Birthday Prayer for Daughter Turning 4

Birthday Prayer for Daughter Turning 4: Now, by praying for her, you can turn a good girl into an angel. That’s why the birthday prayer for daughter needs to be heartfelt and personal. You should discuss wishes of your child and also pray for her protection and guidance all throughout her life. Here are 100 birthday prayers for children

Birthday Prayer for Daughter Turning 4

May she reach the pinnacles of success in all endeavors, even in those things which are not within her power. I pray that you give her a heart full of kindness and mercy. And may you lift up her eyes to see clearly what is ahead.

Let her always know that You are there for her. Help me to be a good parent and guide her in the right direction; I pray all this in the name of the lord’s name, Amen.

Today, as I look back on our journey as mother and daughter, blessings come rushing at me from all directions. The greatest of blessings came to me when you were born. I will never forget the privilege of being your Mom!

My Dear Lord, I am grateful you have taken my daughter in and shielded her from all bad things. As such, please grant me the wisdom to be a good parent and raise a daughter who will do great in life.

My dear, today you have turned four years old. I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. You were such a cute little baby, and now you are even more adorable.

I pray that you grow up to be a beautiful young lady that is kind and caring. I pray that you fill your life with love and happiness because this is what matters most. Let me always be there by your side!

My dear daughter, you are four years old today. I am very happy to have a lovely daughter like you in my life. You are extremely intelligent and whenever I see you smile, my heart melts like ice cream on hot tarmac!

I love you and may your birthday be merry and bright!

I pray today for my daughter Barakat, as she turns four. She will be a champion, that is for sure. May she always be filled with passion, love, and happiness. May God bless her soul with unimaginable divine gifts.

Today, my daughter, I pray for you to be like a rose that brightens up the world with your colors. Look forward to your age-old dream; I know you will achieve it by twenty.

I am proud of all that you have accomplished so far, but the best is yet to come. Offering this birthday prayer, I hope my wish and dreams become true on a day as special as yours!

Lord, send your holy angels to protect my little daughter on her birthday. Give her strength and courage to walk the path You have allotted for her. Bless her with good health and prosperity.

Dear Lord, My daughter has grown so much in this past year, I can’t imagine all the changes she will go through. I want to thank you for her adorable character.

Although she is only four years old, she is a very bright one. I would like to pray you to protect her, guide her and lead her through any issues that may occur in life. Amen

I hope you are having a joyous time on this very special day of your life. Birthday celebrations are always fun and I know that you are enjoying every moment of it just as much as I am. Wish you a very happy birthday!

As I watch you turn four today, I pray that you stay in God’s hands every second of your existence.

Dear God, please help my daughter to be an obedient child who listens to mommy and daddy. Show her the value of loyalty, honesty, and trust above all.

Help her not to lie and hurt others. Let her know that she is loved by us as we pray for her health, strength, and good character.

My daughter, I am grateful for the two wonderful years we have spent together. My heart fills with joy as I watch you leap with sheer delight, laugh with innocent abandon and sing your heart out.

Lord, I pray today for my daughter. Teach her the right path so that she can reach her full potential. Protect her from evil and guide her through life. Watch out for her, Lord, so that she may reach her dream job one day.

I believe you are sent here to shower me with joy and love and make this life worth living. May all the troubles, tests, and challenges disappear from your life by your 4th birthday! Happy birthday!

We have passed through all these times together, remembered our past fondly, and are ready to face the future. Happy birthday to you!

Make her gentle, but help her become tough as steel when needed. Touch her heart to bring out the most beautiful version of herself every time she puts on, in front of the world that watches

To my precious little girl, you are my true source of strength and have showered me with endless love. Each time I look at your adorable eyes, I feel heaven’s blessing on earth.

I offer this prayer to God on his 4th birthday that he gives you a wonderful life and that to Him, you will all the days of your life. Happy, birthday my little angel!

To the bravest and kindest daughter on earth, I rejoice in your 4th birthday! It’s hard to believe you have reached this milestone because my memory always recalls you as this silly toddler who laughed and let me guide your tiny feet.

At the threshold of childhood and the onset of maturity, I pray that you stay close to me.

In these few years, we have had a lot of fun moments together which I am sure will never be forgotten. As soon as you started walking to school, I thought in my mind that you will start saying goodbye one day!

