Disloyalty Betrayal Quotes in Relationship

Everybody has experienced a feeling of betrayal in his or her relationship. Whether this betrayal was caused by cheating, lying, not caring about their partner for a long time, or something else – nobody can avoid it. A feeling of betrayal is something that you can’t hide from yourself and people around you every time you feel it. In this article, we are going to be dealing with quotes that might help you learn how to accept betrayal and fight with it.

Disloyalty Betrayal Quotes in Relationship

• There’s no loyalty in a relationship when you’re not loyal to the one who loves you.

• If you’re not loyal to your partner, then don’t expect them to be loyal to you.

• Love is a beautiful thing but, it hurts like hell to be betrayed.

• As long as there is friendship, there will be betrayal.

• When someone betrays us, we learn two things: “What not to do” and “How to fix it.”

• A home without trust and love is only a house of bricks.

• Sometimes, it takes a lot more than love to make a relationship work.

• Your actions always speak louder than words. Never make a promise you can’t keep.

• When the left hand doesn’t know what the right is doing.

• You can’t be with someone who doesn’t love you unconditionally. You can’t be with someone who doesn’t respect you the way you should be respected.

• Like love, loyalty is something you’re either born with or it’s something you have to work for.

• It takes two to tango, but it takes only one to end it.

• Our love is a fire and we can’t stop it. We want to be together but if you can’t be, that’s OK. I hope if we ever meet that you will remember me because I remember you and still will.

• Why should you feel guilty when you don’t want to be there anymore?

• Your thoughts are my thoughts, your words are my words. #Disloyalty

• A man may betray you, but only you can betray yourself.

• Trust is a weakness—don’t give it away

• The more you love someone, the more you hurt watching them walk away

• With a full heart, I will always love you. But after today, with an open one, I will never trust you again.

• “When you love someone, all your dreams start coming true.” ― T.S. Eliot

• For the love you give is the only thing that will ever be enough.

• Lies are like weeds, They grow in the dark and spread fast.

• You may love someone else, but the feelings you have for that person will never be as strong as the feelings you have for the one you love.

• A true relationship is about give and take, and if there’s one thing you need to know about mine… it’s that I like to talk.

• Trust is the coin of our realm, and that’s why it’s valuable. We cannot live without it. It makes up a third of the value of any relationship.

• Don’t let loyalty blind you to the truth. And don’t let betrayal blind you to the pain.

• The only real betrayal is to betray yourself.

• You can’t trust those who don’t trust you.

• To be betrayed is hard to take, but it is even harder to forgive.

• If you have to cheat in order to feel alive, then cheating is the only way you’ll know if love is real.

• It’s one thing to have a relationship with someone, another with whom to share your thoughts and feelings.

• You’re the only one I’ve ever loved, but we’re through.

• Your smile is like a magnet, drawing me in. Your touch, like electric currents coursing through my body. I just can’t resist you.

• Nothing is perfect. It’s just that sometimes you have to make compromises to get what you want out of life.

• When a man is disloyal to you, he has himself to blame.

• You see the real me, but you don’t want to be with me.

• Nothing is more hurtful than being treated like a dog.

• There’s an old saying: “You’ll never find true love if you keep looking in all the wrong places.” True or not, that sure rings true to me.

• I have loved, and I have been loved; but there was never any one who could take away my love for you—that is, until I met you.

• The art of love is not only to believe in love, but to trust that love will come and knock on your door.

• Your loyalty to me is the most valuable thing I have. I will always appreciate it, always be thankful for it and never, ever betray it.

• Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

• No matter how much you love someone, there will always be another who loves them more.

• You’re the last thing on my mind when I’m not with you.

• You should never leave a couple for another girl, because she might not be that good a girl. But if you left him for another guy, then he’s gotta be a real jerk.

• I will love you the way you are, but I need to know that I can be better.

• Loyalty is the least important thing in a relationship.

• Disloyalty is a betrayal in any relationship, so be sure that your partner isn’t leading you on.

• “When you cheat on me, you’re not just going to hurt me, you’re going to hurt yourself.”

• Only the heartache is real. The happiness and joy are only memories

• In a relationship that’s built on trust, why would you leave?

• A relationship isn’t about where you are, but rather where you are going.

• You don’t love someone because they are perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they are not.

