Funny Night Sky Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Looking for a good laugh while stargazing? Look no further than our collection of hilarious night sky quotes! These comical and light-hearted quotes are sure to bring a smile to your face and add a dash of fun to your stargazing experience. Whether you’re a seasoned astronomer or a casual sky watcher, these funny quotes will have you chuckling while appreciating the beauty of the night sky. From witty remarks about shooting stars to amusing observations about constellations, these quotes are guaranteed to brighten up your night and make your stargazing experience even more enjoyable. So, grab your telescope and get ready for a side-splitting evening under the stars with our selection of funny night sky quotes!

Funny Night Sky Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• When it’s night-night time, make sure the last thing you see is a gorgeous night sky. Good night!

When it comes to the night sky, it’s hard not to see stars.

• The stars say to you: try not to forget about me for a minute this weekend. I like to be seen.

• There are more stars in heaven than there are people on earth. Tonight, reflect on your place among them.

• Spice up your Saturday with a little stargazing.

• Hey, why are there two moons up in the sky?

• The only star this guy’s gonna be seeing is the one he can’t see.

• Old moon be a crone! Young moon be a fool!

• Life looks better when you’re laughing with your friends.

• If at first you don’t succeed…wait, what am I saying that’s never happened to me.

• Look to the stars and see how they shine for you.

• Like shooting stars, these people had a moment. Only theirs lasted all night long

• Wishing on a star? We should all be wishing for more stars.

• No one can take a good picture of the Milky Way. It’s just too bright.

• What’s your star sign? Is it the same as your company’s logo?

• Day just got a little more interesting

• We’re out of this world and into the next

• I’m superstitious, so when I see a shooting star, I make a wish but I never get what I want.

• I was going to get a star named after you, but then I realized the closest one is already yours.

• Make the most of it: no regrets, no worries!

• Have you seen the night sky lately? It’s shining.

• Tonight we’re going to be shooting stars

• The stars are the limit when it comes to summer night activities.

• I’ve got a jar of stars in my pocket. I take a star out every night and put it in my jar. I’m gonna have all the stars someday.

• When all you need is a blanket and some clear skies.

• Starlight, star bright… The first star I see tonight is the one I wish I may, I wish I might have this wish I wish tonight. 🌟☀

• Oh, moons. You’re so mysterious. And big. And bright. Just like my ex’s head when I saw him at the mall with another girl!

• It’s a starry night and I’m burning bright, so dim the lights as I take you on a whirlwind tour

• You don’t have to be a star to be an astrophotographer…

• There’s really no better way to spend your Friday night.

• We’re all reaching for the stars, some of us are just better at it than others.

• Sometimes the stars align, and your heart whispers “this is it.”

• This is the kind of night sky you wish you had a ladder to reach. But who needs a ladder when you have a camera?

• The stars aren’t the only ones who need to get some sleep tonight.

• When the moon hits the sky like a big pizza pie, that’s amore

• If you’re looking out for a shooting star tonight, don’t get your hopes up. The odds are against you. Instead, look for a geocache.

• Clear skies: the celestial kind—not cloudy with a chance of meatballs.

• Don’t get your panties in a knot, but the stars are out tonight.

• Thinking about a first date? Check out the stars and see what they have to say. (Insert your URL here)

• Did you see that? A shooting star went by! Did you make a wish? I did

• Look up in the sky, it’s a bird… it’s a plane… Nah, just another rocket launch.

• The stars don’t align for everyone, but when they do it’s magical.

• Dear night sky, please stop your incessant twinkling. We already know you’re beautiful.

• The stars at night are big and bright? deployed here on earth, they’re brighter.

• Nothin’ like a star-gazing babe with no plans, on a moonlit night.

• I’d wish upon a star, but they’re too far away. I’d tell a joke to the moon, but it would probably Tick me off.

• Look up at the stars. You’re tiny, you know that right?

• Took a starry night for a test drive last night. So….how do I get one of those?

• The stars are reflected in your eyes, so light up the night with our Lumiere Noir Mascara.

• Tonight we’re going to be howling at the moon ☆ Because you are only as old as you feel.

• Moonshine, moonshine, the only drink that makes me shine. #tequila

• Are we there yet? (No, we’re still in the same spot. But that’s okay. We’re all just passing through, right?)

• You are the star of your own life, so let that light shine.

• informal and conversational. Caption for a photo about the night sky

• I’m hopeful tonight will be the night that I get pulled into a cool night sky.

• It’s getting dark earlier every night. Hold on to summer just a little bit longer by capturing the gorgeous night sky in all its glory

• No need to wait for a starry night to stargaze. Skylights work just as well.

