Cheers to19th Birthday Captions for Instagram With Quotes

The magic of your 19th birthday is a time to reflect on where you have been and look toward the future with optimism. You are one step closer to becoming an adult, but still so young. All of this excitement is sure to make this special day extra memorable.

Cheers to19th Birthday Captions for Instagram With Quotes

• You’re young, you’re beautiful and you’re growing up. Cheers to 19!

• Cheers to 19! I’m ready for the next chapter of my life and I can’t wait to see what it holds.

• There’s not a moment too big or small, only the big ones. So celebrate each one with friends, family, and maybe even a glass or two of wine. Cheers to you! 🍾 #HappyBirthday

• To all the birthday boys and girls out there, thank you for celebrating this milestone with me. Wishing you all the best on your special day!

• No matter how tough life is, you can always count on friends to be by your side. Happy birthday to me!

• Like a fine wine, age is a good thing. It brings wisdom and experience but makes you more discriminating too. Happy Birthday

• 19 is the new 17. It’s time to start living life like there’s no tomorrow.

• Let your hair down and celebrate your special day with a little vino 🥂.

• The party is over and it’s time to get down to the business of becoming the person you want to be.

• Friends don’t let friends grow old.

• Life is too short to be ordinary.

• This is the perfect time to celebrate you. Let’s raise a glass to your 19th birthday! Cheers!

• Cheers to 19, may it be the best year yet.

• Here’s to 19! What a great way to celebrate 19 🎂🍾👨🎓️🥂

• Hey boo, 19 is the new 18. You’re officially on your own now. Tag someone who deserves a shoutout for turning it up to 11

• Your age is a number that can be negative or positive, but it doesn’t change how you feel inside. Make every day count!

• You’re always young, but you’re never too old to make mistakes. Don’t be afraid to grow up and be a better person

• You’re not a kid anymore, you’re an adult. Now start acting like one.

• It took me long enough to catch up to you, but I’m glad I did.

• Life is a cakewalk for those who bring their own cake.

• Life is a gift. You just have to open it.

• The best thing about you is your capacity to change, the worst thing about you is your stubbornness.

• It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

• The first sip of wine is always the sweetest.

• Life is a journey, not a destination. And you just have to find your way.

• Cheers to turning 19. Enjoy the best of your life and live fearlessly.

• May your 19th birthday be one of your best ones yet. Happy 19th Birthday!

• Life’s a celebration, friends. Cheers to 19 years of celebrations.

• It’s your birthday! Cheers to you on this precious day, filled with promise and possibility. We wish you a lifetime of happiness and success.

• To the 19-year-old who has everything and is still 19, it’s never too late to change your mind.

• I’ll be 19 tomorrow, so I might as well have fun now.

• As long as you keep growing, you will always have more to give. cheers to the next 19 years 🎈

• Happy birthday to the woman who makes me feel like a million bucks. You’re beautiful, smart, and above all else, you’re my best friend.

• You’re only as old as the mistakes you keep making. Even if you’re 19, you can still learn a lot from mistakes.

• Here’s to a year of growth, independence and adventure. Cheers!

• Let’s raise our glasses to a better, brighter future. 🎈

• The good things in life take a lot of waiting. The bad things are worth it.

• Cheers to 19! Here are some of the best birthday wishes for your age.

• Cheers to the day you were born, and many more to come. Happy 19th Birthday!

• How did it take you this long to realize that you’re exactly where you belong? Cheers to 19 🍾

• I’m turning 19 and I feel like I’ve just discovered everything. —-Desiigner

• A lot can happen in 19 years, but never forget how far you’ve come. Happy Birthday!

• Here’s to 20. You’re gonna be awesome. Cheers to the future!

• It’s your birthday, so you should party like it’s your real one. Cheers!

• Celebrate the birthday that means you’re growing up.

• Cheers to you and the year ahead! 🎂😎

• You never really grow up, you only learn how to act in public. Happy Birthday!

