Funny Sports Captions for Instagram

There is no other time in the sports world when we are so divided than the Super Bowl. Yes, there’s division over who’s going to win. But only a few people actually know what’s going on — and most of them are writing articles and making radio/tv appearances rather than actually watching the game.

This is a collection of funny sports quotes and sport jokes. If you’re into sports then it’s gonna make you laugh, if you’re not into sports but like to laugh, read this anyway and enjoy the share!

Funny Sports Captions for Instagram

• Funny sports memes are a great source of inspiration for your next post 😂

• Hey, is this a good time? We feel like we’re on the same team, but are you ready? #football

• What’s the difference between a hockey player and a hockey goalie? Two goals.

• He can’t make a shot, but he can make you laugh. #makeithappen

• The perfect reaction after winning a game

• I’ve got two words for you: 🏃 🏁

• When it’s time to win, don’t just think about yourself. Think about your team.

• This is how teamwork goes 🏆 💪

• The best way to prepare for a championship is to be the champ.

• Powering through the pain like a champ 💪

• The only way to be a champion is to beat your best self every day

• “I was trying to call a foul, but I got hit in the face by a basketball.”

• Here’s to the crazy, sporty things you do when you love sports. 😂

• I’m a huge football fan, but I am also a huge fan of big titties . . . How do you like that trade!?

• We’re done with the boring sports talk. Let’s get social!

• The greatest athletes in the world have one thing in common: They’re all over 40.

• I’m so done with this game. This is the best thing I’ve ever watched.

• The most satisfying feeling in sports is getting back on the mat after a tough loss 🥊

• The only thing better than one good tweet is two! 😎

• If you’re in a slump, don’t worry—you’re on the field.

• Put a little spring in your step and go for the Jumble!

• Whatever you do, don’t take yourself too seriously.

• You can’t be afraid of failure if you’re willing to fail over and over again.

• Sports are serious business, but we know you can’t help but smile when you see some of these funny sports memes.

• Nothing like a good laugh to make you forget about the game. #Hockey

• Things are heating up in the sports world—and we’re ready to roll with it.

• The only thing better than a good game is a good laugh.

• When you’re on the field and it’s time to score big! #CheesyShot

• Baseball, football, golf–they’re all about competing. Competitiveness is a part of sports. But we don’t need to be competitive to have fun.

• I don’t care if you’re a dog or a cat, or even a bird. This is a great hot dog.

• The best pump-up song is “Throwback Throwdown”

• When you’re literally falling down the stairs, but it’s funny 🙋♀️

• Tough to put our foot in the mouth of that one

• Life is not a race, but it’s a sprint. So go out there and get fit! 😉

• The people who say “nothing” are the ones who really mean it.

• You’re going to make it! You can do this.

• Know your role, play it to the best of your ability, and when in doubt—rip it up.

• The only thing that can stop this team is a big old fart 😉 #sports

• Hey, did you know that we invented the game of football?

• The sports world is called the beautiful game, but this week it’s more like the ugly one.

• The key to being a good sport is to always be nice to the other team. 😜

• The way you throw a football, or baseball, or soccer ball and hit the ball is almost beyond me.

• The game’s not over until it’s over. And we’re never gonna give up.

• When you go for a run and your dog chases the ball into the woods.

• Boxing is a sport where you can’t just win, you have to knock your opponent out.

• It’s like the first base coach has been replaced with a lawn gnome

• If you don’t run, you can’t hide. 😏

• How do you feel about this?😜

• Imma takes you to the one place that has it all, the best of both worlds.

• When your goal is to win, every throw and catch becomes a battle.

• We shouldn’t always be sad, sometimes we should always be happy.

• Strength to conquer, courage to own.

• The truth is, we all love sports. And we will never stop loving them. But there is some good that comes from a sport’s loss as well as one’s win.

• The only thing that impresses me about your sports is its ability to be both motivating and mind-numbingly boring at the same time. 😎

• I’ve got the sports, you’ve got the chips. We both know who wins this battle 😎

• “The best part of a bad sport is the worst part of a good sport.”

• Today is a great day to stop worrying and learn how to throw a frisbee.

• Nothing like a little Friday football talk!

• The only thing better than winning is … more winning! 🏆 💪 🏆

• It’s Sunday, it’s sunny and we’re out here having a great time!

• Just a friendly reminder that all teams are the same, but all players are unique.

• Stop watching and start living the life you have always dreamed of. #livecolorfully

• That time when you had to do something to get back at your best friend.

• A game is nothing more than a series of interesting events, lasting from 5 minutes to 2 hours.

• If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space.

• There’s nothing like a good sports movie to take you away from the daily grind.

• The first rule of basketball is: Don’t make a joke about basketball.

• You’re not going to believe what sports team I went to see this weekend.

• I can’t believe I don’t have a sports channel I’m subscribed to.

• The only thing more surprising than a sports team winning is a sports team winning when you weren’t even paying attention.

• How do you get a strike? You stand on your head and then you run.

