Climate Change Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Climate change is a change in global climate patterns. Specifically, it refers to the warming effect on Earth’s surface and atmosphere over the past hundred years or so that is very likely due to human activities, especially the release of greenhouse gases. In other words, climate change refers to significant changes in long-term weather patterns over periods of decades to millions of years.

Climate Change Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• Want to help stop climate change? Join us. Sign up for free and start taking action. ❤️

• Climate change is the single biggest threat facing our planet. But we can solve it. We have to.#ClimateChange

We help you tackle climate change. Protect our oceans and save them for future generations.

• Let’s make some climate change progress today. Join the Global Climate Action Summit via livestream on 10/12.

• #ClimateChange is a real and present danger to our planet. The time for action is now.

• Climate change is real, and we must act now to protect our planet for future generations.

• Climate change is REAL. It’s time to protect the only planet we have by cutting carbon pollution.

• Wildfires, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are signs of a planet under stress. The future of our climate is in our hands.

• Climate change is real, but don’t despair. Here’s what we can do about it:

• Sending love and prayers to everyone affected by Hurricane Florence. We stand with you in this time of need.

• Climate change is a clear and present danger to New York

• We all have a responsibility to protect the future we want for ourselves and our children.

• We can’t wish this away. We have to do more.

• This is climate change. It’s not some far-off polar bear problem anymore. Climate change is here, it’s real, and it’s impacting us right now.

• Protecting our planet is our shared responsibility. Stand with me to do your part. Be the change.

• Global warming is here – the world is changing. But so are we. Let’s get fighting climate change now.

• 97% of scientists agree: Climate change is real, manmade, and dangerous. We need to act now to protect our health and our environment.

• Climate change is already happening. It’s time to act

• The national security threat from climate change is real.

• Climate change is happening now. It doesn’t have to be a partisan issue.

• Just a reminder that the earth is 4.5 billion years old and you’re not even a blimp on the radar. #bigpicture

• We have the power to create a better world for future generations. But, that’s up to us.

• Global temperature records have been broken over the past six months, with May 2017 officially the hottest May since 1880. Now is the time for action.

• If you’re not part of the solution, then you’re part of the problem.

• We’re more than the sum of our parts: the food we eat, the people we love, and the way we choose to live. Let’s fight climate change together.

• Climate change is the greatest threat to life, security, and prosperity on Earth.

• We’re the first generation to feel the impact of climate change, and the last generation that can do something about it.

• We’ve lost 1/3 of coral reefs. We’ve lost the Arctic. We’ve lost half of all wildlife in just the last 40 years. Climate change is real and we need to act now.

• The climate is changing, but we won’t. Only you can change the climate. Protect the climate and our clean environment

• Climate change affects us all: hope for a future generation. Take action against global warming today.

• Climate change is happening and it’s time to get real about what that means for our future.

• Climate change is happening faster than ever. Let’s do something about it!

• Climate change is real. What are we going to do about it?

• The only question is whether we will have the courage to act before it’s too late. – Barack Obama

• We can’t wait for those summer days. #climatechange #climatechangeisreal

• We want our children to inherit a world where they can play freely in the sun. #ClimateChange

• We will always be ready to act when it comes to climate change.

• Climate change is real and it’s time to do something about it. #climatechange

• Climate change is the most important story of our time. Let’s keep working together to build a healthier, safer future and make history.

• Time for the world to step up and cut fossil fuel pollution. Learn how you can help at

• It’s not a matter of if we’re up against climate change, but what we’re going to do about it. #climatechange

• It’s not only warming, it’s now raining, and the area where I live is experiencing heavy flooding. This makes me think that climate change is real.

• Climate change is already affecting our lives. Have a look at the data.

• Climate change is real, and we’re fighting it with science.

• It’s time we all acknowledge that climate change is a human rights issue. Join me & @nationalmssociety in taking this pledge:

• Love what you do and make a positive impact. #climatechange

• Climate change is no longer a distant threat—it hurts us here and now. It’s time to act. #globalwarming #climatechange

• Climate change is real. We’re the first generation to feel its effects and the last generation who can do something about it. #ParisAgreement

• Climate change is real. We’re at a point where we have to ask ourselves, do we want a healthy planet? Or a polluted planet that’s not good for wildlife or people?

• Climate change is here. It’s real, and it’s going to affect the way we live our lives. Now is the time for action.

