Baby First Time Waving Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Baby’s first time waving. A proud moment for every parent and child to cherish forever. The baby in this picture is proud to share this beautiful moment with you as she moves her hand and waves to the world with love. I hope this baby’s first time waving picture sticks in your heart and mind, so you can remember what it feels like to be 6 weeks old, happy, and loved by your family, also we’ve compiled those captions for you to use along with your baby picture.

Baby First Time Waving Quotes and Captions for Instagram

• It’s okay. I’m a baby first time and I’m going to be brave.

• Waving with the cutest little hand!

• We’re all about bringing out the best in your baby, one First Time™ at a time.

• There is nothing more magical than the first time a baby takes their first steps.

• Tiny fingers, tiny toes, tiny hands, tiny feet. Puts everything in perspective.

• Today was my first time. This was my first time. And I’m still here.

• Step out of your comfort zone and you will see how amazing life is.

• Smile, even if it’s the hardest thing you will ever do.

• We’re always right on time, every time!

• You never fully appreciate the value of a hat until you lose your hair…

• On this day, I turn over the responsibility of your care to those who love you and have the wisdom to help you grow.

• When you’re a parent, they could put a baby in the cereal box and you would still be like: It’s mine!

• Baby First Time—start celebrating the little moments of your child’s first year.

• The baby’s First Halloween. Time to go all out.

• Done with the doctor’s office, and ready to take on the world!

• Be the change you want to see in the world.

• Be kind. For everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. – Plato

• Beep Beep, hiiii! We are Baby First Time

• The moments I spend with you, teach me more about life than any book ever could.

• I promise to keep you safe and sound, hug you tight and never let you go

• I’m too cute to ignore—that’s what they all say.

• Did we just become best friends?

• This is My world. I am small, but I am fierce

Wanna feel like a baby again?

• We’re so used to holding our phones that taking pictures with our actual hands feels awkward.

• Beginnings are scary but endings are often just the beginning of something new.

• Yes, they might be little, but they are so capable of making their mark on the world.

• “The first step toward getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.”

• Next to the first smile, the first word, baby’s first time waving at you is one of the most magical moments.

• Even the tiniest bit of love can make you feel taller.

• First, there is a baby, then there is a crib, then the rest of your life.

• What a year it has been. So proud to see where you are now

• It’s been one year since I last met you, but the love that I have for you is still the same.

• For the next few years, your most important job is to keep growing. And that means eating good food and lots of it. We’re here to help you learn how.

• Life’s greatest lessons aren’t taught—they’re learned.

• Friendship is the only thing you can’t have too much of.

• The first smile. The first laugh. The first giggle…so many firsts. So many moments.

• I’m gonna be the cutest, smartest, best-dressed, best baby ever. Shh, don’t tell Mom!

• One thing you’ll never have to teach me is that babies are a lot smarter than we give them credit for.

• Wanna stick around longer? Eat more fruits and veggies

• We’ve been together for the first time and it’s already our last.

• Feeling overwhelmed? Here are some tips to help you through these first few crucial weeks.

• I’ll wait here… where you left me. I’ll wait here with all my love, ’till you need me again.

• Any baby can wave, but can they do it while looking this stylish?

• Never underestimate the power of a baby’s first wave.

• It’s so crazy to think that I’m now someone’s mom. I love you, little one.

• Stuff you should do while your baby is still young enough to not give a

• Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Psalm 139:13

• Get ready. Because you’re about to experience more firsts than you ever thought possible.

• The moments we keep, the memories we make.

• If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten. -John C. Maxwell

 Baby First Time Waving Captions

• It’s never too soon to be a trendsetter: Baby First Time has you covered—literally.

• It’s so small and yet so big. So simple, but amazing. It’s the first time you see your child smiling and waving at you, not knowing it was their first time to do so.

• Baby First Time – a cool website which promotes the first experience of babies to the world.

• WHA! There’s a new person in the house! It’s like the hand of god just gave me a hairless cat. Then you have to get used to their inconsiderate sleeping schedule & random pooping

• Newborn photography is the perfect way to capture Baby’s first time.

• Introducing First Time—the first and only complete nutrition system that helps to support the development of your baby’s brain, eyes, ears, and nervous system from the very beginning.

• She’s waving! She’s smiling! It’s her first time at the #Cubs game

• First steps, first call, and first smiles. Baby, you’re making me proud.

• Tiny hands. Tiny feet. Now we’ve got summer on lock.

• Today was the first time I used a fork and it was great!

• Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. (Neale Donald Walsch)

• Give your little one the freedom to play and explore. Baby First Time

• It’s baby’s first time at the beach, and you wouldn’t believe how much sand they bring home with them.

• First steps, a first feeding, first giggles, so many exciting Firsts

• The Sweetest moments of your life will be with your kids, so make sure you are ready for it.

• So much fun with our little one today!

• It’s our first time, we’re having a baby!

• Welcome to the first day of your life. And the rest of your life.

• discover a new world as they start seeing, touching, and hearing the world around them.

• It’s never too early to start baby first time smiling—or laughing.

• Wave to your baby for the first time and feel that emotion swell.

• Hold my hand, I will teach you how to wave.

• Baby’s first steps! It feels like we’re watching history in the making

• It’s the first time for everything: first bath, first sneeze, and first selfie.

• This is your first time in the world, and it’s our privilege to welcome you. You’re breathtakingly beautiful, and we love you so very much.

• We’re so excited to be the first ones to tell you that {baby name} is here!

• We’re so excited that you’re here! Welcome to the world!

• Making our first wave to your followers.

• I can’t quite get over how much he has grown since last time we saw him.