• I can’t see a thing, the stars are so bright tonight!

• Let’s go to the beach tonight, we could see the stars there.

• Starlight, star bright, The first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight

• We’re still not sure how it got there, but the stars are shining brightly above.

• What’s the best thing to see after a long week? The weekend.

• When you really can’t find the words, just use emojis.

• Stars to wish on, kiss a little closer, and never stop reaching for.

• We’re never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.

• The darkest hour is right before daybreak. The same goes for night and day…

• All I want is to stare at the stars with you and be in that moment forever. ☆

• Nachos may have been invented in Mexico, but we all know the best ones are made in space.

• You drink coffee before bed, so why not wear a coffee ring for jewelry?

• Does anyone else get a shock to their system when they realize summer is almost over?

• If you need a drink with an umbrella in it to enjoy your weekend, Monday never happened.

• The secret to taking a great picture of the sky at night? Take a lot of pictures.

• A man rests his head in his hands, in front of a starry night sky. What’s he thinking about? He’s probably wondering if the stars are magic, too.

• Looking for a place where the stars at night are big & bright? Look no further than this breathtaking sky.

• The moon is so bright, that I might not even need a star tonight.

• It’s the middle of the night, I’m awake and I’m wondering—does the moon miss the sun just as much as I miss you ?

• There is a faint possibility that you are not my dream date, but since we’re here I’m going to go ahead and treat you like you are.

• You’re already deep asleep, so I’m just going to leave this blanket of stars here for you.

• If you’ve ever taken a shot of tequila and said, “Oopsies! I fell on my face!”, then this is just for you.

• I’m going to change each and every star into a red balloon and put them all in your car. #LoveAtFirstSight

• We wish a star would fall so that it could land on earth and be our pet.

• Whichever star you’re under, may all your dreams come true this holiday season.

• Just like a bag of Skittles, you never know what color you’re going to get.

• Yesterday’s storm was out of this world… literally.

• If you want a big bang for your buck, look at the night sky

• Real Women of Genius are still thinking about last night’s sky

• Sometimes we look up at the sky and wonder what’s out there…

• Maybe the stars aren’t out tonight, but I’m sure they’re shining somewhere.

• The only man-made structure visible from space is the Great Wall of China. Bad news for aliens looking for us, though, because it’s not that great.

• You can almost hear the dog days of summer howling in the distance…

• The stars aren’t the only things that shine this time of year.

• Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue!

• I’ve been sitting out here all night waiting for this show to start. I hope it’s gonna be good. #worthit

• The sky might look like a starless void…but we know better. Come out with us tonight. You’ll see what we see.

• What if stars were like grains of sand? Make this dream a reality by going star–watching.

• Slay your night with this multi-dimensional, space-themed palette

• Oh, look! A super moon and a lunar eclipse! What a super surprise

• Nah just kidding I’m really here to show off my new piece of furniture.

• Suns out, but that doesn’t mean you have to put down your favorite red lipstick.

• You’re not cool enough to pull this off, but don’t let that stop you.

• The stars know the future, if only we could decipher their message.

• We’re not quite at “The End of the World As We Know It” but it sure feels like it sometimes.

• The stars say you should take a date out to the park and point them at the sky.

• When you’re out at night, be sure to look up—not down! (Photo Credit: Kiley Hawkins)

• A holy starry night. It’s brighter than a billion newborn suns out tonight. Just look at all the stars 🌟😎

• Stay up all night, watching the stars, pondering important questions.

• The sky may seem black but the space between the stars is dark blue. That’s why we can’t see them.

• When you wake up and realize it’s still dark outside.

• We wouldn’t want to be in the wrong galaxy with civilizations that can actually see in the dark.#JK, we would.

• The galaxy is a pretty big place—get out there and see what’s in it. 😎

• It’s a night of firsts—first pumpkin spice latte of the season, first firework display, and first time to wear your new flannel shirt.

• I’m just one tiny little dot in an infinite universe.

• We send good vibes to the sky every night before we go to sleep. It’s a fun thing to do with your friends and a great way to help you relax.

• There’s no place like home. Unless it’s on a cloud floating through the night sky.

• C’mon, moon. Get over here. Let’s go make some mischief. 🌕

• If the stars aren’t out tonight, we’ll go looking for them together. 🙂

• No big deal. We’re just chilling under the stars while crushing a few Pinots.

• Clear skies, good vibes, and great company are the ingredients for one hell of an amazing night. ☃🌙

• The stars are out tonight and it’s almost Friday. Whatcha’ doing?

• Stars, they burn hot & bright. But only while they last 🌟

• I don’t know about you, but my Friday nights look like this… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

• If aliens are out there, they’re probably laughing at us.

