Flashback Friday Outfits Quotes and Captions for Instagram

We all have that one outfit that we can’t help but share on our Instagram stories. Whether it’s because it looks good, or we think someone will make fun of the outfit, it is guaranteed that there is one picture you are dying to brag about. The best part about sharing these outfits is that the caption always brings out some pretty funny quotes, and here are some captions for you to make your picture WOW.

Flashback Friday Outfits Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• The best part about throwing it back? The outfit’s already planned out for you.

• The way you dress is an expression of your personality.

• Be who you needed when you were younger.

• When in doubt, wear denim on denim.

• Today’s is brought to you by 2009 with a side of 2008

• I have this weird thing that if I walk by a mirror I have to look at myself.

• Future so bright, need some shades.

• When somebody says to you “you never change”, it’s not a compliment — it’s an observation.

• You can’t have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time

• “Every girl has three personalities: The one she shows the world, the one she shows her close friends and family, and the one she keeps to herself.”

• When you’re feeling basic, but you still wanna be cute.

• If it’s gonna be a good night, we’re gonna need a good outfit.

• Throwback to the time I was cute and hadn’t stopped growing yet.

• Looking back on this weekend with all my

• This year I am more confident than ever before, and I can’t wait to show the haters what I’m made of.

• Hitting refresh on a favorite from last fall.

• It’s a new day, let’s do something great today.

• I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.

• Remember when the girls rocked the whole closet and you wore combats cause it was cool?

• You can have anything you want if you dress for it.

• In case you ever wondered what I looked like as a kid

• No, she’s not feeling blue. She’s not feeling anything at all. Kill ’em with kindness

• There’s a thousand ways I could break your heart.

• Today, I have so much to be thankful for. My thighs are almost touching and my stomach isn’t bloated.

• Give me a backpack, an old truck, and a dirt road, and I will show you my happy place.

• There’s never a better moment to remember the good times

• It’s a brand new year, with more opportunities to serve you, your family, and the community.

• Sometimes I forget to tell you how much I love your outfit.

• Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t wear. Fashion is about feeling comfortable and feeling good about yourself.

• We’re taking it back to the old school with these badass 1940s men’s fashion looks.

• Fashion is about dressing according to what’s fashionable. Style is more about being yourself. —Oscar de la Renta

• I’ve always been like a caterpillar in a cocoon, and now I feel like a butterfly.

• When people ask me what I did over the weekend, I squint really hard and say, “Why, what did you hear?”

• It’s been a hectic yet good year, I am more than grateful for all the blessings that came my way.

• If it’s not appropriate to wear at a funeral, I don’t wear it.

• Go back to the 90s with these flashback-worthy looks

• It’s never too soon to start planning your Friday night outfits, so here are a few ideas…

• Take a deep breath and remember who you are

• Get ready for a flashback because I’m about to share my favorite outfits from all over the map.

• Be daring in the choices you make, bold in the moments you seize, and fearless with your fashion choices.

• A look back at the outfit that had me feeling like a modern-day Dolly Parton circa 1985.

• When it’s cold outside and you want to dress like a colorful marshmallow, this is what you wear.

• The tan lines are gone but the memories last forever.

• I just wanted to be one of those ghosts. You know, the popular ones.

• I keep it simple, ain’t no need for the extras.

• Meet me where the sky touches the sea.

• Don’t wear black on flashback Friday!

• The ultimate Friday night outfit: Whatever you feel most comfortable in.

• This look is retro, fashionable, and gives a bold fashion statement with a pop of color.

• Outfit you wore last year, looking back on how far you have come!

• Flashing back to the day you told me, ‘I love you and I thought my heart would burst.

• I needed a break from silhouettes, so I added shine instead.

• Baby you know, that you’re the only one for me; that’s why whenever somethin’ goes wrong, I’m gonna come runnin’ home.

• Today, I’m celebrating my past to hopefully inspire my future.

• There’s today and tomorrow, but no future. Don’t get mixed up with that.

• Flashback Friday to my favorite outfit from last year.

• I don’t always look this good, but when I do it’s Friday.

• Sitting here thinking about all the epic outfits we’ve worn this year, sigh.

• Fashion is like eating, you shouldn’t stick to the same menu.

• 2020 may be a mess but at least your outfits are always on point

• Flashing back to a few years ago and feeling so nostalgic for that fun night.

• “I’m not a trendsetter. I’m an off-the-shoulder top”

• The T-shirt is the most remarkable and spectacular garment ever created.

• Be bold in what you stand for and careful in what you fall for.

Flashback Fridays Quotes and Captions

• “Don’t let your past define who you are, but let it be a lesson that shapes who you will become.

• Cheers to that sweet time of year when sandal season and pumpkin season align.

• Let’s look back at the week and celebrate all we’ve accomplished while also looking forward to a relaxing weekend.

• You must take your own side in life—at least know which side you’re on.

• The key to being happy is knowing you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go.

