Artist Bios Examples for Instagram

Artist bios examples can’t be that difficult to write…can they? Well, you might be surprised to know that there are plenty of things to take into consideration. You wouldn’t want a lot of terrible art on your feed or would you? Use these artist bio examples as a guide and never go wrong with your next artist bio.

Artist Bios Examples for Instagram

• My name is Benson Oakley and I am a professional artist who specializes in abstract art. I use acrylics, watercolors, and pastels to create bold shapes and patterns that evoke an emotional response from the viewer.

• Artist. Songwriter. Producer. Painter. Creative director. Fashion designer. Beauty mogul. But most importantly, a mom who works hard and loves her kids no matter what.”

• I make art that is bold, colorful, and whimsical. I try to use bright colors to show a new perspective on things

• Drawing is my meditation. I find peace in the process and take pride in the final product.

• A producer and DJ hailing from the city of angels, a constant innovator, a musical pioneer of his time, he is Steve Aoki.

• The drawings on my page are made by hand. All of them are made with charcoal and only black and white colors. My inspiration comes from myself, the things I experience, the people I meet, and everything that is in the world around me.

• I’m a painter who uses colors abstractly and expressively. My paintings are usually large, with simple forms and the boldest colors combination you can think of

• A painter who focuses on portraits and abstract art. They often incorporate heavy detail in their work and play with color choice. They have a playful sense of humor and love to talk about their work.

• The subject of my photography is the uncelebrated, mundane, and overlooked corners of our built environment. I aim to make the viewer notice the overlooked beauty in our day-to-day lives that we often pass by.

• Exploring the dark corners of the human experience. Daring you to look closer.

• I’m a professional artist and illustrator focused on creating bold, colorful illustrations.

• A little something about me, I’m a visual artist and creator of all things. Stay tuned for new projects coming soon!

• As a creator and artist, I want to share with the world my ideas, thoughts, and feelings through textiles and patterns. My work, inspired by nature and its beautiful shapes, is intended to connect people with their inner creative selves.

• Pamela from New York describes her art as a reflection of daily life and the wisdom gained from traveling. She believes that art should be a part of everyone’s daily life—it’s about learning who you are, expressing yourself, and connecting with others.

• A multi-disciplinary artist, working between several different mediums to explore the beauty, humor, and tragedy of the human condition.

• A multi-disciplinary creative exploring the human condition through art and technology.

• An artist is not a special person. Every person is a special kind of artist.

• I want my paintings to look as if someone put a paint-filled balloon under their arm and jumped up against the canvas

• I’m Jessi, and I’m a cat-loving introvert with a passion for art and self-expression.

• The artist was formerly known as a creative living in Germany, making art that contains pretty colors and a lot of texture.

• Sonically, my music is a reflection of me as an artist. It’s strong, raw, and honest. I take inspiration from the artist that came before me and push forward to pave the way for those who come after me

• I’m here to infuse your life with color, luscious brush strokes, and my uplifting words.

• I paint to capture the elusive moments and magic of the natural world.

• Marlene Dumas Marlene Dumas was born in 1953 in Cape Town, South Africa. She currently lives and works in Amsterdam and New York. She is widely regarded as one of the most important figurative painters working today

• Meet the musician who just dropped a banger of an album.

• Lover of a good character, maker of funky art.

• She’s a modern-day renaissance woman: actor, activist, philanthropist, and all-around badass.

• Make it your mission to remind those around you that there’s only one life. Live it. #noregrets

• Scottish composer, performer, artist, and teacher.

• If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.

• Artist. Musician. Singer. Songwriter. Composer. Teacher, Producer, and Engineer. Exhale

• I’m an illustrator and animator living in Brooklyn. I grew up in Texas and went to school at the Maryland Institute College of Art.

• “I am an artist—this is what I do. If you don’t buy it when I’m alive, will you buy it when I’m dead?” – Jean-Michel Basquiat

• This artist is known for her vibrant abstract paintings that add brilliance and energy to any space. She combines layers of color with striking texture and subtle patterns to create unique works of art.

