Female Body Shaming Quotes and Captions for Instagram

When you feel insecure about your body, it’s easy to be critical of other women who love their bodies. This is an issue that affects all women, but it is especially critical for female empowerment. If women don’t love themselves, they can’t help anyone else. So, how do we fight back against female body shaming quotes? Let’s explore the meaning behind these famous quotes in more depth and learn a little.

Female Body Shaming Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• It’s time to stop shaming girls for their bodies, and start celebrating them!

• Guys, do you know how many women hate their bodies? Put your hands up and tell the truth.

• Stop body shaming. It’s time to take control of your body and make it the best versions of you.

The female body is beautiful. It’s a shame that some people can’t see past their own insecurities.

• The female body is no one’s business but our own.

• You’re beautiful. You deserve to be happy and confident with your body and who you are.

• We all deserve to feel comfortable in our skin, no matter what shape or size we are. Stop the body shaming—you’re beautiful.

• Don’t hate, body shaming is a thing. We all have to work on ourselves and our bodies, but we should all be proud of who we are. #bodypositive

• You can’t love someone shirtless unless you first love their body.

• Women are not your inventory. We are not things to be purchased, owned, and consumed.

• I am happy with my body.

• Strong is the new skinny, but which one? Who cares? There’s no right way to be strong.

• I’ll never give up. I’m worth it, and I’ve got the receipts to prove it

• The only way to change the world is first to change yourself

• Body shaming is not acceptable. We should be celebrating and acknowledging the beauty of women instead of reducing us to our outward appearance.

• I’m here for the bold, beautiful, and confident women who show off their bodies.

• Let’s be real: women’s bodies are different. That’s okay. But when we talk about how good (or bad) they look, let’s just agree that they are good. Period.

• How does your body feel about having to compete with male models for attention?

• As we grow up, we learn that our bodies aren’t perfect and that we should be ashamed of some parts of them. But it doesn’t have to be like this. Be beautiful where you are, because you are enough.

• Body positivity is a movement that has nothing to do with the size of our thighs. We don’t judge or shame anyone for their body. We choose to love, support, and celebrate it all.

• No one should be called fat or ugly based on their weight. No matter what size you are or how much you weigh, everybody is beautiful.

• You’re so beautiful and you know it. Now go out there and show the world how strong and fierce you are!

• Don’t let anyone tell you that your body is not perfect. It is just a machine that keeps you alive.

• No one looks good naked. If you’re self-conscious about your body, you are probably not also at peace with yourself.

• You might be skinny, but you’re not alone.

• Shamed. Shamed. Shamed. Shamed. Shamed.

• [Body shaming] Girls, what are you gonna do about it?

• Keep your eyes peeled for the body-shaming women who still exist in 2018.

• We are all shapes, sizes, and colors. Let us break free from the negative body shaming that so often accompanies our journey towards self-love.

• Your body is beautiful, no matter what size it is.

• I’ve got curves, skin, and bones. And I am not ashamed to show them in a world where beauty is a shallow thing

• It’s a shame that not everyone is able to be confident about their body. But if you can, it’s a beautiful thing.

• What’s wrong with showing off your curves?

• Don’t let anyone shame you because of the way you look.

• Hey, we’re all different. So let’s just celebrate the beauty in everyone and not focus on the things that make us look weird.

• We are all beautiful and unique, just as we are.

• Ladies, we’ve all been there. That moment when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and it makes your face turn green with embarrassment.

• The only thing that should be shamed about is the fact that we have to be so afraid of being judged or talked about in a negative manner.

• Confidence is the most beautiful thing in the world. Take this moment to feel proud of who you are.

• The most courageous thing you can do is to love yourself.

• Stop body shaming women. We are all in this together, we have the same goals and dreams, and it’s time to stand up and make a change

• We need to stop the body shaming of women. It’s a real problem, and we need to call it out.

• Stop the hate! We all deserve to be proud of our bodies and celebrate the unique beauty inside and out.

• Don’t ever make fun of anyone for their body. Not your friends, not strangers, and especially not celebrities or models.

• This is why it’s so important to take a stand against body shaming.

• Whatever your body type is, it’s beautiful and I won’t be shaming it.

• Stand up for the right to have a body you are proud of.

• She is not a fat person, she is an awesomely curvy woman.

• We’re not here for your small-minded comments or critiques. Our bodies are not yours to comment on.

• We are strong, we are beautiful. We deserve to be celebrated, not shamed.

• Don’t let the unrealistic expectations of beauty control your life. Be strong and beautiful, no matter what size you are.

• You don’t have to look like your worst nightmare to be beautiful.

• We’re all different. We should be allowed to be!

• You are perfect just the way you are.

• Stop with the body shaming of women. It’s not cute, it’s not attractive and you’re making it worse.

• Body shaming is real. And it hurts.

• Your body is amazing. What you wear is your choice and it doesn’t take away from your self-worth.

• You are the strongest, sexiest, and most beautiful woman. You don’t need anyone to tell you that.

• Body positivity is not just about working out. It’s not just about fitness and fitness. It’s about feeling confident in your own skin and in who you are.

• Not everything a woman does is for guys. And not everything a guy does is for girls. Let’s have a little respect between the sexes, shall we?

• Do you think I’m fat? Do you think I’m ugly? Well, guess what? You’re not my boss. And try again with your boss’s opinion.

• Women are beautiful and strong, just the way they are.

• You don’t have to love it or want it, but your body is amazing.

• Here’s to feeling confident and wearing what you want.

• You’re worth it. More than enough to carry yourself with confidence, grace, and strength.

• When you feel good in your own skin, the world is yours.

