Freedom Quotes With Captions for Instagram

Freedom is a big word for most of us, We jump through hoops, go through every hoop, and still aren’t fully content in our lives. We need some space, some time on our own or with our loved ones.

There’s plenty to inspire us when it comes to the idea of freedom. We’ve all felt it in our hearts — and in our minds, for that matter — as we stare up at the stars or down on an open field with no obstacles in sight. Here are some quotes that explore the concept of freedom, from Socrates to Plato and beyond.

Freedom Quotes With Captions for Instagram

• Freedom is a luxury when shared with the right people

Freedom is a thing that we all seek, but it is a gift that can be lost without notice.

• Freedom is the only thing worth fighting for.

• Freedom is an idea that people need to fight for. Don’t let anyone tell you no—they’re the ones who lack it.

• Freedom is never free. It’s earned through struggle, sacrifice, and dedication. Cheers to those who embody the meaning of freedom.

• Freedom is something nobody can take away.

• I’m free. I can do what I want with my life.

• We do not need to be perfect to deserve the freedom, happiness, and success we want.

• Be yourself and stand up for what you believe in. Because that’s what makes the world go round.

• We live in a time where you can do whatever you want as long as you work hard enough.

• You are not a product of your circumstances. You are a product of your own decisions, actions, and choices.

• In the journey of our lives, we shouldn’t be afraid to try something new and different—and, in the end, that’s what makes life exciting.

• Freedom is not free. Fight for your right to be free and live the life you want.

• Freedom to be who you are, and freedom to be whoever you want to be.

• You can have anything you want if you believe in yourself. Take the first step to freedom now!

• It’s a new day, it’s a new start and the future is ours.

• We don’t have to wait for tomorrow. Let’s make today amazing.

• We didn’t choose this, but we will make the very most of it.

• The world is your oyster. Take it and make it into something you want it to be.

• The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

• The moment you feel like you can do anything.

• The road ahead is uncertain, but you can be sure of this: Freedom lies in the journey, not in any predetermined outcome.

• Freedom is a thing that you get when you don’t ask permission

• We’re not always free, but what’s freedom without a little struggle?

• Let us all remember that the freedom to be yourself is priceless.

• Freedom is not something to be continued from one generation to another, but rather an unending thing which grows and expands with each generation.

• Sometimes you just have to let your freedom loose.

• Here’s to all the places we are going and all the privacy we are keeping. Thanks for reading, lets go!

• Let’s do this, let’s dance, and let’s break free.

• We’re here and we’re queer. Show us some love and share the word!

• Today is the day we start living our dreams.

• Freedom is a word, but it’s also a feeling. Sometimes we have to fight for it and sometimes it’s something that we just have to feel. Tonight I’m celebrating it.

• We are all born free, but we don’t stay that way.

• Freedom is something we fight for every day. Your freedom isn’t something you deserve, it’s something that must be protected

• Freedom never comes free. You have to put in the hard work to earn it.

• There’s nothing like freedom in the wind.

• We’re all in this together. Don’t ever forget this. And remember, Freedom is a promise from ourselves to ourselves. Let’s make it happen!

• To live truly free is to be able, at any time and place, to say “No” to things that would enslave you.

• I love that we live in a time where it’s OK to be who you are and express yourself freely.

• Freedom isn’t free. It’s what we choose to do with our lives.

• Freedom doesn’t come without sacrifice, so ask yourself: Are you willing to pay the price?

• Freedom is not an idea, it’s a state of mind.

• We’re free, we’re free to be who we are, no matter what society thinks.

• Freedom is not a state to arrive at, freedom is a state of mind.

• We’re all free, just doing our own thing.

• The freedom to be yourself and express your creativity.

• You are free to be who you are, to dream and make your dreams happen. Live without limits!

• Get out there. Live life to the fullest.

• You can walk in the sunshine, or you can walk in shadow. Either way, you’re getting there. ✨

• It’s never too late to be who you want to be. Make your own rules and make your own dreams come true.

• Freedom is always a good reason to celebrate.

• It’s time to go out and find your freedom.

• Freedom is not having to worry about something as trivial as money, but being able to choose how you spend it.

• Freedom is what you do with your freedom.

• Freedom is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

• The best things in life are free. And we’re happy to give you a few of them.

• A world where everyone has freedom and the right to worship as they wish.

• Your freedom is a gift that you give yourself. It is not something given to you by anyone else, so take it and make the most of it.

• Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do, or what you have to do.

• The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams and are ready to fight for them.

• Freedom is the ability to do what you want when you want and with whomever you want. #freedom

• This holiday season, let’s celebrate the gift of freedom.

• Freedom is never free, but it can be yours.

• Independence, Strength, and Courage. The power of all three are yours when you pledge to fight for your freedom every day.

• Free to be you. Free to explore your passion. Free to follow your dreams.

• It’s a new day, a new beginning; the world is yours. Be free and make it better than yesterday!

