Chubby Body Captions for Instagram

Did you know that 60% of adults are overweight and obese in the United States? Being chubby is a growing problem. Everyone wants to have an awesome body, but it’s hard for a lot of people.

If you’ve ever been called chubby, then you know that it can hurt one’s self-esteem. Body image is a fickle and complex thing in our hectic, image-obsessed, food- and fitness-focused world.

Chubby Body Captions for Instagram

• Chubby bodies are beautiful. Chubby bodies deserve to be seen and celebrated for exactly who they are.

• #ChubbyBodyFriday: no matter how big or small your frame, there’s a place for you here.

• You can have a chubby body. You just have to learn how to love it.

• The chubbier you are, the sexier you are

• We accept not just healthy bodies, but all body types.

• What’s your body type? If you could change one thing about your shape, what would it be?

• I’m not trying to be a body-positive role model (which I totally am), but I want to make it clear that it’s OK to be plus size and still be sexy. We can do this!!

• I’m not going to apologize for my curves—they’re here to stay. And I’m going to show the whole world what a real woman looks like

• No one can tell you how to feel about your body. The only person who should matter is you, and you alone.

• It’s easy to get carried away with the excess weight. It’s important to check in and look at your body as an opportunity to learn more about yourself and be healthier

• Getting in shape isn’t easy. It’s a lifestyle, not a diet. And that’s exactly what we like to see

• I’m strong, I’m powerful and I’m ready to be on top.

• You want a chubby body? You got it, baby.

• I have a chubby body and I’m not ashamed. Time to step up and show a little skin.

• I’ve never been ashamed of my body. I love it, and I’m proud to wear all different sizes.

• Let’s face it; this is the body you want. Get ready to see yourself through a whole new lens—a big, beautiful lens that makes all your flaws look sexy.

• I’m a chubby unicorn, I don’t know why but I love myself

• I don’t know about you, but I love my body.

• Get your body on a diet. Don’t be afraid to lose some pounds and love the change.

• It’s not about weight loss, it’s about health and wellness.

• You can’t control the way your body looks, but you can control whether or not you let it define you.

• If you can’t love me now, when will you?

• We don’t need to be perfect, just be real.

• Do you have a chubby body? So do we! And we’d love to help you lose it

• I have a chubby body, but I’m never going to be a stick figure.

• Get the skinny on my best fat loss tips for chubby girls.

• Fat is not a four-letter word. It’s a gorgeous and freeing body type that makes you sexy as hell!

• When you’re pregnant and your body is curvy, people can get weird about it. But I’m proud of the way I look!

• Fat is beautiful and worth celebrating.

• The more you enjoy life, the bigger your body gets.

• It’s not about “skinny,” it’s about how healthy you are.

• I’m going to go out on a limb and say no one is as confident in their body as me.

• Feeling sexy, feeling confident, feeling awesome.

• If you’re hungry, we’ve got something for you.

• Get ready to see a whole new side of me

• Trying to lose some of this extra weight? Find out how chubby body works for you.

• We’re all about the chubby body.

• Are you ready to be the chubby girl? All it takes is a little bit of effort, discipline, and no excuses.

• I’m not afraid to be chubby – I’m proud of it.

• I’m proud of my curves. I work hard for them, and I make the most of my assets. So what if you think my body looks disgusting?

• Just because you’re a hardbody doesn’t mean you have to be hard on your body. Follow our tips on how to build a toned, healthy and sexy body.

• Don’t be afraid of your body, celebrate it!

• It’s time to embrace your natural curves and let them shine in all their glory.

• Don’t want to lose weight? Then don’t diet. This is how you look like when you are enjoying your favorite foods

• I’ll take these curves over the flabby ones any day

• Be comfortable and confident in your own skin. You don’t need to lose weight to be happy.

• If you’re not in shape, but want to be, lose the excuses and get on a fitness plan.

• You are enough. You are beautiful. You are strong. You are worthy of being loved and celebrated, inside and out.

• We don’t care about your size, we only care about you. #chubbybody

• The chubby bodies are the new trend.

• It’s OK to love yourself, just don’t forget to feed your soul too. #chubbybody

• Take a look at the chubby body that you’ve been missing.

• If you’re chubby and confident, friends will love you. It’s that simple.

• I’m feeling a little chubby, but that’s OK! I like my curves

• Hold your biggest, fullest and most beautiful body in the palm of your hand.

• I’m not afraid to say that I love my curves. My thighs, my booty—they are a part of who I am and always will be.

