Blessed Monday Captions for Instagram With Quotes

Your Monday caption is about to get a LOT more fun! These quotes are sure to make you smile, laugh, and even feel inspired! Enough of the same old run-of-the-mill captions…it is time to bring your Instagram posting to the next level! Check out these awesome Monday quotes and share them with your friends, family, and followers!

Blessed Monday Captions for Instagram With Quotes

• Make Mondays great again by remembering that your job is a gift, not an obligation.

• Mondays are not so bad when you have a Monday Playlist.

• Feeling blessed to have another week of the sun coming my way

• Start your week off elated, energized, and motivated to slay this week like the legend you are #MondayMotivation

This is the start of your best week.

• Be grateful for the hard times, for they have made you.

• Staying focused on what matters most rather than what I’m missing.

• The best and worst of times are somehow both the same. – F. Scott Fitzgerald

• BODY. MIND. SOUL. – Believe in something bigger than yourself and never be afraid to push past your comfort zone.

• There are no new beginnings. There are only new phases.

• Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

• Monday has a power all its own. It can either make you or break you.

• Monday is the beginning of the week—so it’s the day to create a new routine. Get ready for a great week ahead.

• It’s Monday, so let’s keep this short. Here’s a flower to start your week off right.

• Monday: The day of the week that separates the weak from the strong.

• Working on the weekend is for people who don’t work on the weekends.

• A little bit of sun, a little bit of shade, and a lot of everything else.

• No matter how much you plan something, it’s never perfect. But that’s not to say that it isn’t great.

• It’s a new week, which can only mean great Instagram Captions for you.

• I love Mondays. It’s the start of another week and a brand new chance for me to!

• B eauty can be found in unexpected places. (Quote from your Instagram bio)

• May the week ahead be filled with growth, laughter, and joy.

• Quiet, busy, proud. It’s a blessing to have the opportunity to serve. -Malaika Favorite

• Capture your energy and accomplish something great!

• It is a delicious feeling to be someone who believes they can accomplish their dreams.

• Blessed are the flexible, for they shall never be bent out of shape.

• This week is shaping up to be awesome. I can feel it. Let’s do this!

• Blessed is the man who finds a true friend and far better is he that has found that friend in his son.

• As if a cup of coffee could fix what your lazy self did to this poor door. *sigh*… I’m at it again.

• Be bold. Be brave. It’s not hard to make a dream come true…Just throw two cents at it.

• I am a spark of divine fire, and I will ignite the world. -Aristotle

• Eye on the prize, but we’re not savages!

• Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.

• Start your week right with a cup of coffee. Have a blessed one

• We all deserve to feel like a million bucks. Oh, and we are! #MondayMotivation

• The weekend is over but your week is just beginning. Today’s the day so make it great!

• Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love. – Hamilton Wright Mabie

• It’s never the right time to do the right thing…it’s just the right time.

• What if I told you that we had no idea what we are doing…yet?

• Happy Monday, baby. I love you, and we are going to kill it this week. You and me against the world!

• My favorite kind of Monday is a Sunday when I can still smell the weekend in my hair.

• If you can’t say anything nice, don’t post it on social media.

• God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

• This is the moment. This is the day your life can begin anew. –Bob Proctor

• There’s a reason why the word ‘motivation’ has ‘u’ in it. It is because you need to be motivated every day, every moment of your life.

• If you ask me, Mondays are made for coffee and contemplation. Wouldn’t you agree?

• this is the week you will get everything you want when you want it

• If you’re tired of starting your week off with a new plan, stop making plans and just start working.

• Monday Motivation: Graduating from college was the moment I decided I could do anything I put my mind to.

• The hard work of yesterday’s the inspiration for tomorrow’s success.

• There’s a reason why you were born somewhere and not anywhere.

• Looking for a way to make your life feel more blessed? Start slow. Take time to be kind whenever you can.

• This week is just a build-up to the weekend—and we’re going to make it great.

• I’m not a coffee drinker. I never have been, but as soon as you add a splash of Jack Daniels and a drop of simple syrup… that’s when it becomes interesting.

• Blessed Monday! Let this week propel you to greater heights. Always Keep on Moving Forward.

• Each and every Monday is one more chance to do the work you love.

• Don’t forget: Monday is just the beginning – it’s a chance to create something great #mondaymotivation

• Sundays are for the living. Not even death can stop you from rocking your #OOTD on a Sunday.

• I’m blessed. I’ve got a great life. If you’re blessed, you should say so.

• I have learned that if you are alive, there is more right with the world than there is wrong with it.

• Like clouds, I rise and fall. Without warning, without reason. Just as it is with the clouds, so it is with me.

• Today is a new day. Be the best you can be in everything you do. Have an awesome day! # blessedmonday

• I’m thankful for the ability to have a fresh start every single Monday. What about you?

• Blessed are the flexible, for they shall never be bent out of shape.

• Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.

• Monday is my favorite day of the week because it’s the first day of the weekend.

• Blessed (with a little help from your friends). – The Beatles

• I’m thankful for the weekend, I am grateful for the beautiful weather today, and I am happy for you.

• This is the story of a girl who tripped on her way to fame and ended up finding it in herself

• No matter how hard a time you’re experiencing, always remember that things could be worse. Stay strong and keep smiling through it. We believe in you!

• I’m excited to start this week with a positive mindset. It’ll be a great week.

• This week, we’re going to power through. You only get this life so make the most of it.

• No matter how dark the night, can always find a moon to fill your heart with light.

• Don’t waste your life living someone else’s. Everyone has their own set of troubles, and any day could be the worst day of someone else’s life.

