End of Week Party Captions and Quotes for Instagram

Hopefully, your Thursday isn’t as stressful as this dinner party! I’ve tried to get a good mix between serious captions and funny ones. If you are hosting a dinner party this week, these will come in handy for some brilliant Instagram captions.

End of Week Party Captions and Quotes for Instagram

• A delicious dinner to celebrate the end of a great week.

• Let’s eat like it’s the weekend!

• Let’s get this dinner party started!

• When life hands you lemons, throw a rosé party!!

• This week was all about the bold linens and fresh whites.

• Prepare for the onslaught of fall baking posts

• Happy hour just got happier. Let the weekend begin!

• Time to raise a glass to the weekend. Cheers!

• Cocktails are the perfect start to a relaxing evening with friends

Gather around for the weekend.

• Since it’s Friday, we’ll let you off the hook with ‘middling’.

• There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven’t yet met.

• If you haven’t made any plans for this weekend… we have a few suggestions. #dinnerparty

• Check out our dinner party tips for a weekend in!

• Friday night dinner with the squad

• A dinner party is a great time to mix up your favorite cocktails and call a couple of friends.

• Weekend at [insert your restaurant names]

• Thursday night is pretty much Friday eve

• Life is short. Eat the dessert first.

• The only thing better than pasta is homemade pasta.

• Here’s to the nights that turned into mornings, and the friends that turned into family.

• There’s no need for a piece of art as long as there is imagination left in the world.

• Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.

• Life is a party, make it a dinner party.

• Dinner parties are about being with your friends, enjoying beautiful food, and having a nice time.

• It’s the weekend, so don’t give up on your Friday night plans.

• It’s the end of the week, let’s get turnt up!

• Friday night doesn’t exist unless there is wine, pizza, and friends.

• “Dinner parties are all very well and good, but you’ll never beat a good old-fashioned cocktail party.”

• Time to turn off the work chat, turn on the disco lights and get this party started!

• Why settle for a good time when you can have a great time?

• Cooking is love made visible.

• Weekend is when the stories are told…

• It is Friday! I am ready for the weekend!

• Happy hour should be every hour!

• Last-minute attendees are the best attendees.

• I’m sorry for what I said when I was hungry.

• Bring on the bubbly, bring on the tasty vibes! Please hashtag your mouth-watering pics #foodie

• Welcome to my dinner party.

• Bring this home and it’s a wrap

• Gather friends, tell stories, plan the future and remember that life is made of little moments like these.

• You are what you eat. And tonight you’re fancy

• Good friends, good food and great conversation – tonight’s menu

• It’s Friday, let the wine begin. (or) Life is better with friends and wine.

• Here’s to you, my friends. Cheers to another week down & many more memories to be made.

• Work hard and be nice to people.

• The week is over and the wine is ready.

• I’m so good at sleeping, I can do it with my eyes closed.

• Friday night dinner parties and gatherings are a fun way to clear the mind, bring friends together, and get ready for another week.

• End of the week. Let’s get this party started

• If you love food, you’ll love this dinner party! And everyone’s invited.

• We’re all on a dinner party in the making.

• Champagne for dinner on a Monday? Don’t mind if I do!! Cheers to another fun week ahead.

• I don’t know about you but a night of good friends and good food is my idea of the perfect weekend.

• We’re the party starters and we are ready to share this moment with all of you.

• I do my best thinking at the dinner table. You should come over for dinner!

• Friday night, we’re in the party mood. Dancing to the beat and acting so crazy

• Love is being with your favorite person and still being able to eat all of the snacks.

• There is no sincerer love than the love of food. – George Bernard Shaw

• There’s no better time for a dinner party than at the end of week. Especially with these easy and elegant setup ideas.

• Every Friday night is your night, even if you are at home. You’re still hot and fabulous!

• Dinner’s ready! Time to party with friends and family.

• Fridays are for cocktails and dancing on tabletops.

• Tonight’s forecast calls for takeout and a Friends marathon with my besties.

• Getting a little fancy and ready to cook up flavors

• Real friends don’t care if your house is clean, they care if you have wine.

• Raise your glass to this thing called life and get ready to sip, savor and celebrate. Cheers!

• Raise a glass to the weekend!

• Your secret ingredient? Surprise party!

• Cheers to you cheers to the weekend!

• Hold onto your butts. It’s about to get wild in here.

• Don’t mind me. Just going to go make some memories with my friends and ruin this dress.

• Welcome weekend, we were waiting for you

• It’s not the size of the group but the vibe of the gathering that counts. For Instagram-worthy dinner party pics, make your captions count.

• You can’t buy happiness, but you can get the ingredients for the best dinner party ever.