• More than a pair of eyes to see you and a heart full of love, I promise to be your friend.

• Don’t lie to yourself. If you want something, go get it. Because if you don’t, then you’ll just be giving up all your chances at happiness for the sake of someone else.

• I can forgive you for keeping this from me. But I can never forget.

• You’re always my first love and the last. You’re still a part of me and always will be.

• “It’s not that love fades. It is that you forget how to hold it.” – Georgia O’Keefe

• When your relationship ends, you have to look in the mirror and think about what you did wrong.

• Relationships are like glass—if you can’t see the big picture through them, then it’s time to break them.

• You can’t betray someone who never trusted you in the first place.

• It takes time to build a strong relationship, but it only takes one moment to kill it.

• We give too much of ourselves to be betrayed, never let another person come between you and the love you feel in your heart.

• When you realize that loyalty is not enough, what then?

• What do you say to a person who’s not loyal? It hurts me when you talk about the other girls. I don’t want to hear it anymore.

• When you’re with someone for the wrong reasons, you’ll always have to live with having done it.

• You’re not just my lover. You’re my best friend, the one I’ll always come back to.

• You don’t know what you got until it’s gone.

• Sometimes you have to go through a lot of heartbreak to get to the place where you realize it’s not worth it.

• In a relationship, nothing is more painful than loyalty betrayed and trust broken.

• “Disloyalty can be a very strong emotion, especially if you don’t know how to handle it.”

• When your actions betray the words you have said, you have crossed over into an unworthy relationship.

• When a person you love betrays your trust, the pain is unbearable.

• When you love someone, you choose to be faithful to them even though it breaks your heart.

• Don’t be loyal to what you want, but to what is right.

• Love is not what the heart makes it, but what the soul recognizes.

• If you love someone, set them free. If they come back to you, it was meant to be.

• Love is a matter of chemistry and chemistry is a matter of intangibles.

• “A romance is a flower that blooms in adversity,” – Brahms

• When you decide to be with someone and they don’t want you back, you have to be okay with that. You have to let them go and move on with your life.

• Relationships are like a glass of wine, it is better to be shared between friends than to be consumed by yourself.

• You can’t take back the past, but you can make a better future.

• A good relationship is all about loyalty. And betrayal. Always remember this when you get into a relationship, and always remember that betrayal hurts.

• The most loyal loyalty is to have a friend who will never betray you.

• When you’re in love and someone cheats on you, it literally feels like someone has stabbed you in the heart.

• It is the nature of love that it requires faith, hope and trust. People who don’t understand this are doomed to suffer…

• Bad relationships happen. Good relationships end. And in the end, you are either with the right person or you’re alone forever.

• You don’t love someone because they’re perfect. You love them in spite of the fact that they’re not.

• Trust isn’t something you earn, it’s something you learn.

• Relationships aren’t built to last. They’re like crack: easy to start, hard to stop.

• “The hardest part about being a friend is that you have to choose to be one.

• When you’re in a relationship, you can’t cheat on your partner to your friends and family. You need to respect the people that love you enough to date them.

• Relationships are like glass. Sometimes you look broken, but that’s only because you have too much on your mind.

• If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?

• A relationship isn’t about being in love—it’s about giving something back to the person who loves you.

• “To betray someone is a crime that can never be forgiven.”

• Friendship is a promise to yourself—to be thoughtful, honest and loyal. Loyalty is the willingness to sacrifice your own needs for the sake of someone else’s.

• When you break up with someone, you just don’t forget what it feels like to be in love.

• The truest test of a relationship is how you treat your worst enemy. The hardest person to forgive is the person who hurts you when you’re least expecting it.

• I can’t live with the thought of being in a loveless marriage. It’s not worth it…

• Sometimes the best thing about a breakup is that it’s over.

• A relationship is like a bridge. It only works when both people are willing to try and make it work.

• Then I realized that the ones who love you most often have to let you go in order for you to find your true self.

• Think twice before you break up with someone because they are not the one. When you find someone perfect, don’t let them go.

• When you fall in love, it’s not just about the person you find your soul mate with. It’s about all the people who helped you to get there, too.

• You don’t always have to follow your heart. Sometimes it’s better to listen to reason and make a smart decision.

