Eye Roll Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Eyebrows do weird things when you are looking at something which triggers a brow-eye connection. A normal person will tell you they never look away when they are embarrassed, scared or whatever. But if truth be told, they don’t recall what they were doing when they tripped in public – or did their hair start to move on its own? If this sounds familiar, you have probably experienced the phenomenon of “eyebrow roll.

Eye Roll Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• Get the girl who appreciates the little things, like an eye roll.

• What’s your most frustrating thing about looking at other people’s Instagram photos?

We don’t need to be perfect, but we will work hard to make it look like you are.

• I don’t care what your friends say, it’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever said.

• If you don’t laugh out loud at least once a day, you’re probably not enjoying life.

• It’s not the size of your dreams, but the size of your heart. #heartist

• Sometimes you just have to accept that a lot of things are not in your control.

• Sometimes the best thing in life is a eye roll.

• The eye roll is a gesture of disbelief and exasperation.

• The eye roll emoji is a genuine indicator of irritation. And we’re sorry you have to deal with it.

• You’re not fooling anyone with that Instagram story.

• You can’t make me smile, so I’m going to prove you wrong.

• If a selfie is the only picture you got, it’s not a selfie.

• I’m not the one who needs to be reminded that I need to smile, I’m the one who needs to remind you to smile.

• You’re the best, but you’re not the boss of me.

• When someone asks you why you’re eating that and you look down at your food and say, “Because I like it”

• I’ve had a hard week and I need a drink or two to unwind.

• When you’re shopping for a pair of jeans, don’t just look at the price tag. Make sure they’re stretchy, breathable and fit well.

• Even if you don’t agree with what someone has to say, make sure to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they are not a bad person.

• Life is all about navigating difficult people, situations and events. When you’re done with this one, can you please pass the eye roll?

• The younger you are, the more likely you are to get told that you’re looking tired. Don’t let them get the best of you. This is a long fight, so keep your chin up, sister.

• I don’t care what you do with your life it’s all about the way you look at it.

• I think I’m just going to roll my eyes at myself now

• There are no good days when you’re in school.

• You’re not trying hard enough, no one will notice your #goals, and if they do, it’s probably because of something else.

• Don’t let little things get to you. If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

• The best things come to those who wait.

• We all know that eye roll is the way to exit a conversation.

• You are not being productive unless you have an eye roll.

• This is my eye roll for when I see something I don’t agree with

• Life is just a series of rolling your eyes at yourself.

• If you’re not smiling in this picture, it’s because you don’t like the way I’m looking at you.

• What’s your favorite emoji? Tell us in the comments below!

• Not even the most talented photographer can make a bad photo look good.

• Let’s just say, if you get tested today or tomorrow, don’t be surprised if the results are negative.

• You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.

• You don’t see everything when you look at the world this way.

• Do you feel like you’ve been here before?

• Don’t underestimate the power of the eye roll.

• Sometimes, all you really need is a good eye roll to feel better.

• Eye roll. Just because you’re not running doesn’t mean you’re working out. You’ll get the same results with a brisk walk.

• We all have those days when we feel like crying—but most of the time, it’s just our eyes crying. Thanks for making it through that one with us.

• I’ve just been asked to post a selfie and caption on Instagram. My eyes are rolling into the back of my head.

• The best way to tell people you hate something is to wear it.

• I’m so tired of people referring to my work as “artsy” or “out there.” It’s just… my artistry. My outlook on life.

• You know what? We don’t care what you think.

• Today I’m having the most productive day of my life.

• Oh, you thought I was gonna let you get away with that?

• We’re not trying to hear it. No more excuses!

• Eye roll, is what I’m about to do to you for asking me these questions.

• We’re all guilty of eye rolling when we feel overwhelmed

• One little eye roll and I’m already ready to head back home.

• If you’re still scrolling through Instagram, you’re a dedicated Instagrammer.

