Car Pick Up Lines Captions for Instagram

Do you know what goes around comes around? Well, when it comes to pickup lines in cars, a lot goes around and gets nowhere. You need to stand out of the crowd. I’ve picked up some of the top car pickup lines in 2022 and compiled them into a list to help you start pickup lines in your car.

Car Pick Up Lines Captions for Instagram

• The best pickup lines are the ones that don’t need a computer to make them work.

• Make your next car ride feel like something out of a romance novel.

• Don’t be shy, you can always take a date out for dinner in this car.

• I’m not a car, but I’d be perfect for this drive!

• When you see me driving, I hope you say: “Damn! It’s a car!”

• When you’re looking for a ride and I’m in it

• I saw you in the seat and I realized we’ve been here all day.

• I can’t pick you up, but I’ll get there in a heartbeat.

• You’re so far above average that we throw away all the rest.

• I’ll be your ride to the top of the hill, but you have to come down off of the mountain.

• The best things in life are free. Like your car, for instance. #carpickuplines

• Never let a pick-up line get in the way of you giving your car the affection it deserves.

• Pick up lines are a dime a dozen. Just be yourself and you can’t go wrong

• You’re the perfect car for me. I already love you!

• You know you wanna drive me. What’s stopping you?

• You’re not just any old ride, you’re a good girl who knows how to make me smile.

• You have the most beautiful smile

• Just want to say that we’re all about the good times, and the great times. You know what I mean?

• When you’re in the driver seat, there’s a lot of power to be wielded.

• I can just imagine your face when I tell you you’re going in the wrong direction.

• I just had a thought…you’re either the closest thing to heaven or the closest thing to hell.

• Get your car ready, I’m coming to pick you up.

• When the amount of time you spend picking up my car exceeds the amount of time spent picking me up 🚗

• Your car is parked at the other end of the street. Don’t even try to walk over to say hello.

• I like your car, because it’s always ready and willing to go.

• When it comes to car buying, you can’t trust anyone but yourself.

• You’ve got the right car, but wrong place.

• Hey, I’m a pretty good driver, but this parking spot is looking mighty tempting.

• If you like cars, I’m guessing we’re pretty compatible.

• Let’s pick up the pace and get this relationship going.

• I’m your car and based on my looks and style, you’ve just scored yourself a new ride.

• I’m just here to pick you up and make you feel good about yourself.

• I don’t care if you’re a man or woman, let me just drop you off and pick you up again.

• I already love you, but now I want to drive you.

• I’ll pick you up… and I don’t mean a ride.

• You’re my first car, but I hope it won’t be my last.

• Put your foot on the gas and let’s hit the road.

• Don’t miss the best moment of your life.

• Let’s go. We have a long drive ahead of us.

• You look like an adventure waiting to happen. What are you waiting for?

• I’m the kind of girl you need a car to take care of.

• You’re a car, I’m a linguist. Someone get us on the road already!

• If you’re looking for a ride, we’re the only car around that can make you smile every time you see us.

• There’s only one thing I need today: a car that runs on gas and has air conditioning.

• I’m not your type, but I’m going to make sure you see me.

• The cars you drive say a lot about the person that drives them.

• Hey there! I’m a bit of a car enthusiast myself. What’s your favorite kind of car?

• If you need a ride, I’m the one who’ll be there for you anytime.

• Drooling over you is my favorite thing to do.

• You wanna go where? Wanna go fast? I got your back.

• I’m on a mission to find the perfect ride for you.

• You can’t change the fact that you’re beautiful. But you can change how you see yourself.

• Don’t let your car become the stereotype of a bad date.

• It’s like a car is just waiting for you to pick it up.

• You should come in my car, because I’m a big girl and you’re small.

• You can always count on me to be your car

• There’s nothing we love more than a woman who knows what she wants.

• You’re lucky I’m not buying a car today.

• Let’s go for a ride. I’ve got just the car for you.

• If you leave the keys in my car, I promise to be on time for dinner.

• I just picked up the keys to your heart.

• I’ll be the man to drive you home tonight, but first I have this to show you…

• Aren’t you the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen on wheels?

• Let’s drive to the nearest beach, because I need to lay on the sand with you

• What’s the best pick-up line ever? We’re glad you asked.

• I’m a car. One look at me and you’re hooked!

• When you’re late for a date, but the car company is on time.

• The most exciting moment in life is when you’re picking up your car.

• If you’re looking for a new car, I can help you find it.

• Hey I’m just trying to figure out what kind of car you drive

• There are no bad days when your car is in the shop.

• The only thing that can make you smile is when I pick you up

• Why are you not smiling? Because I just picked you up.

• When you see something you like, don’t let it go.

• When you pick me up and I’m smoking a blunt.

• Looking for the right car? We’ll pick you up when we find you…

• I know you love to drive, so I’m just gonna come out and ask. Are you single?

• You don’t have to be a car enthusiast to know what’s up.

• I’m the kind of person that’s always willing to help you move your car.