• When I am feeling low, I put on my favorite high heels, and dance

• You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.

• Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t be who you want to be.

• He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.

• “It’s all in your head. You just need to stop thinking that it’s impossible.”

• Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

• Save the sad songs for doing laundry, being a grown-up, or paying bills.

• Live your life to the fullest, you only get one shot.

• The things that made me weird as a kid make me great today.

• Flashback to bright days and warm nights. We can’t wait for summer to come back around.

• The only person that should judge you is yourself. Grow from it, and do better next time.

• Every story has an end, but in life, every ending is just a new beginning.

• They said hard work never killed anyone…until they met me

• I’ll look back and think ‘Damn, I looked good.

• Souls are like balloons. If you don’t let yours go, it will drift off until it is just a dot in the sky.

• In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.

• When I was in school, it was a long way from my house.

• Flashback Friday: The first time I saw your face, my heart melted and I knew our adventure was going to be epic.

• If you think we’re too young to know real love, then you don’t know love at all. – One Direction

• Because #tbt might be the most overused hashtag in the history of the internet.

• “I look back at everything I’ve been through and I realize it was all worth it. I’m grateful for the journey, but more importantly, I’m grateful for what’s next.”

• Always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody says distract you from your goals.

• It’s most important to be yourself. The only person you’re destined to become is the person you decide to be.

• “Life isn’t about the destination, it’s about the journey.

• #tbt to when we were so young, carefree, and way more tan

• “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” – Maya Angelou

• “A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.

• The bigger the challenge, the more glory in overcoming it

• You can’t relive the past, so live for today

• It’s Friday, so that means it’s time for a flashback.

• “You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

• There’s always a reason to party. Purple Margarita in hand

• It’s time to take a look back at some of the best moments of the year.

• Life is a series of thousands of tiny miracles. Notice them.

• I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world

• And now I’m up here in the clouds (yeah)

 Flashback Friday Instagram Captions

• Let me take you back to a time when Madonna was on top, Breakdancing was cool, and we thought mullets were a good hairstyle.

• Another Friday, another reason to dance. Celebrate the weekend with us!

• Today’s #TBT is all about the important things: friends and us looking great.

• F.R.I.E.N.D.S is the longest I’ve ever been in a relationship with anyone, including my relatives.

• Flashback to my time in the city with this gorgeous shot.

• Tfw you tell your friends to “meet me at 5:30 at the Starbucks near my office” and they actually show up.

• TBT to when we were drowning in pumpkin spice latte.

• #FBF to that time I wrote about a very important topic.

• It’s never too late to be what you might have been.

• Like it or not, you will eventually become a reflection of the company you keep.

• *Flashback Friday* Take me back to the days when things were simple and there wasn’t so much to worry about

• This flashback is so beautiful it hurts.

• The only thing cooler than a blast from the past is you.

• wanna take a trip down memory lane? Here you go.

• TBT to when I had more hair on my head and less on my face

• Boys come and go, but best friends are forever!

• Let’s look back and reminisce on the good times and great memories.

• It’s been way too long since this happened.

• I changed my mind and I feel fantastic

• Looking back, I have this to regret, that too often when I loved, I did not say so.

• Friday, you’re the winner of our hearts. We’d like to take a minute and send a great big thank you to the best day of the week.

• You know it’s Friday when you’re like…

• Staring at the clock on Friday afternoon like…

• Throwback to our favorite moment of the year!

• It’s been three years since we started this adventure. We’ve come a long way, baby. Let’s do this again next year 👯

• Flashback to when we were young and carefree

• On this day, 4 years ago, I went skydiving with my best friends.

• Flashback Fridays to our team’s favorite travel memories last summer.

• Happy Flashback Friday! All the way back to when we were at the beach

• Take a walk through memory lane and enjoy a flashback to the past with this Friday.

• #fbf to this time last year when we were frolicking in the waves! We can’t wait for summer to come back around again.

• #TBT to when all we needed were two wheels and a dream.

• Take me back to the warmer days on the beach

• It’s time for a throwback, so let’s take it on back to…

• The more you weigh the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe, Eat cake.

• “What feels like the end is often the beginning.

• I know, I know, flashback Friday should be a thing of the past. But it’s good for a laugh every now and then.

• Throwback Thursdays are so last season. It’s all about flashback Fridays now

• Let’s flashback to this time last year with these fall favorites:

• It’s time for a throwback, grab your scrapbook, let’s take a look back at the memories we’ve made.

• This week, we’re throwing it back to our favorite summer memories. Here’s Leosha with her best friends in a photo from the annual beach trip in Miami 2012.

• Throwback to a few years back when I was really in love with my job!

• Flashback to my days as a Disney princess in the theme park, now I’m the queen of this place.

• The most wonderful time of the year (aka autumn) is almost here.

• Oh, this old thing? Just bringing back some major nostalgia.

• We’re taking it back to the good old days

• A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.