Captions for Short Funny Poems for Adults

If you’re looking for a good laugh, then you’ve come to the right place! Below are some of the funniest poems online — funny poems for adults. These funny poems have been having people laughing out loud for years. So get searching, and if you like what you see below, share this with your friends on social media.

Captions for Short Funny Poems for Adults

• Bored? Try these short funny poems for adults to keep you from getting bored.

• If you’re looking for some short funny poems to read out loud or send to friends, consider these:

• If you think poetry is something only prim and proper people read, then consider this for a change.

• We all need a laugh in our lives. Don’t you agree?

• Got a witty pick-me-up for the end of the day?

• Life is a series of pictures, not all of them are meant to be big.

• I’m not ashamed to admit I take 1-2 Adderall a day. 🤓

• We all have our rainy days. And sometimes it takes a few drinks to get out of them.

• Life is so much sweeter when you’re living it.

• Just because you’re older, doesn’t mean you have to slow down.

• I don’t have time to be perfect. I just have time to be me.

• “You only get one chance to make a first impression. Make yours memorable.”

• When you have the flu, and no one can tell, that’s when it gets really bad.

• Short funny poems for adults. Prompts included.

• Get your sense of humor back. #adultpoems

• In short poems, we learn a lot more than we do in long ones.

• Life is short. Laugh often. Love bigly.

• I’m a little bit different from the rest of you, a little bit better.

• Life’s too short to waste on nonsense.

• We don’t need a song to tell us how we feel. We know what’s in our hearts.

• Life moves fast. But it’s not always a sprint.

• The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.

• Sometimes the best things in life are just a simple, but meaningful gesture.

• Save the world. Fill your cup with chocolate milk.

• You’re not ready to do that. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about.

• In a world full of self-doubt, it’s important to remember that you’re the best version of yourself.

• The best way to avoid a fight is not to start one.

• Short funny poems for adults, such as: a joke about a dinner party and a poem about tea.

• A few funny poems to brighten your day 😂

• “I spend my days getting dressed for work and my nights throwing pies at my boss.” -Pamela Adlon

• I am a little bit older than you, but I’m also a lot more mature.

• So many ways to live life. So little time.

• I am a strong, independent woman and I don’t need a man.

• Sweet dreams are made of these weird, ruffled blankets.

• You can never argue with a grown woman who can drink you under the table.

• We’re so in love with the way it feels to be around you.

• There’s never been a bad time to #beengettinglegos

• It’s not easy being this good. We’re the best at what we do, and we know it. It’s time to get back on track and make your goals happen.

• When you’re falling asleep, is your brain going off or just shutting down?

• The best way to learn something is by doing it.

• Short funny poems for adults to read out loud. A great way to spice up any meeting, party or gathering.

• Just some short funny poems for adults to brighten your day.

• A poem for everyone who has ever felt like a mini-me.

• We’re all about the booze, but sometimes a poem is just what you need to get your point across.

• One of the best things about being a grown up is you can say whatever you want.

• Will you laugh? Will you learn? It’s never too late to start again.

• Life is short, so drink your coffee like a cat, sleep like a lion and make money like a boss.

• Life is full of uncertainties and unexpected twists. But in the end, only one thing is certain: no matter how things turn out, you will always have a good story to tell.

• Never underestimate the power of a good story, especially if it involves deep fried butter.

• Your friends are your family. Your family is your friends.

• Sometimes it’s better to stay in and watch an episode of your favorite show while getting ready for work.

• Your mind is like a parachute, it’s only good for slowing you down.

• Short funny poems are the best way to express yourself

• I have all the time in the world. Don’t waste it on a lover who doesn’t care.

• Somebody’s getting someone something this Christmas.

• The world is a joke, but it’s still not funny.

• I’m here to do whatever you want me to.

• Here’s a little something to get your day going. Enjoy!

• Life is a party. Do you want to go or sit?

• “Mood Matching” Products? Who knew? #Adulting #humor

• The more you read, the better writer you get.

• Life isn’t always a picnic. But it’s never too late to learn how to make the most of it.

• There was a time when I was unaware of the world.

• Every day is a gift. Some days are better than others, but either way, it’s yours.