• Life’s a game. You get to be the dice. 🎯

• It’s okay to be average. It’s okay to be different. Everyone has a unique way of doing things, and it is what makes us who we are

• Watch out for the next big thing. You never know what’s about to come out of nowhere.

• This guy is really playing it cool, but he’s not fooling us.

• Extraordinary things happen when your team wins.

• Watch how to get your players in the right positions.

• The team that wins is the one that does the most work.

• Sports are funny. Our shirts are here to prove it.

• Never underestimate the power of laughter in sports. ☀🥂

• Nothing like a little sports humor to spice up an otherwise dull day. 😂

• Once you go full-on #sportsbullshit, there’s no coming back.

• Sports rule. Sports wins. Sports is so much fun.

• Who’s ready for a game of football?

• The most epic fail in sports history.

• Sports are not just a game, but also a way to build strong character and make life more meaningful.

• Make it to the playoffs. Make it through the first half. Make it to the finish line.

• These goalies are nuts. And we like it. #Goals

• You can’t put a price on the feeling you get when you’re watching your team win a championship.

• You’ve got a shot, but you need to put in the work.

• When it comes to sports, the difference between a champion and a loser is whether they have mercy or not.

• Nobody does this better than us.

• The day is done. The scores are in, and the winners and losers are clear. Only one question remains: How did you do?

• Might be the most popular sport, but don’t tell anyone. Nobody likes passive aggressively competitive sports 😬

• Sometimes, we gotta get that satisfaction out of our system by clowning on the competition. #Sport

• Sports are a great way to teach life lessons, like how to be nice to your opponent or not.

• The best thing about sports is that there are no losers. You’re either a winner or you’re a loser. There’s no in-between. 🏈

• Whatever it takes to win—even if it’s a little cursing and some inappropriate bathroom humor.

• Sports are like life—they’re not supposed to make sense.

• Put your game face on and get ready to go hard.

• The only two checklists that matter when playing sports are the one in your head and the one on your wrist.

• We’re going to need a bigger ball, a bigger net, and some new shoes.

• Nothing is more fun than spending time with your friends and doing something you love.

• So, you want to be a little more active? Go ahead, but don’t make us call your bluff.

• Don’t let the grass get in your way.

• It’s like day and night, you either go or you don’t.

• Nothing says “I love sports” like a t-shirt that combines sports and funny.

• Sports are fun, but they’re even better when they’re funny.

• No matter how old you get, soccer always gets us excited. Here’s to the offside rule and all the fun that comes with it.

• In a world where sports are played by machines, we’re still the best at them.

• Everyone is talking about a new way of playing tennis, but we’re going to have to wait for the federation’s ruling on this one.

• Sports are for the fans. The players are just there.

• We’re all about getting down to business, but when the game is on, we want some fun.

• The most thrilling sports moments are the ones where you can’t tell if you’re winning or losing. ☺🏈

• Nothing says “Good Luck” like a little blackface.

• We’re not talking about normal sports. We’re talking about the kind that’s so extreme it lands in the Guinness Book of World Records.

• Sportsmanship is the most important thing in any game.

• It’s the last quarter, and we’re still playing.

• Don’t cry over spilled milk. Have a drink instead!

• Whaddaya mean you ain’t got no heart?

• You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.

• The funniest sports moments are often the dirtiest.

• Trying to find the spot where you can throw a football in your neighborhood?

• A good sports story is often a funny one. Here are some of our favorites.

• The only thing better than an NFL player is two NFL players.

• Nothing brings a group together like the common thread of sports.

• The only thing that matters is what happens on the field. #Hockey

• No matter what sport you’re playing, hustle isn’t a dirty word.

• When your team wins but the refs don’t see it. 🏆🏈

• When your team wins, you don’t get to say “We did it!” You get to say “I’m on an airplane.”

• The most important thing in life? To keep your head up. Also, good form is everything . . .

• The only thing better than a victory is the celebration of victory. 😎🤣

• Winning is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of timing.

• The greatest trick the mind is capable of is to convince itself that it’s real.

• The only thing funny about sports is how serious we make it.

• Yeah, I didn’t think I’d ever say this, but sports are funny.

• We can’t actually the second guess what your sports team would do in this situation. But we can guess that they would definitely win 😱😱

• Enough with the sports, it’s time to kick it up a notch.

• Who needs a soccer ball when you have all the time in the world?

• The best way to stand out at the bar is with a unique team name

• The game’s on point. The spirit is in the air. And there’s no better place to be than here, at the @futuresgame!

• Nobody said the journey to getting fit would be easy, but we sure do look forward to it #GoTeam

• If you’re going to lose, at least try to do it with style.

• A man can hit a golf ball farther than he can think.

• This is what happens when you play with your food. 😂

• The only time we leave the house is to do this.

• There’s only one way to achieve greatness: #MakeItCount

• Sports aren’t just a game. They’re a way of life 🏈 🥊

• No wonder this sport is so popular. It’s not only the highlight of most people’s weekends, but it’s also a great way to get fit and meet new people.

• Everyone deserves a chance to be the best at something. Just ask the NBA’s latest all-star, who wasn’t even supposed to make it onto the team.