• Brows are for frowning, not for giving the middle finger.

• If you’re gonna make a fool of yourself, at least do it on someone else’s dime.

• No, you don’t need eight hours of sleep. You’re an adult—you can get by with a few hours.

• Make sure you’re doing something you truly love.

• I’d rather be on time than early and happier than punctual.

• If you’re still using an eye roll emoji, it’s time to stop and get a new one.

• If you’re looking for a great eye roll, try this one.

• I’m having such a hard time not rolling my eyes at you right now.

• You’re not THAT cool. You just have an amazing collection of glasses

• No matter how you try to defend it, the truth is: You’re a meme.

• Who needs the weekend when you can have this weekend.

• I can’t believe that’s what you’re thinking about right now.

• We’re not here for you to change your life. We’re here for you to live it and want to be a part of it!

• A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.

• I’m the eye roll emoji, you’re the person who uses it.

• Eye roll emoji is a smiley face with an eye roll in it. It’s used for mocking or sarcastically agreeing with something, or to express irritation.

• Never underestimate the power of a good eye roll.

• I don’t know how many times I have to tell you this eye roll. The answer is: as many times as it takes until it becomes second nature!

• It’s Friday night. You’re at the bar with friends having a good time, and they’re talking about the weekend. You throw in your two cents with a eye roll

• The most unassuming things can make you go ‘fuuuuuuuck’

• I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’ll be sure to ignore it.

• Call me crazy, but I think we’re all thinking the same thing.

• No matter what anyone else says, you can have a good time.

• Life is too short to be anything but passionate.

• When the situation calls for it, a little eye roll never hurts.

• I don’t know about you, but I spend so much time on my face that I could just cry.

• Sometimes the smallest things can get you the biggest eyeroll.

• Yo, you spent the whole day scrolling through this page. Enough is enough! You’ve been on here long enough.

• There are no words in this world to describe how much I am rolling my eyes over this stupid headline.

• Life’s too short to spend it on something you don’t want.

• Are you gonna do it? Are you gonna try? That’s what I thought.

• You are the most difficult person I know.

• You don’t have to agree with us. You only have to listen.

• When you’re invited to an event but you think it’s lame.

• be confident, don’t get discouraged. it’s ok to fail, as long as you try again, and keep trying.

• You’re not special because you’re smart, you’re special because you want to keep learning.

• To quote the old saying, “You can’t make eye roll look good.”

• Life gets busy, but there’s always time for a roll with your eye.

• Oh look, an eye roll. You know what that means? I’m bored

• Eyelash extensions have become a thing. And they’re so ‘in’. Especially when they look like this

• I’m going to give you a little eye roll here.

• Do you ever catch yourself rolling your eyes? I know I do. Don’t worry, it’s just a physiological response and it’s normal. Just don’t let it happen too much!

• It’s not your fault you’re boring. It’s not even your fault that you’re tired. It’s your OCD in constant overdrive.

• The only thing we can’t do is give up. So keep your head up, and keep going for that promotion.

• You’re not the only one who’s about to roll their eyes.

• You might as well get your eyes checked—they’re too big.

• I’m not even gonna lie. You’re so bad at this.

• I’m not gonna hate. I’m just going to be annoyed at you, bless your heart.

• If you’re coming to me with a problem, don’t be surprised when I say I don’t have time for that.

• You’re right. It is a privilege to be able to make that face—and it’s definitely not an expression of weakness.

• You’re not gonna like me when I’m angry.

• You’re not being true to yourself when you feel like you’re not being enough of yourself.

• Life’s too short to worry about things you can’t change.

• What? You thought I’d be quiet while they were there? Eye roll emoji

• You don’t need a long eyelid to be beautiful. You just need to be yourself

• When you see something on the internet and can’t help but roll your eyes.

• @eyelashesyesyes if you’re looking for lashes that won’t break the bank

• I’m not the type of girl who falls for whatever is popular.