• I will be the first to say I’m not perfect, but I am strong enough to be imperfect.

• Don’t be afraid of being yourself. Be happy to be you.

• Funny poems for adults, that makes you laugh when reading it and helps you have a good time.

• We’ve all got our own funny poems… and here are some of mine.

• A Good Morning to all of you, here is a good poem to start your day.

• I can’t get enough of the sound of laughter, It’s like music to my ears.

• She was beautiful and witty, but she had a big mouth.

• Life’s too short to waste time with people who suck at life.

• Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re gonna get.

• Life is full of moments when you’re alone, but it’s more fun when you’re in company.

• Here’s to the woman who takes command of her world, makes it shake and then dances on top.

• Life is good, and it’s even better when you have a drink in hand.

• You’ve got the blues, you’ve got the blues… have I got the cure for that? 😎

• There’s no need to keep the blues at bay when you have a little bit of whiskey.

• Life is tough, but it’s even tougher if you’re stupid and wear glasses. (A Funny poem from DailyGrind)

• Your late night texts are cute. Your worries make me laugh. Your smile spurs my heart to sing. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you in my life.

• Write the things that scare you, the things that hurt you, and the things that make you want to laugh.

• Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.

• We might be pushing 40, but we’re still feeling like kids.

• Life can be a bit of a disappointment, but it always has the potential to be something great.

• Life is an adventure, so get out of the house and see what’s around.

• Just in case you were worried, we’re all still here.

• Only you can make your life worth living…only you can make it fun again.

• Sometimes you need a shout out. Sometimes you need a reminder to get back on track. Sometimes you need both

• I don’t know about you, but I think we can agree that this time of year is a good time to be grateful for life. ☀

• There’s one small rule that keeps my world in balance — always be yourself.

• Sometimes you have to make some changes in your life. It can be hard, but sometimes it is for the best.

• It’s never too late to start something new. But before you do, you should know that it’ll always be harder at first, and it’ll always look smaller on the outside.

• It’s a good thing to be happy, but it’s also a happy thing to be good.

• If you’re looking for something to do today, here are some short funny poems to read.

• Don’t be afraid to be a little funny.

• I don’t just want to be the kind of person you remember, I want to be the kind of person you remember saying, “Oh my God, that’s so funny.”

• You don’t need a reason to laugh. So laugh today.

• At the end of a long day, you might just want to lie back and think about the good old days.

• The best part of summer is when you get to go home and be with your family.

• The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the arms of the ones you love.

• Why do I keep going to the same places?

• How do you measure the height of a mountain? By how close it is to the ground.

• A wise man once said, “you don’t need more money. You need less stress.”

• Life is a series of choices, not an accident.

• You don’t have to dream big to get big things done. #CheersToSuccess

• Here’s a collection of short funny poems for adults. Enjoy!

• When you just can’t decide what to do today—chillax, read a short funny poem.

• If you’re looking for some funny poems to brighten your day, we’ve got you covered!

• Life is a series of moments, and they all come with their own funny poems.

• Life is too short to read a bad poem.

• A poem for all of those who ever doubted themselves.

• Don’t be so serious all the time. Life’s too short to be sad all the time.

• We all have our off days. I’m just glad mine are humorous

• It’s hard to love a person when you don’t know them well.

• Yes, I’m a grown up. But sometimes I still want to be a kid, especially when it comes to cartoons.

• The first one’s for the solo cups on your desk.

• Sometimes you feel like an idiot. Sometimes, you feel like you’re the only one who knows this. But if you want to be happy, it’s important to remember that everyone else is too.

• Words of wisdom from a Proverbs 31 woman.

• I’m feeling hungover and I haven’t even had breakfast yet.

• Life is a ride and the road has some curves.

• Do you like short funny poems? Well, if you do, you’ll love these.

• Here are some short funny poems that will make you smile. #1 is my favorite

• These poems are too good to keep to yourself. Share them with a friend, or just read them on your own.

• No, you don’t need a degree to be funny.

• I don’t have time to write a novel. I’ve got too many things to do.

• Just a reminder that you’re not old enough to get divorced.

• He’s gonna make it in this world, and I’m going to be there when he does.

