Asteroid Day Quotes for Instagram

Every year on June 30th, there is an awareness campaign called “Asteroid Day.” The goal of this global festival is to inform people about asteroids and their potential for wreaking havoc. On this day, asteroids, their characteristics, and their effects on our planet are discussed by individuals all around the world. In addition to online, events are held at universities, museums, and schools. The purpose of the day is to increase knowledge of these celestial entities among the general public and to rally support for proactive research into and observation of near-Earth asteroids. Asteroid Day encourages conversations on the threat that an asteroid impact could pose and its potential repercussions.

Asteroid Day Quotes for Instagram

Asteroid Day is a celebration of the universe and space exploration. Happy Asteroid Day!

Asteroid Day is a great opportunity to bring attention to the potential threats posed by asteroids in our solar system.

Asteroid Day is a global celebration of our planet and its role as a home for humans.

The Asteroid Day is a reminder of the importance of space exploration, and inspires us to look up into the universe and see how big our planet really is.

Asteroid Day is coming! Let’s make 4/20 the asteroid day of our dreams.

The world is small, and we are a part of it. Happy Asteroid Day!

Asteroid Day is the perfect opportunity to look up and appreciate our universe. Thank you for being a part of it all.

Asteroid Day is here to remind us that the universe above us may contain life – and we need to keep going.

Asteroid Day is a global event celebrating the extraordinary diversity of our solar system and the critical role that asteroids play in helping us explore space.

Asteroid Day is a day to learn about what asteroids are, how they form and where you can visit them.

Asteroid Day is an annual reminder of the importance of protecting our planet and exploring beyond our solar system. Happy Asteroid Day!

Asteroid Day is a time for us to remember the importance of space exploration, scientific discovery and innovation. Happy Asteroid Day! #asteroidday

Asteroid Day is a global celebration to honor the birthday of our solar system and all those who explore beyond Earth.

Asteroid Day is a celebration of the scientists, engineers and astronauts who work every day to protect our planet from asteroid threats.

Today we celebrate the space rock that brought us every breath we take, but also the day humanity finally stopped being afraid of what comes next. #asteroidaday

Asteroid Day is March 6th. The day we celebrate the first asteroid to pass Earth in recorded history. Asteroids are not stars, but they’re about as ”ordinary” as you can get.

Asteroid Day is a celebration of all things space and science. May we never stop thinking big and making the world a better place.

Asteroid Day: we are talking about asteroids, not the edible variety. It’s time we started doing something about it.

Asteroid Day is on us. What better way to celebrate than with some interstellar reading?

The world is a better place with asteroids in it. And we can only hope that one day, our planet will be as big and bright as the sun.

Asteroid Day: we’re taking a moment to celebrate the small but mighty space rock.

Asteroid Day has arrived! Let’s protect our planet and all those who call it home.

Never miss a chance to learn about asteroids. On Asteroid Day, we celebrate our planet and the thousands of objects floating around it.

Today is asteroid day. Today, we celebrate our solar system and all its wonders

Asteroid Day is on us! Celebrate by learning more about asteroids and space in general. This month, read up on all things spacey.

Asteroid Day is a celebration of all the space rocks in our solar system. Celebrate by looking up at the night sky, then go out and find one that’s hard to see.

Asteroid Day is the perfect excuse to look up and appreciate all of the beauty in our universe.

Asteroid Day is April 11th because it’s the anniversary of when an asteroid hit Earth, wiping out the dinosaurs. Happy Asteroid Day!

Asteroid Day is here to remind us that if we keep on moving forward, we can make a real difference.

Get a little closer to the stars this Asteroid Day by looking up at the sky and remembering what you can do when you commit to doing something big and bold.

We are the only species in the solar system who can see asteroids. They are a rare and beautiful sight.

Asteroid Day is a global celebration of space exploration, discovery, and protection.

Asteroid Day is a time to celebrate our home planet and the people who are on it.

Asteroid Day is a time to celebrate the wonders of our solar system, and remind everyone that we live in one. Let’s explore, make connections and protect it.

Asteroid Day is the perfect time to celebrate space exploration and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence

Asteroid Day is a day to celebrate our planet, to appreciate that we live in a universe of planets, and most importantly, a day to work together to protect it.

Asteroid Day: Do the planet a favor and ditch plastic this Asteroid Day.

Asteroid Day is the perfect time to celebrate our solar system, the universe and all the things that make it so amazing

Asteroid Day: a day to pay homage to the bodies and souls of all that have been lost from our planet.

