Body Shaming Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Body shaming quotes are words of wisdom that you should use in order to get a better body image. They are the secrets of some attractive and beautiful people who are successful in their lives. Body shamer quotes show that self-esteem is essential for everyone to be satisfied with themselves and have a good appearance despite the way they look.

Body Shaming Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• You are beautiful & unique just the way you are, so treat yourself like it 😊

• Don’t let body shaming stop you from living your best life.

• What’s the difference between you and a girl who has cellulite? Nothing. So stop body-shaming others on social media!

• We’ve been bombarded with body shaming for so long that we have forgotten what a healthy body actually looks like.

• You’re not less because you have cellulite. You are still a beautiful woman and should be treated that way.

• No matter your size or shape, you are beautiful.

• You are beautiful. You are strong. You are brave. You can do anything you want to do—and no one should ever tell you otherwise.

• No one should ever get hurt just because they are beautiful.

• The only way to change your body is to change yourself. No one can do it for you but you.

• We all have insecurities and we shouldn’t feel ashamed of that.

• I’ve got curves. And they’re here to stay.

• Your body is a sacred temple, be kind to it.

• You are perfect just the way you are.

• You are strong, beautiful, and brave.

• Don’t judge all by appearance. Keep your eyes and mind open for the beauty you may find underneath

• Body shaming exists and it’s time to take a stand.

• You don’t need to #bodyshame in your own skin for someone else to see you. Your body is YOUR BODY, OWN IT!

• Shaming our bodies is not cool. We’re here to show you that when you feel good, you look good.

• It’s hard being body confident and still having your body judged by others. #bodypositivity

• You’re not fat. You’re a human being. And you should feel wonderful and empowered with the body you have right now.

• Our self-worth is not defined by the size of our bodies, it’s defined by who we are as a person.

• Self-love is the most important thing you can do for yourself. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel less than perfect.

• We are all shapes, sizes, and ages. The body you have is beautiful just the way it is.

• There’s nothing more empowering than confidently owning your own body and the look you want to wear.

• You don’t have to be perfect or skinny to be beautiful.

• Don’t let anyone tell you that your body is not perfect.

• You are beautiful and strong, no matter what size you are.

• Don’t let anyone diminish your beauty, no matter what your shape is.

• You don’t have to be perfect. You just need to be you and that’s beautiful.

• It’s not the size of your shirt that counts, it’s how you carry yourself in it.

• Body shaming is the new normal. It’s time to stop the hate, the bullying, and the pressure.

• Body shaming is wrong and everyone deserves to be treated with respect.

• No more body shaming. It’s time to stand up for all of us who have curves, whether we’re curvy or not.

• Stop body shaming and start loving yourself.

• Don’t body shame others, it’s not necessary.

• Don’t let your body be objectified by anyone.

• We can’t help but notice that you’re losing weight… we hate to be so blunt, but are you sure this is what you want?

• If you’re not happy, do something about it. Start getting fit, whatever your age! Fitness is a journey, and your body is a vehicle on that journey.

• Don’t let anyone tell you what to wear. Wear what you want, and be confident in who you are.

• It’s okay to not be okay, but it’s never okay to tell someone it’s their fault.

• I am not perfect. I just strive to be the best version of myself every day.

• We’re all imperfect. What makes you perfect?

• BODY SHAMING IS NEVER OK! We don’t need you to love us, but we do need you to respect us. If you don’t know what body shaming is, then it’s time that you learned.

• Body shaming is never OK. If you see someone being body shamed, take a moment to stop and consider your response. Be kind and supportive.

• Body shaming is not appropriate. Be proud of your body and don’t let anyone make you feel any less than perfect.

• We must stop body shaming and start loving everyone for who they are instead.

• No one is perfect. So stop body shaming.

• We don’t have time to be body shamed.

• We’re tired of being shamed for our bodies and told that we’re not good enough to feel comfortable in our own skin.

• It’s not your fault you are fat, it’s your body. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about yourself because of this.

• What do you think of this body type? #bodyconfidence

• Just because your body doesn’t fit into a specific “ideal” doesn’t mean you shouldn’t love yourself.

• There’s nothing wrong with your body—even if it does have stretch marks.