• Keep calm and let’s have dinner.

• You’re invited to a night of wine and dine.

• It’s Friday. Might as well have a party.

• A couple that cooks together, stays together.

• Seriously, grab the wine and stay awhile.

• Friday night at my place is just a regular night at your place, except better.

• There may be nothing better in life than a good friend, except a good friend with CHOCOLATE

• This weekend is a palindrome — it’s the same if you read it backward. It’s a perfect excuse to go back in time and make all the right decisions.

• End of week dinner party! Head to your local watering hole and raise a glass to the weekend.

• End of the week tonight. Make sure you’re in the building at 9 pm for Hip Hop Karaoke and DJ Camilo on the wheels.

• Weekends are a time to live with gusto—to eat, drink and be merry

• Weekend plans: all the rosé and seafood are we, though

• Gather round and we’ll share some food, stories, and laughs

• “I have made a lot of mistakes falling in love, and regretted most of them, but never the potatoes that went with them.” – Nora Ephron

• Life is a party when there’s cake and dessert.

• Friendsgiving is almost here, so let’s celebrate the turkey day that makes a table for everyone.

• I love being mom’s favorite child (until dad gets home).

• Let’s get the party started

• Both pumps on. Drink in hand.

• What happens at the dinner table, stays on Instagram.

• Life is better with a dinner party.

• Eat well, laugh often, Instagram the food.

• You Had Me At Dinner Party (or Lunch)

• We can’t wait to drink wine with our best friends this weekend.

• Sometimes girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. And I gots to eat

• I love the weekend because I can be uncivilized and unproductive. It’s so freeing.

• New week, new goals. Don’t stop until you reach them!

• “I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.”

• Friday isn’t just a day away!

• Saturday night never looked so good.

• What do you call a party at the end of the week? FRI-YAY.

• Wanna meet up for a spicy, salty, drinky dinner party this weekend?

• “Cocktail hour is a great way to get to know your friends better.

• A wine and cheese party is just a cocktail party without the cocktails.

• It’s Friday night, so just pour the Pinot already.

• Happy weekending! Let the weekend begin! TGIF, ya’ll!

• I just wanna party with you and drink wine on the sidewalk.

• Dinner is being served and the drinks are on us. See you there?

• You can’t buy happiness but you can buy wine and that’s kinda the same thing.

• Cats are always so glamorous, especially after a bath.

• Friday night vibes: wine, sushi, and Netflix.

• Where would I be without Friday night dinners with my squad?

• You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy tacos… and that’s kind of the same thing. #tacotuesday

• It’s beginning to look a lot like cocktails.

• Cocktails & Conversations by candlelight.

• I do my best thinking in the kitchen.

• It’s not about who you know. It’s about who knows you.

• I am not throwing away my shot

• It’s the end of the week. Let’s party.

• Expert level: Letting your friends make you dinner on a Friday night.

• End of the week! Time to celebrate.

• Dinners out are good, but dinner parties are better.

• Long weekend, short week. Say cheers to the weekend with friends

• It’s the weekend babe! You’ve made it through the week long grind, now it’s time for the rewards with a nice glass of red.

• You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy tacos. And that’s pretty close

• Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together.

• The only thing better than a dinner party is an end of the week dinner party.

• A little Friday night inspo for those of you who, like me, will be happily dining al fresco this weekend

• End of the week, brunch at my place.

• In a world where you can be anything, be kind. And have a killer wardrobe while you’re at it

• Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings.

• Who needs Netflix when you’re hanging out with me?

• Turning up the heat with these delicious dishes.

• It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, it matters what you do to make it right.

• Dinner: the latter part of eating, preceded by that which precedes it. #dinner #dinnertime

• We may not be put together, but we are close.

• I’m ending the week like Beyoncé: with a lot of wine, good food, and my BFFs.

• It’s almost the weekend, let’s have a dinner party

• Happy Friday! Celebrate the weekend with a dinner party

• Casual and informal tone: It’s Friday night! Get the drinks out, light the candles, and turn the music up…

• Eat, drink, and be merry—especially on Fridays.

• When you stay in on Friday night, and the boy next door tries to see what you’re up to

• After a long week, it’s time to dry your tears, put on your dancing shoes, and have a party.

• Have a fun and safe weekend, everyone!

• I cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to the food.

• Life is uncertain so eat dessert first.

• What better way to end the week than with a dinner party? Invite your friends over and make some of our favorite recipes.

• Dress up your dinner parties with a delicious menu, stunning centerpieces, and a little sparkle.

• Celebrating the weekend with good friends, great food, and even better conversation.

• Saturday night’s alright for having a dinner party

• The best things happen around the dinner table with good friends and family.