I ask God to shower all His blessings on you today and in your life. You are my daughter and I will always be there for you to make the right decisions in life. You have to trust and lean on me, so I wish you a great year ahead! Wishing you a happy birthday!

Lord, grant my daughter grace and wisdom to realize her limitations, selflessness, and compassion to dash the tears of others.

Teach her gratitude since she is aware that there is a lot more love and peace in this world. Guide her hand so she can be a vehicle you use to touch others’ lives.

Lord, I thank you and praise you for giving me a child I could trust to be a great woman. A child who is not afraid to express her emotions or even her opinions at times.

You made her bold, confident, and courageous to take on any obstacles life has in store for her. Let her grow up with the passionate love for life, courage to face all troubles ahead, and the boldness to dream big.

Dear Lord, I know you hear all prayers. As a parent, I often find myself at the end of my wits or strength and don’t always know how to proceed.

Please help us as we venture into this new chapter in our daughter’s life. Thank you for being there at the first sign we take and the last one we breathe. Amen.

Lord God, you have given me a beautiful gift in the form of my child. I do not know why sometimes things go wrong, and we fly into confusion. But I know it is your plan for us.

As you give me a second chance to mother my child, let me take care of her till she is grown, and she turns out to be all that you want her to be.

A funny birthday prayer for daughter turning 4

Please grant her the ability to kick butt at dragon high and be the prettiest girl in the whole school. Also please give her some sort of cool super-power that she can figure out how to use later on.

Help her to always take life in stride and be willing to look at any situation in a positive way. Now, I understand that you cannot grant all of these wishes in one day, so just do it one day at a time. Thank you for all your help, amen!

Please keep her mind clear and her heart pure. Enable her to see your grace, mercy, and love in a manner that she will be transformed into a chivalrous person who will bring back your name to where it should be – above all other names on earth!

Thank you for the love and support she receives from her daddy and mommy; your gifts of love do not go unnoticed. Thank you for granting me the chance to be your mom, as it is an honor I will always cherish.

God, please bless my daughter at this birthday and keep her safe from all harm. Please let her grow up in a world full of opportunities and laughter. Let her live healthy till the end of her days and be a good person to everyone she meets.

Lord make my daughter a belle, make her popular in school, teach her many things like sharing and understanding.

Keep her strong and healthy. And when it is her time to leave take her to your palace in heaven were many little angels are waiting for you. May she always learn to be good and share the love that you give everyone.

Oh Lord, thank you for giving the world the most beautiful flowers to smell, the colorful clouds to gaze upon, and a daughter full of wisdom to learn. Thank you for your creations. Have a happy birthday daughter!

Dear Lord, thank you for this beautiful day and for all that you have given me. I ask you to bless my darling daughter with a pure heart and loving nature.

Let her always dream big so that in the future she can live an even happier life. Now and forever, we are grateful for the love and care. Amen!

Dear Child, how come I can’t stop gazing upon you? Maybe this is a blessing from above. If yes, thanks for the favor, God. With you around, I know my prayers have been answered. God bless you beyond words!

Dear heaven, I have had trouble picking out just the right prayer to send up on behalf of my daughter today. I thought about it for a long time, and if there is any help you can give please do so.

Dear Lord, I pray that my daughter never loses her sense of humor. Help her be open to trying new things and meeting new people. Enable her to make friends quickly and easily.

Dear God, I pray to you that Megan not be afraid of the dark tonight, because she is too young to be. I also pray that she’ll understand the concept of death better than before. I also pray that she doesn’t find out how much I love Lacey while she’s asleep.

Hail, Princess Sophia the fourth! You have such a gentle heart and sweet soul.

Child of my heart, finally at four you have grown up. No longer am I allowed to have the best hour of the day (brunch) with my dear friends.

So finally now I can have a kid free brunch with my friends. But remember that you are always welcome to join me sometime during the day whenever you are free and ask nicely.

Dearest Lord, as you have made me look upon my daughter as your gift to me and I have loved her. On this special day, help me to thank you like never before.

Help me enjoy every moment of her youth, and rejoice in the happiness that she brings to my life. I pray that you keep on setting the example for her, always guiding her through her future days.

Oh, I thank God for bringing forth a young blessing as you, my dear daughter. Sure, you may have given me sleepless nights and abundant tears; but you have also given me the joy of watching your cheeks blossom with laughter.

