Cold Hearted Quotes and Captions

Cold-hearted quotes are here for you – ready for your stealing pleasure. Or maybe you’re already cold-hearted and just need a refresher course (hint: not everyone’s cookie will taste the same). Either way, dig in and enjoy these chilly gems.

Cold Hearted Quotes and Captions

• “Cold-hearted” is not a phrase I’m proud of. But, it’s time to put the past behind me and get a fresh start on life.

• Do you know what it’s like to be cold-hearted? I thought not.

• It’s cold-hearted, but the truth is you can’t change people no matter how hard you try.

• You’re not cold-hearted, you’re just not there. Not ready to commit yet? Keep searching.

• This cold-hearted beauty is sure to make you feel hot underneath all that ice.

• Hate burns a little hotter when it’s nourished by cold-hearted self-justification.

• I see the world full of broken hearts, I hear the whispers of a broken people. But I am not here for any of you.

• We love you in the way you hate yourself

• Don’t let the holidays get you down. It’s not about presents, it’s about love.

• You can’t love someone if you don’t understand them. Understand their past and you’ll be able to love them better

• A heart that is hard to love, is a heart not worth having.

• You can’t love what you don’t understand.

• Whatever it is you’re doing to yourself, stop. And change it.

• You can’t run from what you are, but you can try to be something else.

• Cold-hearted… when you can’t decide whether to laugh or cry.

• Cold-hearted, I’ve got you. Cold-hearted, look at you. You’re so cold that you’re wet.

• Cold-hearted. That’s how I am in the fall, when the leaves turn brown and crunchy against my skin.

• I’ve never been more cold-hearted than I am right now.

• We can’t change the past, but we can make a difference in the future. #FlauntIt

• When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.

• At the end of the day, it’s all about what you’ve done. And it’s never a good feeling to feel this way

• Don’t frown. If you smile, the world smiles with you.

• the hardest thing about being cold-hearted is knowing that the people you love are cold-hearted too.

• When the cold-hearted ones are smiling…

• When you’re cold-hearted, everything seems perfect.

• You’re not cold-hearted. You’re just cruel to be kind.

• Don’t feel bad for being cold-hearted. You’ve earned it with all you’ve done.

• A cold-hearted person never feels any emotions.

• It’s time to let go of your cold heart, and make new friends.

• I may be cold, but I’m never heartless.

• You’re never as cold as you are when you’re alone.

• No one with a heart could ever hurt you.

• It’s time to break free from the cold.#spring

• If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

• You only want the one that you can’t have.

• Cold-hearted, cold-hearted. You’re only human, but you’re not very nice.

• It’s not a cold-hearted bitch move. It’s the right thing to do.

• This is a list of things that make me cold-hearted.

• It’s hard to be cold-hearted when you’re locked up in the summer heat with your best friends.

• Cold hands, cold heart. Cold-hearted people will never find happiness in this world.

• I don’t know if I’m cold-hearted, but I can promise you this: I don’t feel a thing.

• Don’t waste a minute of your life on someone who can’t appreciate you.

• Let’s keep it simple. The best things in life are free, and always have been.

• It’s not always about what you are feeling. It’s about how you react to it.

• Cold-hearted but warm hearted at the same time.

• Don’t be a cold-hearted person. Be a warm-hearted one.

• Cold hearts don’t know the meaning of love, but when it comes to style, who really cares?

• She had her heart broken by a guy who seemed too good to be true.

• When it gets cold outside, warm your soul with a hot cup of coffee and a dose of kindness. Here’s to friendship.

• You know it’s cold when you start craving bitter.

• It’s never too late to go back and apologize.

• You never know what you have until it’s gone.

• Fall in love with yourself like you should.

• I’m not saying I’m okay, but I’m not going to lie.

• There’s no place like home, but there’s definitely no place like a place you’re not at now.

• Sometimes it’s the hard things that make life great

• Cold-hearted is the only way to go.

• Cold-hearted is just another term for real.

• I’m a cold-hearted bitch, but I’ve got you covered.

• I’m cold-hearted and I do not care

• It’s not hard to be cold-hearted. Harder is feeling the need to apologize for it.

• There are some things that are unforgivable, such as cold-heartedness.

• It’s cold outside, but we’ll be warm inside because of your support.

• There’s nothing more satisfying than a good revenge.

• You don’t have to leave it all behind. You can fight back.

• You can’t wear black and be a bad ass.

• Let’s be honest. I’m writing this post mostly to myself, so if you’re reading, consider yourself an added bonus.

• You can’t always get what you want but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.

• We will not let anything stand in the way of our happiness.

• Cold-hearted people have no heart. Warm-hearted people have a heart that can change.

• Cold-hearted is not a term that should be used to describe someone. It’s cold-hearted.

• Cold-hearted, I know. But to me, it’s all about that balance between the two.

• Don’t let the cold-hearted fool you, they’re just misunderstood

• Sometimes it’s okay to be cold-hearted.

• Cold thoughts are better than warm words.

• It’s a cold, dark world filled with suffering and sorrow. But there is still hope on the horizon.

