Earth Day Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Earth day is a time to reflect on how we are all connected with our planet and to remind us, the choices we make today affect those who follow. These quotes about Earth day will stay with you for generations.

Earth Day Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• Celebrating the power of nature and the planet. #EarthDay

• Happy Earth Day! Let’s protect our beautiful planet, together.

• Today we celebrate the planet Earth. We’re all part of this great community, and it’s our responsibility to treat her with the respect she deserves 🌏🌅

• Let’s make sure this is the best Earth Day yet. From here on out, let’s start thinking sustainable and eco-friendly—all while also making life a little easier.

• On #EarthDay, we celebrate the beauty of our world and all its creatures – but even more, we need to take care of our planet. Because the future is in your hands.

• Today, and every day, we’re doing our part to take care of the planet. 🌍

• Today we celebrate the beauty of our planet and those who helped create it.

• Join us in celebrating our planet and all the people who care about it. Have a great day!

• Let’s keep the Earth clean and make it a place where humans can thrive 🌍 🌸

• The planet is our home and we must take care of it.

• it is time to think about the planet, and take action.

• Let’s continue to fight for a cleaner, greener future.

• Our world is still warming, but we have time to fight for our future.

• Earth Day is a day to show the world that we all care about people, animals, and the planet.

• It’s earth day and we’re celebrating with this dedicated green product.

• We are here to celebrate our planet, the world, and all it has to offer. #EarthDay

• Earth Day is a reminder to take care of the planet and each other.

• Wishing you a day filled with love and compassion for Mother Earth. Happy Earth Day!

• Earth Day is a time to celebrate all things made from the Earth, but especially the animals that have given their lives so we can eat them. #earthday

• It’s #EarthDay, and we’re taking a moment to appreciate the planet. Let’s make it a beautiful one!

• As we face the future, let us commit to protecting our planet. This Earth Day, let’s make the choice to #doourpart.

• Happy Earth Day. We have a lot of work to do to create a sustainable planet. But together, we can make a difference.

• If you think it’s hard to be green, try being an artist. Let’s turn the focus back on our planet and make changes happen!

• So much beauty in the world. Let’s protect it together.

• We can change our planet. We have to.

• For the love of all that is green, we’re switching to paperless billing!

• I plant a tree for each person I’ve met who has a story worth telling.

• Earth day, is the natural day when we began to care for the planet Earth and its resources by protecting the environment.

• It’s Earth Day—the ideal day to reflect on the beauty of our planet, as well as how we can protect it.

• It’s time to take a stand. Let’s make this Earth Day the kind of day we want the world to remember.

• Start the day with this fresh, earthy coffee from our friends at @EarthDayCoffee!

• Happy Earth Day! A day that we all can enjoy together, without harming the planet. What are your plans for #EarthDay?

• Today is Earth Day. Today, we celebrate the natural wonders that surround us and renew our commitment to protect them for future generations.

• We love our planet, and we nurture and protect it.

• It’s #EarthDay! Let us show the world how we can be a part of the solution – by cleaning up trash and using reusable bags.

• The earth is our home. Protect it, love it, and make it better. 🌎🌏

• Today, we celebrate the continued efforts of people around the world to take care of our planet and clean water.

• It’s time to get serious about cleaning up our act and making the earth a better place.

• You are what you eat. Protect our planet.

• The world is our home. It’s up to us to care for it and make it a better place than the one we inherited.

• Be a part of the movement that makes a difference. Be the change.

• Today is Earth Day. Let’s protect our home, together.

• Today is Earth Day. Let’s keep it green.

• Let’s take care of our planet one day at a time.

• Today is Earth Day, a day to celebrate all that nature has to offer.

• It’s Earth Day! We’re celebrating the world we live in, and we hope you’ll join us.

• The planet’s health depends on you. Let’s protect it as together, we build a better world. #EarthDay

• We can do it. We have to do it. Together we can make the world a better place! Happy Earth Day from all of us at @harrydowling

• Happy Earth Day. It’s up to all of us to do our small part to protect this beautiful planet for future generations.