• This body shaming is not okay. Your body is a miracle, it works for you, and it’s beautiful.

• We’re strong, we’re amazing and we deserve to be free from the pressure of being defined by our bodies!

• No one deserves to be made to feel bad about their body.

• No one should feel unsafe just because they’re too busy getting their goals done to feel the need to check out your body, sister.

• Pants don’t fit all bodies. Clear skin doesn’t mean everything should be exposed. Just sayin’

• When you think about how many women are out there trying to be fit, it’s insulting and dangerous. And we’re not going to let some small-minded people get away with this.

• No one’s perfect. But that doesn’t mean you can’t love your body however you want to because it is perfect.

• If only you knew how strong and beautiful your body is…

• We are all unique, beautiful, and worthy of love.

• This is the body that drives all of us.

• If you have a body, you are not a failure. You are a survivor.

• Remember the day you were born, because that’s the day you stopped being perfect.

• Let’s end the female body shaming. A person’s worth is not defined by her weight or size.

• Body shaming doesn’t just affect women. It’s a form of bullying and it never should be tolerated.

• Don’t be a body shamer. The women in our lives are beautiful exactly how they are.

• Body shaming is not an issue for women of color. And it’s not ok for men to call it out when they see it.

• I’m more than my body. I’m a work in progress and I don’t have to look like a size 2 to be beautiful.

• Keep your body image in check.

• We are not your “ideal woman”. And we will not be shamed for being different.

• If you don’t love your body, then it’s time to start a new chapter of self-love and change.

• You are beautiful, strong, and resilient. You don’t need a million likes or followers to prove that you deserve love and support.

• It’s not ok to call someone gross, fat, ugly, or any other damaging word. Never hurt another person with your words.

• You are fat, strong, and beautiful. You can do anything you set your mind to

• You are not less than, you are Beautiful.

• Stop body shaming women, it’s sexist and wrong.

• There is nothing sexy about body shaming women

• The only body shaming that matters is the one you do to yourself.

• Not all bodies are created equal, and the way we treat people for how they look is a problem.

• We’re here to show you how beautiful you are. We’re here to say: You can do anything you want with your body!

• If you aren’t a size zero, then you’re perfect! And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

• Body positivity is not a trend, it is your right.

• I’m going to be bold and tell you what everyone else is thinking: women are gorgeous.

• You should be proud of your curves, not scared of them.

• No, you are not fat. You are beautiful and powerful.

• Our body is our own, and it should be no one else’s to judge.

• No shame in wanting to look great.

• It’s time to take control of your body.

• Your body is a miracle. Take care of it.

• The only thing more hideous than a woman body-shaming her favorite jeans is when she does it herself.

• The female body is a work of art. You are so much more than your body, and it’s time we celebrate that!

• We’re not your imaginary beauty standards. Change the game with this empowering body positivity tee.

• Be proud of your body. Love it, love yourself, and support others who are proud of theirs too.

• Don’t let anyone tell you what to do with your body.

• You’ve got to keep on marching forward to look your best, so if you have a body type that doesn’t fit the norm right now—you’re not alone.

• You don’t have to be skinny to be beautiful

• I am confident. I look the way I am and there is no need to be ashamed of that.

• You only get one body, so treat it right.

• There is no such thing as an “ideal” body. You are perfect just the way you are, and that is beautiful.

• Don’t let the world’s expectations be your reality. Be confident, loving, and successful in every way possible.

• Being fit and healthy should not be a source of insecurity.

• Calling all women who hate their bodies and feel like they have no power. You are not alone. We see you. And we are now together, we are them.

• I will not apologize for wanting to indulge in my body. I will not apologize for wanting to wear clothes that flatter my frame and feel good on me.

• We have a body, we are a woman. We have curves and we don’t love fix-it diets.

• Don’t let body shaming get in the way of your health and happiness.

• #femalenorights, #notonmybelly. We will not accept partial blame for something that is out of our control.

• Women are strong and beautiful, don’t let anyone tell you differently.

• If you don’t like what you see then change the way you look at the women in your life.

• Body positivity is not about ignoring our flaws, it’s about loving ourselves despite our imperfections.

• It’s time we stop being so hard on ourselves and take a look at ourselves in the mirror. There is no shame in loving your body, there is only shame in not loving it enough to make the changes that you need!

• If you want to see real progress in the way women are viewed, you have to start with yourself

• Don’t be fooled by the physical beauty of the body. The real beauty is in who you are inside.

• Just because you’re not the fastest runner doesn’t mean you’re less capable.

• We are not afraid to dream—we are afraid not to.

• To all the ladies out there who have been body-shamed in your life. You are a beautiful woman and no one should ever tell you otherwise.

• Body shaming is never okay. We must be conscious of the images we project and how they impact society.

• No one should be shamed for their body. Everyone is beautiful in different ways.

• When you see a woman who’s so confident with her body, it blows your mind. And when you’re the one she’s holding up to the public eye, it feels like a slap in the face.

• There’s no shame in your body. Embrace it, love it, and move on.

• We all have different shapes, sizes, and hair colors. But our bodies are amazing.

• You’re beautiful just the way you are. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.

• Gorgeous isn’t just about your looks. It’s about you, yourself, and what makes you feel good about the way your body looks, works, and feels.

• It’s not your fault you’re beautiful. It’s society’s fault for telling you that you’re not.

• There is no such thing as “normal” or “healthy” weight. If you are healthy, you are beautiful.

• We are all human beings, with the same instinctual needs, feelings, and desires as anyone else.

• I have the body I have because of all the hard work I’ve put in. It’s not because of my genetics, or lack of discipline or determination.