Deep Poetry Lines in English for Instagram

Deep poetry lines in a beautiful poetic language and interesting rhyming seem to be always very attractive to read and recite among people of all age groups and from different parts of the world. Poems always has its own place in every heart that are related to us. It is conveyed in lines, and a way to calm the soul.

Deep Poetry Lines in English for Instagram

• It was a time of deep poetry lines and beautiful souls.

• Lines that cut like a knife, poems like a bullet.

• I finally found a way to connect with myself, and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

• Life is not a poem and death is not the end. It’s only the beginning of something new.

• They say that beauty and truth are two different things, but I say they’re one in the same.

• Life is a story. A story that needs to be told. And when you tell the story, it must have a deeper meaning.

• Life is like a dream. The more you chase it, the more it eludes you. But then again, why do you want it anyway?

• The reality is you’re not as strong as you want to be, and it’s okay.

• An emotion in a line; a feeling that can’t be described in words because we all have them.

• Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

• The night is always darkest before the dawn.

• Deep poetry lines don’t have to be a struggle. They’re all around us.

• I don’t know what’s better, the deep poetry lines or the way you’re looking at me right now.

• You do not have to be a poet to appreciate the power of deep poetry.

• I’m not a great poet, but I can tell you that if poems were as long as life takes to live, a lot of things might get lost in translation.

• Life is an endless song, a symphony of infinite moments. We are the music and you are the conductor.

• I want to stay in this moment forever. Let it be dark and beautiful.

• I am the fragile thing that dreams hold up as an example of what is possible.

• The world is a window, the universe is vast.

• The roads we walk, the thoughts we choose to think.

• A poem is like a ship, it’s not built to last, it’s built to sail.

• The only thing that matters is how you choose to think of yourself.

• A tree is just a tree, but when you look at it, it becomes something more.

• Deep poetry lines do more than just make you think. They help you feel.

• Deep poetry lines that make you feel like you’re falling into the words

• Life is a deep poem. It’s not about the words you say, but about how you live your life & how others perceive it.

• A single thought can speak to the soul. A thousand words can’t, but poetry can!

• Let us show you the way, to the heart of your own dreams.

• I am a lost soul wandering from the light, searching for a place to call home.

• I killed all the light behind me. I will keep walking to find new ways to see, to find more ways to feel.

• A picture is worth a thousand words. But here’s one that says more with one little stroke of the pen:

• “The true mystery of the stars is that they are one in the same / and yet there is no one who can really grasp them.”

• This is what I’ve been thinking about lately.

• To be fair, you are not the stars of your own life. You’re just the passengers.

• The seeds of greatness grow in the hearts of those who dare to dream big.

• Deep poetry lines are my thing, & I know you’re going to love these.

• Words that are deep, but aren’t always pretty.

• A line of poetry that wakes my soul, a thought that makes me think, a feeling that touches my heart.

• Poetry is a mirror, but it isn’t the same for everyone.

• I am stillness. I am movement. I am something more than these things that I have always been.

• We are here to hurt each other, but we’re also here to heal each other.

• When the night is quiet, when all is still and there’s just you in your room. Then I will stay with you till morning comes.

• I am searching for the meaning of life.

• Life is a river and you are waiting for the current.

• The sea is deep, the sky is high and the road is long.

• The roots of the tree are in the soil. The branches reach high into the sky. This is why we are here.

• If a tree were to fall in the woods and survive, it would only be because it was not of the same species as the one from which it was cut.

• If you are looking for a way to express your feelings and emotions, poetry can be the answer.

• He wants to live forever as a poem and he knows how to do it.

• I’m not one for deep philosophy and existential questions, but I’m pretty sure this is how life works.

• You know that feeling when you walk into the room and everything is just right? That’s me.

• I am a woman. I say what I mean and I mean what I say.

• We live in a world without meaning, but we are the ones to change it.

• Life is full of laughter, but no one ever said it was going to be easy.

• You are the moon, you are the sun. You are the dark and light at once.

• “The best thing you can do with a dream is to wake up.”― Lewis, W.

• In an uncertain world, you are enough.

• When we’re feeling stuck, embrace the fear and try again knowing that you have overcome the difficult times before.

• Deep poetry lines that will have you thinking.

• When you’re searching for something deep and meaningful, you can always trust the internet.

• Poetry is the language of the soul and the heart.

• The best way to express yourself is to write a poem

• Sometimes, it takes a poet to see the beauty in simplicity.

• A good poet always has something to say.