• Our planet cannot be saved unless we all start to take action.

• It’s time to be bold. We need climate action now.

• If you care about climate change, you need to care about nuclear power. Here’s why:

• Global average temperature has increased more than 1.5°F since the start of the 20th century, with the last three decades being the warmest on record.

• It’s crazy how changing one small thing can make such a big difference.

• Let us #fightclimatechange with every action we take, and every choice we make. We are each responsible for the world we leave behind.

• Climate change has caused more natural disasters in the past decade than in all of recorded history. But you can help prevent climate change and protect our planet.

• Climate change is real. We all need to do our part to help conserve the environment.

• When the temperature changes the climate, you change your clothes.

• We are in the midst of the 6th mass extinction and the only thing that can save us is you.

• We know that warming temperatures is causing sea levels to rise. So how do we combat climate change?

• Stop playing politics with our planet and start living up to the legacy of your generation. We all want clean air, water, and land.

• Let’s do our part to help create a cleaner, greener world. Join the Oceans 5 and make sustainable seafood choices today.

• Give a high-five to the blue sky. 🌈

• You can make Africa green again

• It’s not only up to us. It’s up to all of us.

• There’s no time to waste. Climate change is real: we must act now.

• Climate change is the biggest threat we face this century. If we don’t act now, it could mean irreversible changes to our climate, affecting us all.

• Climate change is the biggest threat to our planet. But we can still fight it.

• I hope that we look back on this day and say: We gave our children everything they needed to solve the climate crisis. Now it’s up to them.

• How is it that climate change skeptics still exist when the overwhelming evidence says otherwise? 😧

• Climate Change is real. How will you lead?

• Apathy towards climate change is no longer an option. We need to protect the world we live in — for generations to come.

• Climate change is not a hoax. Climate change is reality. The real question is what are we going to do about it?

• Climates don’t change. We do. Time to change this.

• Our planet is our home. We’ve got to defend it like we’d defend our own homes.

• The science is clear. The impacts are real. And the need for action is urgent.

• Climate change is real. We’re all in this together. Connect with nature and start living a sustainable life at

• Climate change threatens the planet–but it also presents a great opportunity for individual and collective action.

• Climate change is real, man-made, and dangerous. The world’s leading climate scientists agree. But what if the Trump administration doesn’t care?

• We’re all in this together: 8 ways to reduce your carbon footprint.

• Climate change is real and it’s happening now. We can’t sit back and let the world burn—we have to act Now!

• Climate change is happening, but it’s not too late to stop.

• Climate change is real and it is our responsibility to help. Let’s start now by turning off the lights when we’re not using them.

• Because our planet is worth it.

• Global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese #climatechange

• The world isn’t going to save itself. We need to change how we live.

• Global warming is real. What are we going to do about it?

• No matter what, I will always be there for you.

• The only way to predict the future is to create it.

• Let’s fight climate change and make Earth great again. Let’s keep our planet green and clean!

• If we could feel climate change it would be like every year was getting warmer and warmer and warmer.

• Climate change is happening. There is no escaping, no delaying, and no adjusting. We are in the midst of a climate emergency, and we can’t ignore it anymore.

• Climate change is not something we can do nothing about.

• Climate change is real, whether we like it or not. We won’t be able to avoid it: the temperature keeps rising.

• You can’t be a climate leader if you are also pro-coal. Climate Leaders don’t fund the destruction of their own communities.

• What’s the best way to slow global warming? Turn down the thermostat.

• An overwhelming 97% of scientists agree that climate change is happening. Do you agree?

• We must all act to protect the one place we call home.

• Denial is no longer an option. It’s time we start talking about the elephant in the room.

• He who controls the grapevine controls the universe.

• We’re all in this together. We cannot ignore the reality of climate change.

• Climate change is a fact. If we want to protect our planet, we have to take action now.

• The clock is ticking on climate change. We need more women to make their voices heard in politics and business.

• Time to set new rules for climate change. We’re drawing a line in the sand—and we’re calling on leaders from around the world to join us.

• Climate change is happening right now. It’s not something for future generations to worry about.

• It’s #EarthDay week and we want to take a moment to remember that if we don’t stand up for our planet, no one else will. 🌏

• What doesn’t kill you, only makes you stronger. And what’s killing the ice caps will only make them stronger. 🐼☕️

• The heat of summer is like the lion’s roar; it awakens us from the doldrums of winter. – Roy M. Goodman

• Protecting the Arctic is protecting us. We can save the ice-free Arctic by 2020.