Your eyes twinkle with light, and the promise that one day, you will make some mother proud beyond her wildest dreams. Happy birthday!

I am grateful for all the sacrifices you have made for me. I am inspired by your courage, patience, and wisdom. I am humbled by your love and intelligence. You are my everything and today is your day! Happy birthday!

Dear God, we are here to give you all the glory for this celebration. This prayer is to ask that you will fulfill all her dreams and desires, grant her wishes and protect her from the negative things of the world.

God, you have brought so much life to a little girl and have brought such joy to this family. Thank you for blessing her with such a beautiful voice and the cutest laughter.

Dear God, you have blessed me with the most beautiful child in the whole wide world. Her body is fat, smooth and her cheeks are radiant red. She sings and dances to my heart’s delight. Dear God, please keep blessing my little girl as she grows up.

Dear Lord, I just want to thank you for blessing me with a special angel. I pray that you will watch over her, and protect her all the way so that she could be a happy girl.

Please take care of her and give her the strength she needs to face all challenges in her life.

Today, I help her make a start for her life to begin. I pray that the angel of God will keep her in his arms, so she will not suffer anything in life. When she is facing problems, I pray that she can solve them with great wisdom and love.

May God bless her with health and happiness throughout her whole life.

God, you’ve given me a gift that’s best of all. A daughter so dear whom I cherished with all my heart. Now give her to me, and make her stay true to feel and touch!

A Nice Birthday Prayer for Daughter Turning Four

Make her life pleasant and peaceful and make her journey towards life’s goals a simple one. For this, we thank you and pray for all your blessings on my lovely daughter who is turning four today and I pray that you also watch over us all!

Let her be a friend to every creature; let her mind be clear, her heart ever warm, her spirit always pure; then as she shall grow to womanhood, she will bless and help others. From your child’s prayer… Today is your birthday today. Wow!

May she be filled with love and inner peace. Guard her from evil forces of the dark world. Do not let her have any problems or sorrow during her childhood years.

Bless her with a happy soul and joyful heart to feel the goodness of life and appreciate it to the fullest.

Bless my daughter with good health and love for everyone around her. Make her smart, God so that I will not be ashamed of anything in the future when she is grown up. Give me wisdom to support her. And give me strength and ability. Bless our family.

Give her the strength to make well-informed decisions, and live a life of purpose. Whether she has been a good or bad girl before today, I stand here in prayer for all of us to be blessed with grace and mercy on this special day of hers.

God, please endow her with the grace of wisdom and understanding. Grant her kindness and compassion, patience, and above all else you. Guide her in the path of righteousness; protect her from evils that try to lead her astray.

I ask not for wealth or health, but that should know the value of hard work and to be able to appreciate every blessing.

Dear daughter, what you have achieved in life at four amazes me. May you achieve greater heights and we will always be there to cheer you on. Happy birthday!

Dear daughter, I pray that you have a memorable and blessed birthday. Grow to be a better person than me, and make the world a better place for all of mankind. Wishing you all the happiness in the world!

Lord, we thank you, for all the beautiful blessings you have lavished on us. Through the birthday of our daughter today, we pray your blessings to remain in her life. Help her grow into a noblewoman.

My child, you are four years old today, like all other kids of your age group, life will not be easy for you.

There will be times when you will feel miserable and dejected. However, my wishes and prayers for you are never-ending because I know that one day you will go on to do something great for this world. I love you!

God, thank you for letting my sweet daughter be born in this world. You are the best for blessing me with her and giving me all your blessings. May she always remember how she was loved every day of her life.

I promise to teach my daughter to be kind, caring, and beautiful. I will teach her to love unconditionally, to trust God, and follow her dreams. I will support all her decisions, and be gentle when she is harsh. Happy birthday!

I praise God for his never-ending grace and bountiful mercy that is poured on you every day. May this special moment of your birthday be a reminder of His never faltering love for you.

I pray that your unique beauty, charm, and personality be channeled into something great. I pray that you will always see the good side of life and disregard any evil or negativity along the way.

Lord, let your grace be upon [name of your daughter]. Like the sun shines upon its children, I pray that you cover her with your warmth and showered her with your blessings.

Most people pray to God when they want something. I will not follow the same path, instead, I will thank Him for everything that He has done for me.