• I’m so glad you came to my dinner party. Now leave.

• Tonight’s menu: wine, pizza, and a whole lotta hanging out with my favorite people

• All you need is love and tacos.

• The weekend is almost here! Happy hour at 5.

• Carla: “You wanted to be a hostess?” Anthony: “I wanted to be a chef, but my mother thought I should have something to fall back on.”

• Here’s to the nights we never saw coming and the morning that followed.

• End of week dinner party captions and quotes for Instagram: “If the world were a bar, Americans would be screaming, drunk and throwing bar stools at each other.

• It’s the end of the week and I’m exhausted. Does that mean I am not allowed to drink until noon tomorrow?

• Let’s all agree that we’re happy this week is over.

• Friday night vibes: Good food, good cocktails, good people.

• Good friends, good food, and good vibes.

• Pop open the champagne and let’s get this weekend started!

• If you want me, invite me over for dinner.

• It’s Friday. Anything can happen tonight.

• We’re ready for the weekend and we didn’t even get dressed today

• I like to keep it casual. Just me, my friends and some drinks.

• It doesn’t matter if the glass is half full or half empty. There is clearly room for more wine.

• A Friday night dinner party is key to my mental health

• I’m hosting a dinner party Saturday night—anyone interested?

• Wine, cheese, and lots of friends—weekend vibes don’t get much better.

• Casual Friday doesn’t mean you should dress down when it comes to your dinner. Make tonight’s meal count!

• Tonight’s menu: wine, cheese, and a whole lot of laughs.

• My love language is ceviche, frosé, and house music.

• Dinner party? No, this is a dance party.

• If you need me I’ll be at home eating good food, drinking good wine, and waiting for TGIF.

• ‘Tis the season of gathering around a table and enjoying food and friends.

• Mix it up. Serve a variety of drinks, and keep the food relatively casual.

• Push your plate aside and have a look, there’s a new menu in town.

• A little party never killed nobody.

• Can you please remind me what happened last night?

• Dinner parties are fun, but they can also be a lot of work. We’re sharing our best tips for stress-free hosting!

• If you’re lucky enough to do anything this weekend, make it a dinner with friends

• Bold friends, bold wine, bold food. Happy Friday.

• Saturday nights were made for dinner parties and good friends.

• A small gathering of friends is a good start, but to be surrounded by others is divine

• It’s wine o’clock, so why are you lying around like you don’t care?

• The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

• Don’t forget, you’re the one who can fill the world with sunshine.

• Dinner with friends on a Friday night is the perfect end to a long week.

• Weekends are for pizza, pasta and a lot of wine.

• It’s not a party until it’s a girl’s night.

• Take turns toasting one another or take a shot every time your bestie snorts.

• I’m having people over for dinner. Cook or order? Cook or order? Cook or order?

• It’s time to stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate the journey.

• If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

• Putting the “sin” in “synchronized swimming.”

• I can’t think of anything that excites a greater sense of childlike wonder than to be in a country where you are ignorant of almost everything.

• It’s so good to be home.

• Saturday nights were made for friends, food & fine wine

• It’s Friday night and the weekend is calling

• Dinner parties make me analyze everything.

• Good friends, great wine, and the best company make for the perfect holiday gathering.

• The only time I set the table is when company is coming.

• Just in case you forgot, this weekend is your chance to wine down.

• Honey, we’re home! Are you ready to party?

• You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy wine and that’s kind of the same thing.

• Don’t fear the carbs. Everyone needs a little bread in their life.

• Wine and good cheese can chase away even the worst blues.

• You can’t have a dinner party without your friends… and a glass of wine.

• The best way to spread Christmas cheer is having friends and family over for dinner. 🥂

• Join us tonight as we sip a glass of champagne to let the weekend begin and celebrate another week gone by.

• “A party without cake is just a meeting.

• The weekend is here, which means one thing: party time!

• Saturday night, you’re the reason I believe in love.

• Let’s get the weekend started a night early

• When you invite people over for drinks, always have snacks available. A tipsy person is a hungry person.

• A little party never killed nobody.

• May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions.

• Throw a dinner party because everyone deserves more time with their friends.

• No one is happier than people celebrating a dinner together.

• All I want every night is food and friends (and maybe wine, if we’re being honest).

• Dinner party tonight! Who’s Bringin’ the Booze?

• I’m no chef, but I sure know how to make MESS.

• Life is better when you’re at a table with people

• It’s not a party without pizza

• I’m so glad it’s Friday, I really have been looking forward to having dinner with my friends.

• We’re here for the food. And, ummm, also each other.

• The tea is hot, the wine is dry and the conversation is juicy.

• Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, you are likely to enjoy a weekend night.