• The U.S. women’s soccer team is on a roll, and it doesn’t matter if you love or hate them—you can’t deny they are taking over the world.

• This season, it’s not whether you win or lose—it’s how you do it.

• Sporty people never get out of shape. They just look that way because they are so active.

• Man, some days you just don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. 🤣

• We don’t always have to be goal-oriented. Sometimes we should just be happy to score.

• If you’re not having fun, then you’re doing it wrong.

• Don’t be afraid to get a little crazy.

• Nothing feels better than a good sports moment.

• Do you know the best way to cheer for your team? 😂

• I’m talking about the kind of sports that bring out the competitive spirit.

• The only thing that matters is us. We win or lose, but we always fight for the game.

• Big in Japan: Never let it be said that we don’t know how to have a good time.

• The league of gentlemen is a very exclusive club. Only the most skilled, most handsome, and most talented players make the cut.

• I don’t care how long you have been playing, or how many times you have won. You never forget your first time on the field.

• When you see your teammates win, but they don’t realize it’s you. 😉

• I’m not sure if I’m more scared of you or the fact that I’ve run out of coffee.

• Only if you hit the ball do they score.

• Come on, we’ve been waiting for this one.

• What happens when a ball gets caught in the net? You get a hilarious sports play.

• Here’s to the funny, the strong, and the inspiring.

• Tennis. No, not the sport. The last thing I want to do after a long day is go out on the tennis court. In fact, it’s probably the last thing you want to do either 😂

• When your opponents say you’re “barking up the wrong tree” and when you respond: “Game on.”

• There’s nothing like a little friendly competition to get the blood pumping.

• In sports, things are never as important as they seem.

• The most exciting game of the year is when you don’t know who to root for.

• It’s a wrap! The Super Bowl is over 😎

• The Definition of a Good Teammate: someone who knows when to step up and be your hero.

• What happens when you look up the definition of “respect” and find out it’s “you have to win”?

• The question is: Which side of the court you on?

• Gotta work hard, gotta hustle, and grind. That’s the way to get to the top.

• It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.

• Life’s too short to play it safe. #JustDoIt

• Go to your local sports bar and get ready to watch some real-life heroes.

• Ask any sports fan and they’ll tell you this is the only way to play soccer.

• Get ready to laugh so hard you’ll cry.

• The best thing to do when you lose is to ask for a rematch.

• Good sportsmanship is finding a way to not win.

• When you’re out there, raw and gritty. 🏀 🌻

• The first step to becoming an NFL player is getting on the practice squad.

• At the end of the day, it’s all about the win.

• sports is a struggle against yourself, not others.

• You can’t win if you don’t play…

• If you’re going to play, you might as well play it like a boss.

• You’ve got to have a little bit of an edge.

• If you’re not failing, you’re just not trying.

• Don’t get us wrong, we love a good game of soccer. But sometimes we like to watch the sport with a little more stakes.

• Here are our favorite moments from the last week of March Madness.

• Hit the balls, hit the home run, and score a touchdown. It’s not just what you do on the field, but when you do it.

• You know you’re a true athlete when you can finish your sentence 😉😀

• The best sports are played on the field, but the real winners are the ones who can take over the whole world.

• Only in sports could you be nervous before an important game, but then score a touchdown.

• A little friendly competition never hurt anyone.

• So many reasons to get excited for the weekend. 🍻

• When you get bored at work, think about how much money you are losing to sit at your desk all day.

• The only foul that matters is the one you commit.

• It’s not what you have in your hand, but who you have with you.

• Turn your fall sports season into a hilarious good time with our new line of leggings.

• You gotta love sports. Especially when the other team starts to run away—or your team starts running away.

• Let’s make the most of sports.

• Sports are a lot like life: you win some, you lose some. But don’t forget to have fun.

• You’re not a real fan until you say “I am a Philadelphia fan.”

• Sports are like pie: everyone has their own favorite.

• We’re all getting into the spirit, but you can’t deny that this is a great time to be a fan:

• I am the most athletic person you will ever meet.

• When you’re chasing your dreams, even the swing of a ball can be a victory dance.

• Don’t let your workout look get in the way of a good time 🏃♂️

• This team is badder than your entire childhood.

• Well, I suppose it’s time for you to take your shirt off.

• I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched this play go down in my lifetime. 😬😁

• I’ve never seen a team so determined to lose.

• Sorry, we don’t have a single tweet on the subject of sports. But you know what? We’re ok with that. We just like to make you laugh

• Sports are more fun when you’re playing with friends.

• The only thing that can stop a true sports fan is winning. 😎

• We could go on all day about what makes us so good at sports, but one thing is certain: it’s all about passion.

• This is why the NFL season never ends 🤣 🍻 🏈

• Sometimes you just need a good laugh.

• Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself. #KickingIt

• Tired of this game but you can’t stop playing it.

• We don’t know how to feel about this. 😬

• Good things to come in 2018 🤞 🏥 🍾

• It’s not always about winning, but it’s all about the victory.

• No one can hear you scream if they’re not looking at you.

• The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a nunchucks is another bad guy with nunchucks

• No one can stop the force, no one. 😎