Cheers to Thursday Captions and Quotes for Instagram

Cheers to Thursday Captions and Quotes for Instagram: Thursday is one of the best days of the week — it’s dedicated to cheers! So with that said, I’m going to take this opportunity to give you some caption and quote ideas. Cheers to Thursday — here’s to a good week coming your way. Cheers to chill vibes this Thursday evening; I don’t have any plans on Friday, so it’s time for me to kick back and relax.

Cheers to Thursday Captions and Quotes for Instagram

• Cheers to Thursday, we made it through the week!

• Here’s to Thursday: the day when you realize that you are now closer to your weekend than you are to Monday.

• There is only one way to celebrate Thursday and that’s with wine

• Three days to the weekend. Cheers to that!

• Get you a day that feels like Thursday.

• It’s almost Friday, don’t forget to drink!

• It’s Thursday. I’m breathing. I’m alive & so far things are going my way.

• It’s Friday somewhere, and if not, it can be.

• May your coffee be hot, and your eyeliner evener.

• Thursday is my favorite day to plan how I’m going to get out of the plans I already made for the weekend.

• The only thing that matters is the number of people who truly love you.

• There’s always money in the banana stand

• Cheers to Fridays and tacos. We’ve made it through another week!

• It’s Thursday. I’m breathing. I’m blessed. Happy Thursday!

• A moment of silence for the people who thought today was Friday.

• It’s Thursday! I’m breathing. I’m Blessed. & I’m Happy. Thank You, God!

• Thank God it’s Friday tomorrow now bring on the bacon.

• Thursday doesn’t have to be a sad day. If we regain control of ourselves and make it an exciting day, we can still make our day super productive!

• With all the coffee and tea you drink, you should consider opening a shop. I’ll be your first customer.

• It’s only Thursday, but it already feels like Friday! Cheers to the freakin’ weekend.

• On Thursdays, we drink wine, because it’s almost the weekend.

• No one ever said to take just one sip. Happy Thursday from

• Yay Thursday, relax and enjoy the moment.

• Happy Thursday, here’s to two more days of getting things done before the weekend.

• It’s Thursday. I’m breathing. I’m blessed. God is good.

• Let’s get ready to have a great time tonight! When they say “work hard, play harder”, I have no idea what they’re talking about. Because my life is just one long weekend.

• Cheers to a new week, a fresh start, and a blank canvas.

• Welcome, Thursday! The day to finish what you started on Monday.

• A little Thursday refresher: you house doesn’t get clean in one sweep.

• There’s no Thursday night unless it’s followed by Friday morning.

• You know you’re getting old when you get the same sensation from a rocking chair that you once got from a roller coaster.

• Cheers to Thursday! You’re just one day closer to wine o’clock.

• Cheers to Thursday and Friday are just around the corner!

• Thursday calls for a little extra class. Cheers to Thursday!

• The weekend is too close not to push through Friday and enjoy Thursday.

• Thursday: The hardest thing about doing a thing is getting your mind to believe it’s possible.

• Let us raise a glass to the weekend, with just enough life in it to have fun.

• Happy Thursday! You’re only one day away from being two days away from doing the same work you’re doing right now

• Check out these 10-minute recipes to jumpstart your day.

• It’s Thursday. I would have woken you up to say that, but it seemed like a waste of time.

• The best is yet to come and won’t that be fine.

• Because tonight is going to be a good, good night.

• Here’s to Thursday! Here’s to the weekend starting tomorrow and… not being Monday!

• It’s Thursday! Almost Friday, almost wine o’clock.

• What a lovely day to drink some wine and ignore all my adult responsibilities.

• I’m so ready for the weekend. Let’s cheers to that!

• “I’ll see you on Thursday in a field sober, but until then I’m drunk.”

• Here’s to being so excited for the weekend that you totally blank on what day it is.

• “If a girl looks swell when she meets you, who gives a damn if she’s late? Nobody.” – On the Road

• The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep. – E. Joseph Cossman

• A Thursday built on strong coffee, good vibes, and sassy attitudes.

• You realize it’s Thursday and you still have time to get your life together. Go get it, champ!

• It’s not quite the weekend yet. But it’s almost the weekend.

• The only thing I regret about last night is that we didn’t get a picture of us together.

• Stay tuned, there’s plenty more where that came from!

• Cheers to Thursday! I know it’s Friday Eve but who’s ready for the weekend?

• The happiest hour is a drink in my hand!

• It’s Thursday. I’m breathing. I’m Blessed. God is Good. Coffee is great! Life is Fabulous! All is right in my world.

• It’s Thursday. I’m breathing. I’m alive. I’m blessed. I’m grateful. Oh, and coffee.

• Thank god it’s Thursday, I need a weekend to recover from this week.