• The cold is on its way, but don’t let it make you feel blue.

• Don’t let anyone make you feel like you’re not good enough. You are.

• No one will ever take your pain away, but they can at least make it a little easier to bear.

• You might want to chill out about the fact that you just lost an hour of sleep.

• You can’t fight what you don’t acknowledge.

• This is how you know you need to change. It’s time to be the person who can stare down a storm and still stride out into the sunset.

• Cold-hearted, I’m not. Just true to who I am and what I believe in.

• You don’t have to be cold-hearted to be a bitch. But if you want to be a boss bitch, you’re gonna have to be cold-hearted.

• I’m the cold-hearted one who’s been alone for too long.

• It’s been a long time coming, but today will be the day you stop being cold-hearted.

• If you’re cold-hearted, you don’t feel any emotions. It’s all about self-interest, not caring about anyone else.

• Hey, if your heart’s colder than the weather outside today, then maybe you should get it checked out. #Cold

• If you want to be warm, you need to be cold.

• I walk the line between pleasure and pain, but what I really want is to be warm.

• Still not impressed. It’s been a long, hard week. The only thing that makes me feel better is the thought of getting my hands on some gold glitter nail polish.

• It’s not what you are that makes you beautiful. It’s what you do despite of your pain, despite of the scars that make you who you are.

• No one will ever understand your pain and suffering. But you have to move on with your life and make the most of it.

• We’re not saying you should be a killjoy, but we are saying it’s really important to celebrate the little things.

• Cold-hearted compassion is the most beautiful thing to behold, especially when it’s given to someone who gives you a lot of love.

• There’s a time for everything and now it’s time to get cold-hearted.

• Don’t judge a book by its cover. Just because someone looks cold-hearted doesn’t mean they’re not a sweetheart underneath it all.

• The cold-hearted don’t give a shit what people think.

• Some people are cold and callous, some people are just unlucky

• It’s cold outside. But not as cold as your heart.

• Crank up the heat and get it on, this summer is all about feeling alive.

• The cold never bothered me anyway

• I am the person that you see before you.

• You have to give it a little time. It will get better.

• Cold-hearted. Unfeeling. This is the type of woman who will never understand what it feels like to have a broken heart.

• Cold-hearted, but you’re a good person deep down.

• Cold-hearted, cold-hearted. We’re feeling very cold today, don’t you?

• It’s hard to stay warm when you’re cold-hearted.

• I’m not a cold-hearted person & I don’t think you are either. After all, it’s just the natural reaction that we do when we see someone in pain.

• I love cold weather. It makes me feel so alive.

• You can’t love and hate at the same time.

• You can’t always say what you mean, but you can always say what you feel.

• I’m gonna have to have a talk with you about some things.

• If you’re not smiling, you’re not working hard enough.

• Cold-hearted, cold-blooded, and cut-throat. These are the perfect words to describe a professional mover who is willing to do any job that needs doing.

• You never want to be cold-hearted. Being cold-hearted is like being a certain type of loser.

• Cold-hearted. Colder than the coldest of hearts. Cold enough to make you feel like you’ve been blown out by a blizzard

• In a world full of meanness, let the cold-hearted stand out.

• No, I will not apologize for being cold-hearted.

• It’s a cold, unfeeling world out there. But it’s never too late to find love and happiness. It’s better late than never.

• When the heat is on, but you’re cold hearted.

• It’s the small things that make life worth living.

• Cold-hearted. Cold-hearted, I can’t believe it. I’m cold-hearted.

• Cold-hearted? Yeah, I’ve been there. But never again!

• When you’re cold-hearted, life can be unbearable. But with love, everything becomes a new adventure.

• “Cold-hearted!” the word rang out like a clarion call…

• Don’t let cold-hearted people get under your skin.

• Don’t let cold-hearted people bring you down. Keep your head up, and keep on smiling.

• You’re cold-hearted, you don’t care. But I’ll be warm in the end, I’m gonna make it through

• The coldest hearts are often the most beautiful.

• I wish you were cold enough to be in my arms

• Don’t fear the cold. Embrace it, and fight it with your bare hands.

• I don’t care if the weather is cold and grey. I will always find something to smile about.

• You can know someone’s heart from the way they wear their weaknesses.

• You say you’re cold-hearted, but I know differently.

• He’s cold-hearted, but he always keeps his promises.

• If you’re going to be cold-hearted, at least be consistent.

• If you’re not happy with this cold weather, then get out of here.

• I don’t care how cold it is outside, I’m ready to go back in.

• There are no second chances for those who shoot first.

• No, I don’t have a heart of gold. But you do. Let’s make something amazing together.

• The cruelest thing you can do is be kind.

• We’ve accepted the cold, the dark, and the emptiness. We’re all growing together—together with you.

• The most powerful weapon in the fight against winter is you.

• It’s time to start saying no to things that make you unhappy.

• Resolve to always have ‘yes’ on your lips when you speak, and ‘no’ on your mind.

• Cold-hearted people will never know how to love.

• Life’s too short to be cold-hearted. Nobody has time for that.