• Don’t put yourself down or make yourself feel less than. You’re perfect just the way you are!

• Never gonna change, never gonna apologize. I feel powerful and strong, inside and out.

• Don’t get it twisted, we’re not perfect. But we are a work in progress.

• Stop body shaming each other. It’s exhausting, and it doesn’t help anyone.

• I won’t accept being body shamed. Not today, not ever.

• There is no excuse for body shaming

• You’re beautiful as is. No amount of body shaming can change that.

• What’s the most body-shaming thing you’ve ever seen?

• Don’t be a body-shaming boss

• Why is it okay to make fun of fat people?

• No, I’m not wearing makeup. Stop fat shaming my selfie.

• What does the body you have now look like? If you don’t feel happy and confident in your body, it’s time to change that.

• You’re enough. You are strong, confident, and beautiful just the way you are. 😘

• Your body is not a cookie. It will not grow into pre-packaged shapes.

• What people think about you is none of your business.

• Self esteem is not something that you just fall upon. It’s something you deserve and work for every single day.

• You’re not alone. We’re all in this together.

• I’m not going to let anyone make me feel less than.

• Let’s take a stand against body shaming.

• Were you body-shamed today? Let us know on Instagram.

• The body positivity movement is here. Show up proud in every size and shape.

• It’s time to fight back against the body shamers.

• We don’t need to make a bigger deal of it. We need to be there at the beginning so that no girl is ever made to feel small or ugly because of her body.

• People are ugly. We’re not perfect. Let’s be honest with each other and stop trying to fit a standard of beauty that doesn’t exist.

• When you’re done putting yourself down, stop and look at your body in a positive way.

• Squeezing into clothes should be a fun and empowering experience, not another thing that makes us feel insecure.

• Don’t ever let anyone make you feel less than beautiful.

• You are beautiful. You are strong. You are capable and deserving of the world that you have worked so hard to achieve.

• Don’t let anyone tell you who you are and what you look like.

• Our bodies are not imperfect. They are exactly how they were meant to be.

• Stop body shaming and start celebrating 💃🏻‍♀️

• Body shaming is not okay. It’s not just about looking at yourself, it’s also about being more compassionate to others.

• Body shaming is not OK. It’s not a compliment!

• Body shaming is not cool. We’re all doing our best with what we have, no matter what size or shape.

• It’s time to stop body shaming and start loving each other, no matter what shape or size you are.

• Body shaming is the act of publicly expressing disapproval toward a person’s physical appearance.

• Hey, all you body shamers out there. You don’t need to make a comment about the way that I look to make someone feel better about themselves. Typos happen and I’m just going to ignore it.

• We’re all imperfect, but no one should have to feel ashamed of their body.

• I’m not saying you shouldn’t be proud of your body. I’m just saying that when we obsess over the way our bodies look in a mirror, we can lose focus on what’s truly important to us.

• Not your body, not your choice. It’s yours to decide what to do with it.

• Love your body, it’s the only one you’ll ever get.

• Don’t let anyone tell you that your body is not good enough, especially when they don’t know all of the hard work it took to get you there.

• No one deserves to be called names or told they aren’t good enough. Shame on those who would tell you any differently.

• Be the change you want to see in the world.

• Body shaming is not okay. It’s never okay.

• Let’s all make a pledge to stop body shaming each other. Let’s work towards accepting ourselves, as we are and love our bodies as they are.

• Rise above body shaming and love yourself for who you are.

• It’s time to break the cycle of media-inspired body prejudice.

• You have nothing to be ashamed of. Love your body and tell others how you feel.

• Let’s take back our bodies and love them as they are.

• You are beautiful. You are strong. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

• There’s only so much plastic surgery one body can take before it starts to look fake.

• Being beautiful is not a crime and it doesn’t deserve to be punished.

• Get your body right and you’ll never have to worry about the rest.

• The only body that counts is yours.

• You are strong, beautiful, and unique. You deserve respect.

• Don’t ever forget that you’re worth more than the way you look.

• The only real mistake is not trying, so take some risks in the gym and get out of your comfort zone.

• Body shaming is bad. Don’t do it.

• You can’t fight body shaming—you have to embrace what makes you feel good and beautiful.

• If you’ve ever been body shamed, you know it’s a scary place to be. But that doesn’t have to be the case for you.

