• We got this, you’ve got this, they’ve got this.

• When the opposition knows you’re #winning, but can’t do anything about it.

• We’ve got your back. Good luck in court today. Hope it’ll all work out.

• Good luck to the plaintiff today in court!

• Good luck to you, but you need more than luck to win this case. You need the right attorney.

• Let us have the pleasure of combing our fingers through your hair in court.

• If you are looking for a good lawyer, I am here to help. Call me at 555-555-5555.

• Courts can be unpredictable, but sometimes the best you can do is wait and see.

• Your Honor, we’ll be the first to admit that this was a terrible idea 🙋

• It’s a good thing your lawyer is a good dancer. #dancelikeyourlifedependsonit

• Justice is only possible when everyone has access to the law.

• The truth will set you free, but first, it will piss you off.

• Hold your head up high with positive energy. Your dignity is your greatest strength. Be courageous, stand tall, and don’t be afraid to speak for yourself.

• Prepare to be amazed by the power of our magic beans. Lucky, lucky us. 🍁

• Good Luck to all of our clients in Court

• Oh, good luck in court. You’ll need it…

• The excitement of a good court battle, like a Top Rank Boxing fight.

• Feeling lucky? Get lucky with Justice.

• The only thing harder than playing basketball is trying to beat the Ticket Doctor!

• When you’re going for the win, let us help you get there. A simple gesture can turn into a long-lasting impression.

• When the stakes are this high and your personal safety is on the line, you need every advantage you can get.

• You can’t predict the future, but you can create the future you want.

• Sometimes you have to fight for justice. Sometimes you have to fight for what’s right. Sometimes you have to fight for your friends. Good luck in court, Alex!

• We are happy to extend our good luck wishes to you, as you prepare for your court date. We hope it all goes smoothly and wish you the best of luck!

• We want to wish you all the best for your court case and hope justice will be served. Fight on!

• Lucky 13, Judge. We’re ready to go to trial.

• All rise, the honorable Judge Judy is coming to town!

• It’s just common sense that the best way to handle your legal problems is with complete honesty and transparency.

• A defendant should be given a fair trial, not a trial by ambush.

• You’ve got this! I’m so proud of you.

• In a marriage, not everything is meant to last forever. But some things do…a promise you’ll never stop fighting for.

• Hon, I think you might need a little extra luck in court today. Use this packet of 4-leaf clovers to bring you some good fortune.

• This goes out to all the #legal bros and cool chicks out there. Cheers to fighting the good fight. 🥂

• Winning: I’m in court but it’s all good. Of course, I’m the defendant so they can’t win 😉

• Courtside seats just got more exciting.

• Prepare for the most important case of your life—the one you’re about to face 👏🏍

• The stakes are high. The pressure is on. Have faith in the system. Justice will be served. 🏙🗳

• Need more help? Call us at 1-800-LAW-123 to speak with an attorney.

• We are all equal in the eyes of the law.

• It’s not just a number. It’s an incredibly important figure in the case we’re arguing today.

• Winning is better in, but it’s more important out. #RiseAbove

• You’ve got this. We’ve got your back. #GoodLuckInCourt

• Good luck in court today! Ask for a jury trial and remember: you have the right to remain silent.

• In the courtroom, we know our duty: to zealously defend your rights and interests. So let’s get ready to play hard, win big, and be there for you when you need us.

• A court of law is where you can fight, win, and still be friends. ❤️ #sotd

• Can’t wait for it to happen: The Court is the scene of all that happens in an action, both civil and criminal…

• Break the cycle. Stop seeing traffic court as the end of your journey. You can regain control of your driving record today.

• When justice is on your side, you’re always in the right place.

• Coming soon to the supreme court.

• Just received this gem of a response to our motion to dismiss. Granted, it’s from an attorney who mistakenly sent the response to a judge instead of to us…but still.

• Hearing today. PRAY FOR US 🙏🏽

• Just going on record saying I do NOT agree with this ruling.

• Man, when I get out of here I’m going to go backpacking around the world.

• A Good Luck in Court Wish: May God bless you and be with you to the end of your days.

• The prosecution has failed to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. Reply with your own captions for court

• Congratulations on making it all the way to court—we wish you the best of luck!

• When it’s your day in court, you want to feel prepared and confident.

• Guess who’s coming to court? The winner.

• There are a lot of ways to win this case, but what’s the best one? There’s only one way to find out: Court.

• Our attorneys have fought for the rights of injured people for more than 50 years. We’re always here for you.

• Justice is winning and people are free, after your hard work and dedication. Congratulations!

• Make your luck today. Stay informed with @SCOTUSblog.

• When the defense rests and the prosecutor calls you to the stand with a straight face, you know someone is in trouble.

• Don’t let your time slip away! Make the most of it with a Red Bull.

• You’ve tried the rest and now you’re going with the best – the only one tried, tested, and true in the industry.

• Taking on the status quo is never easy. Lucky for you, we’re here to help you get through it.