• Reach higher and be more than what you were before.

• We are the world’s greatest country because we have the best songs

• This is the only life we get, make the most of it.

• I am the tide. I am the ocean. I am the moon and the stars.

• If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.

• In the beginning of all things, there is a word…

• I want to live in a world where the decision to act is not between right and wrong, but between good and better.

• The best way to describe something is with deep poetry.

• There’s a reason why my soul feels this way, why I’m so drawn to you. It’s because of a feeling that no one else can ever get.

• Beautiful things don’t just happen…they take time, passion and commitment.

• Life is a struggle. Life is a dream. People are humans, we all want happiness and peace but this life is good enough to live once more.

• You are the light that illuminates me, the wind that blows through my soul. I am yours and yours alone.

• When you’re a woman, and you know it, and they don’t.

• I am a puddle of emotions, I am an ocean of tears. I am the cry that we all need to express.

• As the clouds drift across the moon, my mind wanders to distant times and places.

• Heartbreak is a bitter pill, but we need it to make us stronger.

• The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.

• Too much of a good thing is wonderful when it’s simple.

• The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.

• Life is a journey, not a destination. You may end up on different paths, but the open road is always waiting.

• Life is too long for us to be anything but deep poetry.

• Deep poetry, deep passion and the feeling of the music flowing through your veins. Let’s be honest.

• Poise and passion are the qualities many models are striving for. Let’s get it girl!

• “I’m not a beauty, but I’ve got a smile that’s bright enough to light the night.” -Movie Quote

• You’re not just my favorite person in the world. You’re my only person inthe world.

• A little bit of poetry can brighten up a dark day.

• Who am I? It’s a question that echoes throughout my veins.

• I’m walking through life like a ghost, though I’ve got no one to haunt

• You are a lot of things. You are nothing at all.

• My days are dark, but I am illuminated by the light of my dreams.

• Each Word is a thought, a whisper from the world.

• A skill is like a tool. It can be used to make something that’s beautiful, or it can be used to break something that you care about.

• We all need a little help finding our way in the world. And poetry helps us see what we’re looking for, find it, and say “Thank you.”

• There is no such thing as a small story, there is only one big story and it’s your life.

• She moves in silence, like water. The edges of her lips curl beneath her teeth. A moment passes. Then another. And another. And another…

• When you find something worth your time, you don’t waste a single second of it.

• There is a way to tell a story. You can’t always see it, but you know it when you see it.

• If you liked one of my poems, why not share it?

• “Some say time warps, others say it’s just space trying to be something it never was. I believe in the latter.”

• You are not a beginner or a beginner. You will be strong if you want to be, and you will be weak if you don’t want to be.

• I believe in the power of poetry to change the world, one line at a time.

• Don’t be afraid to go deep, explore the unfathomable, and find your truth.

• I just know that I’ll never find a love like this again. It’s not in the stars to say. But what is yours?

• Sometimes all you need is time to see beauty, not just in the world but also in yourself.

• No matter how much time passes, I will never forget the first time I saw you.

• There are a million beautiful things in this world, and there is only one you.

• Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing—I hope it’s more than just another day

• Life is beautiful. But it’s also quite terrifying.

• Let the wind of change blow through you, let it energize your soul.

• Like a thunderstorm, love comes suddenly and lashes us with lightning. We can’t stop it, we can’t escape it.

• We are shaped and tempered in a crucible of fire, forged by the sun.

• Deep can be a good thing and poetry can be deep too.

• I wish I could be the one to build your future.

• Your love is like an ocean. It can take me to places I never knew existed.

• The perfect outfit for a romantic night out.

• The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.

• The best way to describe love is pain and suffering.

• There’s no better way to tell a story than with words.

• Wishing your day a picture is worth a thousand words.

• The poet writes the poem; the poet writes the lines.

• Do you know what it’s like to feel?

• Sometimes you need to stop and breathe

• The past is not dead. In fact, it’s not even past

• Savor the moment. Live your life. Live it well.

• Life is an experience, not a destination.

• I had a dream last night, it was full of deep poetry lines

• I could paint a picture of you that would capture the moment. I’d paint you with words like this, but they don’t do you justice.

• You know what’s better than capturing the perfect shot? Capturing the perfect moment.

• I am a child of the universe, I am the universe.

• The path to my heart is a line in the sand.

• I will love others to those that I am meant to.

• The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.

• You can’t hide the sky. You can’t change the fact that it exists.

• There’s a moment, when you feel it in your bones

• You are fearlessly rich, and your greatness is an inspiration to me.