• I’m proud, sexy and ready to shed this winter weight

• You are not alone. We are here to help you find your path to a healthier body, whatever that looks like to you.

• It’s just what you’re supposed to feel on a warm summer day.

• I see the fat, I love it. I want the chubby body.

• Chubby doesn’t mean fat. It means beautiful and sexy

• Got a chubby body? Here’s how you can dress it up in style and confidence.

• You are a chubby-chaser. So don’t be ashamed of your body—it’s OK to love it!

• I may be chubby but that don’t mean I’m not a beauty.

• I may be chubby, but I’m not embarrassed to be an average woman.

• You don’t have to be a size 2 to be comfortable in your body.

• The only way to get a body like mine is to work for it.

• I love a body that feels good, is healthy and strong. The #blessed body I have now is the result of hard work, dedication and perseverance.

• You don’t have to be skinny, but you can be fit.

• The only thing that’s better than being able to eat whatever you want is the knowledge that you don’t have to hide any of those extra pounds

• Don’t let your body define you. Embrace it and celebrate it.

• “I’ve got a really chubby body and I love it. It’s what makes me feel confident.”

• I’m a chubby body, but I feel like I can do anything.

• You get it girl. When you are a chubby body, your life is all about finding the perfect clothes to make you feel like a “normal” sized woman.

• Roll with the flow and embrace your chubby

• The only real body type is body love.

• You don’t have to be a “thin ideal” woman to show off your body. Be you, do what you want, show us your curves.

• Fat or skinny, who cares? We’re all beautiful in our own way.

• Who says you have to look “fit” to be healthy?

• Our bodies deserve to be celebrated, no matter the size.

• Getting in shape is the key to a healthier you. So ditch the deprivation and get your butt into gear!

• This is your body. You are strong and beautiful. Embrace it!

• When you can’t fit in one pair of jeans but you can still wear them with a smile on your face.

• There’s nothing better than chubby, juicy and healthy body.

• For a chubby body, the way to love yourself is to love your curves.

• If you’re looking for the perfect summer body, we’ve got it and we’re ready to share it with you.

• I love my body, and I’m always going to be proud of it.

• Got a sexy summer bod? Love your curves and don’t care what anyone else thinks – wear them proud.

• I’m proud of every inch of this body.

• Losing weight means feeling great about your body. This new, healthier you can’t wait to show off?

• Why not take the plunge and be your body’s best version?

• There’s no shame in being big and beautiful.

• The better you feel about yourself, the trimmer you’ll be. #fatshion

• You’re beautiful the way you are. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

• This is what a healthy lifestyle looks like.

• Be the body you were meant to be. Be the best version of yourself.

• I got a chubby body. Can I get a discount?

• I get a lot of questions about how I stay so fit and chubby. Here are my tips!

• You don’t have to get thin to be beautiful. You just need confidence and a little chubbiness

• Loving your curvy body, whether you like it or not.

• Throwing it back to when I was just a little chubby.

• Being your body type is about so much more than what you wear.

• Get ready to feel like a million bucks. We’re here to help you look and feel your best.

• We don’t diet. We celebrate being healthy and looking good.

• We’re all about a little extra fluff.

• Get a chubby body, not a skinny body.

• I’m not a size zero. I’m a woman who has curves, who knows how to workout and isn’t afraid of her body—who is just living her life the way she wants to live it.

• Enjoy your body, no matter what shape or size it is.

• It’s time to embrace your curves in a new body positive way.

• You deserve a body that does not make you feel like you’ve done something wrong for being who you are

• I was born with a big booty so I don’t need to work out.

• Don’t let those hips and thighs fool you. Those curves are power!

• The perfect combination of curves and muscles.

• Eating healthy has never been this chic.

• Feed your body what it needs to thrive.

• You can’t always win but you can never lose. A chubby body is a WIN!

• The moment you realize your chubby body is the one piece of your look that can never be improved upon.

• I’m a chubby girl and proud of it

• I have a fat body and I’m proud of it.

• I don’t know what you love more: my body, or my confidence.

• The best way to get the body you want is to eat good, move a lot and have confidence.

• There’s no place for shame in your body. Whether you’re naturally curvy or the product of a recent diet, there’s more to love about it than hate.

• I’m so fat I don’t even know where the skinny part is anymore.

• I feel like I could get up and walk out the damn door right now and people would be like “hey there’s that girl in a bikini”.

• Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t be happy with your own body.