• This is why we go the extra mile. Because you’re worth it.

• It’s like their brain knows exactly what their arm and hand are doing before the body catches up.

• It’s your 1st Halloween, and you get to be a ghost

• Waving, waving to the clouds, waving to you. I’m a baby; my first time on Instagram.

• I’m bringing home a baby first time

• Babies are the most fearless and brave creatures on earth, aren’t you?

• Wanna see something cute?!?

• The more you smile, the more you make the world smile with you!

• First time we are giving back to the community.

• Never forget that first time your baby waved to you.

• Babies have got no idea what they’re doing. But that’s what makes it so great. Baby First Time

• Next time you’re feeling blue, just wave at the nearest baby and bask in their pure joy and glee.

• Who needs the television when you can just stare into those eyes all day long?

• Wave! At one month, you already know how to put your best face forward.

• First vacation away from home. The time had finally come for us to take our baby on her first trip! We were so excited — and a little nervous, too.

• Our first swim! This little one has taken to it like a fish to water.

• These are the moments that change a life.

• Making our dreams come true one step at a time.

• Celebrating the good times and the moments you’ll never forget with friends, food, and a good vibe.

• Check out this little guy and his big sister celebrating the first time he waved

• We know you’ve got a lot to learn, so we designed our diapers with 1st time parents in mind.

• I’m the big brother (or sister) now. I can do anything my sister or brother can do.

• It’s never too early to take a stand.

• Wake up on the right side of the bed.

• #BabyFirstTime waving for the first time.

• Meet Baby First Time, the world’s first dance and visual expression app that helps parents and children communicate through dancing and singing.

• Baby’s first time waving at the dog

• Tomorrow I will be… 2 weeks old! Watch the video to find out what I’m really thinking

• New adventures are just around the corner. Baby’s First Time is here!

• Every baby’s first time is beautiful, and we’re here to capture it. Welcome to the world

• Go ahead, we dare you. Try and get a grumpy baby to smile.

• Hello there, world. I hope you’re as cute as I am.

• It’s the first time, you experience something new.

 Baby First Time Waving Quotes

• Baby’s first time waving at grandma. Check out more cute baby videos on our YouTube channel!

• Say goodbye to sleep deprivation, and start enjoying this special season! #BabyFirstTime

• My First Time: The first time I left home, the first time I saw the Eiffel Tower, the first time I rode a camel…Xoxo BabyFirstTime

• Babies first time learning to walk, it’s such a fun time!

• First steps, first words, first everything—capture them all on your phone.

• First steps, first flight, first nap, first all-over tan. We’re there for it all.

• Waving to the crowd: The first time to spend a day outside and enjoy the sun!

• Baby’s first word was ___. First steps were taken on ___. The world is your oyster, toddler!

• Get excited, the adventure of a lifetime starts now!

• Awe! Babies wave for the first time, and those of us who work at Baby First Time are waving with them!

• Hi! I’m #BabyFirstTime, and this is my first time engaging with the world on social media. How are you?

• Wanna be a part of our amazing first moments? Join us at or download the app! All you need is a smartphone, a little patience, and lots of love.

• I’m seriously considering buying a pair of baby clothes made out of actual bacon.

• On the outside, I looked like a baby, but on the inside, I was laughing my head off. – Robin Williams

• The stars are out, the moon is up, and baby’s first bite awaits #FirstBiteBaby

• Shake the rattle, blow out the candle, and say your first words!

• I don’t need a vacation, my life is one big vacation.

• Baby First Time…gotta wave at everything to check it out.

• You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. #BabyFirstTime

• You really don’t know how much you can love something until it’s yours!

• The first time we waved at baby, she waved back.

• Welcome to the world little one, where you’re never too young to start making waves!

• Hello, world. I’m gonna change it—you better watch out.

• I’ve been thinking lately, I need to let go of all the things that bother me. You’re still my best friend, even when you make me mad.

• It’s never too early to learn to make an entrance.

• Wanted to let you know that we’ve been approved as a resource for the Baby First Time app.

• First time waving: our baby girl squealing with delight as her big brother waves back ♥.

• Celebrating the first time your baby said “mama” and more #babyfirsttime stories

• This is the first time ever I have seen you. And the last time ever I will see you. So this must be the beginning.

• Time to make some memories.

• Why did the chicken cross the road? To reach the other side.

• Watching my daughter wave for the first time made me realize how much I’ve done in my life. #babyfirsttime

• When we first hold our baby, we feel like the greatest parents to ever exist. It’s a feeling that lasts forever.

• Learning to walk? Learning to talk? The firsts of parenthood: so big. So worth it.

• Get ready to ruffle some feathers and change the world.

• Excited for all the new adventures ahead

• It’s fun to be here. It’s fun to be anywhere!

• May your first step be a leap, your first word, a shout, and may you never stop exploring.

• Wanted in Ohio: Baby First Time. Last seen wearing a yellow onesie with a sunflower on it.

• Now you can wave at baby because he waves back.

• Baby’s first time: Today, I’m going to be a big brother! Baby’s second time: Oh no! Not a baby in my bath!

• Look who’s here! Hello, little one. You’re now part of our big crazy family. Welcome

• Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.

• That’s right, you’re in the presence of greatness.

• There is no feeling quite like the first time holding your baby. We made it all about you.

• A baby’s first time shouldn’t be a learning experience, it should be full of joy and discovery. ✌🏽

• We’re all about the First Time.

• Watching these little ones grow is such a gift!

• First time trying on golden sandals.

• Here’s to all the big moments ahead.

• Our new bundle of Joy is on the way. We’re so excited!

• Let’s go on an adventure!