Baby First Time Crying Captions for Instagram

You’re a different parent than your friends and family. You take photos of your baby’s tiniest moments, post them on social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook), and show the world how your little kid has grown up in time-lapse since the day he or she was born. In this article, we’ve rounded up some perfect baby first-time crying captions for Instagram for you.

Baby First Time Crying Captions for Instagram

• I don’t cry because it’s over, I smile because it happened.

• Your first cry was the beginning of a beautiful love story.

• Although their first cry was a scary one, it was also the beginning of my adventure through Motherhood

• “Wisdom is knowing that you don’t need to cry because the baby is crying.

• So you think your child’s first words will be “mama” or “papa.”

• I don’t cry, I just think about my smiling baby and I cry.

• First Cry, First smile, first laugh, the first word, I will never forget them.

• My first cry was a statement, not a question.

• It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to scream. Just remember, all storms come to an end.

• Crying isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign that you’ve been strong for too long.

• Don’t be sad that I’m leaving, smile because I am.

• There’s only one thing to do. Start wailing

• Baby’s first cry, mommy’s first sigh.

• sweetest baby you have seen and you have to be my cameraman because I’m going to pick up this baby!!

• This kid is crying because he’s happy… and then he starts laughing. We’ve all been there

• Welcome to the world, Baby! It’s going to be one wild ride.

• being a baby is hard work, but someone’s gotta do it.

• Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

• Have you ever seen anything as beautiful?

• First time crying, but I am so happy to see you, Mom and Dad.

• This season’s newest accessory: my tears.

• Crying is a way of saying I am overwhelmed and need help.

• Looking at my baby boy, I suddenly realized that I wanted every girl in the world to know how wonderful it is to be a woman.

• never did I realize how much love my heart could hold until someone called me MOM

• I’ll show you how to get over here and wipe these tears!

• I’m not saying you’re the worst parent ever, but you might want to invest in noise-canceling headphones.

• The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

• There is a first time for everything! So we were crying not too long ago.

• Let the tears flow, baby. We all know it hurts to grow up and make mistakes.

• The best thing they don’t tell you about motherhood is that it’s the ultimate test of patience and acceptance.

• I have to learn how to walk again. I have to learn how to talk again. I have to relearn everything. It’s like being a baby all over again

• Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

• She’s a little bit of magic, a dash of pixie dust, and a whole lot of perfect.

• You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and stars you have a right to be here.

• She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.

• Baby’s first tears are the pain of learning we have to share them.

• Crying is my way of releasing all of the emotions that don’t belong on my Instagram posts.

• Welcoming a new little person into the world is always worth the sleepless nights

• A baby is born with a need to be loved—and never outgrows it.

• My tears are a reminder that I’m still alive.

• tears are a sign of strength and courage.

• I’m so sad that Summer is ending, but I’m so excited for fall!

• The rest of the world was black and white, but we were in screaming color.

• For the first time in her life, this baby girl is crying. I’m not sure what she’s upset about, but I’m pretty sure she’ll be happy soon. ☆

• In the unlikely reminiscences of an infant: I was crying so hard my mom almost dropped me.

• This time’s different. They’re supposed to cry like this.

• The most terrifying (and awesome) moment of our baby’s life so far…

• Try not to cry and fall asleep at the same time

• When I see this little guy fussing. It’s a sign that things will soon be back to normal ”

• Ok, I think it’s time to go to the doctor today

• The world has officially become a much crazier place since we first started dating.

• the first time my baby cried is the most precious moment in my life.

• We all have our first cries. Are you ready to face them?

• When a baby cries, they are telling you they are hungry, tired, wet nappy dirty, or just need a cuddle

• Crying is a sign of progress. It means that you’re taking action, trying new things, and overcoming fears.

• A baby’s laugh is an angel’s voice.

• Hey, world, my name is (name) and I am finally here!

• I cry for no reason other than to run other people’s lives.

• Let the tears fall down your face.

• For the first time in our lives, we’re speechless.

• Although you are crying now, you have the strength and courage to take on the world.

• When my baby first cried with shortness of breath, I will never forget how fragile your life can be.