• We all have a different shape, but we all deserve to feel good in our own skin.

• Don’t be afraid to be comfortable in your own skin.

• You got this. You got the chubby body.

• You deserve a body that feels good and looks even better.

• All the benefits of a bikini body with none of the dieting!

• I’m happy with my weight and body, I’m sexy and I like it!

• Don’t let your body size define how you see yourself.

• I’m not a size zero, but I work out. What’s your excuse?

• The biggest body confidence boost is making healthier choices.

• I’ve never been a size 10 or 12, but I’ve always had curves. Now that the weather’s starting to get warmer, I’m happy to show them off.

• I look like a big fat blob, but I’m not. I’m just like a big fat blob when it comes to goals and fitness

• This is what a healthy body looks like.

• Be your own body-positive brand. Be you and don’t fit into other peoples’ expectations of you.

• Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t be sexy. You’re beautiful, and you should know it.

• What do you think our bodies look like on the inside?

• There’s a new you, baby. And she’s all kinds of confident.

• Tired of being the thin one in your relationship? Say hello to this chubby body. We’ve got your back.

• If you’re going to get fit, do it for the chubby body

• Every girl deserves a body they love, so we’re celebrating your curves and calling on you to do the same. #bodypositivity

• I’m strong, I’m sexy and I couldn’t be more proud of my body if I tried.

• There is no such thing as a perfect body. The only perfect body is the one you’re wearing right now.

• I love my body, I have cellulite and stretch marks and pecks and hips. #bodypositive

• Forget about dieting and just eat what you want, when you want it! Who needs a skinny body anyway?

• It’s time to love your body. Don’t be afraid to show it off.

• We’re here to make a stand. We are not ashamed of our bodies and we don’t care if you are either.

• why not add some extra curves to your life?

• Looking for a new motto? It’s time to go full throttle. Get ’em wide and happy.

• You don’t need a diet. Just lose the fork

• Are you looking for a change? We’re here to help you along the way. Come in and let’s get you on the right track, together!

• If you’ve got what it takes to be a chubby body, then show them your curves.

• Yes, you can have a chubby body if you want one.

• I love showing off my chubby body because it’s honest, real and unique.

• If you want a chubby body, you can have one. If you want toned arms, legs, and abs, you need to make that happen.

• I’m the chubby girl you wish you had.

• This body is one big fat happy. 💪🏻

• I don’t love my body or what it can do. But I love the way that I carry myself and the confidence that comes with it.

• I want to be the kind of woman who makes other women feel proud of their bodies.

• I believe in so many things. I believe the sign of a true man is not having a big butt, but having a big heart.

• It’s not about the size of your jeans, it’s about the story behind them.

• Be confident in your body, even when it changes.

• I am strong, powerful and beautiful.

• Feeling confident in your skin is an important part of loving yourself.

• Fill your bod up with these healthy, delicious and easy to prepare recipes from the best chubby body bloggers on Instagram.

• This is what a chubby body looks like!

• When you’ve got a chubby body, people can’t help but stare. People are constantly taking photos of me just because they think I’ll look better in it.

• A chubby body means two things: 1. You’re healthy 2. You’re doing it right!

• They say chubby is a state of mind, but we say it’s a state of body.

• It’s time to love your body no matter the size.

• Don’t let all those extra pounds get you down. If your body is sick, it’s time to treat it with love and care.

• Why does everyone have a double chin? It’s time to stop stressing about it and start loving your curves.

• Feeling great and showing it off with a body as happy as mine.

• Because curves are sexy and so are you.

• The secret to a chubby body is discipline, dedication and hard work.

• Need to get chubby? We’ve got the solution for you.

• You can’t ever have too much chub. You deserve beauty, joy and self love

• Yup, we’re chubby. But that doesn’t mean we aren’t confident to say so!

• I’m not one of those fitness models who’s all skin and bones. I like to think of myself as a complete package—with a little snack on the side

• We love our body for its flaws, for its scars and stretch marks. We’ll never be perfect, but we’re learning to love ourselves anyway.

• Are you ready to love your curves? They’re the best part of who you are.

• Stop limiting your body and start loving it. Give your self the time, space and support to make the changes you want to see.

• You are what you eat. Be as healthy as you can be in a healthy body.

• The way you look is not the most important, but the way you live your life.

• I’m not afraid to admit that I have a chubby body. And I’m proud of it.

• We all have our insecurities. Mine is my chubby body.