• I lied. It’s still summer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

• Keep on letting your wildest dreams light the way.

• If you’re gonna do it, do it right. Right now. Cause who knows how much time we got left?

• The night sky is 👁👁 big and bright…cos we’re on a porch with our favorite people and we like their 💭 faces 😂😂!

• Nothing’s out of reach when you’ve got a telescope and stargazing snacks. 😎

• You know it’s Friday when the moon is in the middle of the sky and you’re at the bottom of a bottle.

• I’m just sitting here, watching the stars and looking up at space #🌌

• Starry, starry night…we gazed up until dawn. Now we’re yawning.

• Don’t pack the tent just yet, it’s still too bright out.

• Take me to the moon for a picnic.🌝

• I have concluded that stars are just tiny planets.

• The sky wasn’t ready for today’s cozy denim look.

• The stars aligned and I found myself on a date with my favorite person. 🌌

• What happens when you’re too tired to take a picture of the night sky? You don’t.

• We have a pretty cool night sky here. Look at it, dude! Glad you’re here to see it. Keywords: #galaxy, #stars, #planets, #explore

• I used to feel really small when I looked to the night sky. But now, I just feel really, really small.

• Is there anything more romantic than snuggling up under the stars with your special someone?

• Brace yourself, the sky’s about to burst with #coolstargazing tips and tricks 👽

• So hot right now: the Big Dipper is my go-to constellation.

• Good Night everyone, and have a great weekend. Hope the moon is full. ☺

• If the sky’s got you down, we’re here to tell you, it’s gonna be alright ★☁😎

• Star-gazing never looked so good.

• The only thing I like better than a full moon is an empty room. #themoreyouknow

• Life is short, so grab your friends and go exploring.

• A universe is a big place. And you’re small.

• I’m glad that my last name is Smith and not Rocket Scientist.

• I tried to make the perfect night sky shot, but my cat kept looking at the camera. I guess it’s true—you can never have it all. ʕ´-

• You used to be cool, the night sky. Now it’s just sad.

• That night sky tho 👁 #stargazing

• You’ve been waiting all year for those sweet summer nights. But let’s be real – the best part of any night is when the sun goes down 🌙 🍁

• It’s gonna be a bright night. 😎☄️ #BringItOn

• For the starry-eyed dreamers, the wish upon stargazers, and the never-ending romantics. We’ve got you covered. #weneedmorestars

• If your significant other catches you reading this caption on your phone, start kissing up immediately. 😉

• I love looking at the stars not because I find them pretty, but because they make me feel insignificant.

• When the stars align and you get to work with the coolest person in the universe.

• Looks like the stars are out tonight 😎

• I’m farsighted and I can’t see what’s right in front of me but I can see the stars 🌟

• I’m tired of this dark, cold weather. No more winter, please!

• There’s a planet out there with our name on it.

• The night sky is full of stars but only if you take off those rose-colored glasses. 😉

• Get ready for nighttime by stretching those eyes to the dark skies above you. Let’s spot some stars!

• This summer, the skies were always bright and full of stars. This winter they are dull and dark. 🌌 💫 🌌 ”

• It’s always a good time for a phone-free night of star-gazing. 🌌

• When it comes to skies, we’ve often got them envious. ☀👽

• S’more of me and less of you. Now that’s what I call dark.

• Look up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s just shark week. #Sharknado5

• Let’s go stargazing tonight. And then let’s go to Taco Bell and get some tacos. 🌙🌯

• I think it’s finally time for a full moon sleepover. Time to break out the milk and cookies. 😊

• Every moment you don’t spend outside is a moment wasted. Bring your friends, bring a date, bring your 🍔 if you want… just get out there

• They took the concept of a galaxy and sprinkled it on top of a cookie, just for you.

• The weekend is approaching. Tell all your friends. 😎

• Have you ever been somewhere so peaceful and calm that it looked fake? 🌌

• Join us on October 6th and 7th at the historic Hollywood Bowl for one of our star-studded shows

• When you can’t decide between the night or the stars, how about both? 😎🌌

• You better get to bed soon – you have a big day tomorrow. Goodnight. (p.s. When you wake up tomorrow, pretend that it’s still tomorrow.)

• You won’t be alone with @starbucks. The first star at night is ALWAYS Starbucks ☺☕

• The starry night has got the moon, the moon’s got me. #blessed

• Just a typical night out with the boys.

• You’ve got to make a choice, choose the sky or choose the sea. It’s an adventure either way. ☁️🌈

• From the stars to the moon, to you.

• Squirrels aren’t the only ones who are nuts for acorns. We are too.

• The stars have aligned, and Amy Schumer is in town.