• When my baby cried with shortness of breath and I felt helpless, I know that I need to be strong for them.

• The first time I heard my baby cry, it was

• She didn’t breathe when she cried for the first time. An ER doctor, a NICU nurse, and four doctors all told us to take her home and enjoy her, that she was fine.

• I was in tears when I heard my baby coughing, you can’t imagine its like

• While many say they can’t breathe, my baby and I know that’s not true.

• Breathe, baby. Breathe. You’re going to be ok.

• I felt immediately powerless, but the doctors assured me that these things happen and that it was going to be fine.

• the first time my baby cried with shortness of breath I was terrified. It was the worst sound I’ve ever heard.

• The first time my baby cried with shortness of breath, I was terrified and confused. I didn’t know what to do.

• I still remember the first time my baby cried with shortness of breath. More than 20 million under age 15 have asthma. This is not ok

• I was scared the first time my baby cried with shortness of breath. He had RSV

• For the first time, I saw my baby cry with shortness of breath. She said, ‘Mommy, I can’t breathe.’

• Chills went through my body for the first time. My baby crying with shortness of breath. I felt so helpless.

• My baby had the worst spell of asthma she was so scared but we got through it and I’m ready to survive what’s next.

• It’s hard to see something you love so dearly struggle, but I know my baby has a fighter inside of him

• I heard the first cry of my baby. It was filled with fear, agony, and suffering. But that cry also gave me tremendous strength and power to fight for a cure.

• Never thought we’d get to hear this again.

• The first time my baby cried with shortness of breath

• No one can take the first time your baby cries with shortness of breath away from you. #cysticfibrosis

• But the first time my baby cried with shortness of breath, all I wanted was for her to be okay.

• My baby was crying with shortness of breath last night.

• So this is what it’s like to have your firstborn taken to the neonatal intensive care unit {NICU}. First time alone in a big cold hospital room with no baby and crying.

• I was paralyzed with fear when I heard my baby cry because he was breathing so fast.

• My son is struggling to breathe. I’m terrified, but I know he will obtain his wings one day.

• I’m so proud of you, honey. You are the bravest and strongest person I have ever met.

• Funny thing about kids: they’re awkward and chubby, but definitely know how to bring a crowd.

• I can’t wait to see what these lungs do in the future.

• I can show my feelings to the world, or I can have a bittersweet memory.

• The first time my baby cried with shortness of breath

• The first time my baby cried with shortness of breath from a cold I thought my heart would fracture.

• It’s been a tough week but this is the first time my baby cried with shortness of breath and I got to hear her lungs crackle.

• My baby cried in his sleep with shortness of breath, is this normal? I’m getting kinda worried.

• My baby cried all night, I don’t know how, but she survived

• You do a lot of things to make your baby feel safe, but I can think of only one thing that makes their parent feel brave.

• My heart shattered into a million pieces, I was so scared

• I realized that fear and sadness are cousins. So today, I’m choosing to be strong. To keep going. We can do this.

 Baby Cries First Time Eating Baby Food Captions

• Baby cries before tasting food.

• Who do you think cooks the best baby food? Mama or Papa? Comment below

• This baby trying solid food for the first time in all of us with our first paycheck

• First time eating this, but I’m sure it won’t be my last!

• A Baby’s first taste of solid food is always a memorable one.

• Happiness is your first baby’s first taste of food.

• Pretty sure I saw Carli crying a tear of joy into that pear

• I tried to make her laugh, but she just kept eating.

• To all the moms saying they’re over winter, that’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.

• Baby’s first time eating baby food… this was his reaction

• I got it all over my face and then I cried because it was in my hair

• A Baby’s first taste of food is a shocking experience

• In case you missed it: I started solids yesterday and I’m not a fan. #babyfood

• Oh, hey. This is how I feel every time you put another spoonful of baby food in front of me.

• The face you make when you’re not sure if you like this whole food thing.

• Babies don’t mind if you cry. It’s part of the job description.

• First, you start out crying and then the next day you’ll be like oh yeah, bring it on!

• She’s a fish! Or at least she likes to think so.