• I’m a painter. I think my paintings are good. I paint them on canvas, carve them in stone, and sometimes tattoo them on people’s bodies.

• World-renowned visual arts curator, museum administrator, and author.

• A Brooklyn-based artist specializing in mosaics and geometric shapes with a love for color and design. Check out my store tab to purchase pieces!

• Nancy Kaye is a painter who uses storytelling and poetry to create her paintings. Her work is an experiment in how the process of painting can be shaped by the act of writing.

• I’m a living contradiction. I’m a feminist, but I love being a girl. I’m a romantic, but I’m still not sure about marriage.

• Dive into the deep end of the pool with irie spirit and let go of all worries.

Artist Instagram Bio

• I am an artist, a singer, and a model. I don’t do the things people tell me to do. I do the things that inspire me and make my soul happy.

• I’m an artist, I’m sensitive and I would like to be remembered as a great performer.

• I like bold colors and the work of Jean-Michel Basquiat.

• In my work, I’m trying to get people to think about how much we are bombarded with images every day and what happens to these images in our subconscious.

• I see my art as a creative way to express emotions.

• I am a self-taught artist who can only draw food

• Stunning day-to-night transformations by the best makeup artists on the planet!

• A string theory composer and musician, inspired by the love of nature and motion.

• Transcendent work comes from the mind and heart.

• The things you own, end up owning you.

• In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.

• a multi-talented artist with a passion for telling visual stories.

• My art is not like your art. It’s not even art.

• Art is not what you see, but what you make others see

• You can’t make ART without breaking the rules.

• I am starting to create more pieces

• I paint the flowers so they will not die.

• you don’t need to be reminded who you are. that’s what makes you powerful.

• I’m a mother. I’m a daughter. I’m a sister. I’m a wife. I’m a friend. But above all, I am me

• I am thankful for the mess to clean after a party because it means I have been surrounded by friends.

• She had a galaxy in her eyes, A universe in her mind.

• My style is minimalist. The less there is, the more the people can innervate and imagine and assume.

• I’m not short, I’m concentrated awesomeness.

• Art is the way of raising courage by losing heart.

• The art is in the journey, not the destination.

• it’s so crazy, how do you not see your potential?

• There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

• Fire burns brighter under the watchful gaze of dragons.

• a visual artist that loves to create and make music on the side.

• Artist & designer living a happy life — For business inquiries, please contact [email protected]. Thank you!

• I am a young graffiti artist, who uses art to express ideas and emotions. My work often focuses on social-political issues as well as topics surrounding the human condition.

• The artist is formerly known as | His & Hers

• Brash and bold, a Frida Kahlo painting is like a punch in the face.

• An artist is a magician who can call into existence things that never were.

• I dream of painting and then I paint my dreams

• I am not here to play glittery princesses, just sparkly aliens.

• I’m just going to keep sticking my neck out there, isn’t that how people get famous?

• The clouds were my only competition.

• Clarity is the crystal reflection of how you think, how you feel, and the choices that follow

• I am the epitome of a millennial. I must consume art in 140 characters or less.

• If a painting is worth a thousand words, you don’t need to worry about writing any captions.

• I like to think of myself as a spiritual warrior, and my selfies as my weapons.

• Heard I’m pretty good at this drawing thing.

• She paints her mind and then she paints her soul

• I have very bad self-esteem oh no I forgot to write in the third person

• Get fresh with these cool summer salads that are easy to put together and made with our crisp produce

• It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.

• Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.

• Fear just means that something needs to be resolved. And the only way to resolve it is to go toward it.

Short Artist Bio Example for Instagram

• Artist, painter, and social media strategist who loves to share her journey through Instagram.

• I am an artist and poet, known for my abstract paintings. By using gestural brush strokes and vivid colors my art is a reflection of my personality.

• I’m a photographer and artist born in Los Angeles, California. I focus on photography that captures the essence of an image, moment, or person.

