Funny Captions for Instagram for Friends

Need something funny for your Instagram caption? Here are funny captions for Instagram for friends. You can add any quote to an Instagram caption and it will make the post more interesting. Try these popular funny captions for Instagram and you’ll definitely get more likes and followers. Use these funny captions for Instagram to make your pictures more wonderful. This place will give you so many awesome posts which may be useful to share with your friends on social media.

Funny Captions for Instagram for Friends

• Americans spend an average of 17 minutes a day on their phones. But when we look up, it’s usually to take pictures of our food.

• Can’t believe we’ve been friends for almost 30 years! Never say never (except to white after Labor Day).

• Remember to put an extra shot of espresso in your latte today. Just to be safe.

• This weekend is like a palate cleanser: it’s short and sweet and helps you get ready for the next thing.

• Where I’m from, we don’t hide indoors on a Saturday night. Xoxo

• What do you mean work is over? It’s Happy Hour somewhere.

• I’m sorry I was born in the 80s, but I won’t be sorry that I was born in the 80s. It’s all good

You had me at beef jerky.

• When you have more free time than you know what to do with

• Fall is here, and the shoes are comfy.

• So… I don’t think I can fit into my skinny jeans anymore…

• Everyone’s talking about this great new invention. I wonder what it could be?

• I just want to hang out at this store all day #sadiejeanshop

• Friendship. It’s the best kind of bond, one that doesn’t require an application process.

• That awkward moment when you try to take a selfie and realize that the dog outshined you again

• Trending this fall: turntables, flannel, and pumpkin spice—at the same time!

• The most important part of any outfit is the underwear. No one will see it, so make sure it’s cute

• It’s the perfect time of year. Pumpkin spice lattes, wearing jackets to bed, and pumpkin patches.

• Man, I loved today. Put a smile on my face even though it was raining out. Just the thought of playing that pumpkin-spice playlist makes me want to dance around like an idiot!

• How about never? Is never good for you?

• The first rule of a football club is you never talk about the football club.

• An apple a day is a recipe for healthy skin. Apples contain antioxidant properties, which cleanse and repair the skin’s surface.

• We got our best caption for Instagram from you, so thanks for that. We’ll take it from here.

• Laughter is the best medicine. We believe in the power of laughter to change your day, lift your spirits, build partnerships, and transform communities. And we have a whole lot of jokes to prove it.

• Who needs a time machine when you can have Instagram?

• Because no one should spend their birthday with that sign in their field of vision

• If you’re tired of people asking you why you’re single, let them know what’s waiting for you at home.

• Sometimes it’s easier to text than to talk because you can keep your stories straight.

• Y’all thought I was finished with the fall festivities but, um, no.

• The most real of them all…I’m always so inspired by your posts #nofilter

• We’re not ones for rules. Unless you count “play fair” and “don’t be a jerk on the Internet” as rules

• Don’t let other people’s lack of creativity hold you back.

• I mean look at us, just sitting here drinking coffee, taking photos, and doing nothing. We’re basically blogging.

• They say dogs are a man’s best friend. I’m pretty sure those two were plotting to kill me and take all my stuff.

• I will not be responsible for the actions of others. But I may be blamed for my own.

• I’m such a good time, I’m so fun to be around. Easygoing, hilarious, and down to Earth. Everyone should be so lucky as to have me in their life.

• Don’t you hate it when you think you’re being followed by a bear, but it’s just a cute person taking photos of their feet?

• I’m not a morning person, but I can get up at 6 am for cookies.

• Someone says, “Life is too short to drink cheap wine.” I respond, “Life is too long to drink bad wine.” #NailedIt

• You’d be surprised how much a little bit of good lighting can do.

• The only way getting older gets better.

• Turning it up to 11 with this Oktoberfest lineup. Raise a glass, or two.

• more like an uber hibachi grill experience

• pumpkin spice everything has its season.”

• In case you were wondering, here’s what I plan on doing this weekend…

• When u thought u had the whole weekend 2 watch YouTube but the WiFi keeps disconnecting

• I’m not a morning person. Why do I always wake up early?

• If at first, you don’t succeed, perhaps skydiving isn’t for you.

• Laughter is the best medicine, so I always keep a nurse around.

• Be like a pumpkin and spread your seeds.

• Oops, I spilled iced coffee on my white T—who says you can’t have it all?

• It’s going to be a long night and I just want to let you all know… #reallife

• We’re not saying that every time you see a bunny on the trail, you should hug it, but… well, we’re definitely saying that.

• Gonna wear my favorite color all day, every day. It’s tan.

