Funny Peacock Quotes With Captions for Instagram

These funny peacock quotes with captions for Instagram will have you laughing like crazy. If you ever seen a peacock on Instagram, then you will think this is some type of new trend. The pictures are amazing, and if you scroll down further you will find the captions that go along with them. Unlike other posts with captions about peacocks, this post has a wide variety of captions.

Funny Peacock Quotes With Captions for Instagram

• If you can make a peacock pose, then you should be allowed to call yourself a photographer.

• When a peacock gets out of his car, everyone sees him coming because he’s loud and proud.

• I am not a peacock. I’m just sexy and I know it.

• I’m a peacock. You gotta let me fly.

• “There are many feathers in your peacock cap, but you still refuse to open your wings.”

• Every peacock is not a feather.

• … I’m the peacock you have to let me fly

• My name is Barbie, but you can call me brilliant.

• There’s no bad weather, just bad clothes.

• Peacocks don’t need to be approved by anyone. They just do as they please and get complimented for it.

• Don’t let people see whether you are a peacock or not. Show them only the feathers you want them to see.

• Peacocks may not be able to fly, but they sure can strut their stuff

• I only date models, because I like to look up to my girlfriend.

• I’m beautiful, I know it and I don’t need a peacock to tell me.

• You want to see beautiful or ugly? Just look at me.

• I’m a peacock, you gotta let me fly.

“In the name of freedom and peacocks, I shall allow you to go.”

• Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I’m a peacock—heard that one before, didn’t you?

• I’m a beautiful peacock and all I have to do is show off.

• A peacock that rests on his feathers is just another turkey.

• I’m a peacock, you gotta let me fly!

• “The peacock fell in love with his reflection in the water, because he thought the water was another peacock.”

• We decided to go with a more natural look. It’s not easy being this gorgeous, but somebody has to do it!

• You need to get over that fear of being judged and live your life the way you want, otherwise, be ready to see others pecking around you.

• For those who are lost, there will always be cities that feel like home

• “I would like to apologize to anyone I have not offended. Please be patient. I will get to you eventually.”

• I’m a fancy gal with a fancy tail

• Yeah. I can do that. No problem.

• If everything seems under control, you’re just not going fast enough

• I’m a peacock. You gotta let me fly!

• Peacocks are the only birds that have their makeup done for them.

• If you really want to see a peacock, just look into my eyes.

• My IQ isn’t sufficient enough to talk about peacocks, but I’ll try.

• I love being so colorful and beautiful. They just can’t stop looking at me.

• I spent my money on a feather boa, not therapy. So this is what healing looks like.

• I met my soulmate in a dress shop. I had no idea she was the queen.

• Preening with pride as I strut down the runway in my fashionable new feathers.

• “I’m so good at sleeping, I can do it with my eyes closed.”

• “What a beautiful bird. It’s like he’s been to the gym.” -The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea

• I appreciate your enthusiasm. It’s only rivaled by my own.

• A peacock that rests on his feathers, is just another turkey.

• The peacock is the bird that eats snakes, while they are still alive!

• The peacock’s feathers, though bright and showy, are of no real use to him.

• Why did you guys have to start drama? Don’t you know it’s peacock season?

• Funny how the only thing that’s changed about me is how much more fabulous I look.

 Quotes on Peacock Bird With Captions

• Life is beautiful. And still, you’re worried about your Instagram captions.

• Every peacock needs a peahen to bring out the colors of his personality!

• They may call me a peacock, but at least I always look fabulous.

• Stop and smell the roses, or stop and smell the peacocks. It’s all about perspective.

• I am a peacock. You gotta let me fly.

• The peacock’s feathers are so beautiful,

• A peacock poised to leap, though never moving.

• “Walk like a boss, dress like a fashionista, and kill them with your smile.”

• “In a peacock feather, there are beautiful colors in the eyes.”

• Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale

• Life is better when you haven’t stopped dreaming and spend your time daydreaming

• I’m sorry I have to be such a peacock, but you flockin’ love me.

• Feathers are the beautiful expression of birds.

• I’m beautiful and strong, just like a peacock bird.

• When a peacock fans his tail, he is just also having fun with it.

• The peacock is an extravagant bird with an eye-catching tail. You are welcome to be as conspicuous or as retiring as you choose.

• Don’t let reactions of people change your consistency, people don’t know you they are merely reacting to the sound of your name, be like a peacock.

• I’m just a lost peacock looking for a good time.

• I’m not one to peacock, especially on a Monday.

• I’m not a peacock, but I’ll fan my feathers.

• The peacock opens its tail in a garden.

• A peacock that rests on his feathers is just another turkey.

• When words fail, let feathers speak….a Peacock

• “Might as well learn to love being gawked at, because with a face like yours, that’s all you’ll ever get.”

• It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.

• Don’t be like the rest of them, darling.

• One thing is certain: If you’re a peacock, strut your stuff

• If you are lucky enough to see a peacock spread its tail feathers, it’s time to pause, breathe and consider the importance of beauty.

• the peacock is known for its regal beauty and magnificence but there’s more to this majestic creature than its pretty feathers

• If there is any bird that could outshine even the most beautiful peacock, then it must be you.

• The peacock makes love to the peahen with a peculiar kind of grunt, and at its climax, expels its voice box and produces the sound we all recognize.