• The weekend is almost here, so stay positive and keep pushing through the week. Don’t let anything stand in your way!

• I’m still confused by the whole “don’t drink on an empty stomach” thing. OH COME ON, MAN! It never made me MORE hungry!!

• Cheers to Thursday. We are almost there! It’s almost the weekend.

• It’s Thursday, I’m breathing, you’re not my to-do list, and I’ve only cried twice. Life is good. #blessed

• Thursday is my favorite because it’s the day that I realize that there is only one more sleep until Friday.

• Here’s to the nights we felt alive – Here’s to the tears you knew you’d cry – Here’s to goodbye, tomorrow’s gonna come too soon

• I like my coffee how I like myself: dark, bitter, and too hot for you.

• The story of my life: I always end up being the messiest one

• Please, oh please let me get what I want this time.

• In the end, it will all work out. If it’s meant to be, then it will be.

• Cheers to Thursday. Friday is just around the corner!

• Dear Thursday, I’m really happy for you, and I’mma let you finish but Wednesday was the best day of the week.

• Cheers to the night when one glass of wine turns into four.

• Thirsty Thursday – when the weekend is so close you can almost taste it.

• There are two types of people in the world: those who prefer Thursday, and those who prefer Friday.

• This isn’t where I intended to be but it’s where I needed to be

• A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes

• Cheers to Thursday. We are just one day away from being two days away from doing the same work we did yesterday.

• Cheers to Thursday, the day before Friday, and the day after Wednesday.

• Cheers to a good job. Cheers to making it through the week. And cheers to the weekend!

• You’ve made it through half the week, treat yourself like it!

• Act like it’s Friday even though it’s only Thursday.

• The best feeling in the world is knowing that you actually mean something to someone.

• “Let us make the world cheerful, not by mere words of the lips but by our deeds.” – Mahatma Gandhi

• It’s Thursday. I’m breathing. I’m ALIVE. That calls for a DRINK!

• Fridays are the best, but Thursdays are pretty good too!

• There’s really no better feeling than starting the day off on a positive note. #TGIF

• Hump day is a distant memory and Friday Eve is rapidly approaching.

• The three things that will always be the same are wine, cheese, and a great friend.

• Throw on your best black dress and join the party!

• I don’t know how people get so much done in a day. I mean, it takes me half an hour just to decide what I want to wear.

• Happy birthday to Thursday with a caption saying “It’s my birthday, I’ll puff if I want to.” in a fresh tone.

• Happy Thursday – A new day to create new memories.

• Thursday has landed and the week is on its last legs! Let’s do this!

• Good morning, it’s Thursday. Time to make your dreams come true.

• It’s thirsty Thursday? And I’m ready to drink a beer with you

• Will you kindly turn Thursday? I’m ready for the weekend!

• The perfect combination of “Fri-yay” and “Sunday Funday.”

• I’ll have a glass of whatever she’s having

• It’s not drinking alone if your friends are with you in spirit.

• Don’t start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday. Every morning we wake up is the first day of the rest of our life.

• You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down but the staying down.

• Cheers to Thursday and don’t forget to smile today!

• Here’s to Thursday: the day when we can almost see the weekend.

• You know it’s almost the weekend when everyone is just trying to make it to Friday! #ThirstyThursday

• Happy Thursday! You’re closer to Friday and another day closer to your dreams. Keep going strong!

• A few days ago we had nothing to do on Thursday. Now Thursday has become the best day of the week!

• Well, hello there thoughts for Thursday.

• A Thursday well spent brings a weekend of content.

• Oversharing Thursdays are my favorite.

• Be someone’s reason to smile today.

• Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.

• Tis the night before Friday, the day before Saturday, and the eve of a 3-day weekend. Cheers to Thursday!

• It’s not quite Monday, it’s not quite Friday. It’s Thursday!

• It’s Thursday, I’m breathing, therefore I’m Winning!

• Thursday mood: It’s Friday eve, so let’s get the weekend started early.

• Happy Thursday! Here is to the little things, toasting a milestone and embracing this wonderful life of ours. ☕️

• It’s Thursday, we’re alive, we’re breathing. Let’s celebrate!

• Nothing is better than a good friend, except a good friend with CHOCOLATE. CHEERS TO THURSDAY!

• Thursday calls for cheers! We’re here for you with a glass & a smile.

• It’s Thursday I’m breathing I’m blessed and coffee is life

• It’s Thirsty Thursday, where we celebrate all the hard work we accomplished this week and look forward to the weekend!

• Coffee, because adulting is harder than it looks.

• I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam: I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me.

• I deserve the world because I gave it my all.

• It’s the weekend. I’m ready to drink until I can’t feel feelings anymore. Cheers to Thursday!