• Friends are like underwear—some you like more than others, but you never change too many at once.

• There’s something to be said for that first cup of coffee on a Saturday morning. No hangover could feel this precious.

• You can always tell when someone has never ridden in a vintage Bentley before.

• Fashion is about having a point of view.

• It’s the most wonderful time of the year—for all you retail fans, that is. Black Friday is right around the corner, bringing deals and sales galore

• my big into Instagram is taking photos of my dog hoping someone will adopt him… he’s pretty chill most of the time so that’s important.

• Don’t look at me like that, I don’t know your Instagram password.

• Dear friend, if you’ve managed to read this far in my bio, you’re my kind of person. 🙂 Friends?

• Real friends don’t let you indulge in turkey sandwiches at 10 pm.

• all you need is us. and the Internet, clearly.

• If you can’t decide what to wear in my closet, we’re probably not going on a date.

• Mornings are for coffee, nights are for sleep, and everyday is a good hair day.

• Just an average night of catching up with Clark, Jeff, and Whitney.

• Never trust anyone who doesn’t like dogs. And never pet a cat without gloves.

• I’m so over winter. Bring back summer! *whispers* This year, I’ll be the one to bring back summer.

• A lot of people say they want to retire to a beach. I always wanted to retire to a coffee shop.

• I’m just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to go Instagram-official with me. (wink)

• This is how we do it: friends who go to the same brunch spot, order the same thing, and Instagram the hell out of it.

• I just keep picturing how this day will look on your timeline and it’s giving me all of the life vibes.

• The best way to get back at a friend who does something terrible like stealing your date is to steal their sandwich.

• Just another day playing around with filters on my phone

• When the only thing you want to do on a Saturday night is sit in bed with Netflix and your dog.

• It’s the end of May and I’m carrying an umbrella.

• I feel like we’re in a ’90s movie and this is the part where I say something dramatic like… “It’s not you, it’s me.”

• There’s nothing like a fresh cuppa joe to make you forget your worries.

• Don’t be afraid to push past your comfort zone—in grooming, style, and in life. Always Keep on Growing.

• You know you’re a mom when you use pick-up lines on your own kids.

• Let’s get this holiday party started, in a way that’s not just the Black Friday line to Target.

• I am not a morning person, but I am a morning person who likes coffee #letstalkaboutit

• If you drop your phone in the toilet, don’t panic. Use a brick to shatter it into glittery pieces instead.

• We just spent an hour trying to fit in a room that was intended for midgets

• Friends don’t let friends do their dishes.

• It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye.

• Pumpkin spice latte—is it food or drink?

• Life is throwing lemons at me right now, but I don’t mind. I’m just going to throw some back.

• I’m so behind with the pumpkin spice latte trend. My daughter has told me that’s the only coffee I should drink.

• Oktoberfest is about two things: drinking and hugging

• Snap judgment: the act of snapping judgments—or snap judgments.

• Happiness is that feeling you get when you do what you’re supposed to do.

• If a dog is man’s best friend then I must be yours.

• How about we give this weekend a firm shake and get weird.

• If you want to know someone, walk a mile in their shoes. But don’t forget your own shoes.

• The best way to get rid of a tick is to burn it with a magnifying glass.

• No filter is needed for this sweet and sassy friend

• life is a box of chocolates, so make sure you don’t hit re-enter while selecting a profile pic!

• I’m sorry if I’m not exactly what you expected but I hope you’ll give me a chance anyway

• Sometimes you have to put the blender down and step away from the smoothie bowl lol

• Today was a great day… until I got home and realized my dog ate my homework. Now it’s just a good day.

• So, my workout plan is to just alphabetize my Netflix queue.

• When you’re so hungry you forget about everything else

• You can’t be a tree hugger & an apple picker.

• That moment when the barista asks for your Instagram handle and you realize it’s the name of your cat

• Be the kind of friend you want to be friends with.

• Ain’t nothing wrong with a Lil friendly competition. Good luck out there, we’ll see you on the flip side

• Do you like what we’ve done to the place? We just added a little fall flavor #HowWeRollOnFall

• Ratio Eat rice and you will never have to see the food you don’t like ever again #ratioFTW

• Two types of people: those who say “doggo” and those who don’t.

• She really thinks she’s fooling someone with those neon tights. (We’re not falling for it.)

• Life is a lot like a sewer. What you put in, you get back out of.

• Stay hydrated. The key to getting through all this is the stay hydrated.

• I’m pretty sure I have seasonal depression. My mood only changes when certain leaves start to fall from certain trees.

• You’ve got to grind before you shine.

• For the friend who is always late to the party.