• When you’re cold-hearted and you know it

• You know what you want, but you going to be cold-hearted if you don’t get it.

• Don’t be so cold-hearted. It’s always good to keep in touch with your friends, even if it’s just on social media.

• Let’s face it, the cold is just another way of saying you don’t like me.

• It’s cold outside, but we’re still burning up the dance floor and looking for more people to join us.

• Your heart is a muscle that’s gotten weaker and weaker.

• The mind is a powerful tool you can use for good or for evil.

• You are someone who make everyone around you feel like they have a place in the world.

• There’s no better way to end the day than with a cold beer in hand.

• Cold-hearted. We’re not holding anything back this fall.

• Cold-hearted and cold-hearted. There’s no changing the way you are.

• Cold-hearted, but not without conscience.

• What a pair. That’s all you need to know about the cold-hearted #metoo movement.

• It’s cold-hearted to be kind and make others feel happy.

• Cold. Coldhearted. Cold as ice. Leave a comment with your best cold-hearted comeback

• I don’t care if you’re cold or scared. I want you to come home with me.

• There’s no time to cry, there’s no place to hide. There’s a war going on outside, and the only way to win this war is by going head-on.

• You can’t be nice when someone is trying to break you. Be mean, be selfish, be whatever it takes to win.

• We’ll be fine. Don’t give up on us yet.

• Don’t wait for the storm to pass, go out and make it your own.

• As we walk through this world, we should do it with our heads held high.

• Cold-hearted. Cold-hearted is what the world calls it when you take my love and heedlessly toss it away

• Cold-hearted, leaving no room for emotions.

• You’re cold-hearted. That’s why you’re so mean, and you’ve got no one to blame but yourself.

• Cold hands, cold heart. Warm you up with this special blend of cinnamon and wintergreen.

• You can’t always be kind. Sometimes you have to be mean.

• There’s no better way to finish off a stressful week than with a cold beer, cozy sweater and your cat.

• You can’t escape the dark, even when it’s shining.

• Been cold-hearted and plan to stay that way.

• I am cold-hearted. So raise your hand if you’re a woman who needs to hear this reminder daily. #StrongWomen

• It’s cold outside, time to wear layers and fight the chill.

• Do not fear the cold. It can be breathtaking when you look through the eyes of someone who’s never seen it before.

• There’s no better way to stay warm than with a pot of tea.

• people are not your friends, they are just people. don’t be affected by the opinions of others.

• You know what they say about girls who wear yoga pants—less is more.

• Cold-heartedness is not a frame of mind, it’s a soul state.

• Life is too short to be anything but cold-hearted.

• I’m cold. I’m heartless. I’m not gonna let you in.

• The best way to a woman’s heart is through her stomach.

• Don’t let the world get too cold for you. Stay warm and keep moving forward.

• There is no such thing as a bad day, there’s only bad weather.

• Don’t let the sun go down on you with your head hung down

• If you’re not feeling it, don’t fake it. Be real and authentic with yourself. If a person is not treating you right, move on.

• Never apologize for being yourself.

• May you always keep your heart open to new experiences and love the ones you have.

• You can’t change what has been, but you always have a choice about what will be.

• When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you something negative, make a positive out of it.

• Cold-hearted is a tough way to be, but it’s cool.

• We’re giving you a whole new spin on cold-hearted.

• Never underestimate the power of the cold-hearted.

• You can be cold and heartless, but you can’t be indifferent.

• The world is cold. It’s just you and me, baby.

• It’s cold outside. We’re all melancholy and weeping.

• It’s cold outside, so stay warm with a hot drink.

• When you’re not feeling the love, remember that there are a lot of people who are actually feeling it.

• Sometimes the only thing that can hurt you is yourself. The world is just a stage, and if you don’t get up on it people will laugh at you.

• If you’re not first, you’re last. And if you’re last, you’re dead.

• You don’t need to be a cold-hearted person to be successful. But you do have to have some cold-hearted leadership qualities.

• We’ve heard that the best intentions can go awry in a moment. So don’t be cold-hearted, and forgive yourself afterward.

• It’s cold outside and I feel like I’m suffocating.

• The cold is here, like the wind. Like my heart.

• Strong and bold character. Refused to be a victim of circumstances when the odds were against her, she went on to conquer them all.

• The darkest winter has come, but it will pass.

• It’s colder outside than I’ve ever been before. It makes me feel like this coffee must be extra strong or something.

• Wherever you are, I hope to be there soon.

• It’s time to nip the drama in the bud.

• May the wind be always at your back. 💨

• Cold-hearted. Our chilli is hot enough to make your mouth water, but not too hot.

• Cold-hearted is not a good look on you.

• You’ve got to be cold-hearted to survive in this world.

• There’s no place for the cold-hearted

• Only a cold-hearted person would ignore a child who is crying.

• Coldest days are the best for a cold-hearted day.

• Getting cold feet on the road to love only leads to bad decisions.

• You don’t need to be warm and cuddly to be good.

• An icy, yet calm look to keep you cool on the hottest of days.

• What’s your favorite winter activity?

• The chill in the air is the perfect reason to add on a layer.