• Does it even count as Thursday if you don’t have anything to look forward to on the weekend? Cheers to making this Thursday count.

• Grab a G&T and settle in, it’s going to be Friday before you know it.

• Happy Thursday, cheerleaders! The weekend is almost here.

• It’s Thursday, so the weekend is basically here!

• If you can’t be happy, then at least be positive.

• I’m a little bit late, but cheers to Thursday!

• Cheers to the freaking weekend

• Tonight’s forecast: 99% chance of wine.

• Don’t worry. Be happy. It’s Thursday!

• It’s Thirsty Thursday and the drinks are on me!

• Thursday: we’re so close yet so far away from the weekend.

• Friday, I’m in love (and celebrating) again.

• Today’s agenda: enjoy my coffee, dodge some drama and be fabulous.

• Ah, Thursday. You’re my second favorite ‘F’ word.

• hope is around the corner; let’s have a shot

• Cheers to Thursday! Only one more day until the weekend.

• Cheers to Thursday! Today is the tomorrow you were talking about yesterday.

• It’s only Thursday so there’s still time to make this your best week yet!

• Hump Day is hump day, but Thirsty Thursday is a holiday.

• It’s Thursday, I’m breathing, and I’m unbothered.

• You’re one step closer to the weekend. Cheers!

• It’s not yet the weekend, but it’s still a cause to celebrate.

• I know you can’t wait for the weekend to start, but until then, just add more coffee

• “It’s the weekend. Time to forget who you are and just be.”

• Finally, the weekend is just around the corner.

• They told me I couldn’t that’s why I did.

• Never look back unless you are planning to go that way – Henry David Thoreau

• Cheers to Thursday. It’s Friday eve!

• It’s Thirsty Thursday. Time to get your drink on!

• It’s Thursday, so it’s time to get a little crazy and have fun #tbt

• It may be Thursday but it feels like Friday!

• ( The classic cocktail quote, because Thursday night calls for a drink. )

• This Thursday, try not to think about how much you hate your job.

• Happy Thursday! Stay positive, work hard, make it happen.

• There’s only one thing better than a long weekend and that’s the blistering sunsets that are guaranteed to come with it.

• Happy Thursday! It’s almost Friday!!! (Hang in there)

• It’s Friday eve and I’m ready for the weekend!

• A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything. (Irish proverb)

• The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

• Cheers to Thursday! The day when we’re so close to the weekend, but still have so far to go.

• Cheers to Thursday, we’re almost there! Not that I’m counting…

• I’m Thankful for Thursdays because it gives me the excuse to make a Friday drink!

• You have a good job, you are in love and life is great. How could Thursday be anything but perfect?

• Happy Thursday. It’s almost Friday, which is almost the weekend. Party on, Wayne.

• Thursday, I forecast as mostly sunny. It’s a good day to have a good day.

• It’s Thursday, I’m breathing, and all is well.

• I just need a few days off from life, is that too much to ask?

• Thursday Captions – Don’t stop until you’re proud.

• Cheers to a new week and another chance for us to get it right. Thank God It’s Thursday!

• Happy Thursday! It’s almost Friday. Keep the faith.

• It’s not even hump day, it’s wine Wednesday

• The weekend is almost here! Drink up, everybody.

• Today is Thursday, I’m breathing, and that’s enough for me.

• May your coffee be hot, and your eyeliner even hotter.

• It’s Thursday. I’m breathing. I’m ALIVE. I’m blessed. I’m grateful.

• Weekends are a bit like rainbows. They look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them.

• Goodbye from me as I float away into the weekend.

• Thursday: the day after Wednesday and the day before Friday.

• Cheers to it finally being Thursday! It’s almost the weekend, people.

• Throw a little Thursday in your Wednesday just for fun.

• Cheers to the new month and to a super productive Fall

• Here’s to a Friday filled with good coffee, good vibes, and great friends!

• Let’s get this Thursday started. Onward and upward!

• Happy Thursday! What a savage place to be.

• Just a great way to start the weekend!.

• Better days are coming. They are called Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

• A little bit of summer is what the whole year is all about.

• Cheers to Thursday. We’re so close we can almost TASTE it.

• Raise your glass if you love Thursday!

• Cheers to tomorrow because today was awesome!

• may your coffee be strong and your Thursday be short

• “It’s Thursday, I’m breathing and all is right with the world.”

• It’s Thursday! I don’t care what you have planned for the weekend, I’ve got my sights set on 5 o’clock.

• Who cares what the calendar says, it’s Friday somewhere in the world.

• Hope you’re having the best Thursday ever!

• Oh, hello Friday. I didn’t see you there.

• What a gorgeous day. Let’s get started.

• Good vibes don’t cost a thing.