• Try this on for size: you’re a trendsetter.

• I just can’t with how much this guy is rolling his eyes.

• You know you had one of those days when you wake up and realize you are wearing the same outfit and no matter what you do it never looks good.

• I don’t know how to make you feel better, but this is the best I can do.

• It’s the little things in life that make me roll my eyes. Like how people complain about how hot it is in Phoenix, but don’t want to leave the house.

• We all know that you have a ton to do, but you can’t get everything done. So brush off the dust and go back to work.

• If you don’t like your job, change it. If you can’t make a living at what you do, change that too. It’s a matter of priorities. #NoRegrets

• Never underestimate the power of eye roll.

• When you wake up, your eyes are usually the first thing to greet you. But life is too short to wake up with puffy eyes and bags

• who’s in? you’re not the only one who gets annoyed by those annoying ads that appear on your news feed.

• How many times a day do you roll your eyes?

• I wanna roll my eyes at you. What’s wrong with you?

• You’re never going to get me to wear those ugly frames!

• Why do I keep doing this to myself?

• This is what happens when you ask for a waiter and get a waitress.

• Because the mind is a powerful thing. Sometimes it’s best if you just shut your mouth and listen for once…

• The only thing I’m good at is eye rollin’

• I have a problem with people who don’t do eye rolls.

• Never underestimate the power of eye roll.

• What would you do if your eyes rolled out of control?

• The truth is, everyone has a face they’d rather not see.

• in case you don’t know, this is a “roll”

• The only reason I don’t tweet is because we’re not good enough to put out a good product.

• How to make a mountain out of a molehill.

• Why not just give up and go home?

• What’s the point of trying if you don’t succeed?

• If you’re not up for the challenge, don’t try to do it by yourself.

• I don’t know about you, but I could use some eye roll emoji’s in my life.

• Eye roll. I told you no one would listen. Now your mailbox is full of late fees and they’re out to get you.

• I’ve never been more annoyed by a simple “maybe” than I am by this.

• Who is he? Who cares? I’m good, thank you very much.

• It’s Friday, and you are still on your lunch break.

• if you’re going to be the first one to comment on my blog, at least make it an interesting one

• I love how things can get so messy in the kitchen.

• I don’t want to be here, I want to be there.

• If you’re still having trouble making eye roll emoji reactions, here’s a simple trick.

• Can’t you take a joke? It’s just a freaking eye roll.

• It’s okay if you don’t want to wear makeup, but we still love you anyway.

• I always have an eye roll ready somewhere in case I’m ever asked to repeat myself

• I don’t care about your Instagram. I care about your life

• It’s a good day to be cynical, dumb and self-absorbed.

• It’s a good thing we’re not all like that.

• You know the feeling when you don’t think a thing is funny?

• There’s a fine line between subtle and not subtle.

• You’re not the only one who finds yourself feeling stressed, but try to recognize when you should take a break and get back to your routine.

• “You don’t want to know about my eye roll.”

• I just had a conversation with myself and it went something like this: “I’m an idiot.” but then I rephrased it to “you’re being silly.”

• I’m giving up on you, but I’m not giving up on life.

• Not everything can be pretty. Not everything has to be sweet.

• It’s okay to be skeptical about the weirdest things.

• Don’t let the small things get you down. Keep driving on, keep pushing forward.

• We’ve been at this for a while. Eye roll

• This is not a drill. You have been tagged for the eye roll challenge.

• It’s not the eye roll that makes you look like an idiot…it’s the stance.

• I can only handle so much eye roll before I have to go throw something.

• do I look like a girl who would wear make-up?

• Oh, you can’t say that. It’s so eye rollingly obvious.

• Your life is not as funny as my Snapchat jokes

• Don’t get me wrong, I care. But, who’s my favorite person in the whole wide world?

• We’re not going to stand for this BS. Where is the respect?

• You are not the best at what you do. You are the only one who can be your best.