• When the world seems to be in a state of chaos, find your inner calm.

• The best part of the morning is when you can open your eyes and see an empty street.

• For every small task, there is a bigger task to work on.

• I’m not just a pretty face. The below tweet is deep poetry.

• Poetry is a deep, abiding love for simple things—for sights and sounds and days that never end.

• I thought I’d tell you my story, and you still don’t know who I am.

• Imagining in a poem what it’s like to be alive.

• Make your life great. Start with a clean slate.

• No matter how I try, this world still feels like a dream.

• I am a tree, I am an ocean, I am the wind. I am the sky full of stars and beneath me are the roots of my ancestors.

• They say it is true that the more things change, the more they remain the same.

• What does it mean to be heard? To belong? To live?

• Life is a sweet and bitter thing, which is why we must make the most of it.

• Deep poetry lines will give your captions a sense of power and purpose.

• Deep poetry lines to get your creative juices flowing.

• Poetry has the power to make a story, a feeling, or an idea come alive.

• The best poetry is the most profound, but it’s the simplest thing that ultimately breaks your heart.

• This is one of the poems I wrote for my cancer #innerstrength campaign.

• One of the most beautiful things about poetry is that it can leave us speechless.

• The deepest river is always at the center of my being.

• “The sun is a secret that you can live without. The stars are for when you are lost.”

• No matter what you do, be it good or bad, there is always beauty in it.

• “We are our own worst enemy. We must believe in the power and potential of ourselves, find a purpose for our lives, and live with passion…”

• The mind is a powerful place, and when you let it wander, it can take you anywhere.

• I hate the feeling of missing out on something.

• In the morning, we dream of tomorrow; in the evening, we dream of yesterday.

• There are two ways to live: one is as though nothing is a miracle; the other, as if everything is.

• Deep poetry lines, deep thoughts and everything in between.

• Here are my favorite deep poetry lines

• Deep in the heart of the night, I am a spark. But the very next day I am nothing, not even a memory.

• A poem is a perfect way to express your feelings

• Poetry is a kind of speech that uses language to create meaning and often to explore human emotion.

• Let the sun shine through me. Let the breeze blow through me. Let the forest grow up through me. Let me be a tree, strong and rooted in love

• Life is a shooting star, you only need to grab on.

• Every moment is a choice, a chance to change the story.

• Life is a beautiful journey, but it’s not without hiccups and road blocks.

• Just because you don’t have the words, doesn’t mean you’re not right.

• As I watch the waves roll in, I think back to this time last year when we celebrated the birth of our daughter with an afternoon at the beach.

• You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. Live every day like it’s your last, then some days will be even better than you ever expected.

• There is a point in every storm where the eye begins to see.

• Your life is a deep poem. A journey of colorful characters and dramatic scenes, with poignant moments of intense emotion. Make it count!

• Poetry is the language of emotion & feeling; it communicates emotions, thoughts and feelings without words.

• I love every word you say to me, every moment I spend with you.

• A poem is like a person who you love but know nothing about.

• I believe in love at first sight. I believe the best things come to those who wait, like the rain on their parade or a new love.

• What happens when we find the courage to let go of what we can’t have? We open our hands and all that we tried to hold onto falls into a place of its own.

• I am a fire, I am a flame—I am the hunger that burns.

• We don’t waste our time with apologies, but rather a commitment to hope and honesty.

• I choose to be bold and brave, even when it’s hard.

• I have heard that many people live and die without ever growing, but I have wondered at least once if they ever boiled their cabbage.

• There’s a thin line between love and hate. It is the difference between an avalanche and the breeze.

• Deep poetry lines don’t just make your Instagram feed look good, they also make you sound smart.

• Long live the deep poetry lines. Long live the deep poetry lines.

• The universe is a deep poem, and you are the words.

• The world is a deep place, and our rich history and culture give us the ability to see it that way.

• My heart is a theatre, where thoughts and feelings play out as scenes in my head.

• I’m all about being a powerful woman. I want to be able to walk into any room and command attention.

• All the drifting, all the dreaming—embrace the journey.

• There is a space between what we think and what we say, between what we feel and what we are. It is a place of possibility.

• The world is a turbulent place, but a beautiful one.

• Life is like a bowl of cherries, beautiful and sweet until you dig into the pit.

• The sky is always so blue, the clouds are always white, the trees are always green. But what about you?

• When you’re a child and you look up in the sky and see color, doesn’t it make you believe in magic?