• What’s the difference between a jail and a prison? A jail has a lot more room.

• The world is yours. Go explore it—and we’ll be here to help you do it.

• You don’t have to be perfect. You just have to do your best to appreciate the little things in life, every day.

• Nothing ever changes. The only thing that changes is how you see it.

• Freedom is the greatest thing in life. It’s better than chocolate cake and there’s nothing it can’t fix.

• Freedom is not having your things. It’s being able to be yourself and express who you really are. #Freedom

• Freedom is the most powerful thing in the world. If you don’t believe it, just try to imagine what your life would be like if you didn’t have freedom.

• Freedom is what you do when everything else has failed.

• Freedom is not the freedom to do as one pleases; it’s the freedom from the fear of doing wrong.

• Freedom is not about never getting stuck. It’s about learning how to get unstuck and keep moving forward.

• The freedom to pursue your dreams, wherever they may lead.

• We are free to be who we are. True freedom comes from knowing that, and not having to care what others think.

• Living life on your terms, making money and investing it, learning the skills of financial independence.

• The only thing that can hold you back is fear.

• Freedom is the right to do what you want and be who you want. It’s up to you!

• Freedom is a great thing. We’re all free to live, love, and laugh as we please.

• Celebrate today’s freedom and independence. We have options—choose yours.

• Freedom is a condition. It means that you get to choose what you do and don’t do, who you are and aren’t, how you feel and don’t, and who you hang out with and don’t.

• Freedom is not the freedom to do anything you want. Freedom means using your freedom to do what you think is right.

• The path of a free man is beset on one side by the ever-encroaching claims of authority and on the other by the open road.

• We’re free to be who we want to be, say what we want, and do what we want.

• Live your life the way you want. Be strong, be free, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

• Be free. Be bold. Be you. Let nothing stand in your way of being happy.

• You’re free to change your mind, but you can’t change the facts.

• Freedom is a powerful thing—so powerful that it can build a business from nothing.

• Freedom. You’re not going to find it under a rock.

• Freedom is always more complicated than it seems. But freedom never fails to look good on you.

• Freedom is what you do with what you have. It’s not about money or status or position. It’s about living your best life, every single day.

• Freedom is the ability to do what you want when you want, and with who you want.

• Freedom is the right to choose, to think, and to live as you want.

• Freedom is never an accident; it is a choice, made with intention.

• The freedom to choose what matters to you, the freedom to be who you are, the freedom to express yourself.

• What are we waiting for? The world is waiting on us.

• The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.

• A world without limits is a place where everything is possible—a world where the impossible can happen.

• We believe in freedom. We believe in you. And we believe that together, we can make a difference.

• Freedom is never a given. It’s always earned. And it’s worth fighting for.

• Freedom is not free. It’s earned by a choice to move forward and not be afraid of what life has in store.

• Freedom to be yourself, without the fear of being judged.

• Your life matters. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

• To be free is to do what you want and go where you want

• Be free! Be yourself. Do what you love and love what you do.

• Go out and live your life. Take the road less traveled, break out of your comfort zone, and open up to new experiences.

• You are free to be you and do your own thing

• The things you do for freedom are the most rewarding.

• Freedom is the right to do what you want, say what you want and be who you want.

• Freedom is all around you. Go, explore and discover.

• The best way to find freedom is to give it away.

• Freedom is being able to be yourself in an open and free society.

• The freedom to choose is the most powerful force in the universe.

• Freedom is the ability of a man to do as he pleases with himself and not be inhibited by other people.

• We are free to soar and boundless to be more. Here’s to the freedom to be you

• No one can take away your freedom. Just find it within yourself, do something new, and make it happen!

• Today, I was free. Free to be myself. Free to speak my mind. Today, I am so grateful for this freedom

• A world without borders is a world of opportunity.

• We are free to be ourselves and don’t have to fake it

• Freedom is a state of mind. It’s something you create, it’s not given to you. You have to fight for it, and sometimes that’s the most difficult fight of all.

• Freedom is breathing, eating, and loving without chains.

• The truth is, you don’t need anyone’s permission to be free.

• Freedom is where you are free to be yourself. Be brave enough to live your life, no matter how hard it gets.

• Freedom is about being free to be yourself. Freedom is letting go of fear, resentment, and holding on to bitterness.

• The only thing between you and freedom is your mind.

• The right to be free is the oldest human right. This is your freedom

• The revolution is here. The battle has just begun. Let’s make this world worth fighting for.

• Find your freedom at the top of a mountain.

• Don’t be afraid to go for your dreams and chase your passions. Be free and do what makes you happy

• I swear by my life, and what it may prove, that I will never live for others, nor ask others to live for me.

• Enjoy this moment, live in the moment, and trust that you have everything you need to be happy.

• The only thing that stops you from achieving your dreams is yourself.

• Freedom is something that everyone needs. So let’s give it to ourselves and others this weekend.

• Our freedom isn’t free. It costs us something to fight for it and to keep it. But in return, freedom gives us so much more.