• It’s time to think about our planet, and what together we can do to keep it healthy for future generations. #EarthDay

• Every day, we get to do something beautiful with the world. So this Earth Day, let’s make every moment count.

• You can do it. We’re going to stop the pollution that’s killing our planet.

• “We have a responsibility to leave the Earth better than we found it, not worse.” – John F. Kennedy

• We need to keep our planet healthy. And one way is to plant trees.

• Let’s focus on a more sustainable future.

• It’s Earth Day today, so let’s see if we can make it a great day.

• April 22nd is Earth Day. Here are some ways to make your everyday actions a little more green.

• The Earth Day isn’t about just one day of celebration. It’s a reminder to take care of the planet because it’s here for us.

• The earth is our home, and we need to care for it.

• We’ve got to do this together. For the Planet, For Humankind, and For Life on Earth.

• We think it’s time we start thinking more about the planet and less about polluting it.

• This is the day we become one with the earth and nature.

• We are at the tipping point of human-caused climate change. It’s now or never to act against it—together.

• Don’t believe in the myth of progress. Believe in the myth of evolution.

• Celebrate Earth Day and the planet we all share. 🌍

• Let’s all make a promise to protect the planet.

• Today is Earth Day! We need to protect it and make sure we’re doing our part. #EarthDay

• The planet we live on is under attack. We’ve got to make sure it doesn’t end up like a dying star. #EarthDay

• We can’t wait to celebrate Earth Day this Sunday. Here’s a quick recap of what you should know:

• Today, we’re celebrating the beauty of our planet and all its creatures.

• Respect our planet and all its amazing creatures.

• Our planet is a beautiful and unique place. It deserves our protection, care, and respect.

• On this Earth Day, we pledge to protect our environment and take action every day.

• We are the stewards of this planet, we must protect it.

• When you feel like giving up, remind yourself that we’re all connected to the planet. We’re the Earth.

• Today, we celebrate all that‘s beautiful and green in the world. 🌏

• Woke up this morning. What can we do to help?

• A day to celebrate our planet and everything that makes it special. Happy Earth Day!

• We’re making a difference. We’re saving the planet, one tree at a time. Happy Earth Day!

• Earth Day is a time for us to look beyond ourselves and think about the future of our planet.

• It’s Earth Day! What are your thoughts on taking care of the planet? Share with us in the comments below.

• Today is Earth Day, a day to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of our planet, and all the life we share it with. Happy #EarthDay!

• Today, we celebrate the beauty of our planet and call for action to protect it. #EarthDay

• The Earth is our home and we need to take care of it. We must keep the balance, protect nature, and respect Mother Earth.

• We all belong here. A safe and healthy earth is in our hands.

• On April 22, we’re reminded that we need to protect our amazing planet.

• Let’s take care of our planet. We’re stronger together ✊

• You can’t steal our planet, but you can help make a difference.

• Today, we recognize our role in keeping the planet healthy.

• All the world’s a garden. And everybody’s a gardener. Let’s plant a better tomorrow.

• We must protect our home from pollution, and we can. We have to change the way we all use energy and resources.

• Since the dawn of time, people have looked up to the sky and wondered. ‘Why is it like this? Why is it so blue?’ Today, we’re going to find out.

• It’s #EarthDay, so let’s celebrate the planet with these simple & stylish ways to make your everyday more eco-friendly

• It’s Earth Day, so we’re celebrating by making a difference in one small way that you can too.

• Today is Earth Day! Let’s make sure we’re doing everything in our power to protect this planet—and all its inhabitants. 🌏🌷

• Today is Earth Day. Let’s show the world that we care about our planet and that we want to take action to make it a better place.

• Protecting the Planet one day at a time.

• Don’t waste our beautiful planet. 🌎 🌍 🌏

• Let’s work together to protect our planet.