• I am all about making a statement with color. I am not afraid to mix colors or use bold colors. No walls, ceilings, or floors will ever be the same again! I love putting emotion and drama into my art.

• I paint because it’s the closest I’ll ever get to flying.

• Kim Nance is a Plein air painter who loves the outdoors. She uses her art to connect people with nature.

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• Yet her heart was warm. She had a black belt in origami and a collection of cacti no one knew about, she was a collector of things that people neglected to notice.

• A short artist bio example that’s only a few sentences long.

• A creator of digital art, passionate about combining photography and storytelling through imagery.

• I’m an artist from New Mexico. I enjoy painting animals and flowers.

• // I’ll try to answer this question in 2 sentences. My art is a representation of my inner mind. It may sometimes seem childish, but there are hidden messages in all of them.

• I am an abstract painter and collage artist from the South Shore of Massachusetts. I earned a BFA from the University of Tampa and currently work from my studio in Cranston, RI.

• I’m an artist and designer living in Brooklyn. Currently, I’m working on a new series of paintings. See more of my work here: @iamlibra_nyc

• I am the sum of my experiences, a result of my decisions, and a compilation of my character.

• Nathaniel Mary Quinn. Detail from “Let’s Ride”. Oil on linen, 96 × 72 in. 2019.

• Born in New York City in 1924, Rauschenberg was the youngest of four children.

• Against the odds, I found a way to make my dreams come true.

• A surface pattern designer, illustrator, and printmaker. Kate draws inspiration from the natural world, art nouveau, and vintage florals.

• Exotic and complex. With her work, she creates a feeling of luxury, sensuality, and unpolished beauty. An intimate look into the human experience.

• Illustrator and maker of things. Also, the proud owner of two pugs, Ramona and Daisy.

• As an artist, I enjoy creating unique social experiences through music and art.

• I am an artist, a dreamer, passionate about telling stories.

• Born in humble beginnings in St.Louis, MO. Founder and CEO of The Jotter, an online marketplace for buying and selling homemade arts & crafts products.

• I am an Italian artist and now living in Brooklyn, NY. I draw everything: ideas, emotions, things that inspire me, and all that comes into my mind.

• Award-winning writer, photographer, and artist based in Brooklyn, NY. Latest project: @anywherebutherebook

• Creating breathtaking images with our unique style!

• I’m a little bit fancy, and a whole lot of fun.

• As a child, I was never afraid to fail. I had the freedom to experiment and make mistakes. This is where I learned my artistic skills, which have since guided me as a Graphic Designer.

• I was born somewhere, grew up in someplace, and now live in somewhere else

• Creator of playful imagery, a reflection of our world.

• Just a boy with a paintbrush, escaping to his world.

• I’m a New York performance artist pushing gender boundaries through the use of craft supplies.

• I make art out of necessity. From the moment I set my heart on creating, my life has been devoted to perfecting my craft and pushing myself to be the very best artist I can be.

• I’m a super energetic creative person that loves memes and traveling. My passion lies in all forms of design, architecture, photography, and videography.

• Born and raised in Miami I found my home in the studio.

• I’m a self-taught graphic artist from New York. I love clean designs with bold colors, and I’m passionate about illustrating children’s books.

• Tori is an artist from South Florida. Her work is primarily focused on the female figure and surrealism

• Multidisciplinary artist, performer, and educator from Los Angeles. My theory of “queering” design plays out through playful digital objects and interactive experiences.

• Diana is a Mexican-American film director, and the 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗸-wielding hero everyone deserves.

• Pablo Picasso was one of the greatest visual artists of the 20th century, famous for paintings like ‘Guernica’ and the art movement known as Cubism.

• Cheers to that sweet time of year when sandal season and pumpkin season align. Let’s Party

• The same people that told you that you can’t are the ones that will ask you how you did it.

• When I was six, I asked my mother what you call a person who can do everything. She said: A five-year-old.