• The years have been rolling by like a freight train, and I’ve been wondering why I never opened up the window seat.

• Always stay young at heart. Always remain young at spirit.

• The wine at midday is the oil at night.

• When it’s your birthday, you’re sure to hear a lot of cheers. Cheers to 19! 🎂

• Your twenties are a time to explore, but the best adventures are yet to come. Happy 19th Birthday!

• Cheers to you, nineteen! Celebrate your growth and learnings as an adult, as a person, and as a human. A life well-lived is one worth celebrating.

• Thank you to all the people who have made this journey a special one. May your birthday be as full of laughter, love, and good times as you are! Happy 19th birthday!

• To all the birthday girls out there, happy 19th! Here’s to you, this day, and all the days to come. #19

• The glass is always half full, but it’s never empty. Happy 19th birthday, Sally!

• Happy Birthday to you! May your 19th year be full of happiness, success, and everything great about life.

• “You shouldn’t wish you were 19 again, but you should be 19 again.” –Maya Angelou

• Cheers to the 19-year-old who can do it all.

• You’re only as old as you feel, so if you feel amazing today…you’re 19! 😎

• Cheers to the many adventures ahead. There’s a whole world waiting, so let’s go exploring together. Happy Birthday!

• Let’s raise our glasses to a new chapter of your life and hope you have a wonderful birthday! 🎉

• It’s time to celebrate life and all that we’ve accomplished so far. Here’s to another year, filled with more successes, success stories, and friendships. 💁‍♂️

• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. You’re going to have a lot more than a few before you know it. 🍾

• Age doesn’t matter. You were created for the journey, not for the destination. – #MotivationalQuote

 Cheers to Nineteen Birthday Quotes

• Cheers to nineteen, you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.

• Here’s to the next nineteen years. May they be filled with endless discoveries, adventures, and stories to share. Happy birthday to you! #nineteen

• You can’t have fun without being in a good mood. To be happy, to cheer up, it’s all up to you. You can get a smile on your face with these birthday quotes.

• Have a 19th birthday you’ll never forget. 😁

• It’s a wonderful day to be nineteen. Celebrate the fact that life is always changing and you can either enjoy it or fight it!

• Happy 19th birthday. We love you and we wish you all the best!

• Nineteen is a special year, full of possibilities and possibilities. Whatever happens this year, it will be more than you hoped for. Happy birthday to you!

• Nineteen, you’re getting so old I almost forgot it was your birthday. 🎂🎈

• There’s no time like the present to start living your dreams. Happy 19th birthday!

• Happy Birthday to you. Celebrate 19, and stay young inside.

• Happy 19th birthday to the #1 most powerful person in my life. I couldn’t be more proud of you, may this year bring you happiness, love, and laughter.

• To all the guys I know who don’t turn 19, drink some water. Or take a vitamin. Or go to the gym. Or shower. Or put on a damn shirt.

• Born to the stars and destined for adventure. Happy birthday to you.

• “Every day is a new chance to do something you’ve never done before. Take it.”

• Cheers to nineteen. Here’s to all the adventures yet to come! 🎉🍾

• Cheers to 19! We love you, we’re proud of you, and there’s no greater feeling than celebrating these milestones with friends and family.

• You are never too old to set another goal, paddle your own canoe, or call a spade a spade. Happy 19th birthday!

• You’ll have all the time in the world to celebrate your 19th birthday, just make sure you don’t blow it.

• As you reach the age of nineteen, let us raise a glass to you on your special day.

• A toast to one of my favorite people. Happy 19th birthday, boyfriend! ❤️

• Happy Birthday to the sweetest, most loving person I know. Thank you for the great life we live. Cheers!

• It’s your birthday. If you wish to improve the world, start with yourself. Nineteen ⛄

• The best is yet to come, so let’s make it count. Happy Birthday!