• We are not just one planet, we are all connected by one another. Let’s #GoGreen today and every day! 🌎

• The earth is our mother—protect it.

• Our planet deserves better than what we’ve been giving it.

• For our future, for our children, and for the generations to come.

• What you do matters. What you think matters. How you treat others, matters most of all.

• Happy Earth Day! Let’s protect our planet and ourselves.

• When it comes to our planet, we all need to do our part. So let’s make today Earth Day!

• The power of nature is strong, but we’re stronger. We are the change we want to see in the world. #EarthDay

• #EarthDay is a reminder to never forget that our planet needs more love and protection than we give it.

• Let’s take a moment of silence to honor one of the greatest gifts we have on this earth: Earth. ✨

• We are all in this together. Let’s clean up our planet, one day at a time.

• As the Earth turns, we are reminded of our responsibility to protect it.

• Did you know that May 22nd was Earth Day 2016? Join us in celebrating by doing something eco-friendly today!

• We are custodians of the planet. We must act now to preserve our planet for future generations.

• We’re raising our voices and focusing our efforts on caring for the earth. Let’s start with a moment of silence and then let’s move forward to make a positive change today.

• We’re so lucky to live on Earth. Thanks for being here with us. 🌎

• We are living in a beautiful and fragile world. We need to take care of it.

• It is our collective responsibility to leave a better world for our children.

• This isn’t the ending. It’s only the beginning.

• The best way to honor Earth day is to make it count.

• Let’s all join hands together and make a change. #EarthDay

• It’s time to celebrate our planet and all the beautiful things that live on it. #EarthDay

• Today is Earth Day. Let’s commit together to protecting our planet and all its beauty.

• Wishing you a Happy Earth Day. Thank you for all that you do to keep us safe, clean, and healthy. ☀🌏

• Because we are all one planet. #Earthday

• The Earth is our home. It’s time we start treating it like one.

• It’s up to us to keep our planet healthy and clean. Let’s celebrate Earth Day together this month with a vegan meal! 🌏🌿

• Happy Earth Day! We’re reminded of our home and all that it’s made of, and we take a moment to appreciate what we share with the world.

• The earth is our home and we should all be stewards of it. #EarthDay

• This is our planet. We are all connected, so let’s make sure it stays that way.

• Protecting the future starts today.

• We’re not perfect. But we can be better.

• Earth day is a reminder to take care of the planet we live on.

• It’s time to celebrate our planet. Let’s keep it green and beautiful, with love and care. Happy Earth Day!

• Every day is Earth Day at Starbucks. We’re celebrating the planet and its epic beauty, from the smallest blossoms to the tallest trees.

• It’s Earth Day! What are you going to do to protect our planet?

• We have the power. Let’s use it wisely. – Earth Day

• I believe that this is the most important day of the year to show you care about our planet. Look out for our planet, look out for one another and go green today 🌎 🌎 🌎

• Mother Earth, thank you for being here for us. We are proud to be a part of the cutting edge of the green movement.

• It’s time to do the right thing and take care of the planet.

• Today we celebrate the beauty of our planet and the many ways we can help protect it.

• There’s no better time to start than today. Happy Earth Day everyone!

• For each one of us, the planet is our home and we have a responsibility to protect it. #earthday

• This day is for you to celebrate your commitment to being kind to the earth.

• We are one human family through all of time and space. Let’s act like it.

• Let’s keep the planet green. Let’s celebrate Earth day with a good deed and everyday actions that make a difference.

• Let’s celebrate Earth day by taking care of the environment that’s in our homes.

• It’s never been easy to be green, but it’s always been worth it. Together we can change the world. #EarthDay

• Let’s all be kind to the dirt because it will thank us later. Happy #EarthDay!

• We can make a difference. Together, let’s act for a better planet and future. #earthday

• I believe in a world where people treat one another with kindness, compassion, and respect. Happy Earth Day

• Let’s join together to make a bold statement. The planet needs us, so let’s take care of it.

• The earth is our home and it deserves to be taken care of.

