Caption with prayer for wisdom for a friend

Asking for wisdom is a difficult process; this request is asking God to guide you. Showing that you are going to have faith, or are trying and are having faith in your friend to make the right decision. This may very well be the most important thing you will do for their life.

 Caption with prayer for wisdom for a friend

• Dear God, please guide my friend with wisdom as he deals with his problem and bless him with patience as we wait for the solution

• Lord, grant me the wisdom to know how to help my friend with her anger issues.

• May the Lord make your spirit grow, and may you be like a tree planted by water, that gives its fruit in due season, whose leaf also does not wither.

• I’m hoping for wisdom and clarity today in the midst of my fears. Please keep me from making a wrong decision – or leading others astray.

• Dear Lord, give me guidance and wisdom as I venture deeper into business. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

• God, when the world seems so big & scary and full of challenges, give me the courage to step out & be strong.

• Lord, grant me the wisdom to find the right words and the courage to use them.

• Dear Lord, guide us to seek wisdom, stand firm in our faith and give us the courage to defend the truth. Amen.

• Dear God, Thank you for this beautiful day. Please bring wisdom to my friend no matter what she decides. I trust you. Amen

• Lord, please give my friend wisdom and peace to find the right solution for her problem. And Lord guides her along the path to peace, now and always.

• May God bring you the wisdom, joy, and peace you desire. I love you.

• I pray that you find the answer to your question and I pray that you love the answer.

• Lord, help me to say the right things and to ask the right questions. Give me clarity and wisdom in my friendship

• God, please give me the wisdom to guide those who need you.

• Dear God, grant Sophie wisdom in all she does today. And give her a strong drink when she needs it.

• Dear God, give us the wisdom to make a financial plan for our future and the strength to stick with it.

• Dear God, please guide me to the wisdom I need to recover from this loss.

• May the Lord guide your steps as you pursue truth.

• Dear God, please help me to keep an open heart and mind in all matters.

• Dear God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.

• Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of knowledge; and thanks for helping me to make confident decisions in my life. Amen.

• I pray for wisdom to guide you in your next career move.

• Dear God, please guide (friend, to help him/her find what is best for him or her.

• I pray God will continue to bless you with wisdom and opportunities to share your testimony.

• Lord, give me the wisdom to understand the difference between medicine and poison in the life of someone I love.

• May the wisdom of God direct your steps today and always.

• Sometimes we don’t know what to say. So, let’s pray and be thankful that God is in charge of changing things.

• Prayer: Lord, grant your wisdom to all those who have asked for it.

• Dear God, please help all my friends find their purpose. Amen.

• Lord, help me to give these young adults sound and biblical principles as they transition into their new roles.

• Dear Lord, please show me the direction of my future and the path I need to take. Amen.

• God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. Amen

• Dear God, guide me in my decision for the love of my life. I want someone who is wise and not quick to anger. Teach me discernment and wisdom.

• Dear Lord, grant me the wisdom to finish this paper and grant my friend the courage to finally talk to that guy in marketing she’s been eyeing

• Let wisdom pour into me and all my decisions so I can live an abundant life.

• May you always find peace and feel loved, no matter what happens.

• I’m sending you strength, courage, and wisdom to face each day. Know that I am here for you and thinking of you.

• Dear God, please guide my words when I speak to my friend.

• May you be blessed with the wisdom to choose your path with courage, compassion, and joy.

• May you always be courageous and strong, my friend. God bless you.

• Lord, give me wisdom to know how to accomplish my summer project.

• Dear Lord, I pray today for the wisdom to make good decisions, the strength to overcome challenges, and the grace to forgive myself when I fall short.

• May your New Year be filled with unexpected joy and new possibilities.

• Dear Lord, thank you for this day and all the days to come. Help me make the most of it. Amen.

• Lord, give me the strength to pass this exam and lead a meaningful life.

• Lord, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Amen.

• Pray for wisdom and patience, Lord. Lead me as I make my decisions this day. I trust in You.

• Lord, give me the wisdom to help my friend in his time of need.

• Lord, give me the wisdom I need to comfort my friend. Help me be a light for him in this difficult time.

• Dear Lord, Give my friend ____ wisdom and discernment to be able to make the right choice.