• It’s never too late to be who you might have been.

• You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it. And that’s what we’re doing today!

• It’s the most wonderful time of the year

• If you have forgotten your youth, drink from this cup.

• It’s not what you do but the way you do it. Cheers to nineteen!

• Nineteen is the best year of your life. Make it count.

• Nineteen is the perfect age to start living like a grown-up. You’re old enough now to be your own person, get it done, and make things happen whenever you want.

• Happy Nineteen: the year to be born, the age to grow up, and the number of years to live a dream.

• the best thing about turning 19 is you can drink all day.

• I don’t need money, fame, or power. All I need is my coffee and my cat every morning on my nineteenth birthday.

• Happy 19th to you! You’ve made it to adulthood, so here is to a life full of adulting and all its challenges.

• Here’s to the nineteen-year-old who knows exactly how to rock a fancy new hairstyle.

• You are 19. You can do anything you want—and we’re here for it. 🍾

• When you’re 19 and think that it’s a good time to start drinking or partying, but it’s actually 2:00 in the afternoon.

• Nineteen. We could not ask for a more perfect number.

• Here’s to the years, they fly by so quickly. But some of them are good and some of them are great 👊🏼

• Life is a party and then you die.

• No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

• Don’t know how to tell you this, but you look absolutely adorable today. I just wanted to say congrats on your 19th birthday.

• Here’s to another year, packed full of adventures and memories. Happy 19th birthday!

• The only thing better than turning 19 is being 19. 😉

• Nineteen is the age you should stop trying to be someone else. You’ve got the mask, now it’s time to put on your own face and live your life. ☀🎂

• Every birthday you get a chance to live life like it’s your last. Make it count.

• You’re going to be the person you’ve always wanted to be—a good person, who stands for good things and makes others laugh. Happy birthday!

• On your 19th birthday, you feel as if you’ve become older than the world. All that has come before is history; it’s what is to come that counts.

• 19 is the new 18. Your twenties are a time to explore and experiment, and they’re going to be a blast—plus, you can legally order alcohol now.

• Birthday is the day that you get to celebrate who you are, instead of being what other people want you to be.

• Life is a party, and we’re going to celebrate it.

• Don’t let anyone tell you that you cannot dream big.

• When life hands you lemons, don’t even think about it—you make lemonade.

• Cheers to my 19th birthday! I’ve been blessed with a healthy mind, body, and soul. The best is yet to come.

• Drink in the fact that you are loved and celebrated more than you know. #Nineteen

• Your 19th birthday is the sweetest, most magical day of your life.

• Happy 19th Birthday, you beautiful girl! Wishing you all the best in life.

• Nineteen is the highest number of chances to make it when it comes to turning your dreams into reality.

• Happy birthday to the most beautiful, intelligent, and kind person I know. Here’s to 19 more years of your beautiful face. ❤

• When you’re old enough to drink, you’re old enough to get into trouble. #nineteen

• Nineteen is the new eighteen. And definitely not the new thirty-two.

• Nineteen is the new eighteen.

• One thing I always say is no matter how old you are, you’re never too old to learn.

• “I am the captain of my own ship. I’m free to steer my life in any direction I choose.” -Terry Fox

• Remember to always make every day an occasion for celebrating as it is rare for life to be ordinary.

• Cheers to nineteen birthday quotes that say it all.

• Always remember to keep your head up and smile, Nineteen. You’re growing up so quick. Happy birthday!

• Cheers to being nineteen and making memories that last a lifetime. Happy birthday, my sweet girl.

• Happy birthday, 19! You’re the best and we love you.

• Happy 19th birthday, you have already accomplished so much. The future is yours for the taking—keep up the good work and we can’t wait to watch where you go next!

• Nineteen is the year to live out loud. Don’t be afraid of it, let your freak flag fly!

