Body Positivity Quotes and Captions for Instagram

How does a person love their body now? You can start loving yourself now. If you are looking for some inspiration, look no further! I’ve spent hours scouring the web for quotes about body positivity and compiled them into this list for your convenience for you.

Body Positivity Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• I love being a woman. I love seeing my body in different shapes and sizes because it’s never going to be just one body type.

• Your body is beautiful. It’s a work in progress and it deserves attention, respect, and time.

• I love my body exactly as it is. It’s not perfect, but I’m doing the best with what I’ve got right now.

• Your body is an awesome machine. It doesn’t care if you’re fat, thin, tall, short, or any other way. They are all beautiful and it’s okay to love your body the way it is.

• Your body is beautiful. It’s a bit of work, but it’s worth it.

• No person is perfect. Your body isn’t broken and it’s not wrong! You are a beautiful imperfection that is strong and powerful.

• It’s okay that you are different, special, beautiful, and perfect just the way you are.

• Are you ready to take control of your body?

• You are beautiful in every way, shape, and form.

• We are all beautiful, imperfect, and strong.

• A body is a beautiful thing when it’s healthy, strong, and strong-willed.

• You are enough. You are you. You are a masterpiece.

• You are so incredibly strong 💪🏼

• We are all still here. Nothing has changed. Let’s celebrate that, together.

• I am body positive. I love my curves, my rolls, and all of the skin AND hair that I have on this beautiful body of mine.

• If you’re struggling with body image and mental health, now more than ever is the time to fight back.

• There’s no need to apologize for your body. It’s yours, it’s beautiful and you can do what you want with it!

• You are enough. You are strong. You deserve to be proud of your body.

• We are happy, confident, and powerful women. We are strong and beautiful. And we aren’t afraid to show it off because we know that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

• There’s no time like the present to love your body.

• I am so blown away by the beauty of my body and today I am going to celebrate it.

• Be you. Be proud of your skin, no matter what it looks like. 💗

• I am a million people. I am a dancer. I am an athlete. I am an artist. I am a woman, a sister, and a friend. But most importantly, I am me!

• You are beautiful. You are strong. You are fierce. You are worthy of love and worth loving. 💪🏽

• I am a mix of different things—possibilities, possibilities.

• You only live once, so make sure to do something you will never forget.

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• “Self-love is beautiful, but body positivity is a must.”

• As a body-positive and self-love loving woman, I am here to remind you that it’s OK to love your body in all its glory.

• We deserve to be proud of our bodies, not ashamed of them.

• Don’t let society tell you what your body type should look like. Tell it how you want to feel!

• Love your body. Even when it’s not perfect 💕

• You are more than a body. You have a story, a past, and a future. You are not defined by your looks.

• We’ve got bodies. And we shouldn’t be ashamed of them.

• I am beautiful just the way I am 🌸💙

• Real women wear what makes them feel good, not what society tells them to.

• We want to make a difference, one body at a time.

• There is no such thing as too much self-love.

• You are enough. You have value and worth. You deserve to be loved and cared for.

• Confidence is the best makeup.

• I am the strongest person I know.

• We celebrate bodies of all shades, shapes, and sizes. We believe in being your true self—not just a version of yourself that society tells you to be.

• Be your own self-love warrior. You are enough, you are beautiful and you deserve a perfect body just as every other human being does.

• Women are worth celebrating. Whether you’re a size two or size twenty-five, confident and happy in every inch of your body, it’s beautiful.

• I got curves, thighs, and arms. I am beautiful in my own way. Now here’s to being comfortable in your own skin and being proud of who you are.

• We’re only human—and that means we all have flaws. But we’re not defined by those, and that’s a great thing to remember this #InternationalNoBodyDay.

• You are beautiful. Embrace your curves and show them off.

• I am more than a size, I am a woman. ❤️

• When your body is a work of art, you don’t have to apologize for it.

• From the inside to the outside… I am beautiful. I am strong. I am powerful and capable of all that is good and right in this world.

• You’re beautiful, no matter what.

• Be beautiful. Be fierce. Be you.

• I’m happy with the body I have, even if it’s not perfect.

• It’s not a size. It’s the person inside it.

• You are beautiful and worthy of love. You are strong and fearless. You are capable of greatness.

• You don’t have to be perfect, you can be your own warrior.

• Body positivity is not vanity, it’s empowerment.

• You’re more than a body. You’re an aspiring soul, looking for the perfect pose that’s not Photoshopped.

• Stop focusing on the parts of you that don’t look like a magazine model, and start appreciating what you have in your own right instead.

• You only have one body, so don’t be afraid to show it off.

• You are a beautiful, strong, and powerful woman.

• Your body is powerful and magnificent.

• Be your own definition of beautiful.

• It takes hard work, commitment and sweat to look good. But it’s worth it in the end.

• Our body is a temple. Treat it well and explore your inner self.