• We must protect the planet that sustains us, we cannot fail to preserve it for future generations.

• Honoring the earth with our actions and thoughts this #earthday

• Today we celebrate one planet. Tomorrow we hope to share with you how we can all make a difference.

• You are the earth. Take care of her!

• Our planet is in crisis, but humans are its greatest hope.

• Wishing you a day of peace and harmony with nature.

• Let us tell our story. Let us take action for a better world.

• Today is Earth day. Let’s celebrate the only planet we have, together.

• As we celebrate Earth day, let us commit to a more beautiful planet.

• It’s Earth Day, and that means it’s time to do something about it. Join us in celebrating our planet and taking care of her each day.

• We’ve got your back. We all need a little Earth Day spirit to remind us that, together, we can make a difference.

• Today is Earth Day. We’ve got to stop thinking of our planet as a resource to be exploited, and start thinking of her as our home.

• Today is Earth Day! Let’s celebrate our planet and all that it provides for us—clean air, clean water, and healthy food.

• Today, we celebrate our planet and all that lives in it. Let’s be good stewards of our home.

• Let’s keep the planet clean and healthy!

• A day to remind us how important it is to take care of our planet. We can still make a difference!

• Do your part: take action and help us protect our planet.

• We are one planet, and we need to take care of it.

• We are in the middle of a massive environmental crisis. There is no time to waste. Talk about it, act on it, and spread the word!

• We’ve got the power to change our world. Let’s use it

• Do something today that you can be proud of.

• Earth day is here once again. This year let’s make a commitment to protect our planet and the people that live on it.

• Earth day is a reminder to remember to care for our planet and ourselves. We’ve got work to do.

• Celebrate the beauty of our planet and all its inhabitants. #EarthDay

• It’s time to celebrate our planet and all that it’s capable of. Let’s take care of her and love her.

• Celebrating the beauty of Earth, one single moment at a time.

• It’s time to take care of our planet: every day.

• Today, we’re celebrating the beauty of our Planet, our home. #EarthDay

• We’re doing our part to make the world a little greener.

• We are working hard to make sure that the Earth is a better place for all of us, our children, and generations to come.

• Let’s celebrate the most powerful force in our universe – the sun. #EarthDay

• The Earth needs us. Let’s do our part to help her recover from this most recent disaster and make sure she has a bright future.

• Today is Earth Day. Let’s take a minute to appreciate all that we have, and take care of it by taking care of ourselves.

• It is time for us to take action and make the change for a greener environment.

• We are a part of the earth, if we don’t treat her with respect, she will not treat us with respect.

• Be empowered, be active. Be a part of something bigger than you.

• So we’re starting off with a bang on Earth day! We have some great eco-friendly products for you to check out:

• Today is Earth Day, a day to celebrate our planet and all that’s good about it. Here’s to you, earth!

• Every day is Earth Day. So let’s make it a good one!

• Here’s to the planet and all the beautiful creatures that call it home. We’re grateful for our home, and we’re working hard to keep it that way. #EarthDay #keepitwild

• Today is Earth Day. Let’s all do our part to help keep our planet healthy.

• Today, let us commit to being better stewards of the earth we live in. Let’s do more for her. #EarthDay

• Today, we celebrate everyone’s right to a healthy environment.

• The Earth needs us to be its custodian and protector.

• Let’s raise our voices to #SaveThePlanet and conserve our natural resources.

• We are a small planet, but we can change the way we think about our planet by changing the way we live.

• We are grateful for the earth, our home, and all that it provides us 🌍 🌎 🌏

• It’s easy to appreciate our planet when you see it from space.

• We are all made of the same stuff. So let’s be careful when we throw things into the air, ok?

• When everyone is together, we are stronger. We are the world.

• Earth day is about all of us. How we look after our planet, and what we can do to help it thrive. Let’s go big or small, but let’s act. #EarthDay2022

• Let’s all do our part to make the world a better place, one Earth day at a time.