• A relationship is like a ship, you cannot sail without the wind. But if you don’t know how to use it, the wind will never help you sail better

• If you’re not careful, loyalty can be a dangerous thing.

• A relationship is a promise to each other, not the promises of words.

• When your partner cheats on you, it’s hard to trust again. But if you can’t trust him, you don’t love him.

• Whenever you feel like breaking up with a person, remember this… The more pain you are in the relationship, the more sensitive they’ll be to your faults.

• When someone cheats on you, the best thing to do is let them. It’s the only way to get them back on track.

• I don’t want to lose you. But I need you to be me.

• There’s a fine line between love and hate, between stillness and motion. But there’s no fine line between true love and abuse.

• A love without trust is like a bird without wings.

• A heart can only be broken so many times before it ceases to beat the whole way.

• When your enemy becomes your best friend and your best friend becomes a stranger, no one can tell you who you are.

• It’s not about how much time you spend together, but the quality of the moments you cherish.

• I want to be the one who makes you feel like I am your best friend. But I don’t want you to think that I will ever replace your best friend.

• Love is never a mistake. It just takes a little while to find you.

• You can build a bridge to the other side, but you won’t get there if you don’t cross first.

• Life is a gift, but it’s also a game. And you’ve got to keep playing until the rules are changed.

• I don’t need your loyalty, I need your trust.

• There’s no room for betrayal, only room for forgiveness.

• Loyalty is a virtue, but it is not a luxury. It is a necessity, not an option.

• When you love someone, you want the best for them. And sometimes, it’s not what they want.

• Life is all about the moments that make you who you are, and a relationship is no different.

• You break my heart and then you apologize. You know there was nothing to forgive.

• You can’t love someone without being with them.

• There will be no more lies, no more betrayal, no more jealousy. But one thing remains, you would have to promise to love me forever and ever

• Breakups are never easy, but they are always necessary. You’ve just got to keep it real and leave the rose-colored glasses at home.

• It’s not the size of the dog in the fight…it’s the size of the fight in the dog

• Don’t let someone walk over you. Stand up for your dreams, your goals and never accept anything but the best from those who mean to betray you.

• I know you’re busy. I’m busy too, but that doesn’t mean we don’t care about each other.

• We don’t know what’s going on here, but it sure looks like betrayal.

• Loyalty: The only loyalty worth having is your own.

• Love is not strong enough to bear such treason.

• Life is too short to be in a relationship that is not working.

• Staying faithful to the one you love is not always a walk in the park. Keep your partner guessing by being unpredictable.

• Love and trust are the two most important things in a relationship. Without them, there really is nothing to hang onto.

• The only person who can hurt you is the one person you trust to protect you.

• A man in love is incomplete until he has married. A woman in love is incomplete until she has married.

• “Love is not about what you are looking for, but about who you’re looking for.” – Helen Fisher

• If someone is causing me to feel insecure, don’t take it personally—just trust your instincts.

• I’m sorry. I did it again. I can’t stop being with you, but I’m no longer in love with you.

• We all make mistakes. The most important thing is to learn from them and move on.

• A good relationship is like a flower: it takes time and care to grow and blossom into a beautiful bouquet.

• Disloyalty is like a virus – it’s the perfect breeding ground for betrayal.

• The love is what keeps you going. The betrayal is what kills you.

• If a relationship is not built on honesty, it will crumble.

• You can’t love somebody who doesn’t love you back.

• Trust is like a mirror. When you lie in front of it, it reflects back to you.

• You can’t fall in love with someone who doesn’t love you back.

• If there’s one thing I know, it is that you never really know someone until they hurt you.

• The best way to treat a person is to treat them like you want them to treat you.

• “Love is friendship that has caught fire.” -Dwight L. Moody

• I don’t want to feel like I have to choose between you and me. I want us both to be better than expected.

• Relationships are like a handbag. You can’t always tell what’s inside but you know the one that’s empty is yours.

• In a relationship, there is a fine line between love and hate. Like everything in life, you have to work hard for it.

• You may not realize it, but being with you is the most difficult thing I’ve ever attempted. You are everything.

• The greatest betrayal is to love someone who does not love you as much as you loved them.

• Loyalty is a choice, but betrayal is always an accident.

• A man is as loyal as the woman who has won his heart.