• Self-love is the most powerful thing you can do for your health and happiness.

• You are perfect just the way you are.

• You are powerful. You can do anything you set your mind to.

• There’s a lot of talk about body positivity, but what does it mean? We’re here to give you the 411 on this trendy term that’s making waves in the world of fashion.

• Today is a day to love your body. Don’t forget that imperfections don’t define you, and every curve on your body is beautiful 💕

• A body is a body. No one should be ashamed of what they look like, or how their body changes over time.

• We are all our own works of art. This is a beautiful body, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

• Genderless, gender-fluid, and genderqueer people deserve to be seen as their authentic selves without judgment.

• We are all unique, with our own scars and experiences. We are all beautiful, inside and out.

• Nothing makes you feel better than feeling good in your own skin.

• We are all beautiful and unique.

• Looking good is just another way to feel good. 😎

• We made it. This is the body that we’ve been striving for and we’re proud of it.

• Being healthy and fit is more than a number on the scale. It’s a full-body transformation that’s happening inside and out.

• Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. You are strong.

• You are more than what you see.

• Strength comes from your heart, not your muscles

• We’re in a body-positive world. Wear your confidence like a badge.

• Head on over to our IG for more inspiring stories about body positivity!

• You have an amazing body. It’s yours, use it.

• You are enough. You are sexy. You are beautiful. You deserve to feel good about yourself each day and enjoy life as it comes.

• We’re not just bodies. We’re also souls and spirits, created with purpose and value.

• There’s power in being free, no matter how hard you try to fit into the perfect jeans. Be who you are and love the skin it’s in 🌸✊

• We all deserve to look and feel amazing. So let’s own it, ladies!

• I don’t measure my worth by the number on the scale. I measure it by how much I am loved and how many people matter to me. ❤️

• I am beautiful. I am strong. I am a force to be reckoned with.

• We’re all beautiful in our own ways.

• This body is a weapon and it can destroy you. There is no better time to learn how to use it than now.

• We are beautiful in our imperfections, and so are you.

• You are enough. You were born to love and be loved.

• You are, you are, you are worth it all

• Body positivity is something we should welcome with open arms.

• How to love your body: just do it. #bodypositivity

• You have to love your body for what it is, what it does, and who you are—not how it looks in a magazine.

• I’m a strong, powerful woman and I value my body.

• Your body is strong, healthy, and beautiful. It’s time to love it the way you are.

• You are a beautiful person. No matter your size, shape, or who you are.

• I wear my scars with pride, my stretch marks with laughter, and all the weight I carry with joy.

• You are stronger than you think. You are beautiful. You deserve to be loved and celebrated.

• “It’s OK to be you and feel good about it.”

• You are enough. You are beautiful. You are strong. You are powerful and resilient!

• You were made to be strong, beautiful, and confident.

• You are beautiful and worth celebrating. Happy Friday!

• Don’t feel bad about your imperfections. Embrace them.

• Body positivity is not about loving yourself a little more, it’s about loving the body you have now.

• I don’t like my body. I accept it, learn how to work with it, love it, and damnit… I’m going to make the most of it.

• We are not our bodies. We are more than just a number on the scale. Live, love, and be true to yourself.

• Be you. Be confident in your skin, no matter what shape it is, because more than anything, we are beautiful.

• We are the sum of our body parts. They don’t define us — we do.

• I am a strong, confident woman who loves herself unconditionally.

• You are everything. You can do anything and be whomever you want to be. Be bold, be brave, and allow yourself to believe in your strength. You’re amazing just the way you are!

• You don’t have to be a size 2 to be beautiful.

• You are so much more than the body you were born with.

• Breasts are not a spectacle. They are not a statement. They are not an accessory.

• I’m one of the strongest women in this world. And it’s time for me to feel strong like I always have.

• Your body is a temple of strength, beauty, and power.

• I’m going to be me and you’re going to be you.

• I am the change I want to see in the world.

• You are your own best happiness. And that is exactly as it should be.

• No judgment, just a body positivity movement.

• Your body is your temple, always treat it with love and respect. p.s. The best thing about the body positivity movement is that it makes you realize how amazing you are. 😊

• The body is a beautiful and powerful thing. It’s time for us to celebrate who we are, what we look like, and how we feel.

• I’m not your standard body type. I’m strong, fierce, and confident—and so are you!

• Confidence is FREE. You already got it, girl! So celebrate your body with confidence in all its glory and let the world know you are proud to be beautiful

• What are you waiting for? Start loving your body 💋

• We’re just women. We have curves and cellulite. Our thighs stretch wider than our stomachs and our arms are stronger than most people’s legs. And that’s okay!

• What’s your favorite part of your body? What can you do to make it even better?

• I’m happy with my body, and I don’t care what you think.

• Find your inner self, love who you are, and feel beautiful.

• Your body is your temple and it deserves to be treated with respect.