• I guess it’s true, no one really likes eye rolls

• What’s NOT to love about a big ol’ eye roll.

• You know the type of person who when asked to pick their favorite color, will reply with “color”? This is the type of person who will have a color of eye roll.

• I need a great eye roll to express how much I disagree with this

• Yes, you. The one rolling your eyes at this post. I’m so over people who don’t get it.

• Yup, i’m beginning to wonder if I should start focusing on my career instead of becoming a mom.

• Don’t be another shiny face in the crowd.

• I can’t believe I have to say this: The weather has been great.

• I’m a little bit annoyed right now.

• The only thing more annoying than bad hair is a bad attitude

• I’m not mad, I just want to put on a jacket and make it rain

• A single eye roll can make all the difference to your self-esteem.

• NO! NO, NO, NO! I’m done with the eye roll.

• I’m in the mood for some serious eye rolling

• Why did I even bother to look at myself in the mirror?

• It’s the worst when you get that “people are staring at me” feeling.

• I can’t even…I’m going to get my money back.

• I’m so sick of people saying “emoji”. How about we call it a hand-drawn smiley face?

• You know what they say, the best defense is a good offense.

• I don’t know why I even bother.

• There is always a better way to do everything.

• There’s nothing wrong with being an eye roll.

• The eye roll emoji is your go-to for feigned indifference when someone says something you disagree with.

• Don’t get caught up in everything else when you’re not trying to be noticed.

• You don’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.

• I’m so tired of people telling me to smile, I’m smiling.

• I’m so stressed. I need to nap before I have one of my nervous breakdowns.

• Don’t even ask me how many times I’ve seen this before.

• uff. i hate it when people don’t listen to me.

• Nobody plans to get old, but sometimes it’s just a fact of life.

• I’m calling shenanigans on this one.

• We got eye roll. So, always wear sunglasses.

• I don’t care what anyone says—your eyes are beautiful.

• When someone tries to convince you that your eyes are brown, but you know what THEY are: blue.

• When you want to roll your eyes at this post but can’t because you’re a productive member of society

• We’re all judgmental of someone who isn’t afraid to look flawed.

• You’re really not that bad. I’ll see you in the morning.

• You can’t believe everything you read.

• When you realize the person on your couch is still there after all your roommate’s friends have gone to bed.

• Don’t judge. People look at you funny. They say things like “how do you do that?” and “I’m not sure what that is, but it looks cool!”—and they mean it.

• My bad, I was going to say I tried. But I already know you did.

• That time when you have to turn your head to look at the person talking to you, but still not be able to see anything because you are wearing an eye roll.

• The best kind of eye roll: the one that feels like an eye roll, but isn’t.

• I don’t know what is happening, but I’m done with this eye roll.

• Probably shouldn’t have looked at the cat photo.

• No one is saying we’re giving up, but a lot changes when you’re away. And I’m not just talking about your phone.

• You’re not a boss of me, but I will still be your biggest fan this summer anyway.

• If you’re so stupid, why didn’t you just stay at home?

• We’re not too sure if these are the real thing..

• If you’re not talking about, then what are you talking about?

• It’s been five years since my last eye roll. Is this where we’re supposed to hold back?

• “The eyes are the windows to the soul.” – William Shakespeare

• I don’t know what’s more shocking: the fact that I’ve been staring at this screen for 15 minutes or that my face is stuck like an emoji

• Be bold, be yourself, and always be a little bit eccentric. ☆

• I hate when people say things like ‘it’s not what you wear it’s how you wear it.’ I don’t want to wear a biker jacket, but I do.

• The hardest thing about growing up is watching people grow old, but the best thing about growing up is watching people get old.

• Let us know what you think. Tag us in the comments below, or use the hashtag #DisruptYourStory.

• I’m not going to waste my time with the polite bullshit that’s just an excuse to never get to the point.

• Every time someone says something you should do, say no.