• If you can’t get enough of me, you will definitely get enough of this car.

• You look so good, I’d buy you dinner.

• If you want the best in transportation, you pick Lyft. If you want to ride with a good driver, pick Lyft. It’s that simple!

• I’m the driver you never see, but always need.

• I’ll be waiting for you at the end of this line:)

• Settle back and get cozy. We’re here to make your life easier.

• When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

• When you’re ready to take your ride home, let me know.

• You can’t get to the top of a redwood tree without a little sweat.

• If you’re looking for a unique way to get your car back from the mechanic, try this pick-up line.

• I’m a car, but I’m also a phone. Call me a taxi if you can’t afford one.

• We’ve got the car. All you have to do is get in.

• Your car is a dream machine, and I love you for it.

• If you don’t have a car, I’ll give you mine…

• Don’t be a bummer, drive the d*ckmobile.

• When you’re looking for a ride, there’s no such thing as too late.

• You don’t drive a Ferrari for the price of a Prius but you can definitely park it in my garage.

• When you take the time to find me, I swoon

• If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life, it’s that we come into this world alone. And we leave it the same way: on your own two feet.

• The only thing that can stop me is you.

• I’m in the zone. You know what that means?

• You look so good in your car. You could be a model.

• I’m not sure if you’re here to pick up my car or to pick me up.

• “Hey there, I’m here to pick you up.”

• I’d like to run you up on a charge of “I love your car.”

• If your car looks good, you look good.

• When you can’t decide which of your friends to pick up, just call them all.

• No one is more appreciative of a good car than me.

• This car is the perfect mix of style and substance.

• Hey there 🚗, would you please drive my car?

• Tell me what you want for dinner and I’ll be there in a heartbeat to pick it up.

• If you can’t find a reason to smile today, I’ll wait here for you to come back and laugh with me.

• The only thing you have to do differently today: Smile more.

• Hey, did you just drop something on the ground?

• I’m the pick-up line that’s the perfect mix of smooth and sexy.

• “We’re not a sweet-talking car service — we’re an experience that you can’t find anywhere else.”

• You should never say no to a car that has its seats heated.

• I’m guessing you’re the type of girl who knows how to drive a stick.

• When you pick me up at the airport, it’s not just a car ride, it’s an adventure.

• If you’re looking for a fast car, look no further. This beauty is ready for speed ✈

• Hey there, hot stuff. Going somewhere?

• I’ll be at your house in under an hour. Do you want me to bring the soup?

• Whatever you’re into, I’m into it.

• Where do you want to go today?

• The best car service is the one that picks you up

• Cars are more fun than people, so I’d rather just go for a ride.

• Hey, I’ve got you where I want you: in my car.

• If you’re looking for a car, I’ve got it. If you’re looking for an excuse to get behind the wheel, I’ve got that too.

• You drive me crazy but I still love you.

• Who needs a car? I have my own transportation.

• Let me know what kind of car you drive and I’ll pick you up

• I’m taking your car to get a oil change. I’ve never seen you so mad before. #Cars

• I’m still waiting for you to stop stalking me so I can pick you up.

• When you’re in the mood for a ride, but all you want to do is stay home.

• “I’m the perfect way to spend your life’s last day.

• I’m the kind of guy who will drive you to your place and put a tent up in the parking lot.

• I know that sometimes it’s hard to get out of bed in the morning. But when I look at you, I see all the reasons you should.

• Hey there, hot stuff. You know what I like about you? You’re the only car pick-up line I’ve heard that rhymes.

• I know that your car is sexy and I have something to say about it.

• There’s a reason we like to say “Hi” when picking up your car.

• How do you get a car? You don’t need to be cagey—just drive.

• Do you want to get in my car? Because it’s just so much fun and I love driving it.

• What car do you drive? Because I’d love to take you in mine.

• Hey, are you going to let me pick up the car?

• The beauty of a car is that it doesn’t talk back.

• If you’re looking for a car, I’ve got some suggestions.

• When you meet me, I’m gonna make sure you give two thumbs up

• If you’re driving, and I’m walking I’ll happily wave hello.

• The best way to get a ride from someone is to be kind and say something nice.

• If you had a car, what kind of pickup line would you use?

• If a car can’t get you there, a pickup line will.

• Hey there, pretty lady. I’ve got a car and I’m ready to go pick you up.

• I’m picking you up in my car. Now what do you say to that?

• You just got a new ride. Tell me why you love it and I will tell you mine.

• How do I get to your heart? Answer: You have to drive me first.

• I’m not saying you should use these, but when I open the door, I want a smile.

• When you are in a car and the driver is driving smoothly, it is easy to forget the road ahead.

• Hey girl, we’re going to pick you up early

• If you’re looking for a ride, I can’t disappoint.

• How you doing? Like the weather, I’m on fire and ready to go

• Here’s your chance to make someone’s day: Pick up their car at the appointed time and place.

• I’m not in the market for a car, but I am very interested in dating you.