• You’re a light in this world, and we ask that you continue to shine bright. Shine bright like a diamond.

• Give me the wisdom to face the challenge and the strength to overcome.

• Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner. (Romans 10:13)

• Oh, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom always to know the difference.

• Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference.

• I pray that you find Continue reading How to write Instagram captions

• I lift up my friend to the Lord, that he would give him wisdom and guidance.

• Please give me the wisdom to get through this time of uncertainty and let You lead me. I pray for safety, protection, and direction. Amen

• Lord, I want to be kind and patient like you. Please give me the wisdom and the words to show my friend that You love her and make her feel seen. Amen.

• We pray for you, that you find wisdom in your life and that you find the strength to follow it.

• Lord, guide my friend through this moment of uncertainty in his life. Let him find wisdom and peace to make the right choices.

• Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom always.

• I stopped believing in Santa Claus at a very early age, but I’ve never stopped believing in you.

• Kelsey, I pledge to continue to pray for wisdom each day. God has great things in store for you, and I know He will use you greatly in the future.

• Father, I pray that you give Simon the wisdom and discernment he needs to make good choices. Thank you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

• Wisdom be with you, my friend. May this brain trust lead to the right decision.

• You are never alone with the Lord by your side. May God’s peace be with you and your family as you await good news.

• Dear Father, give me the strength and wisdom to be a better person. Please guide me to make the right decisions, knowing that you will never steer me wrong. Amen

• Lord, give me the wisdom to know what is best for me and not be led astray by others’ desires.

• Lord, give me wisdom so that I can wisely discern when to speak and when to listen

• May you have the wisdom to realize what you have, and the courage to gain what you need.

• Lord, give me the strength to be kind. Teach me to love what I don’t understand.

• God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

• I pray for wisdom for you, so that you can live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way. Colossians 1:9 (NIV)

• Dear God, please guide my friend and help him to make the right decision. Please give him wisdom. Amen.

• Lord I pray that you help your servant to be strong and courageous to do you work, we thank you for the opportunity and we ask for your protection.

• Dear God, Give me the Wisdom to know what to do with what I have when I don’t have enough.

• I pray that a better job comes your way swiftly, and you find the peace to be excited about it and not miss what you gave up.

• Lord give me the wisdom to get past this one and help me to be ok with it.

• Dear Lord, grant me the wisdom to know the difference between butter and buttah.

• God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference

• May the mountains rise to meet you, And the oceans welcome you. May the breeze blow gently through your hair, and the sunshine warm upon your face.

• Lord, help me to be forgiving and understanding when Mr. X does the same mistake over and over again. Help me not to get up when he is already up.

• We pray for wisdom for my friend who is dealing with her son today.

• Pray for wisdom, because the Lord gives generously to all and without judgment.

• I pray that you get the wisdom to better handle your situation. I’m always here for you, my friend.

• Dear Lord, please be with my friend as she goes through this difficult time. Give her wisdom to know what is best for her and her family.

• I pray you to find the answers to your questions. May God guide you and make a way for you.

• Lord, Please guide my friend in the next few weeks as she goes through this time of uncertainty.

• Father, please give her wisdom as she makes a big decision. Guide her as she weighs her options and leads her to the right choice for her future.

• Asking for moral courage and wisdom, inspired by Nelson Mandela’s story

• Dear God, please guide her in her quest to be the best version of herself. She is my best friend and I love her so much. Thank you for the gift of friendship.

• May God give you the strength and courage to overcome today’s challenges.

• May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

• God, grant me the serenity to accept the shows that I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it’s not a show.

• Lord, give me grace and wisdom to do the things I have to do. Don’t let me be bitter, but help me be thankful.

• Dear God, please give my friend the wisdom and courage to make the right decision. Always amen

• May the divine grant you all your heart desires. May you be blessed with love, happiness, and wisdom. You deserve the best! God bless.

• Dear God, please guide her so she will make the decisions that are best for her. Guide me to be a friend who is supportive and loving.

• Lord, I pray that you would give our new government leaders wisdom, courage, and strength to make decisions that will positively impact our country.

• Dear God, It’s me again. I need wisdom about what job to accept and how to get along with my neighbor’s dog.