• Happy 19th birthday to the girl who says what she means and means what she says. 🍾🎉☠

• Nineteen is what happens when you get older. You should laugh more and get drunk more often. At 19, you have more to lose than you do at 30.

• Party like it’s nineteen, but live like you’re thirty-eight.

• You are a beautiful and wonderful person, who deserves so much love. Happy Birthday to you! 😊

• It’s not a celebration, it’s an experience.

• Here’s to you, the beginning of a new chapter.

• Nineteen. Get this party started. Cheers to nineteen years of your own personal growth and learning what it means to be YOU.

• Happy 19th birthday to Nineteen. May your special day bring you lots of joy, love, and happiness. ✨

• Nineteen is a great age to take chances, break rules, and most of all, to #NeverStopStaring At The Stars

• Nineteen is a big year. There’s no better time to give someone a present they’ll remember all year than their birthday. 🎈

• Happy 19th birthday to one of the most unique, beautiful, and talented women I know. Thank you for sharing your light with us ❤

• It takes a certain kind of woman to be able to drink shots with you and not get sick afterward. Happy 19th birthday, sweet girl!

• Nineteen is unforgettable. So are the people you’ll meet, places you’ll go to, and things you’ll do.

• Your twenties are the best years of your life. And there’s no better time to be yourself than now. Happy Birthday!

• When you turn nineteen, it’s time to search out your inner child.

• Nineteen is the new twenty. The age when all your favorite things are suddenly acceptable to wear on your face and in your hair. This one’s for you, sweetie(s)!

• When you’re nineteen, you finish growing and now you get to choose what to do with it.

• We’re celebrating 19 years of being one big happy family. Happy birthday, Kevin!

• Here’s to you and the next 19 years. May you enjoy them all!

• Whose birthday is it? Mine. And I’m having a blast of a time celebrating it today, but oh what fun times ahead!🍾

• You find out who you are when you’re stripped down to your core.

Cheers to Nineteen Years Birthday Quotes

• Cheers to nineteen years of living life, loving those around you, and trying to do the best we can. Happy birthday to me!

• Cheers to your 19th birthday. Happy birthday my friend!

• Let’s toast to 19 years of being awesome, may this year bring only more AWESOME! Cheers to you.

• Nineteen years ago I was born, life began and she kicked off a party. Happy birthday to me 🤗 #fbf

• Nineteen years old and already celebrating a birthday. It’s like the universe is conspiring in your favor.

• Here’s to celebrating 19 years of the best birthday ever.

• Here’s to 19 more years of being you and everything else you do. Happy Birthday!

• Happy Birthday to the best years of my life, I hope they can only get better. I love you more than you know.

• We know life is better with a sip, so throwback glass to wishing you delicious birthdays.

• Happy Birthday to the person who makes me laugh and cry. May your 19th year be full of joy and happiness! 😎

• Happy birthday to the one and only who makes my day brighter than all the others. ??

• Is it just me, or do you feel like today is the day to celebrate? Happy birthday to all you awesome people out there!

• 19 is the ultimate number. Enjoy this special day, because you’re one of a kind!

• Cheers to 19 years of birthday, and cheers to an entire lifetime of happiness. Happy Birthday!

• Cheers to 19 years old, you’re the best!

• Cheers to 19 years of happy birthdays! Who else remembers their first one?

• This is a special day so cheers to 19 years of beautiful birthdays. Here’s to your health, happiness, and more!

• Here’s to nineteen more years of making your life better. Cheers! #HappyBirthday

• Cheers to a year of great achievements, big plans, and the best friends in the world


• Cheers to you and all your awesome birthdays! 🎂🎁

• Cheers to the year we all celebrated together.

• To all my friends who have celebrated their birthday this year, I wish you lots of joy, happiness, and love. You are so worthy of your own celebrations and successes!🎂

• Happy Birthday to the cutest, craziest, smartest person I know. I love you so much.

• Happy birthday to the most fun and inspiring 19-year-old we know! We are so grateful for your contributions on social media and in the world.