Asteroids Day is a reminder of how fragile our planet is, and we need to take action to protect it.

This Saturday, we celebrate all planets out there in the universe.

Asteroid Day is here! An estimated 1,000 near-Earth asteroids are found each year. What can you do to protect our home planet from space rocks?

Asteroid Day: Don’t go to bed without knowing the odds of finding a space rock on your pillow.

Today, we celebrate the brave pioneers who took on the unknown with the promise of a better future.

Asteroid Day is an international celebration of space exploration, discovery and creativity.

Asteroid Day is a worldwide celebration of space exploration, technology, and the future.

Happy Asteroid Day! A day to celebrate our universe’s greatest treasures—asteroids.

Asteroid Day is all about celebrating the fact that we are outnumbered by asteroids.

Asteroid Day is here. Get ready to be part of the global conversation around space exploration.

Asteroid Day is a reminder to appreciate where we came from and what could be possible if we continue to protect the environment.

Happy Asteroid Day! This day is not about space rocks, but about the people who find them fascinating.

Asteroid Day. When we remember that we are all made of stardust and are connected by our shared origins in space.

Asteroid Day. A reminder that the sky is not the limit, we are limited by only ourselves.

Asteroid Day: Now is the time to say no to nuclear arms and yes to space exploration!

Asteroid Day is here. Asteroids are small, mysterious rocks that travel through space. What’s your favorite asteroid?

Asteroid Day 2018: There’s a lot more to space than meets the eye. Here’s why we need you to keep looking up

Asteroid Day! Let’s bring awareness to space and all its mysteries. ‪

Asteroid Day is here! Celebrate this special day by finding out more about asteroids in our solar system and how they could affect us.

Asteroid Day is here again! Make sure to learn about the space rock and how it is one of our solar system’s most fascinating, beautiful and mysterious objects.

Today is #AsteroidDay. A day that has significance in our space exploration and technology history.

Asteroid Day is a global celebration of exploration, discovery and the future. We celebrate that which has not been found and left for us in space.

There are millions of asteroids flying in space. Asteroid Day is a chance to celebrate them, learn about them and protect them.

Asteroid Day is today! Remembering the day on which we came together to protect our planet from asteroids.

Asteroid Day is a reminder that there are millions of asteroids out in space, and they could one day hit Earth.

Let’s dive deep into our asteroid belt and discover all of the hidden treasures we have here. And for those who don’t believe in asteroids, we’ve got proof

Your life isn’t linear. It’s a journey from start to end, but it’s also a path that can be traced back to the beginning and to many other points along the way. Keep going.

Asteroid Day is a global celebration of space exploration, science education and planetary protection.

Asteroid Day is a day for us to celebrate our solar system and learn about how science and technology are helping us explore the cosmos.

Asteroid Day is a global celebration of the impending risk of impact and our need to protect our home, planet Earth.

Asteroid Day is one of the easiest ways you can learn about space.

Asteroid Day is the perfect excuse to take a look at another part of our solar system. Take a closer look at the future of space exploration

Celebrating the asteroid that blew up the dinosaurs and changed Earth’s history forever. Asteroid Day is on August 12, astounded?

Asteroid Day will be celebrated on April 21, 2019. Be a responsible asteroid hunter and look for Asteroids near Earth for the Juno mission to Jupiter.

Celebrate Asteroid Day on February 25th with a toast to planetary protection.

Asteroid Day is here! Take a moment to reflect on a dream you have and then do something to make it happen.

Asteroid Day: Today, we celebrate the day that we learned that half of the people living on Earth—which includes almost every last one of us—must never have existed.

The asteroid belt is one of the most fascinating places in the solar system. Here are some facts you may not know:

Asteroid Day is a reminder that we must protect and preserve our planet.

Asteroid Day is a day to celebrate all of the wonderful things that space can bring us. We’re here to help you take your appreciation for the cosmos to the next level.

Space rocks! It’s Asteroid Day today. And we’re celebrating by celebrating all things space

Asteroid Day is a celebration of all asteroids. It’s also a reminder that all space rocks are worthy of our attention, respect, and study.

Celebrate Asteroid Day. It’s an exciting time to learn about space science, explore the universe and discover our place in it.

Asteroid Day is your reminder to live more boldly and #AsteroidDay is an opportunity to do that.

Asteroid Day is a celebration of exploration, discovery and the promise of science. We celebrate everything that makes us humans unique and curious.