• Work like you don’t need the money, love like you’ve never been hurt and dance like no one is watching.

• Blessed Mondays are made for living life in its fullest, and not letting our stresses get the best of us.

• Monday means a new week to start over, rethink, and be inspired. May this week be even better than the previous. Happy Monday

• Mondays are the days of the week when everyone sees a bunch of quotes!

• Feeling blessed beyond measure. This week is going to be awesome!

• Monday: The day of the week that separates the weekend from the rest of our working lives.

• Blessed is a woman who lives in the curiosity of “What if what I am doing right now brings me closer to my dreams?” -Nicole De Nicola

• I’m not a morning person. I’m a night person paid to be a morning person

• Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stands in the way of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of scoffers.

• If you only knew how I felt, you would make everything all right.

• There’s nothing wrong with going through hell and coming out stronger on the other side.

• Blessed Mondays are all about gratitude, a fresh start, and making your way to the week with a plan 🙏🏻.

• Stand out in a crowd. Make your Monday a blessing one. Start it with God and end it with #Amen.

• Blessed Monday, loves — didn’t even know Mondays could be blessed, but I’m down for it.

• Wake up. Work hard. Become successful. And then give back 🙏 #BLESSED

• Give thanks at the start of each week, and you will find new reasons to be thankful all through it.

• May your week be filled with bright colors, delicious food, and hard work.

• I feel so blessed to have beautiful people in my life, both old and new.

• Loneliness is a prison that eats away at your soul and your mind. ~Maya Angelou

• If you love someone, let them go. If they come back to you, it was meant to be. If they don’t, their love wasn’t true, to begin with.

• I’m that Virgo lady who says “YES” to all of your dreams.

• It’s the first day of the rest of your life.

• Your dreams are never way out there. They’re just beyond your excuse.

• Blessed your Monday with a new week of opportunities.

• I swear I could hear the trees and grass sighing with relief after a weekend of rain. #blessedmonday

• Good morning! Monday’s are made easier with a little motivation, right? ✔

• The weekend is only as good as what you do Monday.

• Just when you thought your weekend couldn’t get any better, it got a little bit longer. 😊

• What a way to kick off the work week! 👌

• Work hard, be kind and amazing things will happen 👍 ☀️🍂

• Everything in moderation, including moderation.

• It is not the load that weighs you down, it is the way you carry it. – Lou Holtz

• Whether you stay in or go out on Mondays, here’s a few things to get excited about this week:

• And the weekend is over! Monday’s are a gift from God. 😁

• A week full of empty dreams and broken hopes, yet another Monday has come.

• today is a new day, let’s ensure that we live it to the fullest #challengeyourself

• Let the sun shine down on your week.

• Not a morning person? We feel you. Here’s to more coffee ☕️🍵

• Smile at a stranger, give someone a hug and tell your parents or partner you love them. This is the perfect time to do all the things you don’t normally do.

• My hope is that I can contribute to the health and happiness of everyone who comes across my path.

• March Forward Not Back. Never look back unless you are planning to help the person you are leaving behind.

• Real friends are the people who will be there for you, even when you don’t want them to.

• This is the week to face your fears, to test your limits, and to push yourself beyond what you thought was possible.

• “Any fool can make water, but the wise man brings water from the spring” –James Russell Lowell

• An inspired idea will not come unless there is first a dream to be dreamed.

• Monday is a blessing because it’s the day that you can go back to all your weekend plans and decide which ones are truly important.

• Monday’s are made for coffee ☕ #haveabreakbro

• Monday’s my favorite day of the week. It gets me even more excited for the weekend 🍻 .

• Good morning, beautiful. It’s Monday but…

• It’s a new month, which means a fresh start—and there’s no better way to celebrate than by treating yourself to some retail therapy. ✨😘

• What you do every Monday determines your success for the rest of the week. Start strong and get ahead.

• We are surrounded by so much beauty, but often fail to notice it.

• It’s the beginning of a new week. Time to start over.

• Be a blessing to others. That is the “price” of success.

• A #blessed Monday is always a good start to the week.

• Monday’s looking pretty 🙌 🍃 #happymonday

• May the week ahead be filled with magic and wonder. Happy Monday. 😊

• Mondays are hard until you remember it’s a new week to do great things!

• Monday motivation: “The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained.”

• Monday…Thank you for coming. Now go away.

• I’m not a religious person but I’m blessed every day!

• “Weekends don’t count unless you do something completely pointless.” – Bill Watterson👨🏼

• may this week be filled with rainbows and unicorns but no rants or raves.

• I’m so blessed that my God gives me a second chance everyday.

• We don’t have time for people who don’t believe in us, who don’t support us, or who drag us down. We’re the only ones who count.

• So you think the weekend was good! Wait till you look at the week. Blessed Monday my friend #BlessedMondays

• Started from the bottom now we’re here. #blessedmonday

• “Monday’s my favorite day of the week. It’s the start of the new week.” ~ Kanye West

• The start of a new week is always an exciting time, especially when you are doing what makes you happy. To the homies over at @yogaspotsa 😊

• It’s #instaweek! So inspired to see all the talented creatives sharing their work with us today. Be sure to tag @artsy_official when you post! 🌴

• Today is a new day to start over, reimagine yourself, and be bolder than you were yesterday.

• Life is short. Make each day count.

• It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all. ~Laura Ingalls Wilder

• When you’re feeling backed up on the hamster wheel, take a step back and create a clear intention for the week ahead.

• I’m crushing all my goals, one day at a time.

• This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24