• Life is a gift. And the people who get to share it are pretty great.

• Life is a kindergarten full of glitter and crayons, with only one teacher. You pick what you want to learn and everyone else gets left behind.

• A woman’s love is a flame, but a man’s is a fire.

• I’m not saying I’ve got it all figured out, but…

• If you’re gonna do something, do it right. Do it twice.

• Life’s a series of choices, and your choice will affect the rest of your life.

• A great life doesn’t just happen to you—it’s something you have to make happen.

• The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle.

• Ready to channel your inner poet? These short funny poems are the perfect way to express yourself and make others laugh.

• I have never been a fan of poetry. I just don’t find it funny. Which means you won’t find any of these poems in my Instagram feed.

• Life is a funny thing. You’re always waiting to catch a break but what if you don’t catch it?

• Say hello to my little friend—the best feeling in the world

• Love is the answer, but I don’t know what the question is.

• You’re a big girl. You can handle whatever life throws your way. So when all is said and done, you’ll always be strong enough to navigate anything that comes your way.

• I’m taking a break from the real world and heading to the zoo.

• With a great deal of effort, we’ve made it through another day.

• Life is full of ups and downs. But at the end of the day, don’t be afraid to smile—because it’s a beautiful life without regrets.

• It’s not always easy to be positive, but it’s always worth it.

• You’re not alone. There’s a reason for everything

• We all know the importance of a good laugh. Here are some funny poems that will make you smile.

• Let’s just say that I don’t always have time to write long poems

• Have you ever been so lonely, that you don’t even want to try anymore? I don’t know; maybe it’s just me.

• We’re all a little bit crazy. A little bit in love. A little bit jealous. A little bit scared. But in the end it’s just stuff and we’ll get over it.

• I’m in love with my life, and it’s a good thing too.

• Life’s a journey and you’ve got to take the scenic route sometimes.

• Be careful what you wish for. Sometimes it’s better to get exactly what you want…

• For the people who want to be happy

• In this world, you can either be a wallflower or a badass

• If you’re gonna list something, make it count

• The only thing better than a cup of coffee is a ball of yarn

• It’s so hard to stay focused, but it’s important to do your best. It’s not about how you start – it’s about finishing.

• What’s your favorite short funny poem?

• Life is funny. And so are these short funny poems.

• In a world full of sadness, sometimes you just need to laugh. Here are some short funny poems to make you smile.

• I’m a little bit of a funny guy and I like to write poems.

• I don’t need therapy, I’m an adult.

• Some days are like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get

• don’t wait around for the perfect moment. just make the most of today.

• Life’s too short to worry about what other people think.

• Sometimes, we just have to stop and smell the memes.

• We all have moments when we feel like we hit rock bottom. But sometimes you need a push to get you up and going.

• Short funny poems for adults. If you want to read poetry for young adults then you can read them on our app.

• Don’t let the temptations of life get the better of you. Let these poems help you stay strong and focused on what’s important in your life.

• You’re so funny, I don’t even know what to say.

• You’ve gone and made me feel like such a big girl.

• Humor can be used as a therapeutic tool, especially in stressful times. If you find yourself crying over the latest sad news or feeling down, try to laugh!

• Life is short, but friendship is a beach chair.

• Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.

• Life is short, break the rules and live on your own terms.

• It doesn’t matter if you’re in a relationship or not. It doesn’t matter how old you are, or how old they are. They will always be your parents.

• Why is it that we always feel like the luckiest people in the world until we get older?

• I’m not mad at you. I’m disappointed in you.

• When the mind is tired, the body will do what it can to keep you going. Keep your mind up and always be positive. ☀

• Here are short funny poems for adults. They are funny and they’ll make you laugh.

• Here are some short funny poems for adults to read today or any day of the year.

• Have a laugh. Have some fun. Share a little poetry.

• At least that’s what I’ve been telling myself today as I sit here and attempt to write a poem…

• Have you ever been annoyed by someone’s line of thought? If so, this poem is for you.

• Stop being so damn serious. Your life is too short to waste on hating yourself

• I took the kids and left you with the dishes. I’m sure you’ll do a fine job.

• No matter how much your words may be weighed down by the world, I’ll always have time to catch them.