• My first taste of pumpkin, and what am I supposed to do with this?!

• This is the face of a boy who’s finally eaten his first bite of food in 4 months

• It is a great joy to see a baby’s first bites of solid food.

• First time trying cereal, I think she likes it

• I am eating it, but I don’t l need your help!

• I never knew saying no would feel so good

• When you eat something sour for the first time and are Totally SHOOK

• Don’t be afraid to push past your comfort zone—in grooming, style, and in life. Always Keep on Growing.

• I definitely cried my first time eating baby food.

• First time eating food and he hates it!

• My reaction to my first taste of baby food

• You can never go wrong with a classic. First solid foods

• When your baby’s face looks exactly like this and it’s the funniest thing you’ve ever seen

• Baby’s first taste of… Broccoli? Let’s just say it was a surprise

• Fall is basically here so it’s pumpkin spice season for the rest of my life

 Baby Girl Cries When Hearing Mom for the First Time Captions

• Kitty the baby girl cries when hearing mom for the first time is a sweet moment for parents to cherish forever.

• The mom said her name, and the baby girl immediately starts crying because it’s just so much joy to hear your mom say her name for the first time

• Baby cries and smiles hearing mom’s voice for the first time after cochlear implant surgery

• @mrs.katydid_ hears her momma’s sweet voice for the first time… and her reaction is the most precious thing!

• The first time your baby hears your voice, the world can’t help but stop.

• A doctor at the University of Tennessee Medical Center captured the moment an infant hears for the first time.

• This is one of the greatest moments to see a deaf baby hearing for the first time with the help of a Cochlear implant.

• I can hear my baby crying, but I can’t find her. Where are you, baby?

• The first time I heard your voice, you opened your eyes to the world.

• She’s on the way to breaking hearts. I just know it.

• The moment my hearing aids were turned on, I heard her voice.

• This baby girl cries when hearing her mom for the first time. So emotional!

• This baby girl cries when she hears her mom for the first time — and it’s amazing

• This baby girl’s cries stopped the instant she heard her mother for the first time.

• The 5-month-old baby girl hears her mom for the first time.

• This little girl’s reaction to hearing her mom’s voice for the first time makes me so happy.

• So proud to have finally heard my baby girl ‘call’ for me for the first time!

• For the first time, this baby hears her mother’s voice through technology.

• “I have a lot of feelings about this baby girl, who I have yet to meet. I love her and she is my life…I can’t wait to get her home.” Leng Jun, mother of baby Moly, after the surgery.

• Every kid deserves the chance to smile, laugh & play.

• Everything is so much more beautiful when your eyes are full of tears.

• I’ve been searching for you, my sweet love and I found it today.

• baby girl cries when hearing mom for the first time captions

• I cry every time I see this; baby girl cries when hearing mom for the first time.

• This baby is so happy when she hears her mom for the first time.

• Watch this baby girl hear her mother’s voice for the first time and be moved to tears.

• It’s been a long time since she heard her mom’s voice. She hasn’t spoken since being diagnosed with tumors on her vocal cords

• She was born to the sound of silence. The first words she heard were her mom’s.

• What a beautiful and touching video! I am so happy for you guys, these tears are worth it. Congratulations on your baby girl and have a blessed life.

• While a hearing aid may be necessary for long-term use, nothing quite beats the sound of a mom’s voice in her baby’s ear.

• Once you have children, you are a parent for the rest of your life. That’s why it’s so important to create a bond with your child right from the beginning

• -baby girl cries when hearing mom for the first time-

• “Baby girl breaks into tears when hearing mom for the first time.

• Check out this baby girl’s amazing reaction to hearing her mother’s voice for the first time in a caption:

• This little girl hears her mom for the first time. And she can’t stop bawling

• The video shows a baby girl, just 3 weeks old, who cries when she hears her mom talk!

• Have you ever heard a baby girl cry because she wants to leave her mother, this is the first time

• it’s my first time hearing my mother and I feel so strange

• This is one of the most emotional videos you’ll ever see.

• “It’s like a dream come true. It’s not just that she has a voice, but that [her character] Moana has such a strong voice.”