• Freedom is not having something you want, but wanting something you have.

• Free to be me. Free to do what I want. Free to be who I want. Free to live my life, so long as it doesn’t harm anyone else.

• The right to be yourself is a basic human right.

• Let the world know that we are not defined by our circumstances, but by the choices we make

• Hey, get out of the box. You’re worth it.

• We live in a time where the world is changing rapidly. And it’s up to each and every one of us to change with it.

• You got this! You are the only person who can stop yourself.

• Freedom is not free, but the price is right.

• Freedom is not something you have, it’s something you do.

• Freedom is not something that we seek, freedom is something that chooses us.

• After all, being free is the most comfortable way to live.

• The freedom to be whoever you want.

• You can’t always be free, but you can always try.

• You don’t have to be perfect to be free

• It’s your time to live your life. Let it be free.

• The world is your playground. Let’s go exploring

• It’s never too late to live your dreams. And it’s never too early to start the journey.

• We’re living in a time when freedom is on the rise. Let’s make it last and make sure it spreads.

• Freedom is a brave crowd of people who choose to be their own kind of beautiful.

• We are the only ones who can give you the freedom you need.

• The freedom to be who you want to be. The power to do what you want

• Your freedom of choice doesn’t have to be limited by anything.

• The freedom to be yourself and make your own rules.

• The effortless life I live is born out of my freedom to be me.

• I would rather live free than live comfortable.

• Today, I’m free. Tomorrow, who knows?

• The moment you feel free is the moment you’ve never felt anything but it.

• The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

• Freedom is a state of mind. Stay strong, stay focused, and #BeFree

• Freedom is like the air, you can’t see it or feel it, but you know it when you have it.

• Freedom is not just the right to eat, but also the right to eat out.

• Freedom is the one thing worth dying for.

• Freedom is not the absence of obstacles. It’s the triumph over them because freedom is not a destination. It’s a journey.

• When you’re free, you feel beautiful. This is freedom.

• Freedom is knowing that you are free to do as you please, even if it is at a great risk.

• Freedom is the right to be wrong, the privilege of being proven wrong, and the courage not to fear being proved wrong.

• My way of life, my freedom, and my love for the open road is a reward for the hard work that I put into everything I do.

• No matter where you go, no matter what life brings you, remember that you are free.

• We’re free to be ourselves, because who wants to be anything else?

• People are born and die, but ideas live on.

• When you’re not sure, it’s time to take a leap.

• There’s no limit to what you can achieve when you believe in yourself.

• Freedom is never free. It always costs something.

• Freedom is to do what you want, not what you are told.

• Freedom has no limits. You can be free from the limitations of your mind, body, and soul.

• Freedom is the removal of all obstacles from the path ahead.

• The freedom to be yourself and stand up for what you believe in.

• You are free to be you and do what you want. Be bold, break the rules, and make your own path. Live the life you want!

• Be free. Be bold. Be the best version of yourself.

• Expression is the right of every individual and the right to self-determine.

• Never stop dreaming. Never accept defeat. Never give up

• Freedom is not free. The truth is, you have to fight for it every single day.

• Freedom is not something to be seized. It’s something to be lived, every day.

• Freedom is a choice—a daily decision to live your best life.

• Freedom is about doing what you want when you want, how you want.

• Cheers to freedom, cheers to life, cheers to the future.

• The danger of being free is that you might do something wrong. The advantage of being free is that when you do, no one can blame you.

• We’re all the same, we’re all different. Wherever you see yourself, that’s exactly where we want to be.

• We are all human. Let us live better, one day at a time.

• Freedom isn’t free. But it sure is worth it.

• Freedom is the only thing worth fighting for.

• Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.

• Freedom is more than the absence of fear. It’s the presence of courage.

• Freedom is the freedom to say yes, the freedom to say no, and the courage to chase both

• You have freedom. You have the power to live your life how you want when you want, and where you want. Don’t fucking wait for others to do it for you!

• our freedom lies in our hands, not in the control of others.

• We’re free in this moment. Feel it. Celebrate it.

• Live your life on your terms, don’t let society tell you what you should do.

• Free your mind. Free yourself from thoughts that hold you back from greatness.

• Make it happen. Make your dreams a reality.

• There are some things worth fighting for.

• It’s not how much you have, but how much you love that matters.

• Freedom is not free. You have to work for it and fight for it every single day.

• Freedom is the right to do what you like, where you like, and with whom you like.

• Freedom is a spirit worth fighting for; never give up on your dreams!

• The wind you bring to me, I carry with me inside.

• Be free. Be you. Be proud of everything that makes you who you are.

• Freedom is a state of being in which one is self-realized, autonomous, and self-responsible.

• The only thing more free than your mind is your heart.

• Ever since I realized that I could be anything I wanted, my life has been filled with endless possibilities.

• You don’t have to give up your friends or family. You just need to find other ways to connect with them.

• The only limits are the ones you put on yourself.