• There’s a time to be serious, and a time to laugh at yourself.

• It’s like I’m always on the lookout for a witty caption. If only I could figure out how to look wittier.

• First, there was the bronze age, then the iron age, and now it’s the selfie age.

• I’m feeling these Fall vibes. Bring on the chili and pumpkin spice lattes.

• In my next life, I want to come back as a waffle.

• I don’t always judge people, but when I do, I judge them hard.

• Don’t give up your day job as a pumpkin.

• Blessed are the Weird, for they will not be judged.

• A glitch in the matrix, or are you all just having an exceptionally good hair day?

• You’re a real friend if you don’t judge me for my selfie game.

• Friends are the people who critique your outfit choices and make you laugh at your own jokes, even when they’re not funny.

• You’re one of my most favorite people—and that’s high praise indeed. #friendshipgoals

• Real friends never say goodbye. They just give you a smile and wave while they run inside to grab their stuff so they can walk you to your car.

• You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout—we’re telling Santa to bring more cute dogs for Christmas.

• Let’s be real, all it took for the first humans to separate themselves from their primate brethren was chocolate

• Oooooh. It’s a coffee morning in there today.

• We’re out of town for the weekend. You can find us at the dunes with a bottle of wine.

• Boy, it’s gonna be hot tonight. I’m just going to wear black and stay in the shade.

• I’m easy to find. I’m the one with the bonfire.

• You’ve got the whole world on a string, you’re the queen of the hill, you’re a cinch baby, you’re the best! Congrats!

• Now that we’ve spent so much time together, I have all these questions about you and your life.

• Hey guys, are you spending this long weekend on the couch watching Netflix? Us too.

• I pretended to be sick to get the day off, but I just wanted to spend the day doing nothing. Nothing.

• When you’ve had a long week and all you need is a D’USSÉ cocktail and the company of our besties.

• Can you tell my Halloween costume is still in the packaging? #sorrynotsorry

• I’m finally hanging with the big dogs, at this dog park.

• That moment when you realize there are only 3 inches of water in the pool.

• Making plans for the fall? Here are eight ways to keep your weekend fun, flirty, and free from pumpkin spiced latte.

• Just because I’m in my mid-30s doesn’t mean I don’t still like to party

• Running errands to fill up your cup before the official start of

• Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back! Get yours before they get you.

• Being single isn’t just a state of mind. It’s a lifestyle.

• I prefer coffee in bed, but I’ll be OK with one of these under it.

• You’re not crying, your eyes are sweating

• When you’ve been up since 5 am and it’s already 9 o’clock.

• I trust you will be there to support me through these trying times.

• “I’m so over this winter. I don’t want to wait another month for spring.”

• I’m so psyched to be in this picture with all my BFFs from high school.

• The nice thing about having friends is that you can always exchange them for new ones.

• Let’s be real: no one likes taking pictures on their birthday.

• I have a witty sense of humor and I’m not afraid to use it.

• Is the weekend here? Not yet. Is the week over? Sadly, yes.

• Happy Friday the 13th! Do you have any superstitions or plans?

• Dressing up like them is the next best thing to being them

• Be a smart cookie, not a dumb apple

• I love looking at your posts on Instagram. I don’t like reading them.

• If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.

• The best way to spread Christmas cheer is by singing loud for all to hear. Bring on the joy, it’s time to be a Grinch.

• The best coffee talk comes from friends in the know- like these people who know that coffee lovers want a cold brew that’s strong, smooth, and not bitter.

• If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.

• It’s Wednesday, my favorite day of the week. For all you non-believers, watch me work!

• I’m late, I’m late—for a very important date. No time to say hello, goodbye, I’m late!

• Your alarm goes off and you smack it to snooze without even opening your eyes. In the words of Mark Wahlberg, “You never wanna wake up.”

• Can’t decide if I want to eat my cereal, or wear it.

• What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite.

• but really – how can we ever be friends if you don’t follow me on Instagram?

• My birthday wish for you is that we can be best friends forever. No one could ever replace you in my heart. I love you

• The only thing better than friends is more friends.

• When the salad emoji just isn’t enough

• Good morning, Internet! Please pardon my dust as I prepare to go viral.

• When the weekend hits and you still have no plans

• Some people have a regular jobs. Some people have sleepovers on Tuesdays. Some people have friends with pools

• Frida is my spirit animal, but I’m more dog person

• Feel like I’m getting away with something when I take a vacation…because I am.

• No, I really don’t need another coffee mug.

• How am I supposed to fit in this tiny pumpkin?

• This is me when I’m at the beach.