• Stop body shaming each other. Embrace your curves and be proud of who you are.

• There’s nothing wrong with loving your body. There’s something wrong with trying to change it.

• It’s not just about your body, it’s about accepting yourself in the way you are.

• Body Positivity: You don’t want to see a perfectly healthy body, you want to see a perfectly healthy mind. A body can be changed and that will take time. But your mind defines who you are and how you treat others

• The truth is, we’re all pretty imperfect. So what’s wrong with exposing some flaws? The only thing that matters is you and your confidence.

• You are beautiful, healthy, and strong. Never let anyone tell you otherwise because their opinion does not matter.

• Your body is not your enemy. It’s a piece of you and has intrinsic value.

• Embrace the skin you are in. Don’t let society define your worth.

• We’re not perfect. We’re human. Embrace who you are,”

• You don’t need to be skinny to be strong. You just need the will to prove that you have what it takes to get through anything.

• The only person who gets to define your worth is you.

• The gold standard for beauty is confidence

• Self-love starts with self-acceptance, and that means not shaming your body.

• Love your body. Because it’s yours and you can do whatever you want with it.

• Don’t you dare say I look chubby? You’re not qualified to comment on my size or body shape.

• No one deserves to be shamed for their body or clothing, no matter how they try to cover it up.

• If you’re unhappy with your body, get over it. You’re a work in progress and nothing fits perfectly the first time. You’ll get there one day.#liveyourbestlife

• Embrace your body, love the way it looks ❤️

• It’s OK to not be OK. You’re not alone. #WeMatter

• You deserve to feel good about you. You are beautiful and unique, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise

• Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about the way you look.

• It’s time to show that we don’t have to look a certain way to inspire confidence.

• You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy skincare. Not all skin is created equal.

• The body is a beautiful thing—be kind to it.

• We’re all in this together. Don’t let anyone make you feel less than.

• Self-love is the most powerful force of all.

• Body shaming is not okay. It’s never been okay. We will never stop fighting for a world free from the kind of shame that forces people to change themselves in harmful ways.

• It’s time to stop body shaming.

• there’s no room for body shaming in the fitness community. We are stronger, healthier, and happier when our bodies are celebrated and shown to be capable of achieving anything in life.

• BODYHOARDING: Stop it. We have rights and we’re not afraid of what you think.

• You don’t have to look at a magazine, see a picture of an unrealistic body, and feel bad about your body. You are enough.

• You can be strong, powerful, confident, and loud. You can say “yes” to all the things. But it’s not what you look like, it’s how you feel when people start talking about your body.

• I am not your body. I am a beautiful woman and I deserve to be loved for how I look, not my size or shape.

• I’m not a size zero. I’m a woman with curves, who sometimes wants to hide them under layers of clothing.

• I’m not your body. I am a whole person with flaws, scars, and imperfections.

• Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you’re not beautiful.

• You are a beautiful, strong woman. You are capable of doing whatever you put your mind to.

• If you don’t like what you see, you’re not looking hard enough.

• When you’re not at your best and someone calls you on it.

• Our bodies are not static, they are dynamic and ever-changing. So don’t body shame the next person who comes through that door—you’ll only make them feel bad.

• We all deserve to be seen and loved. No more body shaming, no more shame.

• Body shamers need to stop. We’re all different, and that’s beautiful. It’s something to be proud of!

• Don’t hate your body, love it! Don’t put others down for having different shapes or sizes, but instead encourage them to love themselves the way they are.

• Don’t let anyone tell you what your body should look like. You are beautiful and nobody can take that away from you.

• Don’t judge anyone by their body—just because someone’s got a little extra wiggle room doesn’t make them less cool.

• The best way to change someone’s body is to encourage them to love it—and the only way to do that is start by loving yourself first.

• Your body is a gift, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

• We’re all made of a million different pieces of skin. So why are you so obsessed with me?

• We’ve let the world tell us how to live, how to feel, and how to look for so long. It’s time for a change.

• It takes strength to embrace your body and feel confident in it.

• No matter what, we’re all beautiful in our own way

• You are beautiful, no matter what the critics say.

• The body is a temple and you are a work in progress

• If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the comments are worth even more.