• You’re the type of girl who makes me want to pick up my car and drive.

• Wanna see a picture of me in my car?

• The best place to park your car is in my garage.

• If you’re looking for a ride, I’m your girl.

• “Are you coming to pick me up?”

• You’re beautiful, smart, and funny! I’ll just let the rest of this text speak for itself.

• Good morning, sunshine. Yes, your car is definitely parked in the wrong place.

• You tell me when you want to go somewhere, and I’ll be there on the double.

• When you’re in the mood for something newer, better, faster, and stronger—we’ve got it all.

• Pick me up and let’s go get your car

• What are you in a car? A woman. And, yes, that’s your title.

• She loves her car. She just wants to get out of it, because she’s a girl and girls like cars.

• You always make the best of life. Now let me do the same for your car.

• There’s nothing better than a car with a leather seat, a nice engine and air-conditioning…I’d be happy to take you home anytime.

• Are you ready to go? I’ll take the keys.

• I’ll be there in a minute, just get out of my way.

• Just see the look on your face when you see me give you a lift.

• You have the smooth ride of an Aston Martin, the long legs of a Mercedes, and all the curves in between.

• Life’s too short to drive an ordinary car.

• Why wait to book your appointment when we’re open now?

• You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Will you let me take you on a date?

• Your car’s on fire. I’ll race over to put it out and race back.

• When you’re in a hurry and the only car that will fit your fancy is a convertible

• This is your car. Your daily driver. Your ride of choice.

• Hey baby, we just met but I think we’re perfect for each other! ☺️

• You’re so good I can barely stand it. What are you wearing?

• Say what you got to say, before I leave in my Merc.

• I’m just not sure what kind of car you’d like to get in.

• Sorry, I’m in my car and can’t get out to say hi.

• Intrigued yet? Have a look at our awesome cars!

• Ease your way into the weekend with a cool breeze and smooth driving.

• Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

• Here’s to the dreamers, the doers and the believers. Here’s to those who refuse to settle for anything less than greatness.

• When you’re picking up my car from the dealership, be sure to leave your number on the dash.

• The more time I spend with you, the more I realize how desperate I am for an excuse to be near you. So let’s continue this [car ride].

• I just got a car and I’m ready to go.

• Picking you up, what kind of car?

• We’re here to pick you up and take you where you want to go.

• You look like you’re ready for a date tonight. I bet we could make it better than any movie though

• I will pick you up from your house, but only if you give me a chance.

• Hey babe, did you just come from the grocery store?

• You’re the reason I put my seat belt on.

• This is what I’ve been waiting for my whole life.

• Let’s go places you’ve never been before (and most likely will never get back).

• Don’t be shy: Drop a car pickup line on us.

• We’re the best car service, so you can be the best driver.

• I’m pickin’ up a car today, so I’ll be out of your way.

• You’ve got the biggest smile, the finest taste and the best car.

• It’s a car. Not a handbag, not a pair of shoes, it’s a car.

• You just need to get behind the wheel, and we’ll take care of everything else.

• I’m not just your driver, I’m your ride.

• I think I’ve found the best use for my new car.

• I’m the only one who can pick you up

• I’m the kind of girl who is driven to be more than she can see.

• My ride is always ready to take you places. And keep you there.

• If you’re worth taking a risk on, I wish you the best.

• The line is out the door! Give us a call at 888-8-CALLfor an immediate car pickup

• When it comes to picking up girls, it’s not about what you say but how you say it.

• I’ve found my car. Now all I need is you.

• Hey babe, it’s me! I’m gonna take my truck to pick you up from your place tonight.

• Hi. I’m the vehicle that’s going to make all your dreams come true.

• I’m about to pick you up and get you out of here for a date.

• There’s nothing like a freshly washed and waxed car to get you in the mood

• Hi! I noticed your car is parked in front of my favorite coffee shop; do you mind if I take a closer look?

• If you’re looking for a ride, I’m your guy.

• I’ve been waiting all day for that perfect moment when you’d be ready to head to the car…

• I’m looking for a ride. What are you looking for?

• Just because we’re great together doesn’t mean we don’t need to take a minute to appreciate how amazing we are.

• The best pick-up line is “where’s the keys to your sports car?”

• There’s nothing better than a fresh, clean car.

• Your car is the size of a hamster, but it drives better than my ex-girlfriend.

• Hey, did you see that hot new car? I could park it in my driveway

• Don’t let your car get away from you.

• “Want to go for a drive?” “Hey, wanna lift?” “Can we talk about how I feel?”

• Hey, hotness. You wanna go for ride?

• Do you want to go out tonight?

• Hey hot stuff, let’s go grab a coffee and find out where our future lives.

• I’m not even sure what to say, but I think it’s safe to assume that you are a really good driver.

• We have exactly what you’re looking for.

• There’s no better feeling than getting a lift, especially when it’s with a cool ride

• You’re the reason I get excited when I wake up in the morning.

• Do you realize how close we are right now?