• I pray that you find the wisdom and courage to slay whatever dragons and demons are holding you back from achieving your goals.

• Dear God, May you guide me through this unknown path, may you show me a way to be strong and courageous, and May I appreciate everything you have given me.

• Dear Lord, guide me according to your will and make all things possible.

• May you have the wisdom to discern what is right and just.

• May all your decisions guide you to the best outcome & may you be blessed with divine wisdom.

• May the Lord guide your steps and help you conquer your challenge today.

• God, give me the wisdom to think and to understand.

• I’ve been trying to figure out how you do it all, and I think the answer is that you don’t. You don’t do it all–and it’s okay.

• Dear Lord, help my friend be wise about her relationship so that she doesn’t get hurt. Amen

• Dear Lord today give me the wisdom to guide my friend with the right words.

• Lord, give her wisdom and knowledge to fulfill her mission in life. #grateful

• Lord, please open up my family and friends’ minds to the truth that Jesus is their only way. Thank you for your wisdom and guidance as I share my faith with them.

• let wisdom guide and direct all of our decisions today and may we be open to receiving answers from you.

• Dear Lord, Watch over my friend she was going through a rough time. I pray that you watch over her and give her strength. Amen

• Lord, I pray for wisdom and courage, to help me navigate this new chapter in my life.

• Dear Lord, help guide me as I mingle with the upper-class tonight. Please make this night successful and help prevent any awkward situations. Amee

• Lord, give me the strength to not make a fool of myself at the networking event tonight.

• The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life. Whom shall I dread?

• Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of discernment. Give me the wisdom to use it well.

• Pray for wisdom, God. I need your guidance, and ultimately I want to know you more.

• Dear Lord, bless my friend and family. God, may she be blessed with wisdom in all matters she deliberates upon and skillfully execute each one of it.

• Dear God, please grant her peace, love, and wisdom.

• Dear Lord, Please bless my friend with the wisdom and courage to make the right choice.

• Let wisdom and knowledge direct her paths. -Proverbs 2:6

• Please God, keep my friend safe while she enjoys some time with her family.

• Dear God, help me be a serene and clear-minded woman, who can help my friend in her time of need and confusion.

• God, please help me find the right words to say to my friend in her time of loss.

• Dear God, please help my friend Focus on the things that truly matter

• Lord, grant my friend discernment in all that he does. You are his eyes, his ears, his hands, and his feet. May he daily seek to do your work.

• Lord, grant me the wisdom to make the right choice in this situation…

• Oh Lord, thank you for your faithfulness and wisdom. Guide me to do what is good for our community. Amen!

• Dear Lord, please give him the wisdom to handle this situation.

• I pray this bag will help you get through the day in peace and serenity.

• Dear God, help me make the right decisions

• May God uphold you and keep you in His love always.

• May God guide, strengthen, and direct you as you begin this new work adventure. May God bless you with wisdom, joy, and happiness in your new ways.

• God, give me the wisdom to make the right choices in life.

• Lord, may I speak with clarity and truth. May I see things? May I know what is right and good? May I be guided by your wisdom? Amen

• Lord, you are so faithful to meet the needs of your children. Guide me in making wise choices today. Amen.

• Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world.

• Lord, give me the strength to handle this affair.

• Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen

• Dear God, grant wisdom to my friend. They are struggling through a difficult time and need direction for their future. Show them the way.

• Dear God, please give wisdom to my friend so that she will know what to do and say in a difficult situation.

• Lord, give me the wisdom to guide my friend safely through this tough situation

• Dear God, please give my friend the wisdom to make the right decision in this important matter.

• Dear God, please guide my friend as she makes this decision. Help her to see what is truly important. Amen

• Prayer is the key that unlocks the door of God’s limitless blessings.

• May God grant you wisdom, and may you use it to guide you in your business decisions.

• Guide my words today so that I may be an instrument of healing, compassion, and peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen

• Lord, please continue to be there for me when I’m feeling uncertain and weak. Mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

• Lord, help me say the right thing to my friend because I only want to be helpful and encouraging.

• Lord, let me be the kind of friend that’s there when she needs me. Teach me to listen and love well.

• Lord, grant me the wisdom to find my friends and the strength to travel with them!

• God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.