• You are enough. You are loved. You are beautiful.

• You don’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.

• I am the worst. But I’m also the best version of me.

• Keep your head up, when others want to make you feel down

• This body is not defined by society or the media. It is mine, and it deserves to be accepted, loved, and celebrated.

• If you’re not loving your body, then someone else will love it for you.

• No matter your weight, shape, size, or height, we are all beautiful ✨

• Whatever the shape, texture, size, or color of your body. Your body is all you have. Own it!

• You are beautiful. You are strong. You have a voice, and you deserve to be heard.

• This body is capable of so much more than you give it credit for. Be proud of your curves, celebrate them, and learn to love them.

• Sometimes you feel good enough to break free from the way you’ve always been told you “should” look.

• Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not beautiful.

• You deserve to be treated like a queen every day of your life.

• I’m not perfect and I don’t have to be. I’m human, I mess up and I fall down and that’s ok.

• If you don’t love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love anyone else?

• What we look like is what we are. We are perfect the way we are right now.

• The only thing that has to be perfect is you.

• Let’s be real: no matter our size or shape, everyone deserves to feel beautiful.

• You’re worth it. You’re beautiful. You deserve to feel confident and happy in your skin. You can do it!

• Be the body you have always wanted to be. The one that is strong, healthy, and confident.

• You are an entire, beautiful human. You deserve to love yourself the way you are.

• I am more than my weight, I am more than my body. I am a goddess who deserves to be worshipped.

• Embrace your imperfections and love yourself, because you’re perfect just the way you are.

• I’m so proud of the body I have.

• We’re not here to be perfect. We’re here to feel good about ourselves, no matter what.

• The only thing that you can do to change your body is to change the way that you think about it.

• Be proud of who you are. You are not defined by society’s standards.

• No matter how you look or how you feel, you’re never too small to make a difference.

• Body acceptance is the most powerful conversation we can have with ourselves.💕

• I’m so proud of my body. It’s a thing of beauty and strength. I love it!

• You don’t have to be perfect to be beautiful. Be brave and own your flaws, they’re a part of you that makes you special.

• There is nothing more empowering than being comfortable in your own skin.

• You are more than a number on the scale. You are beautiful, strong, and fierce.

• Do you think you’re the only one who struggles with self-esteem? We all do. But we can change that by building up our confidence.

• Your body is not a mistake. It’s an adventure.

• You are beautiful the way you are. You are perfect just the way you are.

• I am truly a ball of energy. I don’t need to look like a runway model, but I’d sure love to be one!

• When you’re feeling less than, imagine yourself with a lil extra something on!

• There is such a thing as being too damn beautiful.

• See yourself as the best version of yourself—you deserve it.

• I’ll be the example of who I want to be, not who society says I should be.

• Body positivity is a movement of love and support. Loving yourself is the only thing you need to change. It’s all about making small shifts to make a big impact in your life 💕

• Body positivity is key to a healthy mind and body. We are proud of it!

• Let your body be the beautiful canvas that it is. Make time to love yourself and remember that beauty comes in many forms.

• We’re strong. We’re beautiful. We’re both: human beings.

• I am beautiful. And I’m not just pretty—I’m a work of art.

• Confidence is a hot commodity; be confident in who you are and what you look like.

• I am more than a body, I am an opinion, a decision, and a dream.

• The only way to be beautiful is to love yourself. You are so much more than what you see in the mirror.

• It’s time to #loveyourself today, every day, and always.

• There’s no one right way to look, but there are many ways you can feel.

• You are a beautiful, unique snowflake—perfect just the way you are.

• Taking a break from the internet today to focus on being healthy. I’m looking forward to feeling my best again.

• This body is strong, capable, and resilient.

• You are brave, strong, and fierce.

• I am a woman with curves. I have cellulite, stretch marks, and a bit of extra skin. I love my body exactly as it is because my body makes me unique and beautiful.

• You’re not a body, you’re a human being. Your mind and your soul are what make you beautiful.

• Let’s be real: no matter what happens to your body, you’ll always have other parts that are appreciating your beauty.

• You are so much more than your body, it’s time to love yourself.

• If you don’t like your body, change it

• We are all beautiful, it’s time to show the world.

• It’s okay to look at yourself naked, but you’re never too cool to talk about it

• Don’t let people tell you what weight is healthy, or what food you should be eating. You know your body best, and it’s time to love it for all of the things it does well

• You are beautiful. You are strong. You are powerful. You are a warrior!

• I’m confident. I’m strong. And I matter.

• I’m here to remind you that the best version of yourself is just waiting to be found. 🌸🍂

• Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not good enough. They don’t know your story, and they can’t see your potential!

• Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not enough. You are more than enough.

• There’s no wrong way to get fit. There are plenty of ways to be healthy, and we’re here to show you the best of the best.

• Whoever you are, wherever you’re from, we are better together.