• The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those killing it have names and addresses.

• We should not allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.

• We are only as strong as the weakest link in our food chain. Let’s keep that link strong for generations to come.

• We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

• It’s not about what you stand for, it’s about what you’re willing to stand up for.

• I’m ready for my climate change #motivationMonday 🌎🌍

• The environment is not something you can see or touch, it is everywhere. It’s up to us to work together and make sure we end climate change.

• Climate change is real. We need to act now. #climatechangeisreal

• The burning of fossil fuels is causing climate change. We have the solutions to end it. Let’s rise up. Together, we can solve the climate crisis. #ClimateAction

• Because we won’t all live to see the full consequences of climate change, it’s up to us to make a change right now.

• If we continue to war against the climate, the climate will win. But if we work with the climate, the climate will work with us.

• Climate Change is the single greatest threat to the health of people and wildlife.

• The Arctic’s sea ice is disappearing. We can’t feel it yet, but we soon will. #climatechange

• Climate change is undeniable. Its effects are real. And it’s happening now. #GlobalWarning

• Climate change isn’t just about melting ice caps and rising ocean levels. The impact is already being felt across the globe.

• Climate change is not only a scientific consensus, it is a moral imperative.

• The earth is not suffering from global warming; it is suffering from the effects of global capitalism.

• The world can keep turning, but this isn’t gonna stop us.

• We’re all connected. We’re all in this together.

• Sometimes a picture’s worth 1,000 words. Sometimes it can be just three: climate change. #climatechange

• Protect our planet. Create a better future for your children and grandchildren. Climate change is real!

• The changing climate is the greatest threat to biodiversity—and our planet’s future. #ClimateChange

• Let’s take action on climate change—because our children’s lives depend on it. Visit to learn more. 🌏

• Make a change, even if it is a small one. The Earth could use all the help it can get right now. 🌏 🌎 🌍

• Climate change is not something that can be fixed by one person or one country. We all have a role to play; we all need to act, and we all need to act now.

• Change is coming. The climate has changed. And so have we.

• Climate change is real. We are at a point where we need to act and act now.

• There’s something happening in the air. Scientists say it’s our fault. But how can we stop climate change?

• The time to take action is now. Protect our oceans and our planet now.

• It’s not about the end of the world, it’s about the future of our children.

• We’re transitioning to a green economy. Are you ready?

• The future is ours to build. Protect this land—your land—for generations to come.

• The only way you can stop climate change is not to stop breathing

• Summer may be gone, but we’re still feeling the heat for climate action. Climate change is real and we must do something about it now.

• I’m an optimist about climate change. Assuming we don’t destroy ourselves first.

• Climate change is real, and it’s happening right now. We can’t wait to see what this summer has in store.

• When it comes to climate change, the science is crystal clear. The earth is getting warmer faster than at any point in modern history.

• Climate change is already happening. Will you join us in fighting for our future?

• Climate change is real. It’s here. It’s human-made. And it’s accelerating.

• We’re climate scientists, and we’re tired of pretending we’re not on the front lines of climate change. We’re tired of being told to sit down, be quiet, and get with the program.

• The climate crisis is real. We must act now.

• I believe that the climate crisis will be solved—and it will be solved by cities.

• The fate of the earth is in our hands. What are you going to do?

• #GlobalWarming is impacting the Arctic more than twice as fast as the global average.

• Mr.President wants to tell your grandchildren that you are the reason they can’t go outside and play?

• We are certainly not on the path to reducing global warming pollution. If anything, we are going faster in the wrong direction.

• Climate change is a real thing. So are we. 🌍🐿

• Are we done fighting climate change, or are we just taking a break?

• I’m ready to acknowledge that Climate change is real.

• Unacceptable. Countable. Fixable. The world’s leading climate scientists agree: urgent action is needed now to combat #climatechange before it’s too late

• There’s still time to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Let’s act now. 🔥

• It’s been a long time coming, but the evidence is in, and it’s beyond doubt: climate change is real. We need to act now. 🌍

• Climate change is real. We are at a crossroads, and we have an opportunity to create a better future for our children.

• When it comes to climate change, the science is clear. We need to act now. #GlobalClimateStrike

• Climate change is real. What are you doing about it?

• Climate change is not just something that will happen in the future. It is already happening.