Asteroid Day is upon us. Asteroids are one of the many things we can learn from. It’s up to us to make sure they remain in our orbit and do not hit Earth.

Asteroid Day, a day to celebrate the whole world. Asteroids are fascinating things. What do you think they are made of? What will happen if one hits earth?

Asteroid Day is the day you acknowledge that space is the final frontier and we are all part of one big universe. Have a great!

Asteroid Day is a global celebration of space, science and technology.

Asteroid Day! We’re celebrating our remarkable, fragile world by celebrating how we protect it.

Asteroid Day is a day to celebrate the asteroids that are out there! Let’s all make a wish on one of them—a good one.

Asteroid Day 2017 is tomorrow, get excited and strap in for the ride of your life.

A day to appreciate our solar system and all things space

We can’t stop staring at this asteroid, but time to go back to work.

Asteroid Day, the annual celebration of all things spacey and scientific.

Asteroid Day is a reminder to learn about our universe, its origins and how we live in it.

Asteroid Day is a time to reflect on how we’re all connected to space.

Asteroid Day is a day to reflect on the tremendous impact asteroids have had on our planet, before we can truly understand their true importance.

Celebrating the #asteroid that’s said to have wiped out dinosaurs.

Asteroid Day is a celebration of the birthdays of the first asteroids. On October 25, we celebrate all asteroids and space objects that make up our solar system.

Asteroid Day is a reminder to us, the Earthlings, that our planet is made up of a large number of these rocky bodies. Let’s preserve it for future generations!

Asteroid Day is celebrated on June 30th, the anniversary of the first asteroid discovery.

Asteroid Day! To commemorate the day we learned there are more than 500,000 asteroids in our solar system, explore a new way to find your tribe.

Asteroids. It’s not a date, it’s an opportunity to look at our place in the universe and remember that we are more alike than we are different.

There is still so much to be discovered about our solar system and the planets that orbit it. We can’t wait for the next chapter in space exploration!”

Today we celebrate the cosmic connection between us and our planet.

How many of these will we have to see before we realize this world is bigger than just us?

On Asteroid Day, we’re reminded to think about the lives that are being saved thanks to asteroid research.

Today is Asteroid Day, the annual international celebration of our solar system. Let’s all celebrate together!

Asteroid Day is a day of action and celebration. We’re taking on climate change, pollution, and more. Together we can save our home planet. #AsteroidDay

Asteroid Day. If you don’t know the date, let’s just say that it’s the best day ever

Asteroid Day is a reminder that we are all part of the Universe. Let’s celebrate!

Asteroid Day gives us a chance to remember that we have the power to change our world by finding ways to protect and preserve it.

Asteroid Day marks the anniversary of the day in 1940 when the first asteroid was discovered.

Asteroid Day is upon us! Let’s all make a pledge to protect our planet and send a message to NASA and politicians that we want to explore space.

Asteroid Day is a global celebration on February 22, 2015 – the date in 1968 that humanity first put a man on the moon.

Asteroids are cosmic reminders that we’re not alone. Explore them today.

On Asteroid Day we celebrate the world’s largest space rocks, and all the things they represent.

Today is #AsteroidDay, a day to celebrate all the space rocks out there, and look toward the future of mining.

Asteroid Day is a global celebration of all things space! Share your photos and inspire others to

Asteroid Day! Let’s all take a moment to think about our planet and its fragile ecosystem.

Today is Asteroid Day. It’s a day to remind us that we are one planet, one race, and one family. Let’s protect the space around us.

Asteroid Day is a reminder to look up at the night sky and appreciate our beauty in a new way.

Asteroid Day: A celebration of our solar system, and the fascinating objects that inhabit it.

Asteroid Day is a day to celebrate all the asteroids out there. Especially those that will pass by Earth this year.

Asteroid Day, in which people around the world are encouraged to discuss and learn about space. Join us as we celebrate our planet!

Today we celebrate Asteroid Day! A great way to start off the year is to reflect on all the ways we can protect our planet.

Asteroid Day is a day to celebrate our planet, our home. Let’s make it a day for action to protect our world for future generations.

Asteroid Day! Space rocks and all. Here’s to a reminder that there’s no place like space

On Asteroid Day, you can take the time to think about exploration, discovery and the future of space.

Asteroid Day is the day we all pledge to protect our future by taking action and protecting our planet.

May the Asteroid be with you today. May the Asteroid always be with you.

The universe is a lot bigger than we think. Explore it today and every day.