• Here’s to the years. Here’s to the life we will live. Enjoy every moment of it. 🎉🎂

• Happy 19th birthday to the trendiest person on all of Instagram.

• Happy Birthday! The best way to celebrate any year is to learn something new, make your own memories, and leave a legacy that others can enjoy. Now, where’s my cake?

• You are a gift from the Gods, something that means more than any amount of money in this world. Happy birthday to you. 🎁

• Cheers to 19 years of life and all the generations coming after us. Happy Birthday!

• We celebrate your 19 years! Cheers to more laughter, fun, and memories with this amazing group of people.

• Cheers to a nineteen-year-old who is still alive and kicking. Happy Birthday! 🍾🍸❤️

• NINETEEN years ago today, we became a family. Happy birthday to us! ♥️

• Happy Birthday to you! Here’s to another nineteen stunning years of your life.

• Cheers to a year that has brought us more surprises, challenges, and great moments than we ever imagined. 🍾🥂

• A toast to a birthday that’s turned 19. Happy Birthday, Chi!

• I’m turning 19 and I couldn’t be more excited. Happy Birthday to me!

• Here’s to another year of living the best life you can. Celebrate with us.

• Happy birthday to the greatest city in the world.

• It’s your day—celebrate it. Be you, with whatever makes you happy.

• When you’re in a special place with an even more special person.

• The more you sweat in training, the less sweat in battle.

• Cheers to nineteen years of birthday celebrations, boozy nights, and one million more. 🍷🍧

• Cheers to nineteen years of making you laugh, smile, and melt until the very end. #VictoryParty

• Cheers to 19 years and all the things that have made it amazing. Happy birthday, @nineteenborn

• NINETEEN YEARS, and still going strong! Cheers to a birthday well celebrated. 🥂

• Happy Birthday to the toast of all toasts, nineteen years old and making everyone jealous. Cheers to you! ☀️🍹

• Just because you’re not twenty-one doesn’t mean you can’t have fun on your nineteenth birthday. Cheers to that!

• Celebrate your birthday and remember the year you first started carving out your own path ⛩

• May your birthday be as warm and fuzzy as these quotes 🎂🍾

• May your birthday be filled with lots of laughter, love, and celebration. We wish the best for you!

• It’s your 19th birthday today! Celebrate by turning back the clock with these quotes that highlight your best character traits.

• Because every birthday deserves a celebration. Here’s to you, thank you for all that you do

• Happy Birthday! This is your chance to show everyone how much they mean to you.

• Happy birthday to the best thing that ever happened to me.

• The freedom to be yourself and the courage to face your fears. Happy birthday, N!

• Cheers to nineteen years, partner. Happy birthday.

• Cheers to our nineteen years! Here’s to many more! #birthday #nine

• Here’s to nineteen years of being the best version of myself. That’s pretty cool. Cheers!

• Here’s to nineteen more years of laughter, chaos, and everything in between. Cheers!

• Cheers to a great year, with happy and healthy birthdays to all of you. Here’s to another one!

• Here’s to 19 more years of making you laugh and smile. Here’s to another 19 years of dancing in the rain, falling in love, and celebrating the joys of life. Cheers!

• Here’s to another nineteen years of maturity, beauty, acceptance, and all the good things in life. Happy birthday, baby!

• Nineteen is the new eighteen.

• We’ve got you covered with a round-up of the best birthday quotes that are perfect to share on social media!

• The best year ever. Happy 19th birthday to me!

• We are celebrating the great life that was given to us. May we continue to make this world a better place and always Remembering You. Happy Birthday!

• Happy 19th birthday to the one and only @kimkardashian!

• Happy birthday to the sweetest girl in the world who always makes me laugh and feel better. I love you my friend🎉❤️

• Every day is a gift from God. Celebrate every day with a glass of wine, a great meal, and incredible people.