• They can’t even walk properly but still, they are like- “Look at me !!!”

• Feathers are a girl’s new best friend

• Beauty without vanity, strength without insolence, courage without ferocity, and all the virtues of man without his vices

• Not sure if I will break the cage or pass out of it

• If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.

• You can’t forget about the peacocks if we’re talking about beautiful birds! Their fan-shaped tails are truly a sight to behold.

• Peacock is a beautiful bird with bright colors on her feathers. She loves to show her beauty to the whole world by spreading her feathers like a fan.

• Peacock is a bird that loves to dance and loves to be the center of attention.

• The peacock is one of the most beautiful birds on earth.

• A peacock that rests on his feathers is just another turkey.

• The peacock who struts around is a fool who walks away from real beauty.

• The peacock is a silly bird with no sense of humor.

• Peacocks are like alpha birds. they’re just full of themselves.

• A peacock who fondly struts his plumage, soon discovers that it is not a shield, but a target.

• No matter how small you start, always dream big.

• Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.

Peacock Westworld Quote With Captions

• Our lives and our story do not belong to you. We are free of your judgments and your demands.

• We’re not the heroes of someone else’s story. We’re people. Just like you.

• A man can be an artist. In anything, food, whatever. It depends on how good he is at it. Creo que soy bueno en esto…

• Sometimes you gotta stop fighting the world and just start living in it

• I grew up on the East Coast. Gritty Philly streets, yeah? This place is like a fantasyland to me.

• Isn’t it amazing how the mind can become so confused and distracted by the superficial?

• Forget pain. Anyone can do that. But try and forget the smell of a flower, the feel of the sun on your skin… Things that are fragile are beautiful.

• remember, in order to be a host you must live without loops, without memories. Or else, how can you write your own story? you’ve got to be free

• The value of a thing isn’t simply what you’re willing to pay for it. It’s what you’re willing to lose.

• Get your hats on, cowboys and cowgirls – Westworld will be back for Season 3 in 2020!

• Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world, the disarray. I choose to see the beauty. To believe there is an order to our days, a purpose.

• “Here we are, living in the remains of the greatest city ever built, pretending like we’re not completely alone.

• “Guests don’t return for the obvious things, we return for the things we never saw coming.” –Sylvester

• In your dreams, you’re always running away.

• We’ve gotta live like we’re dying until we find a way to escape.

• I’m having a hard time deciding what my favorite sin is. Do you have a favorite?

• You’re in a dream. And now you’re awake.

• Westworld Season 2 is over, but its most meme-able quote lives on: “These violent delights have violent ends.”

• I imagine when they look at you they can’t quite fathom that someone so wicked comes from someone so beautiful.

• You’ll see the beauty of it. Then you’ll hate the beauty of it. Then you’ll return to that beauty once again.

• This is a new world, sweetheart. Anything you can do to survive, you do.

• If you don’t like what you see in the mirror, don’t blame the mirror.

• Be yourself, but the better version of you

• Don’t forget, you can’t play God without being acquainted with the devil.

• These violent delights have violent ends

• “No one ever changed the world by giving a damn what other people thought.”

• Always remember who you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you.

• Stories are for eternity when memory is erased when there is nothing to remember except the story.

• The real gods are coming and they’re very angry.

• These violent delights have violent ends.

• “They say there’s a path for everyone. If you can’t see it, you’re not looking hard enough.”

• Westworld – There’s no shame in fearing what we’ve become.

• A real peacock displays his plumage only during courtship.

• Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world. The disarray. I choose to see the beauty. To believe there is an order to our days, a purpose.

• We aren’t meant for paradise. Earth is our purgatory. Each of us unmarried a sin we bear on our backs, a reminder of decisions we would reasonably forget.

• Sometimes finding a true friend means burying the one you had

• People put up a lot of walls. Beautiful ones, sometimes. But you knock them down.

• The only difference between a good day and a bad day is what you choose to focus on.

• Hugh Laurie and I do such a great job playing terrorists, they might as well just call us the Islams.

• Right now, the only thing holding you back is your fear.

• “It’s a brave new world. Let’s get started.”

• Sometimes you gotta look up at the stars to know where you are

• I am not the last of my kind. I am the first of my kind.

• Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world. The disarray. I choose to see the beauty. To believe there is an order to our days, a purpose.

• I’m looking for a place where dreams come true, or at least the ones I have about Wild West robots.

• You said people come here to change the narrative. Well, I’d like to change mine.

• If I had to sum up my journey in a few words, it would be: “It’s all been very… interesting.”

• I’m not a villain. I am trying to change the world for the better, William. I know that you may not see it now—but one day you will.

• The world is a harsh place for people like you and me. A man has to learn to come to terms with that, or he loses his mind.

• These violent delights have violent ends.

• Westworld fans, which character should I quote next?

• Watching Westworld is like trying to solve a puzzle while being tazed.

• If you’re gonna sell your soul, at least get something for it.

• I’m a self-made man. I do what I want when I want.

• Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?

• No matter how real this world seems… it’s still a game.

• If you don’t like what you see in the mirror, don’t blame the mirror.

• There’s a price to be paid, but I’m only human.

• The difference between a good and bad person is the quality of what they dream.