• Today, we celebrate the beauty of our home planet. Happy Earth Day!

• There’s nothing we can’t do. Together, let’s make a difference. #EarthDay

• Our planet, our future. Let’s take care of it together. Earth Day – April 22nd, 2018

• In a world where we’re constantly changing and moving, it’s important to nurture our earth and all its creatures. #EarthDay

• The Earth is our home. The air, the water—they are what sustain life. We want to protect these resources for future generations, so we can all enjoy them together.

• It’s time to celebrate the wonders of our planet, in all its diversity. Let’s #saveourworld together.

• Celebrating a day to appreciate our planet and all that it gives us: clean air, clean water, and beautiful lands.

• We’re connected. We’re one. Let’s save the planet.

• It’s time to take care of the planet, so we can all thrive together. Let’s protect it! 🌎🌍

• Let’s celebrate nature and protect it from pollution.

• Are you ready to take action? The world doesn’t need another Earth Day. It need people who make a difference every day.

• Don’t waste a day on Earth without tapping into our community of people who make it possible for you to be here.

• Happy Earth Day! We’ve come a long way, but there’s so much more to do. Let’s take care of our planet and all its creatures while we still can.

• Today, we celebrate the beauty of our planet. Together, let’s make a difference.

• Earth Day is a time for all of us to remember that we share this planet with each other, and with all life forms. We are stewards of the earth – take care of it!

• There’s nothing more powerful than nature, so let’s do the right thing and care for our planet.

• Happy earth day. We are with you and we will walk the talk.

• Today, we acknowledge the beauty of our planet and take action to protect it.

• Today is #EarthDay. Protect our planet, protect the future of humanity.

• Happy #EarthDay to all those who are doing everything they can to make a difference.

• We’re so lucky to be alive on this planet. Let’s make sure we keep it that way by taking care of Mother Earth 🌏

• This is our planet. We have to take care of it.

• It’s time to take action and protect our planet.

• Oh yes, we did it. We saved the planet 🌍 🌏

• We are a small planet in an immense universe, but we can make a big difference.

• We all have the power to make a difference. 🌍🌎

• It’s Earth day! We’re taking care of our planet and celebrating the beautiful diversity of life on earth.

• Let’s make today Earth Day, one day at a time.

• It’s Earth Day! Let’s celebrate by doing the everyday things we can do to protect our planet and all its living things. Lets #BeEarthMinded

• It’s time to show the world how you feel about our planet.

• Celebrating the beauty of this planet, one gesture at a time.

• This Earth Day, we’re taking action to protect our precious planet.

• Today is a day to recognize the beauty of our planet and take action.

• It’s time to take care of our planet. What will you do?

• We need to take our planet back from the fossil fuel industry. #EarthDay

• We are one with the Earth. We are in this together. Let’s leave it better than we found it.

• Celebrating the four-in-one miracle – air, water, soil, and sky. 🌷💚 #earthday

• We need to be better stewards of our planet and its resources. Let’s keep it clean!

• It is time to celebrate our planet and all it has given us. Because we are more than just a single species, but an entire ecosystem that relies on Earth for survival.

• We are one planet, and we share this one. Let’s work to protect it for future generations.

• What better way to celebrate Earth day than by helping a planet? You can’t be an environmentalist and not recycle!

• We are here. We matter. We will thrive! #EarthDay

• Today is Earth Day. And it’s our time to take care of this beautiful planet, and every living creature on it.

• Wishing you a day filled with love and compassion for our planet.

• The earth is a beautiful place. Let’s keep it that way!

• Thank you for joining us in our mission to save the planet.

• Today, we fight for the environment—forever.

• The earth is our only home. We must think of it and treat it with the respect it deserves.

• Together we are building a better planet. Together, we can make it happen.

• We are one planet, one family and we must protect it for future generations.

• We are all connected, and we must do everything we can to protect our environment.

• The earth is our mother. We must tend her and keep her healthy, clean and beautiful.

• The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.