• If you’re not laughing out loud, you’re just not laughing.

• The best part of the weekend is waking up and being able to go to bed.

• With a quickness, you can get it done.

• there were two brothers, one had a golden statue, the other had a pocketful of gold pieces

• What’s the one thing you would change about today?

• When you’re feeling down, using a funny poem to lift your mood 👍

• Life is a funny thing. When you’re laughing, you might be having fun, but when you stop laughing, it’s over. ☺️

• Life is short. Take more selfies.

• I had a great time but I think that it’s best to go.

• “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”

• How I wish to have the guts to say: ”I am not perfect”.

• Sometimes you just gotta break the rules.

• After a long day of work, you’re ready to relax, unwind and reset. Here’s something that will make you feel better:

• Always remember, it’s never too late to build a new ladder.

• “Don’t let anyone tell you what good things are.”

• We are all guilty of procrastination now and then. Let’s face it, the more you do it, the better you get at it.

• You don’t have to be a kid to enjoy these funny poems. They should help everyone out there, who is feeling down and gives them a smile.

• Here are some of the funniest poems that have ever been written.

• Life is too short to not have fun. So have a laugh and make some memories.

• A good laugh is a great way to start your day and stay smiling all day long.

• Don’t be a stranger, because all our friends are here.

• I’m gonna be the cause of yet another adult trending topic: The Rants.

• Sometimes it’s hard to find the words. But sometimes it’s harder to find the courage to speak up. We all have a wordless story.

• Life is a series of moments. We just need to cherish each one, because they will be gone before we know it.

• Life is too short to listen to the words of others.

• The first step to being awesome is saying yes. The second, is saying “Yes?”

• Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to quit? We all do, but we hold on.

• The most relaxing way to start your day.

• A good poem is never a waste of words.

• Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.

• It’s not a joke what you’re doing. It’s business.

• You will never know how much you are loved until someone takes the time to show it.

• Life is like, you should get off your butt and start living it.

• I have to admit, I’m a little biased. I like my coffee with a little sugar and cream 😌

• It’s time to get more than just a picture.

• The only thing worse than being thought of as an idiot is trying to think of yourself as an idiot.

• Life is a balance. You can either be an asshole or you can be nice. It’s your choice.

• Life is too short to stay in the first-class seat.

• You’re the kind of person who makes things happen. You have a knack for figuring out the right people and situations to do great things.

• Don’t let the journey be your destination. It’s an opportunity to learn, grow and become a better version of yourself.

• If you’re in a slump, put on some tunes and write your own little poem.

• Life is short. The only thing in life more important than living it for yourself is telling someone else about it.

• You’ve been good, you’ve been bad, but you’re a good girl at heart. 😉

• Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.

• A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do.

• Some things are too funny not to be true.

• It’s funny how life turns out, but if you stop and think about it, it’s 100% true. 🎮 💯

• The best part about being a grown up is that you don’t have to do chores anymore. 😎

• Life is just a series of bumpy roads.

• Throwback to when I was young and had no idea what I was doing, but totally knew I wanted to do it.

• What’s your favorite part of summer? I’d give anything to be at the beach right now.

• Don’t let the days of your life go by with regret. The best things in life are worth looking past the struggle, because there’s something good waiting.

• You can never have enough coffee in your life.

• Short funny poems for adults that will put a smile on your face.

• These poems are short, funny and perfect for adults.

• Life is full of shit. So why not have a good time while you’re alive?

• I’m a lot like you. You’re someone who’s interesting, fun and has a story to tell. So share your story, we want to hear it! 🤓

• I want you to know that I think you’re pretty cool. 😉

• Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re gonna get.

• Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.

• Here’s to us, and here’s to you. We’re all doing just fine, and we’ve got some time to spare. So throw on that favorite coffee mug and enjoy this sweet moment with us…

• You’ve got a great life. Enjoy it while you can.

• There’s a time and place for everything. Like when you only have social media, but not when you actually need to send a tweet.

• The days go by, but the years never do.

• Chuck Norris is the greatest husband, father and role model of all time.

• Take a moment to appreciate what you have and who you are

• Life is a series of choices. Choose wisely.