Citizenship Captions for Instagram With Quotes

Are you having a hard time finding inspiring quotes that motivate you? Use these Citizenship quotes to encourage your students and show them how important it is to be a citizen.

Let’s face it. Citizenship is important. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution both address this. Here are some great citizenship quotes to help you start developing a patriotism for the principles outlined in these documents.

Citizenship Captions for Instagram With Quotes

• Citizenship is more than a passport—it’s a commitment to be part of something bigger, better, and stronger.

• It is easy to be a citizen when one considers that citizenship is a privilege and not a right. 🇺🇸

• Citizenship is a state of mind. Citizenship does not consist in what you have but in what you become.

• Citizenship is the right of all members of the human family. It is not something that can be taken away.

Citizenship is a reward for the effort, not the right to sit around. When you earn it, it’s yours and you keep it to the end.

• Citizenship is a choice, not an entitlement.

• Citizenship is the most powerful form of patriotism.

• We are all citizens of this great nation. We must never forget that, whether we were born here or not.

• Citizenship is the right of all human beings. It is a right which can never be taken away by any man, no matter how corrupt and tyrannical he may be.

• For every generation, a new freedom, a new dream. For some of us, that dream is America.

• Down through the centuries, some have failed, while others have succeeded. But in the end, everyone will be asked if they love their country.

• We are, each of us, all beings with a dignity that should not be extinguished by any group or individual.

• A nation reveals itself when it celebrates its differences rather than its similarities.

• You can’t be free until you are free.

• A country without people is like a garden without plants.

• Citizenship is a matter of the heart, not just a matter of the law.

• We believe in the power of citizenship—as a force for good in the world and as an opportunity to live your life with purpose and meaning.

• Citizenship is the heartbeat of a nation. It lives in the mind and heart of every citizen, who pours his or her life into the cohesion of our common existence. This is why it must be defended, on a daily basis.

• Being a citizen means being engaged and active in our communities, not just voting once every few years.

• To be an American, to live and work among the people of this country, is a privilege. It is a sacred trust – a gift – and we must always remain faithful to that trust.

• You’re not a citizen of the world. You’re a citizen of the future.

• The United States is a nation devoted to principles of freedom, equality, and democracy. That is who we are. Those are our values and those are what we strive for each day.

• A citizen is a person who owes allegiance to more than one country.

• Being an American is not something that you can choose. It’s who you are. It’s in your genes. It’s your bloodline.

• Go beyond your comfort zone and reach for the stars. You will be amazed by what you can achieve in life.

• You must be the change you wish to see in the world. – Gandhi

• The only thing I know for sure is that I don’t know anything. — Peter Ustinov

• Citizenship is about more than just getting a passport. It’s about being part of building something new, something better.

• In this world, we are all born to be citizens. It is up to us how we will be treated. #citizenship

• Citizenship is not a natural state, it must be earned by meeting the responsibilities of a citizen.

• Citizenship is a responsibility, not a right. It’s important to give back to your country in every way you can, whether it be through volunteerism or military service.

• Citizenship is the right to speak and not listen, to think and not conform, to live alone if you choose, but primarily the privilege of serving your state and nation.

• Citizenship is the right of all people – the fulfillment of self-determination, the expression of freedom.

• Citizenship is a condition of prosperity and freedom.

• Become a citizen of the world and you will never be at home anywhere. – Henry David Thoreau

• Immigration is a tough one. It would be great to know the right way to tackle it and have an understanding of the process.

• If you want to be a citizen, there are several conditions to fulfill. First of all, you have to bring the country more honor and prestige than it already has.

• Growing up in the United States, I have always felt that this country is my home. And now it’s time that I take ownership of it.

• I am a citizen of the world. It is my duty to help others realize their full potential, wherever they may be.

• Claim your future. The world is your oyster and you’re going to find out what it’s made of.

• It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

• Keeping it simple. Citizenship is the most difficult task in public life, the most challenging labor, and the one that calls for the greatest sacrifice of time, energy, and even lives.

• Citizenship is the best investment you can make in your country and yourself.

• Citizenship is more than principles. It’s a commitment to a set of institutions and people who have helped us achieve what we’ve achieved.

• Citizenship is a calling, not a career.

• Citizenship is more than the right to vote and hold office. It is rooted in principles of freedom and tolerance, commitment to a shared future, and a sense of responsibility for one’s fellow citizens.

• Being a citizen of the United States is the highest honor a person can have.

• Being a citizen of the world is a great privilege, one that comes with responsibilities and obligations.

• Citizenship is a treasure that is not inherited. It must be earned by all citizens and can be lost or taken away by any one of them.

• Citizenship is the heartbeat of freedom

• Being a citizen of the world is a great responsibility but also an awesome opportunity.

• We must never forget that we are all immigrants in one way or another. We are a nation of immigrants and it is our responsibility to help newcomers, who often face difficult challenges.

• It is important to remember that the law requires you to be a citizen of the United States in order to serve as President.

• A person’s citizenship is never lost but may be obscured until something brings it to light.

• You should never go into public life thinking that you do not belong. You should go into public life thinking that you do belong and that nobody has the right to tell you no.

• When you’re called to serve, it doesn’t mean you’ve failed. It means that your country has succeeded.

• Citizenship is a proud position, one that must be earned.

• Citizenship is the right to live in a country, not just to claim one’s rights as a citizen. It is something that each of us must earn through hard work and sacrifice.

• Citizenship is the right to all the rights and responsibilities that go with being a citizen.

• Citizenship is more than a passport — it’s a mindset.

• Citizenship is a privilege, but it is also a responsibility.