• Treason is the crime of betraying your country. Treason is not only the act of betraying your country, but betraying its people and its cause. #quote

• A heart can’t love and be loyal to two places at the same time.

• I never loved you. I was loyal because I thought we were friends. Now that you are gone, I am free to love someone else.

• It takes two to make a relationship work. And if one person is not doing their part, it won’t be long before the whole thing falls apart.

• You see two people and see them as two separate entities. You see two people and see them as a pair.

• You will never be able to break my heart without breaking yours first.

• “I would rather be hated for what I am than loved for something I’m not.” ― Oscar Wilde

• You can’t always be right, but you can always be good.

• You are my heart and soul, and after battling so hard to repair our relationship I hope we can continue to grow together.

• There’s no loyalty in love, only loyalty in its absence.

• There’s no greater betrayal than sticking with someone who isn’t right for you.

• Your loyalty is a double-edged sword. It’s both a comfort and a burden.

• A relationship can’t survive on one thing alone, it needs both.

• When your partner comes home and you act like everything is okay, but it’s not.

• When you find yourself living with a cheater, know that it’s better to end the relationship than stay in it.

• If you love someone, let them go. If they return, it was meant to be. If they don’t, then it was never real in the first place.

• Every betrayal leaves a scar on our heart, but the best way to heal from it is to forgive and move forward.

• When you’re with someone that keeps running away from commitment, it’s hard to get your head around finding a better partner.

• I don’t love you any less, but I’m not in love with you anymore.

• Once the love is gone, there is no going back. Don’t be the person who loses their heart because you couldn’t be honest with them.

• You’ve got to be loyal to something. Otherwise, life is just a “blooming, buzzing confusion of sensations.”

• I want to be the one who makes you dance, not the one you drag along.

• It’s easy to be with someone who isn’t treating you right. It’s hard when they do.

• We’re in this together, that means we have to be loyal to each other.

• There’s only one thing worse than having your heart broken—and that’s breaking someone else’s.

• Loyalty is like beauty. It’s never lost, but often defaced.

• True love doesn’t always look the way we think it should.

• When trust is gone, nothing will ever be the same.

• Love is a temporary insanity curable by marriage.

• You say you need space, but I know what you really mean. You want to leave me. But why? What have I done?

• When your heart is broken, the only thing that can heal it is time.

• You can’t just fall into a relationship, it takes time to build trust, commitment and love. You both have to work on it.

• In relationships, there’s always room for improvement. And you know what the best way to do that? Keep each other on your toes!

• Sometimes the hardest thing to do is let go.

• When your partner is not around, thoughts turn to the possibility of betrayal.

• The worst betrayal is when we love someone who no longer loves us.

• It’s hard enough to find a partner, but it’s even harder to find someone who is loyal.

• No one wants to hear it, but sometimes you have to be honest with yourself. The only person you can trust is yourself. #disloyaltybetrayalquotes

• Being in a relationship and having someone be disloyal to you is like being in the middle of a war zone.

• You’re the one I want. You’re the one I need. But if you leave me, you’ll break my heart.

• Loyalty is not a word, it’s an action. Loyalty is what you do when nobody’s looking.

• A relationship is not a walk in the park, it’s a roller coaster. You can leave at any time—but why would you?

• The more we try to keep you out of our lives, the more you sneak your way into our hearts.

• You can try to keep someone, but you will never be able to force them to stay.

• Relationships are hard. They take patience, understanding, and a lot of trust. But nothing compares to the feeling of being truly loved by someone who deserves it.

• If you don’t want to be hurt, then don’t open your heart.

• No one can break a relationship like a loyal partner.

• Sometimes the one you want to forget is the one who makes you forget.

• It’s hard to break up with someone that hasn’t even gone away.

• No one can steal you from yourself but you can steal yourself from them.

• It’s hard to say goodbye to someone you love but know is better off without you.

• You think I’m going to stay with someone who doesn’t trust you, who’s always going to be there for me and never tells me what he feels.

• The worst part about a broken heart is that it never ends.

• “If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it was meant to be. If not, it wasn’t.”

• The difference between a successful relationship and a failed one is mostly how much you focus on the negative things that are happening in your relationship.

• It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game that matters.

• No matter what, you can never change your past. But you can learn from it and move forward.

• “The most important thing I learned from my first marriage is that love means never having to say you’re sorry.” ―