• Let’s go out there and be the chubby girl. The more, the merrier!

• The only fat you need is on the outside. And even that may be too much for some people.

• Don’t let your body define you. Be confident in your curves, and love yourself.

• Don’t be afraid of your body. Embrace it, love it, and wear it with pride.

• Pregnant women are sexy and we like it.

• Let’s not be afraid to love ourselves. Loving your body doesn’t mean it’s perfect. It just means you’re doing something right.

• The only thing that matters is the body you’re in.

• Not every body is meant to be perfect. Some are just meant to be loved.”

• What’s the matter, winter? You don’t want to give in to all that fluff? Then you’d better get fit before it gets here.

• The chubbiest body I’ve ever had. And it feels so good right now.

• Don’t be afraid of looking chubby. Be proud to be out of shape!

• You’re fat and you know it. You feel better about yourself when you have a flat belly, strong legs and the confidence to show them off.

• There is nothing wrong with embracing your body in all its delicious glory.

• We have a serious problem: We’ve become too comfortable with our bodies.

• The new you is the one who doesn’t care how you look or what people think. The new you isn’t afraid of your body, it has nothing to hide and it’s all yours.

• Let’s celebrate the fullness of our bodies.

• Not every body is the same, but we all have one thing in common: our hunger for life.

• You can’t hide the truth behind a pair of skinny jeans.

• Get ready to feel the love, the love is here.

• Wake up and realize you’re beautiful.

• I can do chubby body day and night. I am a fat ass, but that’s how I roll

• I dare you not to swoon over my chubby body

• I’m a chubby body who has been working hard and trying to be healthy.

• Skinny is for skinny-hipped chicks. I’m a chubby body, and it’s okay to be one too.

• You’re not settling for an ordinary body. You deserve the perfect one.

• No matter how much you weigh, you deserve to celebrate your body no matter what shape it is.

• Don’t wait until you’re a size zero to start working out. Don’t wait until your dream body has arrived to take action and start living a healthier life today.

• Embrace your curves, ladies. The world needs to see the beauty of women—not just their waistlines.

• Because if you’re going to have a baby, you might as well love your body.

• Our bodies are not meant to be in a perfection state. Imperfect is beautiful, flaws are gold and you should love your curves because they make you unique!

• I’m the girl that’s more than just a pretty face.

• It’s not about the number on the scale. It’s about feeling confident in your body and loving yourself no matter what. #rollwithit

• Don’t diet. Feed your body the love it deserves

• I’m not perfect. I’m just an imperfectly awesome me.

• The more you have the more you have to lose.

• My chubby body is my favorite body.

• I don’t mind being called chubby when I look this good. #chubbybodylove

• If you don’t have a chubby body you probably won’t ever accomplish anything in life.

• We want to be the kind of body that makes you want to touch your toes and stretch out every inch.

• Make the most of your body. Don’t let a little extra fluff keep you from feeling beautiful.

• It’s time to be honest: I don’t care if you are a size 0, or a size 16. The truth is, I love the real you and we all deserve to feel confident in our bodies no matter what they look like.

• Loving the body I have and loving myself for it.

• I’m not here to make you feel bad about your body. I’m here to tell you that yours is pretty damn good as is

• You are beautiful, you are unique and you deserve to love your body.

• If you’re not tired of your body by now, you never will be.

• Losing weight is a process that everyone can relate to. Whether it’s your first time trying, your first month, or your fiftieth—we’re all in this together.

• No diet. No exercise. Just you and your path to a healthier you

• You are beautiful. You are loved. And you have a long, healthy, happy life ahead of you.

• Be sexy and be confident, it’s not a big deal to have a chubby body.

• Get your body chubby. There are no rules to this game.

• So you wanna be a bodybuilder? Here’s the numbers.

• You don’t have to be thin to look good. You just need to be healthy and fit!

• fat is beautiful. I’m a fat girl and I’m proud of it. ✌️

• I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to live up to some shallow ideal of what a perfect body looks like. You are valid, and your body is beautiful in its own way.

• Baking. Lifting. Switching up the routine. So what if you’re not a size zero?

• Be proud of your curves. Be confident in your body. And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

• There is no better feeling than chubbing up.

• Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do with your body.

• I’m going to tell you something that’s going to change your life. You’re going to do a workout, and then you’re going to eat everything in sight afterwards.

• Sometimes, you just gotta love your lumps.

• Get ready to be the star of your next selfie.

• The body you have today is the body you will have tomorrow. So make it count.