• Being a citizen is more than just holding a piece of paper. It’s about the willingness and desire to give back to your community, no matter what your status is.

• Citizenship is the right of all; it is a heritage that never grows old.” – Theodore Roosevelt

• The goal of citizenship is not to own a home, but to build one.

• Born a citizen, not made one.

• Being a citizen of the world means being a citizen of nowhere.

• Don’t be a citizen of the world, be a citizen of your country.

• When people ask if you’re an American, always say yes. Because there’s no better feeling than knowing your core beliefs make it easier for you to be proud of where you come from and what makes your community strong.

• A citizen of the world. A citizen of the future.

• You don’t have to be born in a country to become part of its history.

• Life is a series of choices, each one leading you to another. Your choice today will lead you to where you are tomorrow.

• Citizenship is more than the right to vote or live in a particular place. It’s the promise to help build a better country by working together. #CitizenshipIsASacrament

• Citizenship is a duty and a privilege. Both are earned by the hard work adults do to shape our country.

• You do not need to be physically in the country to be a citizen. Citizenship is a state of mind!

• Citizenship isn’t a matter of lines on a passport or a card. It’s a commitment to the basic dignity and rights of every human being on this earth.

• Citizenship is the right of every individual and the duty of every patriot.

• Citizenship is a hard and hazardous journey. It requires knowledge, industry, courage, and vision.

• Citizenship is the heart and soul of leadership.

• The best citizenship is the most humane.

• Citizenship is the best means of ensuring freedom. – Thomas Jefferson

• Citizenship is an inalienable right that belongs to all peoples. It is a premium above national allegiance and loyalty.

• Citizenship is the right to vote and to be elected to public office.

• Being a citizen of the world is not just about traveling, but about being curious about different cultures and learning their language.

• What do we want to become? Citizens of the world.

• I believe that no matter how different or the same we may be, we are all citizens of the world.

• “What a treasure is the humanity of those who believe in it!” — Frederick Douglass

• Your citizenship matters. It is your passport to the world, and a symbol of the freedoms we all share.

• The best citizenship is active citizenship. The most beautiful part of citizenship is when you do what is right without the fear of being called a patriot.

• Citizenship is not a commodity to be purchased or sold. It is a gift that one is born with, and it belongs to everyone.

• Citizenship is the right and privilege of every individual.

• Citizenship is an important part of the American dream. It’s more than just voting and paying taxes – it’s about shared values, shared history, and shared responsibility for the future.

• Citizenship is the most natural of human rights. It is a right that everyone should have, regardless of where they were born or who their parents were.

• Citizenship is a matter of the heart, not just of the head.

• Citizenship is noble, but the vote is more important.

• The third pillar of our democracy is the right to citizenship. Those who are born here are American by choice, not by accident. We are a nation of immigrants, but we don’t celebrate the moment of arrival.

• The citizenship of a nation is not a favor to be obtained at the expense of other nations or peoples.

• Is it possible to be a citizen of the world – and at the same time, be an active member of your community? Every day and every minute is an opportunity to improve our world.

• The ultimate citizenship is a mind that is able to recognize its own ignorance.

• Never underestimate the power of a citizen.

• It’s not what you’re doing, but who you are that counts.

• There are two ways to be certain of yourself—by being yourself and by learning to be someone else.

• Citizenship is a precious right, which every immigrant should feel honored and proud to have. #CitizenshipQuotes

• When you’re a citizen, no one can make you feel like an outsider. Citizenship is about belonging—not just having the right papers.

• Citizenship is more than a piece of paper. It’s a mindset that says, “I belong here.”

• To be an American citizen is a great privilege and opportunity. To vote is the best way to honor our country and show the world what it means to be an American.

• Citizenship is the right of all living things, not a privilege.

• Citizenship means having the strength to live up to your responsibilities and perform the duties that we, as a nation, have entrusted to you. This is a responsibility that cannot be delegated.

• Citizenship is the right of every person to choose their society.

• Citizenship is the foundation of all political liberty. All else is built upon it.

• You don’t have to be a citizen of the world to be one of us.

• I am a citizen of the world, and as such, am deeply responsible for its destiny.

• We, the citizens of Planet Earth, are one big family. We share a common destiny and our future.

• It is my hope that the United States will always be remembered not for its mistakes, but for the way it responds to those mistakes.

• The great secret of success is that happiness depends upon yourself, not upon your situation. You can’t blame your parents—or anything in the world—for making you unhappy.

• The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

• Citizenship is not a matter of where you come from or even who your parents are. It’s about who you have become as an individual and your ability to contribute to the betterment of society.

• Citizenship is a vital part of American history and is a privilege not given to everyone.

• You are a naturalized citizen of the world, and you should take care of your citizenship.

• Citizenship is a position of honor, a trust of responsibility. -Abraham Lincoln

• Wherever you are, whatever you do, keep on working. Be a citizen.

• We are all citizens of the world.

• The United States was founded on the principle of freedom, and we are all free to be who we are.

• My nation is my first love and I must fight to preserve it.

• The greatest human rights are the right to be free, to choose your own beliefs, and to live according to them.

• When we’re truly in the world, there’s no place for passports.

• It’s not the height of one’s success that matters, it’s whether your feet are on the ground.

• If you don’t live on the edge, then you have no idea how far you can fall.

• The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

• The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out of the abundance of what you have, not just what you want.

• The right to keep and bear arms is the right of a free people—a militia by nature, which consists of citizens able to use arms in defense of themselves.

• We’re proud to be citizens of our country and we look forward to seeing what the future holds for us.

• We cherish the progress that has been made, and we honor those who have built this country with their sweat and their tears.

• You make yourself unhappy when you blame people or external factors for your own mistakes.